zlman (1)


zlman - zlman is the command-line interface to Novell ZENworks Linux Management, which provides comprehensive Linux* server and workstation management.


zlman [command] [options] [arguments]

In general, zlman commands have both a short form and a long form. The long form is assembled in the form object-actionobject. For example, the command registration-list lists all registrations in a registration folder. There are a large number of commands, but most of them are easy to remember, because there are a limited number of objects (workstation, server, bundle, catalog, policy, administrator, registration) and actions (list, create, modify, delete) to perform on them.

Arguments for a command are ordered in the same way as the command itself: for catalog-addbundle, the catalog is named first and the bundle second. For example, catalog-addbundle catalog2 bundle4. Option flags always come before any arguments.

The abbreviated form of each command uses one letter from each word in the long form: In this manner, admin-list is shortened to al. The exceptions to these general syntax rules are system commands such as ping and server-version which apply directly to the server.

For filenames, you can use standard shell globbing: *.rpm is used to indicate “all files ending in .rpm.”


ZENworks Linux Management is the next evolution in Linux server and workstation management. ZENworks Linux Management provides comprehensive Linux management, including:

  • Advanced software package management, including dependency resolution, support for SUSE patches, and the ability to roll back to previous versions.

  • Automated imaging and scripted installs using YaST autoinstall and Red Hat* kickstart.

  • Secure and fast graphical remote management of servers and desktops.

  • Hardware, software, and operating system inventory collection and reporting.

  • Comprehensive policy-based management of Linux servers and desktops.

  • Task-driven Web management interface.

The zlman command-line interface provides you with a full-featured application that uses scripting to simplify many operations, and provides quick access to operations. A comprehensive Web management interface with many advance features is also installed on your ZENworks Linux Management server.

Guide to Usage

This section contains a guide to general command formatting and conventions.


Every action in zlman is governed by the access limitations of the administrator. The initial Administrator account created during the initial installation has rights to all objects. Additional administrator accounts you create are granted read-only rights by default. These accounts must be explicitly granted rights to any objects they are to manage.


If no folder is specified for commands that take a folder argument, the command targets the root folder. To specify a folder path, list each folder from the root separated by a forward slash (/). For example, if you have a folder named folder1 in the root, containing a subfolder named subfolder1, you would reference this folder as folder1/subfolder1. Each specified folder must already exist.

Ellipsis (...)

An ellipsis indicates that a command accepts multiple entries of the last argument type. For example, the ellipsis in the following command indicates that catalog-add-bundle can accept multiple bundles:

zlman catalog-add-bundle [options] [catalog] [bundle] [...]

Option Flags

Commands that do not have command-specific options (they accept only the standard option flags) do not have options listed as an argument in the command reference. For example, the reference entry for the following command does not list options because it accepts only the standard flags:

zlman workstation-list [folder] [filter]

However, the following command lists options because the command has a command-specific option (-a):

zlman workstation-messages [options] [workstation name]

RC File

Creating a .zlmanrc file in your home directory enables you to provide global options that are added to each command. For example, adding -U Administrator -P password causes each command to read your username and password from this file instead of prompting. To bypass the options stored in this file, use the --ignore-rc-file option.


All of the commands below accept the option flags listed in the Global Options section. In addition, they accept individual options as listed with each command.

Administrator Commands

These commands are used to create and adjust administrator accounts. Administrator commands begin with word admin in the long form or the letter a in the short form.

admin-create (ac) [options] [administrator] [password]

Creates a new administrator account. By default, this account is created with view-only rights to all objects. Use the admin-rights-assign command to grant additional rights to this account.

admin-delete (ad) [options] [administrator] [...]

Deletes an administrator account.

admin-list (al) [options] [folder]

Lists all administrator accounts. Accepts the following option flags:

  • -r,--recursive - Includes subfolders.
  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. Wildcards * and ? can be used if they are enclosed in quotation marks.
admin-rename (arn) [options] [admin name] [new name]

Renames the administrator account specified by current name to new name.

admin-rights-assign (ara) [options] [admin name] [object name] [...]

Assigns the specified administrator rights to the object specified by object. One of the following options must be specified to indicate the object type:

  • -w,--workstations
  • -s,--servers
  • -a,--administrators
  • -b,--bundles
  • -p,--policies
  • -R,--reports
  • -r,--registrations

Additionally, this command accepts the following option flags:

  • -n,--none - All rights to the specified object are revoked.
  • -v,--view - Grants view-only access to the specified object.
  • -m,--modify - Grants rights to modify the specified object.
  • -c,--create - Grants rights to create new objects.
admin-rights-get (arg) [options] [admin name] [object name] [...]

Views the effective rights of a specified object. If no object is specified, all assigned rights display. A single type flag must be specified. One of the following options can be specified to indicate the object type:

  • -w,--workstations
  • -s,--servers
  • -a,--administrators
  • -b,--bundles
  • -p,--policies
  • -R,--reports
  • -r,--registrations

Additionally, this command accepts the following option flags:

  • -n,--none - All rights to the specified object are revoked.
  • -v,--view - Grants view-only access to the specified object.
  • -m,--modify - Grants rights to modify the specified object.
  • -c,--create - Grants rights to create new objects.
admin-set-password (asp) [options] [admin name] [password]

Sets an administrator’s password. Only the administrator can change other administrator passwords. All administrators can change their own passwords.

