4.8 Scan Engine Manager

The Scan Engine manager contains the connection address, host server, and OU settings for a scanner.

4.8.1 Load Balancing

If dealing with very high load factors, additional servers can be joined to the network and the load balanced between the various servers in a round robin model.

4.8.2 Fault Tolerance

For fault tolerance, an additional server would need a lower priority and would be waiting until the higher priority is unable to fulfill more requests.

4.8.3 Organizational Units

Scan engines may be created to service specific organization units. A new organization Manage Organizations must be created before it can be selected for a scanner. Once created, the Organization will appear in the 'Serviced OU set' at the bottom of the configuration window.

If the scanner is to be hosted on a separate server in the network, the connection address should be specified.

4.8.4 Message Filter engine

Notes: Enter notes about the filter engine, optional.

Enable REST Service: Default enabled.

Enable REST Service (SSL): Enable this option to set the REST service to use SSL. Selecting this option disables the Enable REST Service option and the Bind address and enables the Bind address SSL option.

Require client verification: Prevents the smg-scanner process from being accessed by external requests. This option is generally only used for troubleshooting purposes and should be left on.

Restrict client addresses: Add addresses to limit access to the smg-scanner service to only the listed addresses. You can add addresses as text patterns or as IP addresses in CIDR format.

Host server: Select the server to run the engine on.

Connection address: Enter the IP address of the server.

Bind address: Default

Bind address SSL: Default This option is used if you have the Enable REST Service (SSL) option enabled.

Fault tolerance priority: Default 1. 1 is highest.

Multi-threaded scanning: Default enabled.

OpenDKIM services: OpenDKIM service list can have a list of multiple servers to be used. Each server can also have ,n added (where n is a number) to provide for ordered failover and fault tolerance. Default

Serviced OU set: Default enabled.