1.4 Installing a Retain Server on Linux

1.4.1 Retain Prerequisites for Linux Servers

IMPORTANT:Make sure you have planned your deployment before installing the software. For example, if the Linux server doesn’t have the minimum RAM Requirements for the components you specify, the installation aborts.

Successfully installing Retain and/or its components on Linux servers, requires the following:

  • An Apache Web Server: Installed and running on each Linux server as outlined in Linux Web Server.

  • Access to the appropriate JDK running on the system: By default, the installer expects the appropriate JDK to be running on the Linux system. (For Retain 23.4, this is JDK 17)

    If the appropriate JDK is not found and the server is connected to the Internet, the install automatically downloads and installs the JDK.

    If the appropriate JDK is not found and an Internet connection is not available, you must type the path to the appropriate JDK installation source files on the Linux server before the installation will continue.

  • Synchronized server clock: Before you start the Retain install, the Linux server must be synchronized with the time on your network. For example, if your organization uses NTP, configure the server with your organization’s NTP settings.

1.4.2 Downloading and Preparing the Retain Installation Files on Linux

Do the following:

  1. Using your OpenText Customer Center account, download the latest version of Retain to the Linux server where you are installing Retain or one of its components.

  2. Extract the archive into a new folder.

    • Graphical Interface: Right-click the download and select Extract Here.

    • Terminal Prompt: Enter the following command

      unzip Retainversion.zip

      where version is the release version number in the .zip filename.

  3. Make the script executable.

    • Graphical Interface: Right-click the download and select Properties > Permissions tab > Allow executing file as program.

    • Terminal Prompt: Change to the Retain install folder that you just extracted, then enter the following command:

      chmod +x *.sh

1.4.3 Installing the Retain Server

The Retain Server is the main component of a Retain deployment and is installed on only one Linux server. Other Retain components can be installed with Retain or separately (as explained in Step 5 below).

IMPORTANT:Make sure that you have planned your deployment before installing Retain software. If the Linux server doesn’t have the minimum RAM for the components you select, the installation aborts.

Retain installs an embedded Tomcat. Consider removing any existing Tomcat installation prior to installing Retain components.

  1. If you have not already done so, download and prepare the target server with the Retain installation files, as instructed in Downloading and Preparing the Retain Installation Files on Linux.

  2. Acting as root, access the server’s terminal prompt and enter the following command:


  3. Read and accept the license agreement.

    HINT:To go immediately to the acceptance prompt, type q.

  4. Read the software requirements and press Enter.

  5. The install prompts for which of the following Retain components you want to install on the server:


    Placement Detail

    Retain Server

    Install one instance of this on the main server in your deployment

    Stubbing Server

    This only applies to GroupWise. See Stubbing Server Overview in OpenText Retain CE 23.4 : Configuration and Administration.

    Reporting and Monitoring Server

    Generally, you should install this on the Retain server.

    Retain Worker

    Generally, you should install a Worker on the Retain server. for troubleshooting purposes.

    Instructions for installing production-use Workers follow this section in Deploying Production-Use Worker Agents on Linux.

    Retain Message Router

    Install this in the DMZ. For instructions, see Installing a Retain Message Router on Linux.

    Type y to install a component; n to not install it.

  6. The install checks the server for the supported version of Java (currently JDK 17).

    If the required version is not found on the server, the installation downloads the correct version, and then upgrades or installs Java as needed.

    If the download connection fails, the installer asks whether you want to retry, abort the installation, or specify a local path to the Java installation package.

  7. The install restarts Tomcat and alters the runlevel so that Retain starts automatically when the system does.

  8. When the installation completes, it displays the URL for accessing the Retain Server’s web console in a browser and returns to the terminal prompt.

  9. Open a terminal prompt and verify that the Retain Server installed by checking that both Apache 2 and Retain Tomcat are running by entering the following commands:

    service apache2 status
    service retain-tomcat status
  10. Continue with Running the Retain Server Configuration Wizard.