Novell exteNd
Director 5.2 API

Class EboStringMisc


public class EboStringMisc
extends Object

Provides miscellaneous routines that manipulate Strings.

Field Summary
static String DOT
          A constant for "." (the 'dot' character as a String).
static String m_emptyStr
          An empty String.
static String[] m_emptyStrArray
          An empty String array.
static String NULL
          A constant for "null".
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static String[] clone(String[] strArray)
          Fully clones a String array.
static String collectionToString(Collection coll, String delim)
          Converts the passed in Collection of objects to a delimited String.
static int containsAnyChar(String s, String characters)
          The index of the first occurrance of any character of one string in another.
static boolean containsIgnoreCase(String[] sa, String string)
          Returns true if the string array contains the specified string, ignoring case.
static String createPath(String base, String relative, String separator)
          Creates a path, given the base and the relative path.
static String createPath(String base, String relative, String ext, String separator, boolean useExtInRelative)
          Creates a path, given a base path, a relative path, and an extension.
static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String s, String suffix)
          Checks whether the specified String ends with the specified suffix, in a case-insensitive manner.
static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String[] sa1, String[] sa2)
          Compares two String arrays and returns true if the two arrays have the same length and contain the same String values.
static String escape(String in, String escapeCharacters)
          Escapes special characters with backslashes in the specified String.
static String filePathToPackageName(String filePath)
          Converts a java file path string with either '\' or '/' to a package syntax ('.')
static int findMatchingChar(String str, int offset, int ch)
          Finds a matching character in the specified String.
static int[] findNextJavaToken(String str, int offset)
          A helper routine to find the next Java token in a String.
static int[] findNextJavaWord(String str, int offset)
          A helper routine to find the next Java ID in a String.
static int[] findPrevJavaToken(String str, int offset)
          Finds the previous Java token in a String.
static int[] findPrevJavaWord(String str, int offset)
          A helper routine to find the previous Java ID in a String.
static int findWhitespace(String str, int offset)
          Searches for the next character in the specified string that is whitespace, starting with the given offset.
static int findWord(String in, int offset, String word, String wordChars)
          Finds whole words in a String.
static String firstPart(String string, char c)
          Returns the part of the string before the first occurrence of the specified character.
static String getBaseName(String fullyQualifiedName)
          Returns a new string with the extension (last .*) chopped off.
static String getEncoding(String val)
          Return a character string representing the encoding of the characters in this buffer.
static String getEncodingName(String name)
          The names of the encodings used in java are not well defined The current ones in use are, worse still, not named with the correct IANA name (see or specifically This routine will take a name of an encoding and return a string that can be used in various java APIs (like String.getBytes(String enc)).
static String getExtension(String fullyQualifiedName)
          Returns the extension of the name or null if no extension was found
static boolean isAsciiChar(char c)
          Checks if the specified character is an ASCII one.
static boolean isAsciiString(String s)
          Checks for non-ASCII characters in the specified String.
static boolean isEmpty(String s)
          Checks to see whether the specified String is null or empty.
static boolean isWhitespace(String str)
          Check to see if the specified String contains nothing but whitespace characters.
static boolean isWideChar(char c)
          Checks for characters with the high byte set.
static boolean isWideCharIncluded(String s)
          Checks if the specified String includes characters with the high byte set.
static String javaEscape(String in)
          Escapes a string for inclusion in generated Java code.
static String lastPart(String string, char c)
          Returns the part of the string after the last occurrence of the specified character.
static String packageNameToFilePath(String packageName, char separatorChar)
          Converts a java package name string with '.'s to a file path syntax using the given directory separator char.
static int prevSkipWhite(String str, int offset)
          Returns the index of the previous character in the string that is not whitespace or -1 if no more whitespace
static String readLongString(com.sssw.fw.util.DataInput in)
          No information available
static String removeBadCharacters(String s, String okCharacters)
          Removes "bad" characters from a String.
static String removeExtension(String string)
          Returns the part of the string before the last occurrence of '.'.
static String removeTrailingFileSeparator(String str)
          Returns a new string with a trailing "/" or "\" removed or the original string if no trailing "/" or "\" exists.
static String removeTrailingSlash(String str)
          Returns a new string with a trailing "/" removed or the original string if no trailing "/" exists.
static String replaceString(String in, String find, String replace)
          Replaces all occurrences of one String with another String in the specified master String.
static String replaceStringIgnoreCase(String in, String find, String replace)
          Finds occurrences of one String in another and replaces them with the specified replacement String.
static String replaceWord(String in, String word, String replace, String wordChars)
          Finds/replaces whole words.
static int safeCompare(String s1, String s2)
          Safely compares two strings.
static boolean safeEquals(String s1, String s2, boolean ignoreCase)
          Safely tests two strings for equality.
static String safeToString(Object obj)
          Return a non-null String representation of the passed-in object.
static int skipWhite(String str, int offset)
          Skips the whitespace characters, if any, in the given string, starting from the specified offset.
static String[] split(String str, String seps)
          Breaks up the specified String into tokens, given a delimiter String.
static String[] splitPath(String path)
          Splits the passed in path into a filename and an extension.
static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String string, String start)
          Checks in a case-insensitive manner whether the string begins with the text of 'start'
static String stringArrayToString(String[] ar, String delim)
          Converts a string array into a single string.
static Vector stringArrayToVector(String[] ar)
          Converts a String array to Vector.
static Collection stringToCollection(String s, String delim)
          Given a String and a delimiter sequence, parses the String out into a Collection of tokens that are separated by the delimiter within the String.
static Vector stringToVector(String s)
          Parses the passed in String (containing newline characters) into a Vector of Strings.
static Vector stringToVector(String s, String delim)
          Tokenizes the specified String using the passed in delimiter.
static String stripChars(String s, String strippedChars)
          Returns a new string with the given characters stripped from the orginal string.
static String[] toStringArray(String str)
          Wraps a given String in an array.
static String toUnicodeEscapeString(String str)
          Gets a unicode-escape String.
static String translateString(String in, String[] args)
          Translates the specified String.
static String translateStringEx(String in, Object[] args)
          Translates a String.
static String unescape(String in, String escapeCharacters)
          Undoes the effects of the escape method.
static String unsignedHexString(int value)
          Returns an unsigned Hex String corresponding to the passed in integer value.
static void writeLongString(String str, com.sssw.fw.util.DataOutput out)
          No information available
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static String[] m_emptyStrArray
An empty String array.


