48.2 Performing Basic DVA Configuration

48.2.1 Setting the DVA Home Directory

By default, the DVA creates its working directory named gwdva.dir under the directory where the DVA is installed. The location varies by platform:

The DVA working directory has four subdirectories (log, quarantine, temp, and template). If this directory consumes more disk space than you want consumed in a software subdirectory, you can move it to a different location on the local server or to a location on a remote server.

  1. Open the gwdva.dva file in a text editor.

  2. Search to find the following switch:

  3. Remove the semicolon (;) to activate the setting.

  4. Specify the full path name for the DVA working directory., for example:




    c:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise Server\gwdva

    On Windows, if you are running the DVA as a Windows service rather than as an application, the format you use for the path name influences the Windows user account that the DVA service can run under. If you specify a home directory on the local server or on a mapped drive, the DVA service can run under the local system account. If you specify a home directory as a UNC path to a remote server, the DVA service must run as a Windows user that has rights to access the remote home directory.

    IMPORTANT:For simplicity of DVA administration, running the DVA as the Windows Administrator user is highly recommended.

  5. (Optional) Use the --log, --temp, and --template switches to move these subdirectories out from under the DVA working directory. The quarantine directory cannot be moved.

  6. Save the gwdva.dva file.

  7. Skip to Section 48.4, Putting DVA Configuration Changes into Effect.

48.2.2 Changing the DVA IP Address or Port Number

The DVA communicates with the other programs (the WebAccess Application, the POA, and the DVA Web console) by way of HTTP. By default, the DVA uses the first IP address it finds on the server and listens on port 8301.

  1. Open the gwdva.dva file in a text editor.

  2. Change the IP address:

    1. Search to find the following switch:

    2. Remove the semicolon (;) to activate the setting.

    3. Specify the IP address that you want the DVA to use.

  3. Change the port number:

    1. Search to find the following switch:

    2. Remove the semicolon (;) to activate the setting.

    3. Specify the port number that you want the DVA to use.

      Worker threads are assigned port numbers ascending above the main port number. For example, if you decide to use a main port number of 8500, the 5 default worker threads would be assigned ports 8501 through 8505. You must make sure that none of these incremental port numbers are already in use on the server, up to the largest possible number of DVA threads that could be started. For more information, see Section 50.1, Controlling Thread Usage.

  4. Save the gwdva.dva file.

  5. Skip to Section 48.4, Putting DVA Configuration Changes into Effect.

For information about how the DVA interacts with other programs, see:

48.2.3 Securing Document Conversion with SSL Connections

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ensures secure communication between the DVA and other programs (WebAccess Application, POA, and DVA Web console) by encrypting the complete communication flow between the programs. By default, SSL is not enabled for the DVA.

For background information about using SSL with GroupWise agents, see Section 83.2, Server Certificates and SSL Encryption. The server where the DVA is installed must have a public certificate file and private key file before you can enable SSL for the DVA.

NOTE:When you enable SSL for the DVA, any POAs that it communicates with must also be enabled for SSL.

  1. Open the gwdva.dva file in a text editor.

  2. Search to find the following switch:

  3. Remove the semicolon (;) to activate the setting.

  4. For subsequent switches:

    1. Specify the full path name to the SSL public certificate file.

      The DVA requires that the certificate file be in PEM format.

    2. Specify the full path name to the SSL private key file.

    3. Specify the password for the private key file.

  5. Save the gwdva.dva file.

  6. Skip to Section 48.4, Putting DVA Configuration Changes into Effect.