2.7 Scanning Mobile Devices

Mobile inventory scan retrieves various hardware and apps information of the device. Device inventory can be retrieved by performing device refresh if inventory schedule is due. By default, inventory schedule is 24 hours. However, it can configured. For more information see, Scheduling Mobile Inventory Scan.

Device refresh can be performed in any of the following ways:

2.7.1 In ZENworks Control Center

  1. In ZENworks Control Center, click Devices, and then click Mobile Devices.

  2. Click the folder with the desired device(s) and select one or more devices that you want to inventory.

  3. Click Quick Task > Refresh Device.

2.7.2 In ZENworks EUP (End User Portal)

  1. Log into the ZENworks End User Portal

  2. Click the refresh button adjutant to the device.

2.7.3 In the ZENworks Agent app

Open the ZENworks Agent App on the device, and then click the refresh button.

2.7.4 Scheduling Mobile Inventory Scan

By default, the inventory scan is performed on the device for every 24 hours. However, it can be configured in the mobileinventory.property file.

  1. Open the property file.

    On Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%/conf

    On Linux: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/mobileinventory.properties

  2. Edit the InventoryScheduleinHours parameter.

    By default, InventoryScheduleinHours is 24. Based on requirements, you can modify the parameter.

NOTE:The inventory data will be updated only after the scheduled time is lapsed.

Following are some of the features that can be configured in the mobileinventory.property file.

  • Mobile Inventory Scan: You can configure the InventoryEnabled parameter to enable or disable the mobile inventory scan.

  • Collect Non-managed App details: You can configure the CollectNonManagedAPP parameter to enable or disable the collection of non-managed app details.

  • Collect System App details: You can configure the CollectSystemApp parameter to enable or disable collection of the system app details.