public static String m_emptyStr
An empty String.


public static String DOT
A constant for "." (the 'dot' character as a String).


public static String NULL
A constant for "null".
Constructor Detail


public EboStringMisc()
Method Detail


public static String firstPart(String string,
                               char c)
Returns the part of the string before the first occurrence of the specified character. If the character does not exist in the string, returns an empty string. E.g. firstPart("com.sssw.fw.util.EboStringMisc", '.') returns "com".
string - the string to search in
c - the character to search for
the part of the string before the first occurrence of c


public static String lastPart(String string,
                              char c)
Returns the part of the string after the last occurrence of the specified character. If the character does not exist in the string, returns an empty string. E.g. lastPart("com.sssw.fw.util.EboStringMisc", '.') returns "EboStringMisc".
string - the string to search in
c - the character to search for
the part of the string after the last occurrence of the specified character, or an empty string if not found


public static String removeExtension(String string)
Returns the part of the string before the last occurrence of '.'. E.g. removeExtension("image.gif") returns "image". E.g. removeExtension("xxx") returns "xxx".
string - the string to process
the part of the string before the last occurrence of '.'


public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String string,
                                           String start)
Checks in a case-insensitive manner whether the string begins with the text of 'start'
string - the string to test
start - the string to test for
true if the string begins with the text of 'start', disregarding the case


public static boolean containsIgnoreCase(String[] sa,
                                         String string)
Returns true if the string array contains the specified string, ignoring case.
sa - the string array
string - the string to search for
true if the string array contains the specified string, ignoring case, false otherwise


public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String[] sa1,
                                       String[] sa2)
Compares two String arrays and returns true if the two arrays have the same length and contain the same String values. Note: the String values do not have to be in the same order. This is a case insensitive comparison.
sa1 - the first String array
sa2 - the second String array
true if the two arrays have the same length and contain the same String values


public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String s,
                                         String suffix)
Checks whether the specified String ends with the specified suffix, in a case-insensitive manner.
s - the string
suffix - the suffix
true if the specified String ends with the specified suffix, in a case-insensitive manner


public static String removeTrailingSlash(String str)
Returns a new string with a trailing "/" removed or the original string if no trailing "/" exists.
str - the string to process
the processed string


