Class Summary |
EboByteBuffer |
EboByteBuffer is a wrapper class around a byte array. |
EboByteBufferInputStream |
This class is similar to the standard ByteArrayInputStream. |
EboByteBufferOutputStream |
This class is similar to the standard ByteArrayOutputStream. |
EboCharBuffer |
EboCharBuffer is a wrapper class around a char array. |
EboComparator |
This class is the default implementation of the
com.sssw.fw.api.EbiComparator interface. |
EboConvert |
This class provides static conversion routines between various Java types. |
EboCookieUtil |
This class provides methods for working with Cookies from the Browser response
specified in the context object. |
EboEditBuffer |
This is a utility class that is a variant of a string buffer optimized
for text replacement operations |
EboEncodeHelper |
This utility class provides helper methods for url string encoding/decoding. |
EboExceptionHelper |
This class contains helper methods that are related to exceptions and
exception handling. |
EboFormat |
The EboFormat class provides static helper methods to
format long, double, date, time and datetime objects. |
EboIntegerComparator |
This class is an implementation of the com.sssw.fw.api.EbiComparator
interface. |
EboMailHelper |
Provides mail utility methods. |
EboMimeTypeHelper |
Helper class that provides dynamic file/extension-to-mimetype
mapping utility methods. |
EboMisc |
This is a utility class for some useful String operations. |
EboParameterHolder |
Form data decoder. |
EboParse |
The EboParse class provides static methods to perform parsing of the strings
representing long, double, date, time and timestamp objects. |
EboQSort |
This class provides utility methods for sorting groups of
objects of the same type. |
EboRequestHelper |
HTTP Servlet Request and Portlet Request- related utilities. |
EboSqlHelper |
This class contains SQL-related utility methods that are used by
objects generating and executing queries. |
EboStreamHelper |
Useful utility methods to handle frequently duplicated actions on Streams |
EboStringMisc |
Provides miscellaneous routines that manipulate Strings. |
EboUrlHelper |
This class contains URL helper methods. |
Universally Unique Identifier |
EboXmlUtil |
Deprecated. Use EboXmlUtil in com.novell.afw.util. |