24.4 Using WebDAV with Windows 7

Because of WebDAV limitations in Windows 7, when Teaming users are running Windows 7 as the client operating system while using Microsoft Office as their document editor, various issues can be introduced.

The following sections describe whether or not WebDAV functionality is available with your document editor and your HTTP/HTTPS preference.

24.4.1 Editing Files with Edit-in-Place with Windows 7

On Windows 7, Teaming 2.1 and earlier supports the following document editors:

  • Microsoft Office 2003 or earlier

  • OpenOffice 3.1 or later

For more information, see TID 7006717: Document Editing Failure with Windows 7 and Microsoft Office in the Novell Support Knowledgebase.

For information about how to edit files in Teaming, see Editing Attached Files in the Novell Teaming 2.1 User Guide.

24.4.2 Mapping Teaming Folders with Windows 7

When mapping Teaming folders on Windows 7 you must use the Map Network Drive feature. (The Add Network Place feature is not supported.) You must have HTTPS (secure) access.

For information on how to discover the WebDAV URL for a Teaming folder, see Accessing WebDAV from a Folder in the Novell Teaming 2.1 User Guide.