public static String removeTrailingFileSeparator(String str)
Returns a new string with a trailing "/" or "\" removed or the original string if no trailing "/" or "\" exists.
str - the string to process
the processed string


public static String[] clone(String[] strArray)
Fully clones a String array.
strArray - the String array to copy
clone of the String Array


public static boolean isEmpty(String s)
Checks to see whether the specified String is null or empty.
s - the String to check
true if the specified String is null or empty, false otherwise


public static String replaceString(String in,
                                   String find,
                                   String replace)
Replaces all occurrences of one String with another String in the specified master String.
in - the String to replace occurrences in
find - the String to find in the master String
replace - the String to replace the occurrences of 'find' with
the resulting String


public static String replaceStringIgnoreCase(String in,
                                             String find,
                                             String replace)
Finds occurrences of one String in another and replaces them with the specified replacement String. The search is done in a case-insensitive manner.
in - the String to replace in
find - the String to find
replace - the String to replace with
the resulting String


public static String replaceWord(String in,
                                 String word,
                                 String replace,
                                 String wordChars)
Finds/replaces whole words.
in - the input string.
word - the word to find and replace in the input string.
replace - the string to replace each occurrance of "word" with.
wordChars - the characters (outside of alphabetic range) that can be considered part of a word. For example for replacing words in Java source one might pass "_0123456789"
the resulting String
See Also:
EboEditBuffer, replaceString


public static int findWord(String in,
                           int offset,
                           String word,
                           String wordChars)
Finds whole words in a String.
in - the input string.
offset - the offset to start the search from.
word - the word to find in the input string.
wordChars - the characters (outside of alphabetic range) that can be considered part of a word. For example for replacing words in Java source one might pass "_0123456789"
the index of the first occurrance of the word or -1 if not found
See Also:
EboEditBuffer, replaceString, replaceWord


public static int[] findPrevJavaToken(String str,
                                      int offset)
Finds the previous Java token in a String. A token is either a Java ID or a number. If offset is within a java string, finds the previous ID, not this one.
str - the input string.
offset - the offset to start the search from.
an array of indecies where ary[0] is the starting index of the Java identifier, ary[1] is the ending index. If a Java identifier was not found then both entires will be -1.
See Also:
EboEditBuffer, findWord, replaceString, replaceWord, findNextJavaToken, findPrevJavaWord, findNextJavaWord


public static int[] findPrevJavaWord(String str,
                                     int offset)
A helper routine to find the previous Java ID in a String. If offset is within a java string we find the previous ID, not this one.
str - the input string.
offset - the offset to start the search from.
an array of indecies where ary[0] is the starting index of the Java identifier, ary[1] is the ending index. If a Java identifier was not found then both entires will be -1.
See Also:
EboEditBuffer, findWord, replaceString, replaceWord


public static int[] findNextJavaToken(String str,
                                      int offset)
A helper routine to find the next Java token in a String. A token is either a Java ID or number. If offset is within a java string we find the next ID, not this one.
str - the input string.
offset - the offset to start the search from.
an array of indecies where ary[0] is the starting index of the Java identifier, ary[1] is the ending index. If a Java identifier was not found then both entires will be -1.
See Also:
EboEditBuffer, findWord, replaceString, replaceWord, findPrevJavaToken, findPrevJavaWord, findNextJavaToken, findNextJavaWord


public static int[] findNextJavaWord(String str,
                                     int offset)
A helper routine to find the next Java ID in a String. If offset is within a Java string then get the next one.
str - the input string.
offset - the offset to start the search from.
an array of indecies where ary[0] is the starting index of the Java identifier, ary[1] is the ending index. If a Java identifier was not found then both entires will be -1.
See Also:
EboEditBuffer, findWord, replaceString, replaceWord


public static int skipWhite(String str,
                            int offset)
Skips the whitespace characters, if any, in the given string, starting from the specified offset.
str - the string to search
offset - the offset to start the search from
the index of the next character in the string that is not whitespace or -1 if no more whitespace


public static int findWhitespace(String str,
                                 int offset)
Searches for the next character in the specified string that is whitespace, starting with the given offset.
str - - the string to search
offset - - the offset to start the search from
the index of the next character in the string that is whitespace or -1 if no more whitespace


public static boolean isWhitespace(String str)
Check to see if the specified String contains nothing but whitespace characters.
str - the string to test
true if the string contains nothing but whitespace


