11.3 Installing the JBoss Application Server and the MySQL Database

  1. If you are planning on using a physical DVD or CD-ROMs to install the Identity Manager User Application, insert the installation media into your drive, which must be accessible from within your VM. Continue with Step 6.

  2. If you are using ISO files, disconnect the CD-ROM device from your VM by selecting Removable Devices > CD-ROM > Disconnect from the VM menu.

  3. Reconfigure your VM to use the Identity Manager 3.5.1 ISO file (Identity_Manager_3_5_1_DVD.iso.) by selecting Removable Devices > CD-ROM 1 > Edit.

  4. From the VM menu, browse to and select the ISO file in the Connection -- Use ISO image section.

  5. From the VM menu, reconnect the CD-ROM device to your VM by selecting Removable Devices > CD-ROM 1 > Connect. This causes the Identity Manager 3.5.1 ISO to automatically mount the CD-ROM and open a file browser.

    Identity Manager DVD ISO mounted
  6. From the Computer menu, select Gnome Terminal.

  7. Access the User Application installation directory by entering cd /media/IDM3_6_1_UA/linux/jboss/.

  8. Launch the JbossMsql utility by entering ./JbossMysql.bin.

  9. Use the following information to complete the installation:

    Installation Screen



    Read the introduction information.

    Choose Install Set

    Select JBoss and MySQL.

    Choose JBoss parent folder

    Specify /opt/novell/idm for the JBoss* parent folder.

    MySQL Info

    Defines the MySQL database with the following information.

    • Database Name: idmuserappdb

    • root user password: n0v3ll

    • root user password (confirm): n0v3ll

    Pre-Installation Summary

    Review the summary, then start the installation.

    Install Complete

    Review the installation complete message.

  10. Enter exit to close the Gnome Terminal.

  11. Proceed to Section 11.4, Exporting the Correct Path to the Java Installation.