jBroker® MQ 2.1

Class JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConnectionFactory, Object, QueueConnectionFactory, Referenceable, Serializable, XAConnectionFactory, XAQueueConnectionFactory

public class JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory
extends JMQConnectionFactory
implements XAQueueConnectionFactory

A client uses a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory to create JMQXAQueueConnection's.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Fields inherited from class com.sssw.jms.api.JMQConnectionFactory
Constructor Summary
          Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory.
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol)
          Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol.
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol, String clientId)
          Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, and client Id.
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol, String hostName, String clientId)
          Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, server hostname, and client id.
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol, String hostName, String clientId, int port)
          Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, server hostname, server port, client id.
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol, String hostName, String clientId, int port, JMQServerInfo[] servers)
          Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, cluster information, and client id.
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol, String hostName, String clientId, int port, String userName, String password)
          Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, server hostname, server port, client id, username, and password.
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol, String hostName, String clientId, int port, String userName, String password, JMQServerInfo[] servers)
          Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, cluster information, and client id.
Method Summary
 QueueConnection createQueueConnection()
          Create a QueueConnection using the factory's default configuration.
 QueueConnection createQueueConnection(String user, String password)
          Create a QueueConnection using the factory's default configuration and specified user name and password.
 XAConnection createXAConnection()
          Create an XAConnection using the factory's default configuration.
 XAConnection createXAConnection(String user, String password)
          Create an XAConnection using the factory's default configuration and specified user name and password.
 XAQueueConnection createXAQueueConnection()
          Create a XAQueueConnection using the factory's default configuration.
 XAQueueConnection createXAQueueConnection(String user, String password)
          Create a XAQueueConnection using the factory's default configuration and specified user name and password.
 String toString()
          Return a pretty printed string form of this connection factory
Methods inherited from class com.sssw.jms.api.JMQConnectionFactory
addCACertificate, createConnection, createConnection, getCipherSuites, getClientId, getDefaultPassword, getDefaultUserName, getHost, getPort, getProtocol, getReference, getServers, getType, isClientPull, setCertificateChain, setCertificateChain, setCipherSuites, setClientId, setClientPull, setDefaultPassword, setDefaultUserName, setHost, setPort, setProtocol, setServers
Methods inherited from class com.sssw.jbroker.orb.ValueWrapper
Methods inherited from class org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl
_create_request, _create_request, _duplicate, _get_delegate, _get_domain_managers, _get_interface_def, _get_policy, _hash, _invoke, _is_a, _is_equivalent, _is_local, _non_existent, _orb, _release, _releaseReply, _request, _request, _servant_postinvoke, _servant_preinvoke, _set_delegate, _set_policy_override, equals, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory()
Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory. The protocol defaults to IIOP_PROTOCOL.
See Also:


public JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol)
Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol. The client Id defaults to null.
protocol - the protocol used to communicate with the jBroker MQ server
See Also:
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String, String)


public JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol,
                                   String clientId)
Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, and client Id. The hostname defaults to "localhost".
protocol - the protocol used to communicate with the jBroker MQ server
clientId - the client identifier used by default by connections created using this factory
See Also:
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String, String, String)


public JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol,
                                   String hostName,
                                   String clientId)
Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, server hostname, and client id. The default port 3506 is used.
protocol - the protocol used to communicate with the jBroker MQ server
hostName - the host name of jBroker MQ server
clientId - the client identifier used by default by connections created using this factory
See Also:
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String, String, String, int)


public JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol,
                                   String hostName,
                                   String clientId,
                                   int port)
Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, server hostname, server port, client id. The username and password are set to null.
protocol - the protocol used to communicate with the jBroker MQ server
hostName - the host name of jBroker MQ server
clientId - the client identifier used by default by connections created using this factory
port - the port where jBroker MQ server is running
See Also:
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String, String, String, int, String, String)


public JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol,
                                   String hostName,
                                   String clientId,
                                   int port,
                                   JMQServerInfo[] servers)
Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, cluster information, and client id. The username and password are set to null.
protocol - the protocol used to communicate with the jBroker MQ server
hostName - the host name of the primary jBroker MQ server
clientId - the client identifier used by default by connections created using this factory
port - the port where jBroker MQ server is running
servers - an array of host/port pairs for servers in cluster
See Also:
JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String, String, String, int, String, String, JMQServerInfo[])


public JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol,
                                   String hostName,
                                   String clientId,
                                   int port,
                                   String userName,
                                   String password)
Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, server hostname, server port, client id, username, and password.
protocol - the protocol used to communicate with the jBroker MQ server
hostName - the host name of jBroker MQ server
clientId - the client identifier used by default by connections created using this factory
port - the port where jBroker MQ server is running
userName - default user name when creating connections using this factory
password - default password when creating connections using this factory


public JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory(String protocol,
                                   String hostName,
                                   String clientId,
                                   int port,
                                   String userName,
                                   String password,
                                   JMQServerInfo[] servers)
Construct a JMQXAQueueConnectionFactory with a given protocol, cluster information, and client id. The username and password are set to null.
protocol - the protocol used to communicate with the jBroker MQ server
hostName - the host name of the primary jBroker MQ server
clientId - the client identifier used by default by connections created using this factory
port - the port where jBroker MQ server is running
userName - default user name when creating connections using this factory
password - default password when creating connections using this factory
servers - an array of host/port pairs for servers in cluster
Method Detail


public XAConnection createXAConnection()
                                throws JMSException
Create an XAConnection using the factory's default configuration.
a newly created XAConnection object.
jBroker MQ 2.1


public XAConnection createXAConnection(String user,
                                       String password)
                                throws JMSException
Create an XAConnection using the factory's default configuration and specified user name and password.
userName - connection user name
password - connection password
a newly created XAConnection object.
jBroker MQ 2.1


public QueueConnection createQueueConnection()
                                      throws JMSException
Create a QueueConnection using the factory's default configuration.
Specified by:
createQueueConnection in interface QueueConnectionFactory
a newly created QueueConnection object.


public QueueConnection createQueueConnection(String user,
                                             String password)
                                      throws JMSException
Create a QueueConnection using the factory's default configuration and specified user name and password.
Specified by:
createQueueConnection in interface QueueConnectionFactory
userName - connection user name
password - connection password
a newly created QueueConnection object.


public XAQueueConnection createXAQueueConnection()
                                          throws JMSException
Create a XAQueueConnection using the factory's default configuration.
Specified by:
createXAQueueConnection in interface XAQueueConnectionFactory
a newly created XAQueueConnection object.


public XAQueueConnection createXAQueueConnection(String user,
                                                 String password)
                                          throws JMSException
Create a XAQueueConnection using the factory's default configuration and specified user name and password.
Specified by:
createXAQueueConnection in interface XAQueueConnectionFactory
userName - connection user name
password - connection password
a newly created XAQueueConnection object.


public String toString()
Description copied from class: JMQConnectionFactory
Return a pretty printed string form of this connection factory
toString in class JMQConnectionFactory
Following copied from class: com.sssw.jms.api.JMQConnectionFactory
string form of object

jBroker® MQ 2.1

jBroker is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc.
Copyright 1998-2003 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.