Compacting and Repairing the Database

As the number of distributions you run increases, the size of the databases at the server and on the proxy service computers grows.

ZENworks Handheld Management provides separate tools to reduce the size of the server and proxy service databases.

The ZENworks Handheld Management tools to compact and repair the server database are for the internal ODBC-compatible databases only. If you have configured ZENworks Handheld Management to use Microsoft SQL Server, use the utilities provided with Microsoft SQL Server to perform database maintenance.

The following sections contain additional information:

Compacting the Server Database

Before performing database operations, you should back up the ZENworks Handheld Management installation directory (specifically serverdata.mdb).

Before compacting a server database, make sure to shut down all ZENworks Handheld Management applications, including ConsoleOne.

Make sure that no other computer is accessing the database (for example, a remote copy of ConsoleOne).

If another computer has the database locked, you will receive in an error message if you try the operation. Shut down the ConsoleOne on that computer and retry the operation.

To compact the server database:

  1. Use either Windows Explorer or the command prompt on the ZENworks Handheld Management installation machine to access the ZENworks Handheld Management Server installation directory.

  2. From the installation directory, run dbtool.exe.

  3. If you are sure no other process is accessing the database (for example, a remote installation of ConsoleOne), click OK.

The database is compacted and the service is restarted.

Compacting the Proxy Service Database

The proxy service database can be compacted by using dbtool.exe from the command line in the client installation directory (program files\novell\zfhap).

To compact a proxy service database:

  1. Use either Windows Explorer or the command prompt on the ZENworks Handheld Management proxy service machine to access the ZENworks Handheld Management client installation directory.

  2. From the installation directory, run dbtool.exe.

    You will be reminded that the ZENworks Handheld Management client will be stopped and restarted after the database is compacted.

  3. Click OK.

Compacting and Repairing the Database

If the server internal ODBC-compatible database or proxy service database cannot be opened when ZENworks Handheld Management or the proxy service starts, you might need to compact and repair the database.

If the database is corrupt, you might see a message in the log file that indicates that the database could not be opened. To compact and repair the database, you need to use the dbtool command with the /compact option. Other dbtool options are described below.

Option Function


Compact and repair a database


Perform on a proxy service database


Perform on a server database

For example, to repair a proxy service database, enter:

dbtool /proxy /compact

Dbtool.exe is installed in the zfh and zfhap installation directories.