Replicate Commands

These commands are used to replicate repositories from Primary Servers to Secondary Servers.

replicate-repositories-now [options]

Immediately replicates repositories to all the Secondary Servers.

Bundle Commands

These commands are used to create and modify bundles and folders, including adding packages to bundles and creating patch bundles. zlman treats objects and their corresponding folders as one object type. Therefore, zlman bundle-rename can rename bundles or bundle folders; zlman bundle-move can move bundles or bundle folders, etc. Bundle commands begin with the word bundle in the long form, or with the letter b in the short form, with the exception of the patch bundle command, which begins with the letter p.

bundle-add-file (baf) [options] [bundle] [target-platform] [destination] [file] [...]

Adds a file to a bundle. Accepts the following arguments:

  • Bundle - An existing bundle to which you want to add one or more files.
  • File - The file being added. Specify its full path.

Accepts the following option flags:

  • --destination=[path] - Full path where the file should be deployed on the client.
  • --unpack - Indicates that this file is compressed and should be decompressed and extracted on the client. The supported compression formats are .gz and .bz2.
  • --permissions=[xxx] - UNIX file permissions to be applied to this file after deployment (not applicable for compressed files.)
bundle-add-package (bap) [options] [bundle] [target] [package file] [...]

Adds a package to a bundle. Accepts the following arguments:

  • Bundle - An existing bundle to which you want to add one or more RPM packages.
  • Target - OS/Platform targets. (valid targets for your environment can be viewed using zlman tl.)
  • Package File - RPM format package file.

Accepts the following option flags:

  • --force-nevra - Force the package to add in spite of the NEVRA (name, epoch, version, release, and architecture) conflict.
  • --freshen - Upgrade the package only if it is installed.
  • --installtype=[upgrade|install] - Specify the rpm installation type. The upgrade value triggers the rpm -u behavior and the install value triggers the rpm -i behavior.
  • --ver=[bundle version] - Specify the bundle version to which the package must be added. By default, the package is added to the latest version of the bundle.
bundle-copy (bco) [options] [source bundle] [version] [name]

Copies a bundle version to a new bundle.

bundle-copy-package (bcp) [options] [source bundle] [target bundle] [target] [package] [version] [release] [arch] [epoch]

Copies the packages from the source bundle to the target bundle.

NOTE:Copying RPM packages from one bundle to another bundle does not update the version of the target bundle.

bundle-create (bc) [options] [name] [folder]

Creates a new bundle. If a folder is provided, the bundle is created in the specified folder. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --description=[description] - Provides a description for the bundle.
  • --disable-persistence - Does not apply the persistence when the bundle is installed.
bundle-delete [options] (bd) [bundle] [...]

Deletes one or more bundles or bundle folders.

bundle-delete-version [options] (bdv) [bundle] [version]

Deletes a specific version of a bundle.

bundle-deploy (bp) [options] [bundle] [version]

Deploys the specified version of a bundle.

bundle-folder-create (bfc) [options] [name] [folder]

Creates a new folder for containing bundles in the path specified by folder.

bundle-group-add (bga) [options] [bundle group] [bundle] [...]

Adds a bundle to a bundle group. Accepts the following option flag:

  • -r, --recursive - Includes subfolders.
bundle-group-create (bgc) [options] [name] [folder]

Creates a bundle group in the specified folder.

bundle-group-members (bgm) [options] [bundle group]

Lists the members of a bundle group.

bundle-group-remove (bgr) [options] [bundle group] [bundle] [...]

Removes a bundle from the specified bundle group.

bundle-info (bi) [options] [bundle] [version]

Displays detailed information about a bundle. The version can be specified for software bundles. If now version is specified, the deployed version is shown.

bundle-list (bl) [options] [folder]

Lists all bundles and bundle folders in the specified folder. Accepts the following option flags:

  • -r,--recursive - Includes subfolders.
  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. Wildcard characters * and ? can be used if they are enclosed in quotation marks.
bundle-list-dups (bld) [options] [bundle]

Lists the Dell Update Packages contained in a DUP bundle.

bundle-list-files (blf) [options] [bundle] [target]

Displays a list of files contained in the specified bundle, including the bundle ID.

bundle-list-packages (blp) [options] [bundle] [target]

Displays a list of packages contained in the specified bundle, including the bundle ID.

bundle-list-versions (blv) [options] [bundle]

Displays a list of the version numbers for the specified bundle.

bundle-move (bmv) [options] [bundle] [new folder]

Moves the specified bundle or bundle folder to the specified folder.

bundle-remove-dup (brd) [options] [bundle] [package ID] [[package ID] [...]]

Removes a Dell Update Package from a DUP bundle. The package ID is listed with the bundle-list-dups command.

bundle-remove-package (brp) [options] [bundle] [target] [package ID] [[package ID][...]]

