For a conceptual discussion of channels, packages, and patches, see the following topics:
The following tasks contain information on performing common channel operations:
In the Channels list, click the Create New Channels link.
Provide a name, description, and alias of your channel and click Save.
The alias is used when manipulating the channel with the command line tools. It should be unique and short, and cannot contain any spaces.
The new channel is created, and the Add/Edit channels page is displayed allowing you to provide information for the channel.
Modify the group using the Basic, Packages, Patches, and Permissions tabs. The options contained in each of these tabs are explained below:
In the Channels list, click the channel to which you want to add a package.
Click the Add Package link.
Browse to and select the package file, usually in RPM format.
Select the target platforms by moving them from the All Platforms list to the Selected Platforms list.
Select an importance, and optionally, provide a description.
Click Save.
If you have already created a package and you want to include additional target platforms, you can change the package information.
All packages you want to add to a package set must already exist in a channel.
In the Channels list, click the channel to which you want to add a package set.
Click the Add Package Set link.
Provide a name, summary, and version number for the package set, then click Next.
If you are updating an existing package set, the version number must be higher than previous version numbers or it is not updated by clients.
In the version number, the first number is the major version, the second is the minor version, and the third is the release number. You may choose any integer for each value.
In the package frobulator-1.3-5.i386.rpm, the major version is 1, the minor version is 3, and the release is 5. Major versions override minor versions, and minor versions override releases. Version numbers are not normal decimal numbers: After version 1.9, expect 1.10, pronounced "one point ten."
Select the target platform by moving it from the All Platforms list to the Selected Platforms list, then click Next.
NOTE: Novell recommends that you to create package sets for individual targets rather than for multiple targets.
Select the packages for this package set by selecting a channel, and searching for packages, and selecting the Add checkbox. When you have finished, click Next.
Enter additional package set dependency and conflict information if necessary, then click Save. Your new Package Set is created.
Conflict and dependency information for the package set supplements the information for the individual packages within it, so you do not necessarily need to add more information here.
You may set the following dependency information:
Packages or package sets replaced by this package set. If you do not specify a relation and version number (for example, "greater than or equal to 1.0.4"), your set will render obsolete all versions of the package you enter.
Packages which must be removed before the package set can be installed. If you do not specify a relation and version number (for example, "greater than or equal to 1.0.4"), your set will conflict with all versions of the package you enter.
Applications or libraries which are available in the package set.