Elements make up the content of your workspace forms and views.
When you are adding elements to a form, remember that you need to add that same element to the view in order for it to be displayed in the workspace.
You can add the following elements:
Attachment(s): Adds a field that enables you to browse for and upload files, making them accessible to those who view the workspace.
The files that you upload are displayed in the workspace home page.
Checkbox: Adds a check box that can be selected or deselected.
Date: Adds a field that launches a calendar applet when users click inside it.
Date and Time: Adds two fields. The first field launches a calendar applet, and the second field launches a time-selection applet when users click inside.
E-Mail List: Adds a field that enables you to specify e-mail addresses.
Description: Adds an HTML text editor that enables you to specify a description of the workspace.
File Upload: Adds a field that enables users to browse for and upload files.
Group List: Adds an element that enables users to add groups.
Hidden Field: Adds a hidden element. When you design the custom form, you can use this element to add boilerplate text to every entry that is created. This text is “hidden” because it does not appear on the entry form when users are creating an entry; however, the text does appear on the entry view after the entry is created.
HTML Editor Text Area: Adds an HTML text area where you can compose messages, create links, upload pictures, and more. The information that you create in this HTML editor is displayed in your folder.
Icon: Enables the workspace owner to choose from a selection of icons to represent the workspace.
Number: Adds a field that requires users to enter a number. Alphabetic characters are rejected.
Picture: Adds a field that enables you to browse for and upload pictures.
Radio Buttons: Enables you to display options that users can select with radio buttons.
Remote Application: Enables you to display certain applications that have been configured by your Vibe administrator.
For more information on remote applications, see Section 12.0, Managing Remote Applications.
Selectbox: Enables you to display options that users can select.
Team List: Adds a field that enables users to specify teams.
Text: Adds a field where users can enter text.
Text Area: Adds an expandable field where users can enter text.
Title: Adds a field that enables you to specify a title for the workspace.
URL: Add a field that converts any text into a hyperlink.
User List: Adds a field that enables you to specify other Vibe users, using type-to-find functionality. When you specify a user’s name when you modify the workspace, as described in Section 8.5, Populating Elements in the Folder View, Vibe displays the user’s name on the folder home page, with links to his or her personal workspaces.
Users External to Vibe: Vibe uses this option internally when synchronizing tasks and calendars to another application through iCal. You should not manually add this element to any form or view.
For more information about iCal in Vibe, see Synchronizing Tasks and Calendars to a Desktop Application
in the Novell Vibe 3.3 User Guide.
Any form element that you create can be added as a view element, if you want it to appear in the view.
The following elements are specific to views; they cannot be added to a form.
Accessory Panel: Displays the Accessory Panel on the workspace home page. Users can use this panel to add community or personal accessories, depending on their individual rights.
For more information on accessories, see Managing Accessories
in the Novell Vibe 3.3 User Guide.
Attachments: Displays all attachments.
Landing Page Layout: Adds a landing page creation form that enables you to create landing page elements to display in your workspace.
You must add the Landing Page Layout layout option in the workspace add/modify form before you can add it as a view element.
Title: On the workspace home page, displays the title that you specified for the workspace.
Workspace and Folder List: Displays a workspace tree that contains the workspace and all sub-workspaces and sub-folders.