A.4 Enabling Debug Logging

A.4.1 Enabling Debug Logging for Filr

  1. In a text editor, open the log4j.properties file from both of the following directories:


  2. Uncomment each line for which you want to enable debug logging in the log4j.properties file.

    For example, to trace file synchronization and accesses through mirrored folders, uncomment the following lines in the log4j.properties file:


    To trace interactions with resource drivers, uncomment the following lines in the log4j.properties file:

  3. Monitor the /var/opt/novell/tomcat-filr/logs/appserver.log file.

A.4.2 Enabling Debug Logging for FAMT

Setting Debug Logging for FAMT

  1. From the command line of the Filr appliance, change to the following directory:


  2. Set the FAMT log level as follows:

    ./famtconfig -s loglevel 4


    To view the current log level:

    ./famtconfig -g loglevel

Viewing FAMT Log Files

  1. Change to the following location on the Filr server:


    The famtd.log, debug, and core files are available for debugging functionality issues related to FAMT.

Clearing FAMT Log Files

  1. Run the following command to clear the log files:


    FAMT logs are rotated after the log size exceeds 5MB.