A.0 Troubleshooting

The following sections provides solutions to the problems you might encounter while deploying and Configuring ZENworks Appliance:

Online Update to MFCC/SMT Fails

Source: ZENworks Appliance
Explanation: After ZENworks Appliance configuration, the security updates (product and operating system patches) could not be applied as users were unable to register to Micro Focus Customer Center (MFCC) server or a Local Subscription Management Tool (SMT) server.
Action: To resolve this issue, apply the ZENworks 23.4 - FTF 94 or later and retry to register on the Online Update page. For steps to apply the ZENworks 23.4 - FTF 94, see Official Primary Server FTF 94 on ZENworks 23.4.

In Appliance, the Login Screen is Displayed During ZENworks Configuration

Source: ZENworks 23.4, ZENworks New Installation
Possible Cause: In the Appliance console, while configuring ZENworks, if you are inactive, the browser session timeout, and a login screen will be displayed.
Action: If the login screen is displayed, then perform the following steps.
  1. Go to the Appliance console.

  2. Click the ZENworks configuration tile.

  3. Redo all the configurations.

ZENworks Appliance disk expansion does not take effect

Explanation: On ZENworks Appliance, the function to expand the /vastorage disk on the web administration console does not take effect if the appliance contains any additional disk which is mounted to a directory below /vastorage.

The system does not report any errors and request the administrator to restart the appliance. The size of the /vastorage disk is unchanged after the appliance has been restarted.

Action: On a command line, stop all ZENworks services using the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start command and then unmount the additional disk umount /dev/sdc1 before using the web administration console to expand the /vastorage disk.

After appliance migration, the appliance goes into the emergency mode

Source: ZENworks Appliance
Explanation: An appliance with content-repo mounted on a separate disk (3rd disk), after migrating, the appliance goes to the emergency mode.
Action: While in the emergency mode, in /etc/fstab, update the x-systemd.requires=/vastorage parameter to the mounted content-repo, as shown in the below example:
/dev/sdc1   /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/content-repo    ext4    acl,user_xaatr,x-systemd.requires=/vastorage     1      2

After making the changes, reboot the appliance for the changes to take effect.

Error is displayed when you try to configure the ZENworks appliance with a.pfx certificate

Source: ZENworks Appliance
Explanation: While configuring the ZENworks appliance for the first Primary Server, if you upload an external CA in the.pfx format, the This certificate chain does not match the Root certificate error is displayed.
Possible Cause: The.pfx file does not contain the self-signed root certificate.
Action: Log in to ZENworks Appliance. On the ZENworks Appliance home page, under ZENworks, click Terminal & File Explorer.

Perform the following steps to upload files to ZENworks Appliance. Alternatively, you can use any WinSCP tool to upload the files.

  1. In the File Explorer, select a folder where you will run the command to create a.pfx file and click Upload.

  2. Select the file to upload and click Open.

  3. Click Start Upload in the File Upload dialog box.

Run the following command to create a.pfx file:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out <name>.pfx -inkey <key> -in <server.cer> -certfile <int+cer.cer>

Specify the following values in the command:

  • name: name of the.pfx file

  • key: key in the.pem format

  • server.cer: Server certificate

  • int+cer.cer: The root certificate and intermediate certificate. Note: It should not contain the server certificate.

Unable to Deploy the Appliance on VMware vSphere

Source: The source of the message.
Explanation: Deploying the ZENworks Appliance on VMware vSphere 6.x fails with a "TypeError: Cannot read property 'keyValue' of undefined" error.
Action: Perform the following steps:
  1. Download the embedded host client available in the following link:


  2. Upload the downloaded VIB file into the datastore, and then install the file using the following command:

    [root@ESXI~] esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/<your_datastore> /esxui-signed-12086396.vib

  3. After successfully installing the VIB, restart the appliance deployment.

The ntpd service is disabled even when the NTP Time Source is configured

Explanation: In the ZENworks Appliance, by default, the ntpd service is disabled even when the NTP Time source is configured, and the ntpd service might not run automatically after a device reboot.
  1. In the ZENworks Appliance terminal, open Yast, select System > Date and Time, and then select Other Settings.

  2. Select Synchronize with NTP Server and then select the Run NTP as daemon option. After accepting the changes, the ntpd service is enabled and the ntpd service runs automatically after the device reboots.

System Update Fails On Windows 10 Devices

Source: ZENworks 2020
Explanation: When you deploy ZENworks 2020 Update 1 on Windows 10 64-bit devices, the system update might fail.
Action: Redeploy the update on the devices on which the update has failed.

After Running SSLConfigureAction from the Terminal or Command Prompt, the ZENworks Appliance Gets Terminated

Source: ZENworks Appliance 2020 Update 3
Explanation: When you run the novell-zenworks-configure -c SSL -Z configure action from the Terminal or Command Prompt, the ZENworks Appliance (9443) gets terminated.

The Jetty log displays the below exceptions:

java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException: Password verification failed

Caused by: java.security.PrivilegedActionException: java.io.IOException: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

Action: To ensure the ZENworks Appliance is up and running:
  1. Run the following command immediately after executing SSL configure action from the Terminal or Command Prompt:

    microfocus-zenworks-configure -c UnifyTrustStoreForApplianceConfigureAction

  2. Restart the appliance Jetty service using the command: systemctl restart vabase-jetty.

NOTE:It is always recommended to initiate remint from ZCC UI. Running the SSL configure action from console is not advisable for the purpose of Certificate Authority (CA)/Server certificate remint.