Removes a package from a bundle. The package ID is listed with the bundle-list-packages command.

bundle-remove-file (brf) [options] [bundle] [target] [file ID] [...]

Removes a package from a bundle. Use the bundle-list-files command to find the file ID.

bundle-rename (brn) [options] [current name] [new name]

Renames the specified bundle or bundle folder to the name specified by new name.

bundle-update-package (bup) [options] [bundle] [target] [package file] [[package file] [...]]

Update the properties of a package in a bundle. Accepts the following options.

  • --arch=[arch] - Specifies the arch of package to update.
  • --freshen=[true|false] - Only upgrade package if installed.
  • --installtype=[install type] - Specifies the RPM installation type. The upgrade value indicates the rpm - U behavior, and the install value indicates the rpm - i behavior.
file-bundle-create (fbc) [options] [name] [folder]

Creates a new file bundle.

patch-bundle-create (pbc) [options] [product name] [product version] [product arch] [patch file] [folder]

Creates a new patch bundle. Accepts the following arguments:

  • Product Name - Name of the product to which this patch applies, must be one of the following: SUSE LINUX, SUSE SLES, SUSE CORE, Novell Linux Desktop, SuSE SLED.
  • Product Version - Version of the product to which this patch applies.
  • Product Arch - Product architecture. Must be one of the following: i386, x86_84
  • Patch File - File containing the patch.
  • Folder - Bundle folder to use for this patch bundle.

Catalog Commands

These commands are used to create and modify catalogs, including adding bundles to catalogs. Catalog commands begin with the word catalog in the long form, or with the letter c in the short form.

catalog-add-bundle (cab) [options] [catalog] [bundle] [...]

Associates one or more bundles or bundle groups with a catalog. Accepts the following option flag:

  • --relative=[DD:HH:MM] - Specifies that the action should be performed at a time relative to now. The time should be formatted as DD:HH:MM. A repeat frequency can be specified.
catalog-create (cc) [options] [catalog name] [containing folder]

Creates a new catalog in the specified folder.

catalog-delete (cd) [options] [catalog] [...]

Deletes the specified catalog.

catalog-folder-create (cfc) [options] [folder name] [containing folder]

Creates a new folder for containing catalogs. If a folder is provided, the catalog is created in the specified folder. The containing folder can be a path to an existing catalog folder, such as folder/subfolder.

catalog-list (cl) [options] [folder] [filter]

Lists catalogs in a folder. Accepts the following option flags:

  • -r,--recursive - Includes subfolders.
  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. Wildcards * and ? can be used if they are enclosed in quotation marks.
catalog-list-bundles (clb) [options] [catalog]

Displays the list of all bundles assigned to a catalog.

catalog-move (cmv) [options] [catalog] [new folder]

Moves the specified catalog to the location specified by new folder. The folder you specify using [new folder] must already exist or the move fails.

catalog-rename (crn) [options] [current name] [new name]

Renames the specified catalog.

catalog-remove-bundle (crb) [options] [catalog] [bundle] [...]

Removes the specified bundle from the specified catalog.

Hotlist Commands

This command is used to view the list of devices that have unacknowledged warnings or errors.


Displays a list of devices that have unacknowledged warnings or errors. Warning or errors can be acknowledged using the workstation-ack and server-ack commands. After all warnings or errors for a device are acknowledged, the device no longer appears on the hotlist.

License Commands

These commands are used to activate your server or display licensing information. License commands begin with the word license in the long form, or with the letter l in the short form.

license-activate (la) [options] [key]

Activates your system.

license-info (li) [options]

Displays licensing information.

license-set-seats (lss) [options] [count]

Sets the number of allowed active devices.

Package Commands

These commands are used to modify packages. Package commands begin with the word package in the long form, or with the letter p in the short form.

delete-packages (dp) [options] [package filename]

Deletes the specified package.

package-list-bundles (plb) [options] [package filename]

Displays a list of the bundles that contain the specified package.

list-packages (lp) [options]

Lists packages. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --name-filter = [name-filter] - Name filter.
  • --epoch-filter = [epoch-filter] - Epoch filter.
  • --version-filter = [version-filter] - Version filter.
  • --release-filter = [release-filter] - Release filter.
  • --arch-filter-[arch-filter] - Arch filter.
  • --target filter [target-filter] - Target filter.
  • --orphan - List the orphaned packages.

To delete orphan packages, use the zlman lp --orphan|cut -d'|' -f1 -s | grep ^[0-9] | xargs zlman dp command.

package-replace-packages (prp) [options] [target] [package filename] [...]

Replaces the specified package with another package with the same name, epoch, version, release, architecture, and target (NEVRAT). You can replace multiple packages by specifying multiple filenames.

NEVRAT is a term to describe a unique RPM identifier generated from the Name, Epoch, Version, Release, Architecture, and Target properties of a given .rpm file. This identifier is guaranteed to be unique to a given .rpm; however, this guarantee can be violated given the following scenarios:

  • A corrupted RPM file was downloaded. The checksum of this corrupted .rpm does not match the known checksum of the same uncorrupted .rpm, as identified via NEVRAT.

