8.4 E7xx Errors

NOTE:This guide does not include a comprehensive list of all possible GroupWise error codes. It lists error codes for which solutions are readily available from GroupWise engineers and testers. You can search the Novell Support Knowledgebase to locate additional solutions documented by Novell Support as specific customer issues have been resolved.

E700 Invalid Address Book record

Source: GroupWise engine; Personal Address Book.
Explanation: The POA could not access a user’s Personal Address Book.
Possible Cause: The POA is attempting to perform nightly user upkeep for a new user that has not yet used the GroupWise client, which means that the Personal Address Book does not yet exist.
Action: None. After the user starts the GroupWise client and sends or receives a message, the Personal Address Book will be created and the POA will no longer encounter the problem.
Action: If the error persists when the Personal Address Book already exists, see 8101 Memory error.

E716 Personal Address Book memory error

Source: GroupWise engine; Personal Address Book.
Explanation: An action involving the Personal Address Book could not be performed due to insufficient memory.
Action: Exit some programs so that more memory is available.
Action: Restart the workstation where the error is occurring.