7.9 Inventoried Device Rights

The Inventoried Device Rights dialog box lets you control the operations that an administrator can perform on inventoried devices.

7.9.1 Contexts

Specify the Inventoried Device folders (contexts) that you want the administrator’s Inventoried Device rights to apply to. To select a folder, click Add to display the Contexts dialog box, browse for and select the folder (or multiple folders), then click OK. The rights also apply to the folder’s subfolders.

7.9.2 Privileges

The Privileges section lets you grant the selected administrator rights to work with inventoried devices, including device folders listed in the Contexts section.

The following rights are available:




View Leaf

  • View the contents in the specified context (folder and subfolders)

Setting the View Leaf right to Deny forces all other Inventoried Device rights to Deny. The View Leaf right must be set to Allow to perform any other inventoried device operations.


  • Retire an inventoried device

  • Rename an inventoried device

  • Edit a device’s detailed inventory (Detailed Software Hardware Inventory link on the Inventory tab)



  • Create an inventoried device

  • Delete an inventoried device

  • Move an inventoried device

To create an inventoried device, an administrator also requires the Device Rights – Create/Delete right so that he has access to the Create Portable Client and Import Inventory tasks.

Modify Groups

  • None

This right has no operational effect when assigned to an administrator.

Create/Delete Groups

  • None

This right has no operational effect when assigned to an administrator.

Modify Group Membership

  • None

This right has no operational effect when assigned to an administrator.

Modify Folders

  • Rename a device folder

  • Change a device folder’s description


Create/Delete Folders

  • Create a device folder

  • Delete a device folder

  • Move a device folder

Setting the Create/Delete Folders right to Allow forces the Modify Folders right to Allow. This means that an administrator who creates a folder also receives rights to modify it.

View Detailed Inventory

  • View a device’s detailed inventory (Detailed Software/Hardware Inventory link on Inventory tab)

This right controls view-only access. If you want an administrator to be able to edit the detailed inventory, the administrator needs the Modify right.