The implementation of Novell* Credential Provisioning policies with Novell SecureLogin is very customizable. The steps to implement it are different depending upon the platforms SecureLogin is installed on, the applications that are provisioned, and which Identity Manager drivers are involved.
To implement Credential Provisioning policies with SecureLogin, see the following topics:
Section 3.1, Requirements for Credential Provisioning Policies with Novell SecureLogin
Section 3.2, Extending the LDAP Schema for Novell SecureLogin
Section 3.3, Determining Deployment Configuration Parameters for Novell SecureLogin
Section 3.4, Creating a Repository Object for Novell SecureLogin
Section 3.5, Creating an Application Object for Novell SecureLogin
Section 3.6, Configuring Credential Provisioning Policies for Novell SecureLogin