1.5 Installing a Retain Server on Windows

1.5.1 Downloading and Preparing the Retain Windows Installation Source Files

Do the following:

  1. Using your Micro Focus Customer Center account, download the latest version of Retain to the Linux server where you are installing Retain or one of its components.

  2. Using Windows Explorer, extract the archive into a new folder.

1.5.2 Prerequisites

Before running the Retain installer, you must first ensure that the following are installed and working:

  • A Web Server: Installed and running on each Windows server as outlined in Windows Web Server.

    NOTE:IIS has a size limit restriction which limits uploads of message and attachment archiving to 30MB, by default.

  • PowerShell 3.0 or higher: If PowerShell's execution policy is set too restrictively, the install fails.

    See Set-ExecutionPolicy.

  • Access to the appropriate JDK running on the system: For Retain 4.11, this is JDK 11.

    If the appropriate JDK is not found and the server is connected to the Internet, the install automatically downloads and installs the JDK.

    If the appropriate JDK is not found and an Internet connection is not available, you must browse to the appropriate JDK installation source files on the Windows server before the installation will continue.

  • Synchronized server clock: Before you start the Retain install, the Windows server must be synchronized with the time on your network.

1.5.3 Retain Install

  1. Prepare the Retain installation software on the server as instructed in Downloading and Preparing the Retain Windows Installation Source Files.

  2. Run “RetainInstall.exe”. NOTE: If it already exists, the installer automatically shuts down Tomcat.

  3. The Retain Setup Wizard welcomes you to the installer.

  4. The Wizard reminds you of the Software Requirements. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

  5. Agree to the license agreement.

  6. Select the install location.

  7. Select the program features to install. (Retain Server, Stubbing Server, Retain Worker, Reporting and Monitoring Server, and the Message Router.)

    9a. If you are upgrading, previously installed components are preselected and you can select additional modules to install.

  8. Pre-requirements status is displayed. Installer attempts to detect previous Tomcat installations.

    If none are found, it asks whether Tomcat has been installed. Indicate ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

    If upgrading, Tomcat 7.0 is upgraded to Tomcat 8.0.

    Please note that the environment variable ‘RETAIN_CATALINA_HOME’ is set after Tomcat installation.

    Click ‘Next’ to continue.

    Java and Tomcat are installed or upgraded. (Note: If there are issues with Apache and Tomcat starting correctly, set the Java initial memory pool and the maximum memory pool to the same value, appropriate to the system and expected load.) Tomcat is run as a System Service and shows up in the system services list as “Retain Tomcat 8”. (Start | Run | services.msc)

    If an Internet connection cannot be made, the installer asks whether to retry, to abort, or use a local path to the Java installation package. You can download the correct version of the Java installer for Windows here.

  9. Select either Apache or IIS. (If apache, provide the installation directory.)

  10. If a previous version of Retain is detected, upgrade options are displayed; Overwrite or Upgrade. Generally, you should choose Upgrade. Click Next.

  11. Confirm settings and select 'Install'.

  12. The product installs.

  13. If Microsoft C++ 2005 Runtime distribution is not installed, the appropriate version is automatically installed.

  14. The Setup Wizard thanks you for installing Retain.

  15. The Setup Wizard shows you the URL to the Retain admin console.

  16. The Retain installation process is complete. Click Finish.

  17. Continue with Running the Retain Server Configuration Wizard