  • A vendor incorrectly released an improperly formatted update .rpm package, with newer (different) contents but still identifying itself with the same version and release numbers. This results in a different checksum being encountered for what the system identifies as the same package, based on its NEVRAT properties. This is rare, but it does occur on occasion. This problem is most often encountered when performing bulk mirroring of entire distributions.

Several workarounds exist for this problem:

  • If the package is not of interest, exclude it from mirroring by using the <ExcludeBundle/> or <ExcludeTarget/> options in the zlmmirror.conf file. Use <ExcludeBundle> for ZENworks Linux Management and YaST source servers. For other source servers, use <ExcludeTarget>. The value of either tag is the package/patch/bundle to exclude from the mirroring.

  • If the package is of interest, it must be first retrieved to the file system. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including static mirroring. After the given .rpm is available on the server's file system, it is possible to import it into the server using the package-replace-package command.

Using the package-replace-packages command results in the newer package with the same NEVRAT replacing the existing package in all bundles it is a member of.

The following example shows the correct usage:

rc-qa-client-402:/opt/novell/zenworks # zlman prp sles-9-i586

Queue Commands

These commands are used in situations when you need to make modifications to the queue. The queue processes asynchronous events such as XML file regeneration and client refreshes, and does not need to be modified under most circumstances. Queue commands begin with the word queue in the long form, or with the letter q in the short form.

queue-flush (qf) [options] [status]

Flushes the queue by deleting the contents based on the status. Accepts the following values for the status argument:

  • N - New
  • F - Failed.
  • S - Succeeded
  • I - In progress

If you don’t specify a status, all entries in the queue are deleted.

queue-list (ql) [options] [status]

Lists all queue entries. If a status is provided, only queue entries matching the specified status are displayed. Accepts the following option flags:

  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. The * and ? wildcard characters can be used if they are enclosed with in quotation marks.

Accepts the following values for the status argument:

  • N - New
  • F - Failed
  • S - Succeeded
  • I - In progress
queue-reset (qr) [options] [status]

Resets the status of all entries in the queue to New.

Registration Commands

These commands allow you to create and alter registrations. Registration commands begin with the word registration in the long form, or with the letter r in the short form.

registration-add-server-group (rasg) [options] [key] [group] [...]

Adds membership in the specified server group to objects registering using the specified key.

registration-add-workstation-group (rawg) [options] [key] [group] [...]

Adds membership in the specified workstation group to objects registering using the specified key.

registration-create-server (rcs) [options] [key] [device folder] [registration folder]

Creates a registration specifying folder membership for servers.

registration-create-workstation (rcw) [options] [key] [workstation folder] [registration folder]

Creates a registration specifying membership in the specified workstation folder.

registration-delete (rd) [options] [key] [...]

Deletes the specified registration.

registration-folder-create (rfc) [options] [folder name] [containing folder]

Creates a folder specified by [folder name] in the location specified by [containing folder].

registration-info (ri) [options] [key]

Displays detailed information about the specified registration.

registration-list (rl) [options] [folder] [filter]

Lists all registrations. Accepts the following option flags:

  • -r,--recursive - Includes subfolders.
  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. Wildcards * and ? can be used if they are enclosed in quotation marks.
registration-list-groups (rlg) [options] [key]

Displays a list of the groups associated with the specified registration. Devices registering with this key are added to the listed groups.

registration-move (rmv) [options] [key] [new folder]

Moves the specified registration to the specified folder.

registration-remove-server-group (rrsg) [options] [key] [group] [...]

Removes the membership in the specified group from the registration key. Any device that has previously registered using this key does not lose group membership. This change applies only to new devices using this registration.

registration-remove-workstation-group (rrwg) [options] [key] [group] [...]

Removes the membership in the specified group from the registration key. Any device that has previously registered using this key does not lose group membership. This change applies only to new devices using this registration.

registration-update (ru) [options] [key]

Updates a registration by allowing you to change the properties of the registration key. Accepts the following options:

  • -k, --newkey=[key] - Updates the name of the key with the provided name.
  • -u, --usage=[count] - Updates the maximum number of devices that can be registered using this key to the provided number.
  • --unlimited - Removes limits on the number of devices that can be created with this key.
  • -n, --nrule=[naming rule] - Specify a new naming rule, such as ${HostName}. Possible naming variables include ${Alias}, ${AssetTag}, ${CPU}, ${DNS}, ${DeviceType}, ${GUID}, ${HostName}, ${Location}, ${OS}. Naming rules can contain a combination of variables, such as ${HostName}-${OS}.
  • --workstation-folder=[folder] - Specifies a new folder for workstations that register using this key.
  • --server-folder=[folder] - Specifies a new folder for servers that register using this key.

