5.2 Reconfiguring the ZENworks Reporting solution

The ZENworks Reporting Configuration Tool is installed during ZENworks Reporting installation. It is installed at the following location:

  • For Windows:


  • For Linux:


  1. Execute the ZENworks Reporting Configuration Tool by using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) method:

    • For Windows: Click Start > All Program > ZENworks Reporting > ZENworks Reporting Configuration

      or run the following command:


    • For Linux: Run the following command:

      cd /opt/novell/zenworks-reporting/bin/zrsconfig.sh

  2. Follow the prompts in the configuration program. For more information, see Section 5.2.1, Configuration flow.

5.2.1 Configuration flow

This table provides explanation for all configuration settings done by using ZENworks Reporting Configuration Tool. The settings are updated only after complete configuration settings are done.

Configuration Prompts


Specify the language

You are prompted to select the language in which the ZENworks Reporting Configuration Tool must run. Select the language and click Continue.

Reconfigure Ports

Current configured ports are displayed. You can reconfigure the ports, if you change any of the port, only that port gets updated and for other ports it retains the earlier configuration settings.

The following ports are used by the ZENworks Reporting:

  • Server Port: This port is non-secure port used by ZENworks Reporting.

  • Secure Server Port: Secured port used by ZENworks Reporting.

  • AJP Connection Port: This port is AJP port used by ZENworks Reporting. It represents a connector component that communicates with a web connector through AJP protocol.

  • Shutdown Port

  • Database Server Port: This is used by POSTGRES database embedded in ZENworks Reporting and cannot be modified.

Remint SSL

You can remint the ZENworks Reporting SSL certificate.

To Remint SSL certificates now: Select the Remint certificate check-box, if you want to remint SSL certificates.

  • For Internal Certificate Authority:

    1. Select Internal Certificate Authority.

    2. Click Next.

  • For External Certificate Authority:

    1. Select External Certificate Authority.

    2. Specify the following:

      • Signed SSL Certificate: Click Choose, then browse for the .der signed certificate file.

      • Private Key File: Click Choose, then browse for the .der private key file associated with the signed certificate.

      • Certificate Authority Certificate: Click Choose, then browse for the .der trusted CA certificate file.

    3. Click Next.

To Reminit SSL certifcate later: Clear the Remint certificate check-box and click Next.

Reconfigure LDAP

You can reconfigure the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server connection details.

You can reconfigure the LDAP in the following scenarios:

  • Change Admin Groups for ZENworks Reporting.

  • Updating the password for a user which is used for performing a Simple Bind on the LDAP server.

  • An LDAP server is migrated.

  • An LDAP server connection details are changed.

  • LDAP server needs to point to backup server.

NOTE:Users and roles are managed through LDAP. Groups in LDAP can be mapped to ZENworks Reporting Administrator role.

  1. Current settings are displayed:

    • Server: You can change the DNS name or IP address of the LDAP server which is used for user authentication.

    • SSL: Select the SSL check box, if the LDAP server is configured in SSL mode, or clear the SSL check box, if the LDAP server is configured in non-SSL mode.

    • Port: Currently configured port value is displayed. You can change the port value.

    • Username: Update the user name in Distinguished Name (DN) format. For example, for eDirectory cn=admin,o=mycompany and for Active Directory cn=ReadOnlyUser,cn=users,dc=organization,dc=com

      The user name is required to get Read-only access to the LDAP source.

    • Password: Update the password of the ZENworks user.

    • (Optional) Root Context: If root context is specified, then groups belonging to only that context (nested containers) will be available.

      If you do not specify a root context, the directory’s root container becomes the entry point.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Select one or more groups in the LDAP server to assign the administrator role in ZENworks Reporting. Any user from those mapped groups can log into ZENworks Reporting with administrator rights.

    The administrator rights are:

    • Assign rights for various ZENworks Reporting resources (reports, domain, data sources, and so on) to ZENworks Reporting roles.

    • Assign rights to view, create, schedule, and delete reporting resources (reports, domain, data sources, and so on).

  4. Click Next.

Reconfigure Data Source

Current Data Source settings are displayed and can be updated. Data source configuration publishes the domains and reports for ZENworks Reporting.

You can change the data source in the following scenarios:

  • Need to import an updated data source.

  • ZENworks have been updated with a new set of domain and reports.

  • Need to configure Audit Domain as part of ZENworks 11 SP3 installation.

To Reconfigure Datasource later: Select the Configure Datasource later check-box, if you want to change the settings later.

To Reconfigure Datasource now: Clear the Configure Datasource later check-box, and click Next.

You can reconfigure the data source by using one of the following methods:

  • For ZENworks Management Zone:

    1. Select ZENworks Management Zone.

    2. Specify the following:

      • Server Address: The DNS name or the IP address of the ZENworks server from where you want to download the domain and reports.

      • SSL Port: The SSL port for ZENworks server.

      • Username: The ZENworks user with Super Administrator rights.

      • Password: The password of the ZENworks user.

    3. Click Next, the ZENworks certificate dialog box is displayed.

    4. Validate the certificate and click Yes in the Certificate dialog box.

      The installer fetches the ZENworks resource files and publishes the reports, doamins and data source.


  • For other ZENworks products:

    1. Select Reporting Configuration file.

    2. Click Choose, browse to a resource (for example, ZENworks Mobile Management), then click Next.

      NOTE:The resources are provided in .zip file format and posted on the Novell Web site. Download these files to a temporary location on your Windows or Linux device.

    3. The installer prompts to configure database. The following are the databases supported by the ZENworks products:

      • Sybase SQL Anywhere

      • Microsoft SQL Server

      • Oracle

    4. Specify the following, based on the database that you selected:

      • Server: Specify the ZENworks database IP address.

      • Database Server Port

      • Database Name

      • Instance Name: This field is displayed, if Microsoft SQL Server is selected.

      • Username: Specify the database user created by the ZENworks.

      • Password

    5. Click Next.

Reconfigure the Outbound Email Server

You can reconfigure the Outbound Email Server. This configuration is required for enabling the Report Scheduling feature in ZENworks Reporting.

  • To configure the Outbound Email Server now:

    1. Clear the Configure Outbound Email Server later check box.

    2. Specify the following:

      • SMTP Mail Server Address: Specify the DNS name or the IP address of the SMTP server. SMTP server is used for sending emails.

      • Port: Specify the port number on which the SMTP server is listening. By default, the port number is 25.

      • From Email Address: Specify the sender’s email address.

      • Password: Specify the sender’s password.

    3. Click Install.

  • To configure the Outbound Email Server later:

    1. Select the Configure Outbound Email Server later check box.

    2. Click Install.

Configuration completion

A confirmation message is displayed when the configuration is completed.

The settings that are updated in all the screens are re-configured only when configuration is completed.