Novell exteNd
Director 5.2 API

Package com.sssw.fw.util

Class Summary
EboByteBuffer EboByteBuffer is a wrapper class around a byte array.
EboByteBufferInputStream EboByteBufferInputStream This class is similar to the standard ByteArrayInputStream.
EboByteBufferOutputStream EboByteBufferOutputStream This class is similar to the standard ByteArrayOutputStream.
EboCharBuffer EboCharBuffer is a wrapper class around a char array.
EboComparator This class is the default implementation of the com.sssw.fw.api.EbiComparator interface.
EboConvert This class provides static conversion routines between various Java types.
EboCookieUtil This class provides methods for working with Cookies from the Browser response specified in the context object.
EboEditBuffer This is a utility class that is a variant of a string buffer optimized for text replacement operations
EboEncodeHelper This utility class provides helper methods for url string encoding/decoding.
EboExceptionHelper This class contains helper methods that are related to exceptions and exception handling.
EboFormat The EboFormat class provides static helper methods to format long, double, date, time and datetime objects.
EboIntegerComparator This class is an implementation of the com.sssw.fw.api.EbiComparator interface.
EboMailHelper Provides mail utility methods.
EboMimeTypeHelper Helper class that provides dynamic file/extension-to-mimetype mapping utility methods.
EboMisc This is a utility class for some useful String operations.
EboParameterHolder Form data decoder.
EboParse The EboParse class provides static methods to perform parsing of the strings representing long, double, date, time and timestamp objects.
EboQSort This class provides utility methods for sorting groups of objects of the same type.
EboRequestHelper HTTP Servlet Request and Portlet Request- related utilities.
EboSqlHelper This class contains SQL-related utility methods that are used by objects generating and executing queries.
EboStreamHelper Useful utility methods to handle frequently duplicated actions on Streams
EboStringMisc Provides miscellaneous routines that manipulate Strings.
EboUrlHelper This class contains URL helper methods.
EboUUID Universally Unique Identifier
EboXmlUtil Deprecated. Use EboXmlUtil in com.novell.afw.util.

Exception Summary
EboURLDecoderException The base class of declared exceptions thrown by methods in HTTP parameter utility helper classes.

Novell exteNd
Director 5.2 API