Ruleset Commands

These commands are used to create and modify rule sets. Rule sets are applied to new devices registering to your server that do not present a registration key. Rule set commands begin with the word ruleset in the long form, or with the letters rs in the short form.

ruleset-add-rule (rsar) [options] [name or position] [attribute] [operator] [value]

Adds a rule to a rule set. Each rule defines a condition that must be met in order for a rule set to be applied to a device. Each rule in a rule set must evaluate to TRUE in order for the rule set to be applied. Accepts the following arguments:

  • Attribute - Valid attributes are: Alias, AssetTag, CPU, DNS, DeviceType, GUID, HostName, IPAddress, Location, MacAddress, OS, and SubnetMask.
  • Operator - Valid string operators are: contains, starts, ends, equals. Valid integer operators are: <, <=, =, >, >=.
  • Value - The format and contents of value are determined by the attribute. For additional information about attribute values see the Inventory section in the ZENworks Linux Management Administration Guide.
ruleset-add-server-group (rsasg) [options] [name or position] [group] [...]

Adds workstation group membership to objects imported with a given rule set. Any servers that satisfy each rule condition of the rule set are added to the specified groups.

ruleset-add-workstation-group (rsaw) [options] [name or position] [group] [...]

Adds server group membership to objects imported with a given rule set. Any workstations that satisfy each rule condition of the rule set are added to the specified groups.

ruleset-create-workstation (rscw) [options] [name] [position]

Creates a new rule set to apply when a workstation registers without a key.

ruleset-create-server (rscs) [options] [name] [position]

Creates a new rule set to apply when a server registers without a key.

ruleset-delete (rsd) [options] [name or position]

Removes a rule set.

ruleset-info (rsi) [options] [name or position]

Displays detailed information about a rule set.

ruleset-list (rsl) [options]

Lists all rule sets. Accepts the following option flags:

  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. Wildcard characters * and ? can be used if they are enclosed in quotation marks.
ruleset-list-groups (rslg) [options] [name or position]

Displays a list of groups that a device will be a member of when it is created with the specified rule set.

ruleset-move (rsmv) [options] [name or position] [new position]

Changes the position of a rule set.

ruleset-remove-rule (rsrr) [options] [ruleset name or position] [rule position]

Removes a rule from a rule set.

ruleset-remove-server-group (rsrsg) [options] [name or position] [group] [...]

Removes server group membership from a rule set. Group membership for devices that have already registered is unaffected. This applies only to new devices when they register.

ruleset-remove-workstation-group (rsrwg) [options] [name or position] [group] [...]

Removes workstation group membership from a rule set. Group membership for devices that have already registered is unaffected. This applies only to new devices when they register.

ruleset-update (rsu) [options] [name or position]

Updates values of a rule set. Accepts the following options:

  • -k, --newname=[key] - Specifies a new name for the given rule set.
  • -n, --nrule=[naming rule] - Specifies a new naming rule for the given rule set.
  • --workstation-folder=[folder] - Specifies a new folder to place workstations in when they are created with the specified rule set.
  • --server-folder=[folder] - Specifies a new folder to place servers in when they are created with the specified rule set.

Server Commands

These commands are used to manage servers. Server commands begin with the word server in the long form, or with the letter s in the short form.

server-ack (sa) [options] [server] [log ID] [...]

Acknowledges a message associated with a device.

server-add-bundle (sab) [options] [server] [bundle]

Associate one or more bundles with a device. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --dry-run - Simulates the transaction and does not make any changes on the managed device. This option is not applicable for File bundles.
  • -a, --allow-removal - Allows removal of a bundle. This option is not applicable for File bundles.
  • --push-now - Specifies that the action must be immediately performed. A repeat frequency can be specified. If no other schedule is specified, it defaults to Now.
  • --prepare-time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in 24-hour format.
  • --prepare-date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • --time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in 24-hour format.
  • --date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • --relative=[DD:HH:MM] - Specifies that the action must be performed at a time relative to now. The time must be in the DD:HH:MM format. A repeat frequency can be specified.
  • --weekly=[MWF] - Specifies the days of the week when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified days every week. For example, if you specify MWF, the action is executed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The values for the days of a week are:
  • Monday = M
  • Tuesday = TU
  • Wednesday = W
  • Thursday = TH
  • Friday = F
  • Saturday = SA
  • Sunday = SU
  • --monthly=[DD] - Specifies the day of the month when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified day every month. You can specify only one day and not multiple days.
  • --gmt - The specified time is taken as GMT. If this is not specified, the time is the local time of the device.
  • --bundle-lock - Locks bundles on the managed devices from the server.
server-add-catalog (sac) [options] [server] [catalog] [...]

Associate one or more catalogs with a device. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in 24-hour format.
  • --date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • --relative=[DD:HH:MM] - Specifies that the action must be performed at a time relative to now. The time must be in the DD:HH:MM format. A repeat frequency can be specified.
  • --weekly=[MWF] - Specifies the days of the week when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified days every week. For example, if you specify MWF, the action is executed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The values for the days of a week are:
  • Monday = M
  • Tuesday = TU
  • Wednesday = W
  • Thursday = TH
  • Friday = F
  • Saturday = SA
  • Sunday = SU
  • --monthly=[DD] - Specifies the day of the month when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified day every month. You can specify only one day and not multiple days.
  • --gmt - The specified time is taken as GMT. If this is not specified, the time is the local time of the device.
server-add-policy (sap) [options] [server] [policy] [...]

