2.9 Managing NetWare on a Virtual Machine

Virtualized NetWare is managed in the same way as if it were running on a physical machine. For information about managing your NetWare server, see the OES 2: Server Operating System for NetWare Administration Guide . For additional information about managing NetWare servers in a virtualized environment, see Running OES 2 NetWare in a Virtualized Environment.

In this beta release of OES 2, be aware of the following caveats when working at the virtualized NetWare server console:

2.9.1 Using the Virtual Machine Manager

Managing a NetWare virtual machine is simplified by using the Virtual Machine Manager utility, which is installed by default when you install the Xen virtualization software.

To start Virtual Machine Manager, open a terminal prompt and enter virt-manager.

See Managing a Virtualization Environment for more information.

2.9.2 Using the Command Line

Many NetWare administrators prefer to manage the server by command line. If you want to use the command line, you should be aware of issues related to the following:

Terminal Size

The terminal window may only display 80x24 characters. If you don’t want to scroll to the command line, you need to resize the terminal.

NetWare Debugger

If pressing Alt+Shift+Shift+Esc doesn’t launch the debugger, you can enter 386debug at the command line to launch the debugger.

VNC Viewer

In the VNC Viewer, pressing F8 displays a pop-up utility menu. Press F8 twice to pass single F8 to the remote side.

The xm Commands

  • You can also manage the NetWare virtual machine, and all other virtual machines, by using the xm command line tools. See The xm Command for more information.

  • To make a break in NetWare from a terminal, enter xm sysrq x c , where x is the domain ID and c is any keyboard character.