Before you install iFolder, you must plan the setup that is suitable for your enterprise. You should organize the deployment based on your current requirements, the quality of service required, and the projected needs for future growth.
Before you deploy iFolder, consider the following:
A iFolder server has the following hardware requirements:
A server class machine for Open Enterprise Server 2015 SP1
A minimum of 2 GB RAM
200 GB dedicated storage (200 MB storage per user for 1000 users)
Minimum 100 Mbps dedicated NIC
A iFolder server has the following software requirements:
Apache* configured in work mode
Apache configured for traditional NIC
The iFolder client supports the following workstation operating systems:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 10 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 11 SP1 64-bit
openSUSE 11.4
NOTE:The iFolder Linux client requires the Mono framework for Linux and a GNOME desktop for iFolder Nautilus plug-in support.
Windows XP SP3 32-bit
Windows Vista SP1
Windows 7
Macintosh OS X 32-bit (Intel architecture) v10.5 and later (requires Mono PowerPc architecture is not supported.
Based on your security requirements, you can create an encrypted iFolder or a normal iFolder. The communication between the iFolder server, clients, Web Admin server, and Web Access server can be set to non-SSL or SSL (secure) or both.
For more information, see the following:
iFolder 3.9.2 Administration Guide
iFolder 3.9.2 Cross-Platform User Guide
For detailed information on encryption and key recovery, refer to the following guides:
iFolder 3.9.2 Cross-Platform User Guide
iFolder 3.9.2 Security Administration Guide