Unable to connect to the ZENworks 2 Inventory database. Check if ZENworks 2 database ZENINV.DB is loaded.

Source:  Delete Inventory Information from ZENworks 2 Database

Severity:  Warning

Action:  Ensure that the ZENworks 2 Inventory database (ZENINV.DB) is loaded.

If the database is not loaded, ensure that the MGMTDBS.NCF file in SYS:\SYSTEM contains the path to load the ZENINV.DB database.

Otherwise, append the path for ZENINV.DB in MGMTDBS.NCF. See Deleting the Inventory Information from ZENworks 2 database in Workstation Inventory in Administration.

Shut down the Sybase database. Run MGMTDBS.NCF to load the ZENworks 2 and ZfD 3.2 databases.