public static int prevSkipWhite(String str,
                                int offset)
Returns the index of the previous character in the string that is not whitespace or -1 if no more whitespace
str - the string to search
offset - the offset to start the search from
the index of the previous character in the string that is not whitespace or -1 if no more whitespace


public static int findMatchingChar(String str,
                                   int offset,
                                   int ch)
Finds a matching character in the specified String.
str - the string to search
offset - the offset to start the search from
ch - the character to whose match should be search for, can be one of the following:
  • '(' - search forward, filtering out nested ()'s
  • ')' - search backward, filtering out nested ()'s
  • '[' - search forward, filtering out nested []'s
  • ']' - search backward, filtering out nested []'s
  • '{' - search forward, filtering out nested {}'s
  • '}' - search backward, filtering out nested {}'s
the index of the matching character to the one given or -1 if no match or unrecognized character was given. The character at offset is assumed to be within the matching pair. It should not be one of the end characters


public static String translateString(String in,
                                     String[] args)
Translates the specified String.
See Also:


public static String translateStringEx(String in,
                                       Object[] args)
Translates a String. This method is like translateString. There are two differences. 1. args is an Object[] rather than a String[] 2. replacement tokens in the string must be in the for of %xxx% rather than %x.


public static String escape(String in,
                            String escapeCharacters)
Escapes special characters with backslashes in the specified String. E.g. escape("1234", "24") => "1\23\4"
in - The string to be modified
escapeCharacters - The list of escape characters
escaped String


public static String unescape(String in,
                              String escapeCharacters)
Undoes the effects of the escape method.
in - the string to be modified
escapeCharacters - the list of escape characters
the unescaped String


public static String javaEscape(String in)
Escapes a string for inclusion in generated Java code. Escapes double-quotes and backslashes with backslashes. Also changes all characters where the high byte is set, to the Unicode escape sequence \\uXXXX


public static String unsignedHexString(int value)
Returns an unsigned Hex String corresponding to the passed in integer value.
value - the integer value
the unsinged Hex String value


public static int containsAnyChar(String s,
                                  String characters)
The index of the first occurrance of any character of one string in another.
s - the string to search.
characters - the characters to search for in 's'.
the index of the first occurrance of any character of 'characters' string in 's' or -1 if none found


public static String removeBadCharacters(String s,
                                         String okCharacters)
Removes "bad" characters from a String. Replaces "bad" characters with underscores, but only where it would look nice. For example: removeBadCharacters("ab$*^ab#%##ab", "%.,") yields "ab_ab_%_ab". Note: all letters, digits, and underscores are always assumed to be "OK" characters.
s - the String to process
okCharacters - the "OK" characters
the resulting String


public static String stripChars(String s,
                                String strippedChars)
Returns a new string with the given characters stripped from the orginal string.
s - the String to process
strippedChars - the characters that are to be stripped from the specified String
a new string with the given characters stripped from the orginal string


public static String getEncoding(String val)
Return a character string representing the encoding of the characters in this buffer. As a performance optimization for sending Strings across the wire, we check to see whether the entire String is Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1), and if so, return that. Otherwise, we return "unicode", since that's what we are.


public static String getEncodingName(String name)
The names of the encodings used in java are not well defined The current ones in use are, worse still, not named with the correct IANA name (see or specifically This routine will take a name of an encoding and return a string that can be used in various java APIs (like String.getBytes(String enc)). It will translate what it knows and otherwise return the input string. No guarantee is made that the encoder is actually installed IANA character set names are case insensitive and limited to 40 characters. It's unclear if java encoding names have any limitations or descriptions. The built in table was generated by taking all the IANA names and aliases of each charset listed in the JDK 1.1 i18n documention. If this list is too large trim it to only the 19 preferred MIME names listed in the comment as MIME


public static Vector stringToVector(String s)
Parses the passed in String (containing newline characters) into a Vector of Strings.
s - the String to process
a Vector of lines extracted from the String


public static Vector stringToVector(String s,
                                    String delim)
Tokenizes the specified String using the passed in delimiter.
s - the String to tokenize
delim - the delimiter to use
a Vector filled with tokens


public static Collection stringToCollection(String s,
                                            String delim)
Given a String and a delimiter sequence, parses the String out into a Collection of tokens that are separated by the delimiter within the String.
s - the String to parse
delim - the delimiter String
a Collection of tokens, or empty Collection if none


public static Vector stringArrayToVector(String[] ar)
Converts a String array to Vector. If the array is null, returns an empty Vector.
ar - the array to convert
the resulting Vector


