2.3 Configuring Your Contacts and Buddies

This section contains the following topics:

2.3.1 Adding and Removing Buddies

To add a Registered User from your community to your Personal Buddy list:

  1. Select the Contacts > Manage Contacts and Buddies menu item.

    Contacts menu
  2. Select one or more contacts from any group under the Community Address Book in the Contact Window (use the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple contacts).

    Manage contacts and users window

    If you do not see the Community Address Book, your administrator did not give you permission to view it. Instead, use Search to locate potential buddies.

  3. Right-click one of the selected contacts and select the Add to Personal Buddies menu item.

    Add to personal buddies menu item

    You can view all your Personal Buddies under the Personal Address Book. You can only have a limited number of Personal Buddies. The number is controlled by your personal policy setting. To find the maximum number of Personal Buddies you can add consult your system administrator or service provider.

Adding a Non-Community User to Your Personal Buddy List

To add a Registered User that is not a member of your community to your Personal Buddy list:

  1. Select the Contacts > Manage Contacts and Buddies menu item.

  2. Right-click the Personal Address Book and select the Add Buddy By Screen Name menu item.

    Add buddy by screen name menu item
  3. Type the contacts screen name into the dialog, then click OK.

    You can use this same technique to add a Community Address Book contact to your Personal Buddy List.

To Remove a Contact From Your Personal Buddy List:

  1. Find the buddy you want to remove under your Personal Buddy List.

  2. Right-click the buddy and select the Remove From Personal Buddies menu item.

    Remove from personal buddies menu item

2.3.2 Searching the Community Address Book

Conferencing allows you to search the Community Address Book for contacts. This feature is particularly helpful when your organization is large (which results in a large Community Address Book) or when your administrator has set a policy that prohibits the downloading of the Community Address Book.

To Search the Community Address Book For a Name:

  1. Select the Contacts > Manage Contacts and Buddies menu item.

  2. At the bottom of the Contact window, click Search

    The Find Contacts window appears.

    Find contacts window
  3. In either the First Name Contains or Last Name Contains fields, type a few characters of the contact’s first or last name depending on which field you use.

    Use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard before or after the text string.

    For example, if you type da* into the First Name Contains field, Conferencing returns contact listings for names like David and Darren. If you type *da, Conferencing returns contact listings for names like Brenda and Linda.

  4. Deselect the name field you are not using.

    Using both name fields does not narrow your search down (each search option you use finds the matching contacts for that option and adds them to the final search results. See “Additional Search Options” below.

  5. Click Search Now.

    Under the Community Search Results Address Book, Conferencing adds a group for this search containing the contacts that match your search criteria.

    If the entire search criteria does not display in the group’s name, mouse over the group name and a pop-up displays the entire search criteria.

To Delete a Search Results Group:

Right-click a search results group and select the Remove Search menu item.

To Edit a Search Results Group:

  1. Right-click a search results group and select the Edit Search Criteria menu item.

  2. Make your changes to the search criteria in the Find Contacts window, then click Search Now.

Additional Search Options

Conferencing returns the contacts that match any of the search options you use.

The Find Contacts window includes the following search options. Use the asterisk (*) as a wild card for all options:

  • Email addresses contain: Enter a few characters of an e-mail address.

  • Phone numbers contain: Enter a few characters of a phone number.

  • More search options:

    1. Select one of the More search options sections.

    2. In the Select field, select the contact information field you want to use. For more information, see Editing a Contact’s Information.

    3. Type a few characters of the contact information you are using.

    4. Deselect any search options you are not using.

    5. Click Search Now.

  • Search Selected Groups: Use this option to search a specific address book. All is the default value.

  • Number of results: Use this option to specify the number of contacts to display under the search results group for this search. To display additional contacts for the group, right-click the group and select the Find more menu item.

2.3.3 Managing Contacts and Buddies

Before you begin configuring contact and buddy lists, you might want to become familiar with the types of contacts. For more information, see Contacts and Buddies Definitions.

To open the Manage Contacts window, select the Contacts > Manage Contacts and Buddies menu item.

What Can You Manage?

  • You can only add or edit contacts in your Personal Address Book.

  • Only administrators can add and edit contacts in the Community Address Book.

  • You can create new groups under you Personal Address Book. For more information, see Managing Address Book Groups.

To Add a Personal Buddy From the Community Address Book:

  1. Select one or more registered users (designated by the computer icon Find contacts window).

    You cannot add non-registered contacts (designated by the Rolodex icon Find contacts window) as Personal Buddies.

    If your Community Address Book is not visible in your Contacts window, your administrator has not given you the rights to download this address book. Use the Search tool, instead.