Associates one or more policies with a device. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in 24-hour format.
  • --date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • --relative=[DD:HH:MM] - Specifies that the action must be performed at a time relative to now. The time must be in the DD:HH:MM format. A repeat frequency can be specified.
  • --weekly=[MWF] - Specifies the days of the week when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified days every week. For example, if you specify MWF, the action is executed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The values for the days of a week are:
  • Monday = M
  • Tuesday = TU
  • Wednesday = W
  • Thursday = TH
  • Friday = F
  • Saturday = SA
  • Sunday = SU
  • --monthly=[DD] - Specifies the day of the month when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified day every month. You can specify only one day and not multiple days.
  • --gmt - The specified time is taken as GMT. If this is not specified, the time is the local time of the device.
server-delete (sd) [options] [server] [...]

Deletes one or more devices, folders, or groups.

server-folder-create (sfc) [options] [folder name] [containing folder]

Creates a new folder in the specified folder.

server-group-add (sga) [options] [group] [server] [...]

Adds one or more servers to a group.

server-group-create (sgc) [options] [group name] [containing folder]

Creates a new group in the specified folder.

server-group-members (sgm) [options] [group]

Lists servers that are members of the specified group.

server-group-remove (sgr) [options] [group] [server] [...]

Removes one or more servers from a group.

server-health (sh) [options] [server]

Displays the health status of a ZENworks Primary Server. Its health status is determined by pinging the core admin services on the server.

server-info (si) [options] [server]

Displays detailed information about the specified device.

server-list (sl) [options] [folder] [filter]

Lists devices in the specified folder. Accepts the following option flags:

  • -r,--recursive - Includes subfolders.
  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. Wildcards * and ? can be used if they are enclosed in quotation marks.
server-list-bundles (slb) [options] [server]

Lists bundles associated with a server.

server-list-catalogs (slc) [options] [server]

Lists catalogs associated with a server.

server-list-policies (slp) [options] [server]

Lists policies associated with a device.

server-messages (sm) [options] [server]

Displays a list of unacknowledged messages associated with the specified device. Accepts the following option flag:

  • -a, --all - Displays all messages including acknowledged messages.
server-move (smv) [options] [server] [folder]

Moves a device to a different folder.

server-refresh (sr) [options] [server]

Refreshes all policies and bundles on one or more device, folder or group. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --service=[service] - Specifies a specific service to refresh. The service must be one of the following: registration, Log, policymanager, settings, inventory.
server-rename (srn) [options] [current name] [new name]

Renames a device.

server-remove-bundle (srb) [options] [server] [bundle] [...]

Removes the association between a server and one or more bundles. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in the 24-hour format.
  • --date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • --relative=[DD:HH:MM] - Specifies that the action must be performed at a time relative to now. The time must be in the DD:HH:MM format. A repeat frequency can be specified.
  • --weekly=[MWF] - Specifies the days of the week when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified days every week. For example, if you specify MWF, the action is executed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The values for the days of a week are:
  • Monday = M
  • Tuesday = TU
  • Wednesday = W
  • Thursday = TH
  • Friday = F
  • Saturday = SA
  • Sunday = SU
  • --monthly=[DD] - Specifies the day of the month the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified day every month. You can specify only one day and not multiple days.
  • --gmt - The specified time is taken as GMT. If this is not specified, the time is the local time of the device.
server-remove-catalog (src) [options] [server] [catalog] [...]

Removes the association between a device and one or more catalogs.

server-remove-policy (srp) [options] [server] [policy] [...]

Removes the association between a server and one or more policies.

ping [options]

Verifies whether the server is operational and responding.

Target Commands

These commands are used to create and manage the list of valid OS targets. Target commands begin with the word target in the long form, or with the letter t in the short form.

target-create (tc) [options] [name] [arch] [package manager] [primary role] [product name] [vendor] [version] [detect string]

Creates a new OS target. Accepts the following arguments:

  • Name - Target name, such as sles-9-i586.
  • Arch - Architecture, such as i586 or x86_64.
  • Package Manager - System package manager, such as rpm.
  • Primary Role - Role of the operating system, set to Server or Workstation.
  • Product Name - Name of the product, such as SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
  • Vendor - Product vendor, such as Novell or SUSE.
  • Version - Product version, such as 10 for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
  • Detect String - Location where the OS and version can be read on the system. For example, the SLES 9 detect string is <file source=“/etc/SuSE-release” substring=“SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9”/>. This detect string looks for “SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9” in /etc/SuSE-release to find a match for this target.
target-delete (td) [options] [target]

Deletes a user-defined OS target.

target-info (ti) [options] [target]

Displays detailed information about an OS target.

target-list (tl) [options]

Displays a list of current OS targets. Accepts the following option flag:

  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. Wildcards * and ? can be used if they are enclosed in quotation marks.
target-update (tu) [options] [target]

Modifies values for a user-created OS target. Accepts the following options:

  • --arch=[arch] - Specifies a new arch value.
  • --pkgmgr=[package manager] - Specifies a new Package Manager value.
  • --enable - Enables a disabled OS Target.
  • --disable - Disables an enabled OS Target.
  • --role=[primary role] - Specifies the primary role of this target.
  • --product=[product name] - Specifies a new product name.
  • --vendor=[vendor] - Specifies a new vendor.
  • --detect=[detect string] - Specifies the OS detection string.
  • --version=[version] - Specifies a new version.

