11.1 Manually Setting Up More Than Three Mirrored Folder Resource Drivers

11.1.1 Editing the installer.xml File

The Novell Teaming Installation program enables you to set up three mirrored folder resource drivers. However, there is no limit to the total number of mirrored folder resource drivers that you can set up after installation. A useful strategy is to set up resource drivers for root directories, then set up Mirrored File folders for root directories and subdirectories as needed, as described in Section 11.2, Creating a Mirrored File Folder for a Mirrored Folder Resource Driver.

When you run the Teaming Installation program, it creates the installer.xml file in the directory where you run it. The installer.xml file stores the information you provided during installation. You can also edit it manually, then update your Teaming installation.

  1. Make a backup copy of your existing installer.xml file.

  2. Open the installer.xml file in a text editor.

  3. Search for mirrored.

  4. Scroll down until you reach the three existing mirrored folder resource drivers.

  5. Copy the mirrored folder resource driver that is most like the one you want to create, then paste it between the <MirroredFolder> and </MirroredFolder> tags.

    The Teaming Installation program displays only the first three mirrored folder resource drivers, so you might want to place new resource drivers at the top of the list in order to double-check the information when you run the Teaming Installation program to implement your changes.

  6. Set the parameters as needed for the file system location that you want to mirror in your Teaming site:






    file or webdav


    The unique internal name for the mirrored folder resource driver. Use only alphanumeric characters. Do not include spaces, extended characters, or double-byte characters.


    The name of the mirrored folder resource driver that displays on the Teaming site. The title can include any characters.


    For the file mirrored folder type, the absolute path to the directory from the point of view of the Teaming server.

    For the webdav mirrored folder type, the path to the directory after the WebDAV server hostname, and optionally, the port number, as specified by the hostUrl= parameter. The path should start with a slash (/), because it is appended to the setting of the hostUrl= parameter. For example, if the full WebDAV server location is:


    the rootPath= setting would be:



    true or false


    For a multi-zone Teaming site, this is the ID of the zone where you want the mirrored folder resource driver to be available. For information about Teaming zones, see Section 12.0, Setting Up Zones (Virtual Teaming Sites). For a single-zone Teaming site, leave this parameter empty.--

    AllowedUsers idList=

    A list of Teaming user IDs that can access the mirrored folder resource driver and create mirrored folders. Use a semicolon (;) between user IDs.

    AllowedGroups idList=

    A list of Teaming groups that can access the mirrored folder resource driver and create mirrored folders. Use a semicolon (;) between group IDs.

  7. (Conditional) If you are setting up a webdav mirrored folder, set the following additional parameters:




    The hostname, and optionally, the port number for the WebDAV server. For example:


    Do not include the directory path to the data. Use the rootPath= parameter to specify the path to the directory on the WebDAV server. For example, if the full WebDAV server location is:


    the hostUrl= setting would be:



    The username that Teaming can use to connect to the WebDAV server. The WebDAV server must support HTTP Basic authentication.


    The password for the username specified by the user= parameter.

  8. Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 for each mirrored folder resource driver that you want to create.

  9. Save the installer.xml file, then exit the text editor.

11.1.2 Updating Your Teaming Site Configuration

After you edit the installer.xml file, you must run phe Novell Teaming Installation program to update the configuration of your Teaming site. If you need assistance with any of the following steps, refer to the appropriate platform-specific instructions in Setting Up a Basic Teaming Site in Basic Installation in the Novell Teaming 2.1 Installation Guide.

  1. Stop Teaming.

  2. Start the Teaming Installation program.

    The Teaming Installation program reads the updated installer.xml file. If your edits inadvertently changed the syntax of the file, the Installation program cannot start. If this happens, correct the problem in the installer.xml file, or return to your backup copy and try your edits again.

  3. Accept the License Agreement, then click Next.

  4. Select Reconfigure Settings, then click Next.

  5. Select Advanced, then click Next.

  6. Click Next until you reach the Mirrored Folder Resource Driver Configuration page.

    The Teaming Installation program displays the first three mirrored folder resource drivers listed in the installer.xml file.

  7. (Conditional) If you placed the new resource drivers at the top of the list, review the information that you added, and make corrections if necessary.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click Install to implement the new mirrored folder resources.

  10. Start Teaming.