  2. Select the Buddies > Add to Personal Buddies menu item.

    The registered users you select are added to your Buddies group.

    If you try to add a non-registered contact, he or she is not added to your Buddies group.

To Add a Personal Buddy by Name:

  1. Select the Buddies > Add Buddy by Screen Name menu item.

  2. Type in the screen name and click OK.

    Your new personal buddy appears in your Buddies group under the Personal Address Book.

To Add a Contact to the Community Address Book (Administrator Only):

  1. Select the Community Address Book, or a group under it.

    If you select the Community Address Group, the contact goes into the All group, otherwise the contact goes into the group you select.

    If your Community Address Book is not visible in your Contacts window, your administrator has not given you the rights to download this address book. Use the Search tool, instead.

  2. Click New and select the New Contact menu item.

  3. In the contact information window that appears, fill out the contact’s information, then click OK.

    For information on field definitions, see Editing a Contact’s Information.

To Add a Contact to Your Personal Address Book:

  1. Select the Personal address book or any group beneath it (with the exception of the group marked Buddies).

    If you select the Personal Address Group, the contact goes into the All group; otherwise, the contact goes into the group you select.

  2. Click New and select the New Contact menu item.

  3. In the contact information window that appears, fill out the contact’s information, then click OK.

    For information on field definitions, see Editing a Contact’s Information.

To Copy Contacts:

  1. Select one or more contacts from any group.

  2. Select the Edit > Copy menu item.

  3. Select the group into which you want to copy the contacts.

  4. Select the Edit > Paste menu item.

    Only administrators can make changes to the Community Address Book.

To Delete Contacts:

  1. Select one or more contacts.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click Yes to delete the contacts.

2.3.4 Managing Address Book Groups

To open the Manage Contacts window, select the Contacts > Manage Contacts and Buddies menu item.

To add a group to your Personal Address Book:

  1. Select the Personal Address Book.

  2. Click New and select the New Group menu item.

  3. When the new screen appears, type the group name and click OK.

To add a group to the Community Address Book (administrators only):

  1. Select the Community Address Book.

  2. Click New and select the New Group menu item.

  3. When the new screen appears, type the group name, then click OK.

To delete a group:

  1. Select the group you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click Yes to delete the group.

    Only administrators can add or delete groups in the Community Address Book.

2.3.5 Editing a Contact’s Information

It is a good idea to edit your contacts’ information and add any additional information you want to save.

To Edit Contact Information:

  1. Select the Contacts > Manage Contact and Buddies menu item.

  2. In the Manage Contacts window, select the contact you want to edit.

  3. Click Edit.

    The Edit User window appears.

    Edit user window
  4. Edit the contacts information. See Informational Fields.

  5. Click OK.

Read-Only Fields

The following fields present information about your configuration. You cannot modify these fields.

  • Address Book (Read only): Lets you know whether your administrative policy allows you to use the Community Address Book, which is your global company-wide book.

  • Group (Read only): Lists the group for this contact.

Informational Fields

The following fields allow you to enter information about your contact. It is not necessary to complete each field:

  • Title: Use this field to set up a salutation title, such as Mr., Ms., or Dr.

  • First Name: Contact’s first name.

  • Middle Name: Contact’s middle name.

  • Last Name: Contact’s last name.

  • Suffix: Use this field to identify a suffix, such as PhD, MD, Sr., or III.

  • Company: Contact’s company name.

  • Job Title: A job title or job description.

  • Address1: A field used to identify an address.

  • Address2: A field used to identify an address.

  • State: Contact’s state.

  • Country: Contact’s country.

  • Postal Code: Contact’s postal or ZIP code.

  • Business Phone: Contact’s business phone number.

  • Home Phone: Contact’s home phone number.

  • Mobile Phone: Contact’s mobile or cell phone number.

  • Other Phone: Use this field to enter another phone number, such as a pager or second mobile phone number.

    See Using Correct Phone Number Formatting for information on entering phone numbers.

  • Extension: If your contact’s company uses telephone extensions, enter the contact’s extension. This extension is not used when dialing their business phone number.

  • Email: Contact’s primary e-mail address.

  • Email2: Contact’s secondary e-mail address.

  • Email3: An additional e-mail address.

  • User1: Field that is available to store additional information.

  • User2: Field that is available to store additional information.

Admin Only Fields

The following fields are available only to the Administrator:

  • Screen Name: Name of user. This is the name used to sign on to the system. The Screen Name is case sensitive, cannot contain any spaces, and must be alphanumeric.

  • Password: Password of the user.

  • Administrator: Use Yes or No to indicate whether the user is an administrator.

  • Policy: Settings and limits assigned to a user.

    To see which settings are affected, see Administration Policies.