Workstation Commands

These commands are used to manage workstations. Workstation commands begin with the word workstation in the long form, or with the letter w in the short form.

workstation-ack (wa) [options] [workstation name] [log ID] [...]

Acknowledges a message associated with a workstation.

workstation-add-bundle (wab) [options] [workstations] [bundle] [...]

Assigns one or more bundles to a device. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --dry-run - Simulates the transaction and does not make any changes on the managed device. This option is not applicable for File bundles.
  • -a, --allow-removal - Allows packages to be removed if there are conflicts. This option is not applicable for File bundles.
  • --push-now - Immediately pushes the bundle to the managed device.
  • --prepare-time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in 24-hour format.
  • --prepare-date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • --time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in 24-hour format.
  • --date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • ---relative=[DD:HH:MM] - Specifies that the action must be performed at a time relative to now. The time must be in the DD:HH:MM format. A repeat frequency can be specified.
  • --weekly=[MWF] - Specifies the days of the week when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified days every week. For example, if you specify MWF, the action is executed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The values for the days of a week are:
  • Monday = M
  • Tuesday = TU
  • Wednesday = W
  • Thursday = TH
  • Friday = F
  • Saturday = SA
  • Sunday = SU
  • --monthly=[DD] - Specifies the day of the month when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified day every month. You can specify only one day and not multiple days.
  • --gmt - The specified time is taken as GMT. If this is not specified, the time is the local time of the device.
  • --bundle-lock - Locks bundles on the managed devices from the server.
workstation-add-catalog (wac) [options] [workstation] [catalog]

Associates one or more catalogs with a device. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in 24-hour format.
  • --date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • ---relative=[DD:HH:MM] - Specifies that the action must be performed at a time relative to now. The time must be in the DD:HH:MM format. A repeat frequency can be specified.
  • --weekly=[MWF] - Specifies the days of the week when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified days every week. For example, if you specify MWF, the action is executed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The values for the days of a week are:
  • Monday = M
  • Tuesday = TU
  • Wednesday = W
  • Thursday = TH
  • Friday = F
  • Saturday = SA
  • Sunday = SU
  • --monthly=[DD] - Specifies the day of the month when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified day every month. You can specify only one day and not multiple days.
  • --gmt - The specified time is taken as GMT. If this is not specified, the time is the local time of the device.
workstation-add-policy (wap) [options] [workstation] [policy] [...]

Associates one or more policies with a device. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in the 24-hour format.
  • --date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • --relative=[DD:HH:MM] - Specifies that the action must be performed at a time relative to now. The time must be in the DD:HH:MM format. A repeat frequency can be specified.
  • --weekly=[MWF] - Specifies the days of the week when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified days every week. For example, if you specify MWF, the action is executed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The values for the days of a week are:
  • Monday = M
  • Tuesday = TU
  • Wednesday = W
  • Thursday = TH
  • Friday = F
  • Saturday = SA
  • Sunday = SU
  • --monthly=[DD] - Specifies the day of the month the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified day every month. You can specify only one day and not multiple days.
  • ---gmt - The specified time is taken as GMT. If this is not specified, the time is the local time of the device.
workstation-delete (wd) [options] [workstation name] [...]

Deletes one or more workstation devices, folders, or groups.

workstation-folder-create (wfc) [options] [folder name] [containing folder]

Creates a new folder.

workstation-group-add (wga) [options] [group] [workstation] [...]

Adds one or more workstations to a group.

workstation-group-create (wgc) [options] [group name] [containing folder]

Creates a new group.

workstation-group-members (wgm) [options] [group]

Lists workstations in a group.

workstation-group-remove (wgr) [options] [group] [workstation] [...]

Removes one or more workstations from a group.

workstation-info (wi) [options] [workstation]

Displays detailed information about the specified device.

workstation-list (wl) [options] [folder] [filter]

Lists the workstations contained in the specified folder. Accepts the following option flags:

  • -r,--recursive - Includes subfolders.
  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. Wildcards * and ? can be used if they are enclosed in quotation marks.
workstation-list-bundles (wlb) [options] [workstation]

Lists bundles associated with a workstation.

workstation-list-catalogs (wlc) [options] [workstation]

Lists catalogs associated with a device.

workstation-list-policies (wlp) [options] [workstation]

Lists policies associated with a device.

workstation-messages (wm) [options] [workstation name]

Displays a list of unacknowledged messages associated with the specified device. Accepts the following option flag:

  • -a, --all - Displays all messages including acknowledged messages.
workstation-move (wmv) [workstation name] [new folder]

Moves a workstation to a different folder.

workstation-refresh (wr) [options] [workstation name]

Refreshes all policies and bundles on one or more device, folder, or group. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --service=[service] - Specifies a specific service to refresh. Service must be one of the following: registration, Log, policymanager, settings, inventory.
workstation-rename (wrn) [options] [current name] [new name]

Renames a workstation.

workstation-remove-bundle (wrb) [options] [workstation] [bundle] [...]

