This section contains information about migrating your existing implementation of Service Desk to Service Desk 8.0 Appliance.
We recommend that you schedule online updates only for updating non-interactive security patches on ZENworks Service Desk Appliance 7.5 or later. Rest of the patches including upgrade to newer version of Service Desk can be done manually as it impacts the system and might cause down-time of server.
Service Desk supports no more than two versions behind the latest release (N-2). Since the latest version is Service Desk 8.0 (N) the 7.5 (N-1) and 7.4 (N-2) versions are also supported.
From Service Desk 7.5, the directory structure has been changed as follows:
Resource directory: /vastorage/LiveTime
Application related logs: /vastorage/LiveTime/Logs
Service Desk installation location: /opt/novell/servicedesk
For logs, see Section 7.3, Logs
ZENworks Service Desk 7.5 can be migrated to Service Desk 8.0 in any of the following methods:
If you are using ZENworks Service Desk 7.5 Appliance and want to migrate to Service Desk 8.0, then refer to the following sections:
Prior to migrating to Service Desk 8.0, ensure that you perform the following:
If you are using an external database, then take a backup of the database
Copy the second disk (/vastorage) and other additional disks.
If any configuration is changed in the Tomcat server such as the web.xml and server.xml files, then ensure that you note the changes.
If any configuration is changed in /etc/init.d/servicedesk.server file, then ensure that you note the changes.
Important: Download and install servicedesk-prereq-8.0.0-b1.noarch.rpm in the ZENworks Service Desk 7.5 Appliance. This RPM will backup the system configuration files such as database connection and customized banners.
The RPM can be downloaded from ZENworks Service Desk 8.0 product download page in Micro Focus Control Center.
Power off ZENworks Service Desk 7.5 Appliance.
Service Desk Appliance will be migrated by bringing the new appliance. The Service Desk configuration and data is transferred to the new appliance which then becomes your production environment.
Deploy the ZENworks Service Desk 8.0 Appliance as instructed in Section 3.0, Appliance Deployment and do not attach the new hard disk.
Do NOT power on the appliance at this time.
Take note of the ZENworks Service Desk 7.5 Appliance RAM size and configure the ZENworks Service Desk 8.0 Appliance with the same RAM size.
Attach the migration hard disk (/vastorage) to the ZENworks Service Desk 8.0 Appliance. Before attaching the hard disk (/vastorage), ensure that you remove all VMware snapshots so that the /vastorage disk has the correct disk file and latest configuration settings.
Power on the ZENworks Service Desk 8.0 Appliance and wait till credential screen is displayed.
Specify the root and sdadmin passwords for the ZENworks Service Desk 8.0 Appliance.
The Appliance Configuration utility automatically populates the identity and network details for the ZENworks Service Desk 8.0 Appliance from the ZENworks Service Desk 7.5 data and continues booting the appliance. When the process completes, the URL is displayed on the Appliance console.
After you migrate to Service Desk 8.0 Appliance, ensure that you perform the following:
If you have made any changes in the Tomcat server such as the web.xml and server.xml files, then update the changes.
If any memory configuration is modified in the /etc/init.d/servicedesk.server file update the same changes.
Verify the NTP related configuration in the ZENworks Service Desk 8.0 Appliance. You must be logged into appliance console as root to configure the NTP settings.
To configure network settings, go to the Appliance Configuration and click Network.
Connect to Service Desk Appliance 8.0 through a browser.
NOTE:In case of any UI related issues, press Ctrl+F5 to refresh the browser cache.
Connect to the database:
Go to the Appliance Home page, click Service Desk.
Service Desk opens in a new browser tab.
Click Edit, and then Advanced.
Click Upgrade to complete the process.
A confirmation message is displayed after upgrade is completed.
IMPORTANT:Re-register Online Updates and Configure settings according to your company standards.
If you have customized the CSS, then the backup of CSS is available in the /vastorage/LiveTime/Style location.
After completing the migration process, replicate the same changes in the following UI location:
Setup > Customize > Classic Portal > CSS
NOTE:After upgrade, full text search might not work immediately as re-indexing of Service Desk will be in progress. Depending on the database size, it might take few minutes to hours to complete the re-indexing.
IMPORTANT:We recommend that you schedule online updates only for updating non-interactive security patches on ZENworks Service Desk Appliance 7.5 or later. Rest of the patches including upgrade to newer version of Service Desk can be done manually as it impacts the system and might cause down-time of server.
Prerequisite: If Product Upgrade tile is not displayed in the ZENworks Service Desk Appliance home page, then install servicedesk-release from the Online Update tile and reboot the appliance.
NOTE:Ensure that you have Activation Key from Micro Focus Customer Center to complete the upgrade process. The existing ZENworks Service Desk activation key can also be used for online registration.
Take a snapshot of ZENworks Service Desk 7.5 appliance.
If you are using an external database, then take a backup of the database.
If any configuration is changed in the /etc/init.d/servicedesk.server file, then ensure that you note the changes.
Stop the Service Desk service.
On the ZENworks Service Desk Appliance home page, in the Appliance Configuration section, click Product Upgrade.
Click Start.
Read and accept the License agreement.
In the Register Online Update Service, specify the Activation Key.
On successful registration, the channel is automatically redirected to ZENworks Service Desk 8.0, where respective 8.0 updates including OS security patches are available.
In the Update Now dialog, select All Needed Patches in the Apply drop-down.
NOTE:It is recommended that you apply All Security Patches (if available), and then apply All Needed Patches.
Select the Automatically agree with all license agreements and Automatically install all interactive patches options.
Click OK.
After completing the migration process, reboot the appliance.
NOTE:After completing the migration, the migration status displays that the product is going to be upgraded from 8-0.0 to 8.0.0-0. This can be ignored, as the product is migrated from 7.5 to 8.0.
After rebooting the Appliance, perform the following:
Log into the Service Desk Appliance console.
NOTE:In case of any UI related issues, press Ctrl+F5 to refresh the browser cache.
Go to the Appliance Home page, click Classic ZENworks Service Desk. Service Desk opens in a new browser tab.
Click Edit, and then Advanced.
Click Upgrade to complete the process.
A confirmation message is displayed after upgrade is completed.
If any memory configuration is modified in the /etc/init.d/servicedesk.server file update the same changes.
If you have customized the CSS, then the backup of CSS is available in the /vastorage/LiveTime/Style location.
After completing the migration process, replicate the same changes in the following UI location: Setup > Customize > Classic Portal > CSS
NOTE:After upgrade, full text search might not work immediately as re-indexing of Service Desk will be in progress. Depending on the database size, it might take few minutes to hours to complete the re-indexing.