3.8 Workers

3.8.1 Removing a Worker Bootstrap and Re-uploading

If you change something on a worker’s connection tab, you must remove the old bootstrap to reset the worker connection and then upload the new bootstrap file.

Removing a Single Worker Bootstrap File

If a worker agent cannot connect to the Retain Server correctly, a new bootstrap may help. The old bootstrap must be removed to reset the Worker agent. This assumes only a single worker on the server.

  1. On the Worker Agent server, stop tomcat. See Starting and Stopping the Retain Server in the OpenText Retain CE 23.4: Installation and Upgrade.

  2. Navigate to the Worker configuration folder.

    1. Linux: opt/beginfinite/retain/RetainWorker/WEB-INF/cfg.

    2. Windows: [Disk]:Program Files\Beginfinite\Retain\RetainWorker\WEB-INF\cfg.

  3. Remove RetainWorker2.cfg and RetainWorker2_bak.cfg. Removing the bootstrap resets the worker to initial configuration.

  4. Start tomcat. The Worker Agent is now in its un-configured state and needs a bootstrap.

  5. Download the new or updated Worker bootstrap from the Retain Server Console.

  6. Upload the bootstrap. See Uploading a Worker Bootstrap to the Worker Console in OpenText Retain CE 23.4: Archiving Guide.

Removing a Worker Bootstrap when Multiple Workers Are Present

If you have multiple workers on a server you will need to make sure you are removing the bootstrap to the correct worker, which will be dependent on the worker number. See Deploying Production-Use Worker Agents on Linux or Installing Additional Retain Workers on Windows in OpenText Retain CE 23.4: Installation and Upgrade.

  1. On the Worker Agent server, stop tomcat. See Starting and Stopping the Retain Server in OpenText Retain CE 23.4: Installation and Upgrade.

  2. Delete the Retain Worker.cfg file on the Worker machine. For security reasons, there is no way to do this except by manually deleting the file from the server console itself. The path is: .../RetainWorkerN/WEB-INF/cfg, N being the number of the Worker Agent. Removing the bootstrap resets the worker to its initial configuration.

  3. Start tomcat. The Worker Agent is now in its un-configured state and needs a bootstrap.

  4. Download the new or updated Worker bootstrap from the Retain Server Console.

  5. Browse to the worker console of the worker you are updating. http://<retain worker address>/RetainWorkerN

  6. Upload the bootstrap to the worker Uploading a Worker Bootstrap to the Worker Console in OpenText Retain CE 23.4: Archiving Guide.