Removes the association between a device and one or more bundles. Accepts the following option flags:

  • --time=[HH:MM] - Specifies a time of day when the action must be performed. The time must be specified in the HH:MM format, with hours in the 24-hour format.
  • --date=[YYYY-MM-DD] - Specifies a date when the action must be performed. The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • --relative=[DD:HH:MM] - Specifies that the action must be performed at a time relative to now. The time must be in the DD:HH:MM format. A repeat frequency can be specified.
  • --weekly=[MWF] - Specifies the days of the week when the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified days every week. For example, if you specify MWF, the action is executed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The values for the days of a week are:
  • Monday = M
  • Tuesday = TU
  • Wednesday = W
  • Thursday = TH
  • Friday = F
  • Saturday = SA
  • Sunday = SU
  • --monthly=[DD] - Specifies the day of the month the action must be performed. If specified, the action is repeated on the specified day every month. You can specify only one day and not multiple days.
  • --gmt - The specified time is taken as GMT. If this is not specified, the time is the local time of the device.
workstation-remove-catalog (wrc) [options] [workstation] [catalog] [...]

Removes the association between a device and one or more catalogs.

workstation-remove-policy (wrp) [options] [workstation] [policy] [...]

Removes the association between a device and the specified policies.

workstation-health (wh) [options]

Determines the health status of a device.

Policy Commands

These commands are used to modify and manage policies. Policies must be initially created using the ZENworks Control Center. Policy commands begin with the word policy in the long form, or with the letter p in the short form.

policy-delete (pd) [options] [policy] [...]

Deletes a policy.

policy-folder-create (pfc) [options] [name] [containing folder]

Creates a new folder for containing policies.

policy-group-add (pga) [options] [group] [policy] [...]

Adds a policy to a policy group.

policy-group-create (pgc) [options] [group name] [folder]

Creates a policy group.

policy-group-members (pgm) [options] [group]

Lists the members of a policy group.

policy-group-remove (pgr) [options] [group] [policy]

Removes a policy from a policy group.

policy-list (pl) [options] [folder] [filter]

Lists policies in a folder. Accepts the following option flags:

  • -r,--recursive - Includes subfolders.
  • -f,--filter - Displays options matching the specified filter. Wildcards * and ? can be used if they are enclosed in quotation marks.
policy-move (pmv) [options] [policy] [folder]

Moves a policy.

policy-rename (prn) [options] [existing name] [new name]

Renames a policy.

Report Commands

report-generate (rg) [options] [path] [outputfile] [format]

Generates the report located at [path], and saves the report to file specified in [outputfile] in the specified [format], which can be XML, CSV, or HTML.

Preference Management Commands

get (get) [options]

Lists the system preferences to be set.

set (set) [options] [preference name] [value]

Sets a preference variable.

Global Options

The following options can be applied to any zlman transaction:

-? , --help

Used without a command, this flag displays a list of commands and exits. Used with a command, it displays a list of available options for the command.

-U , --user=[username]

Provides a user name. If not provided, you are prompted.

-P , --password=[password]

Specifies a password. If not provided, you are prompted.


Specifies the log file. (default: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/zlman.log)

-d , --debug

Displays debugging output.


Prints the zlman version and exits.

-V , --verbose

Enables verbose output.


Quiet output; prints only error messages.


Ignores the ~/.zlmanrc file.


Specifies the host name to connect to. (default: localhost)


Specifies the port that the server is listening on. (default: 443)


Disables SSL for debugging purposes. The port must be set to the clear text port.

Time Formats

zlman understands a variety of time formats. You can use the following:

UNIX time

The number of seconds since January 1, 1970. For example, 1064503775.

Written date formats

Thu May 29 13:28:47 2003, Thu May 29 13:28:47 EDT 2003 and 29 May 2003 13:28:47 EDT are all valid.

Numeric date formats

All-numeric date formats such as 2003-05-29 13:28:47 or 03-05-29 13:28:47 will work. Dashes indicate dates, and colons indicate times. The order of the date numerals will vary by locale settings.

24-hour or 12-hour time

Both 13:28:47 and 1:28:47 PM are acceptable.

All times are converted to UTC, and used without regard to time zones. If you want to execute a transaction at a particular local time, you must create one transaction for each time zone.


Copyright 2005-2010, Novell, Inc.. All rights reserved.

See Also

rug (1) Novell, zlmmirror (1) Novell, zlm-debug (1) Novell, zrmservice (1) Novell, zmd (8) Novell

To report problems with this software or its documentation, visit Novell Bugzilla.