public static String stringArrayToString(String[] ar,
                                         String delim)
Converts a string array into a single string. E.g. if the array contains "A", "B", and "C" and the delimiter is ", ", then the resulting string will be "A, B, C".
ar - the array to convert
delim - the delimiter to use
converted string


public static String collectionToString(Collection coll,
                                        String delim)
Converts the passed in Collection of objects to a delimited String. The toString methods of the Collection member objects are used to get the String representation of the objects.
coll - the Collection to convert
delim - the delimiter to use
the resulting String


public static String[] toStringArray(String str)
Wraps a given String in an array.
str - the String to wrap as a String array
a String array whose 0-th and only element is the specified String


public static String[] split(String str,
                             String seps)
Breaks up the specified String into tokens, given a delimiter String.
str - the String to split
seps - the delimiter String
an array of String tokens


public static String filePathToPackageName(String filePath)
Converts a java file path string with either '\' or '/' to a package syntax ('.')
filePath - the file path to convert.
a Java file path string with either '\' or '/' replaced with '.'s


public static String packageNameToFilePath(String packageName,
                                           char separatorChar)
Converts a java package name string with '.'s to a file path syntax using the given directory separator char.
packageName - the string to convert to file path syntax
separatorChar - the separator character to use when replacing '.'s in the package name


public static String getBaseName(String fullyQualifiedName)
Returns a new string with the extension (last .*) chopped off. If no '.' is found then the original string is returned.


public static String getExtension(String fullyQualifiedName)
Returns the extension of the name or null if no extension was found
fullyQualifiedName - the filename to get extension from
the file extension or null if none


public static String[] splitPath(String path)
Splits the passed in path into a filename and an extension. The extension has to be one of the file extensions registered in the Director Framework Service subsystem's config.xml file.
path - the path to split
a String array where the 0-the element is the base filename and the first element is the extension, if any (null if no registered extension was matched)


public static String createPath(String base,
                                String relative,
                                String ext,
                                String separator,
                                boolean useExtInRelative)
Creates a path, given a base path, a relative path, and an extension.
base - the base path, if any (null may be passed in)
relative - the relative path, if any (null may be passed in)
ext - extension, if any
separator - the path separator; if null, the system-dependent default name-separator character ( is used
useExtInRelative - if true, any extension found in the relative path, is used as the extension in the returned path, otherwise the value of the ext parameter is used
the resulting path


public static String createPath(String base,
                                String relative,
                                String separator)
Creates a path, given the base and the relative path.
base - the base path
relative - the relative path
separator - separator, if any (defaults to
the resulting path


public static String readLongString(com.sssw.fw.util.DataInput in)
                             throws com.sssw.fw.util.IOException
No information available


public static void writeLongString(String str,
                                   com.sssw.fw.util.DataOutput out)
                            throws com.sssw.fw.util.IOException
No information available


public static boolean isAsciiChar(char c)
Checks if the specified character is an ASCII one.
c - the character to check
true if ASCII character, false otherwise


public static boolean isAsciiString(String s)
Checks for non-ASCII characters in the specified String.
s - the String to check
boolean true if all characters are ASCII, false if at least one character is non-ASCII


public static boolean isWideChar(char c)
Checks for characters with the high byte set.
c - the character to check
true if the character's high byte is set, false otherwise


public static boolean isWideCharIncluded(String s)
Checks if the specified String includes characters with the high byte set.
s - the String to check
true if the string includes characters with the high byte set, false otherwise


public static boolean safeEquals(String s1,
                                 String s2,
                                 boolean ignoreCase)
Safely tests two strings for equality. The passed in strings may be null.
s1 - the first string
s2 - the second string
ignoreCase - if true, ignore case, otherwise, compare in the case-sensitive manner
true if the two String's are equal


public static int safeCompare(String s1,
                              String s2)
Safely compares two strings. The passed in strings may be null.
s1 - the first string
s2 - the second string
the result of comparison; 0 if equal, a value less than 0 if s1 precedes s2, and a value more than 0 if s2 precedes s1


public static String toUnicodeEscapeString(String str)
Gets a unicode-escape String.


public static String safeToString(Object obj)
Return a non-null String representation of the passed-in object.
obj - the object
the result of calling toString on the passed-in object, or EboStringMisc.NULL if the object is null

Novell exteNd
Director 5.2 API