9.4 Limiting Access to Groups

When you create or edit a group, you can restrict access to the group by setting up the group permissions. You can restrict who can see the group, who can follow the group, who can contribute to the group, and so forth.

You can limit access to a new group when you are creating it, or you can limit access to existing groups.

9.4.1 Limiting Access to a Group When You Are Creating the Group

  1. Begin creating the group, as described in Section 4.1, Creating a Group.

  2. When you set up the group profile, set your desired group permissions in the Permissions section.

    For information about the available options in the Permissions section, see “Permissions” in Section 4.1, Creating a Group.

9.4.2 Limiting Access to an Existing Group

  1. Modify an existing group, as described in Section 4.3, Modifying an Existing Group.

  2. Set your desired group permissions in the Permissions section.

    For information about the available options in the Permissions section, see “Permissions” in Section 4.1, Creating a Group.