Uses of Class

Packages that use FactException

Uses of FactException in com.novell.zos.grid

Methods in com.novell.zos.grid that throw FactException
 boolean[] Fact.getBooleanArrayValue()
          Retrieve a boolean array fact value as a java boolean type.
 boolean Fact.getBooleanValue()
          Retrieve a boolean fact value as a java boolean type.
 Date[] Fact.getDateArrayValue()
          Retrieve a time array fact value as a java Date[] type.
 Date Fact.getDateValue()
          Retrieve a date fact value as a java Date type.
 Map Fact.getDictionaryValue()
          Retrieve a dictionary fact value as a java Map type.
 long[] Fact.getIntegerArrayValue()
          Retrieve an integer array fact value as a lone[] type.
 long Fact.getIntegerValue()
          Retrieve an integer fact value as a java long type.
 List Fact.getListValue()
          Retrieve a list fact value as a java List type.
 double[] Fact.getRealArrayValue()
          Retrieve a real array fact value as a java double[] type.
 double Fact.getRealValue()
          Retrieve a real fact value as a java double type.
 String[] Fact.getStringArrayValue()
          Retrieve a string array fact value as a java String[] type.
 String Fact.getStringValue()
          Retrieve a string fact value as a java String type.
 int[] Fact.getTimeArrayValue()
          Retrieve a time array fact value as a java long[] type.
 int Fact.getTimeValue()
          Retrieve a time fact value as a java long type.
 Object Fact.getValue()
          Returns the Object value for the fact.
 Object[] Fact.getValueArray()
          Returns the Object[] value for the fact.
 void Fact.setValue(boolean value)
          (Re)sets the BOOLEAN fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(boolean[] values)
          (Re)sets the BOOLEAN[] fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(Date value)
          (Re)sets the DATE fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(Date[] values)
          (Re)sets the DATE[] fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(double value)
          (Re)sets the REAL fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(double[] values)
          (Re)sets the REAL[] fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(float value)
          (Re)sets the REAL fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(float[] values)
          (Re)sets the REAL[] fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(int value)
          (Re)sets the INTEGER fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(int[] values)
          (Re)sets the INTEGER[] fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(List value)
          (Re)sets the LIST fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(long value)
          (Re)sets the INTEGER or TIME fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(long[] values)
          (Re)sets the INTEGER[] or TIME[] fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(Map value)
          (Re)sets the DICTIONARY fact value to the supplied value.
 void Fact.setValue(Object value)
          (Re)sets the fact value to the supplied value.

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