4.1 Home

The default screen within the Manager Home tab is the Dashboard tab and also includes the My Account and Feedback tabs.

The Home tab provides access to the following tabs:

  • Dashboard - The Dashboard can be configured to provide the Manager access to real-time system reports in a single screen

  • My Account - Allows the User to edit their personal information, including password resets and set their time zone

  • Feedback - Allows the User to access published Surveys that are ready for completion.

4.1.1 Manager Role

A User with the Manager Role is a User who can oversee the activities of the Service Desk. Managers have access to most parts of the system, primarily on a read-only basis.

The Manager access can be provided to Users who do not actively participate in the day-to-day happenings of the service and support Team, but may require detailed information about the actions and status of requests.

As a Manager, the User can:

  • Create Customers

  • View requests within their allocated processes

  • Approve Service and Change Requests

  • Approve Knowledge Base content

  • Access the full range of reports

  • Create and modify Item information.

NOTE:Users who manage the service desk and are to be included as a Team member within support Teams, should be allocated a Supervisor Role.

4.1.2 Dashboard

The Dashboard is the default landing page for Manager Users when they log into the system. It provides a customizable screen that can display an automatically refreshed Service and Change Request list, system reports and information using widgets. The Request Stream widget provides Manager Users with a list of Service and Change Requests that require approval and automatically updates without requiring a screen refresh, as is required in the Operations and Change tabs.

Customizing the Dashboard

Information displayed on the Dashboard can be adjusted according to the Layout defined and the widgets selected.

To customize the Dashboard Layout, within the Home tab:

  1. Select the Dashboard tab

    The Add Widget and Edit Layout buttons are visible on the right side of the screen.

  2. Click

    The Edit Layout window is displayed.

  3. Click the image for the required Layout option

    The screen will default to the selected option. To move any existing widgets to another location on the screen, click on the widget heading and drag to the preferred location.

Widget Menu Options

To access the Minimize, View Data, Refresh and Delete widget menu options, scroll over the widget header.

Menu Option



Select Minimize to reduce the view of the widget to the Widget Header. When minimized, the Maximize option becomes available. Click Maximize to display the widget in full.

View Data

Available within the Request Stream widget menu option. Select to view the request details that make up the widget content.


Select to manually refresh the data displayed.


Click to remove the widget from the dashboard. A warning message will be displayed, select OK to continue with the deletion process.

To add widgets to the Dashboard, within the Home tab:

  1. Select the Dashboard option

    The Add Widget and Edit Layout buttons are visible on the right side of the screen.

  2. Click

    The Widget Directory is displayed with the categories across request types, Configuration Management, Finance and Utilities.

  3. Select a widget category

    The list of available widgets is refreshed based on the category selected.

  4. Click the Add Widget button for the widget to be included on the Dashboard

    The widget is applied to the Dashboard and the Directory screen is closed automatically.

  5. To move the widgets to another location on the screen, click the widget heading to engage the drag icon and move the widget to the preferred place on the dashboard.