F.2 Workstation Inventory Installation Errors

If the Workstation Inventory components installation is not successful, the Installation program logs one of the following error messages in the log files located at:

801: The installation program was unable to rename filename on the server server_name. filename may be in use

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Informational
Explanation: If the Installation program detects a previous installation on the machine, it renames the files. This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to rename the files.
Action: None. The Installation program proceeds without renaming the files.

804: Unable to add the Startinv.ncf entry in the filename file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: On NetWare servers, the Installation program adds the following entries to sys:\system\autoexec.ncf file on the Inventory server:

SEARCH ADD ZEN_web_server_installation_path zws.ncf SEARCH ADD sys:\java\njclv2\bin ;ZENworks Inventory Settings startinv.ncf

This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to add these entries in the autoexec.ncf file.

Possible Cause: The autoexec.ncf is in use or locked by some other application or does not exist.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. (Conditional) If the autoexec.ncf file does not exist, manually create the file in the sys:\system directory.

  2. Add the following entries to the file:

    SEARCH ADD ZEN_web_server_installation_path zws.ncf SEARCH ADD sys:\java\njclv2\bin ;ZENworks Inventory Settings startinv.ncf

807: Unable to assign rights to the SCANDIR directory on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The installation program was unable to assign rights to the \scandir directory.
Possible Cause: You have not logged into the Windows server as an administrator or with the equivalent administrator rights.
Action: Ensure that you have logged into to the Windows server as an administrator or with the equivalent administrator rights. For more information, see
Possible Cause: The installation program is not running from a Windows workstation or server.
Action: Ensure that the recommended installation workstation requirements for Windows workstation or server are met. For more information, see User Workstation Requirements.
Action: Ensure that the network is up and running.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

812: Unable to create the password for the Service object Inventory_Service_object_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Action: Reinstall the Inventory server. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

813: Unable to get the volumes on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: If Sybase has already been installed on the server, the Installation program displays the volumes of the server that you specify. This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to display the volumes.
Action: None. The Installation program considers this to be a fresh installation and proceeds.

814: An internal error occurred while getting the volumes on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: If Sybase has already been installed on the server, the installation program displays the volumes of the server that you specify. This error occurs if the installation program is unable to display the volumes.
Action: None. The Installation program considers this to be a fresh installation and proceeds.

817: An internal error occurred while creating rights for the scandir directory on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program assigns the [Root] as a trustee of the \scandir directory with Create, Erase, and Write rights. This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to assign these rights to \scandir.
Action: Ensure that you have logged in to the server as an administrator or with the equivalent administrator rights.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

819: Unable to create the configuration property file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program creates the Inventoryserver_installationpath\zenworks\inv\server\ wminv\properties\config.properties file with the following entries:

NDSTree=Novell_eDirectory_tree_name InventoryServiceDN=DN_of_Inventory_Service_object SingletonPort=65433 StoreRolledupAuditData=false LDAPServer=DNS_name_of_the_Inventory_server LDAPPort=LDAP_port_number

This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to create the config.properties file. Consequently, the Inventory services will not be up.

Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while creating the config.properties file.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. (Conditional) If config.properties does not exists, manually create the file in the inventoryserver_installationpath\zenworks\inv\server\wminv\properties directory.

  2. Add the following entries:

    NDSTree=Novell_eDirectory_tree_name InventoryServiceDN=DN_of_Inventory_Service_object SingletonPort=65433 StoreRolledupAuditData=false LDAPServer=DNS_name_of_the_Inventory_server LDAPPort=LDAP_port_number

826: Unable to load the mgmtdbs.ncf file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to start Sybase after the installation.
Action: Manually load the mgmtdbs.ncf file by entering sys:\system\mgmtdbs.ncf at the NetWare console prompt.

831: Unable to add the mgmtdbs.ncf entry in the sys\system\autoexec.ncf file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: The autoexec.ncf file is locked by some other application or does not exist.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. (Conditional) If the autoexec.ncf file does not exist, create the file in sys:\system.

  2. Add the following entries to the file:

    ;ZENworks Database Settings sys:\system\mgmtdbs.ncf

836: The installation program creates a new mgmtdbs.ncf file. The installation program was unable to rename the existing mgmtdbs.ncf file on the server server_name. Rename mgmtdbs.ncf before proceeding with the installation

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program tries to back up the mgmtdbs.ncf file before making changes to it. This error occurs if the backup fails.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2.1, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory on NetWare and Windows Servers.

837: Unable to create the TracerMedia property file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program creates tracermedia.properties in the inventory_server_installaton_path\zenworks\inv\server\wminv\ properties directory. This error occurs if the Installation program fails to create the file.
Possible Cause: An input-output error occurred while creating the tracermedia.properties file.
Action: Create the tracermedia.properties file in the inventory_server_installaton_path\zenworks\inv\server\wminv\ properties directory with the following contents:

com.novell.utility.trace.TraceMediumConsole = ON; INFORMATION

com.novell.utility.trace.TraceMediumFile = ON; ALL; Inventory_server_logs_path

com.novell.utility.trace.TraceMediumWindow = OFF; VERBOSE

874: Unable to create the Service Manager as a service on Windows NT/ Windows 2000/ Windows Server 2003 server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program creates the Service Manager as a service on the Windows Inventory server. This error occurs if the installation is not successful.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

875: Unable to get the path for the shared directory where the database is installed on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: You have not logged into the Windows server as an administrator or with equivalent administrator rights.
Action: Ensure that you log into the Windows server as an administrator or with the equivalent administrator rights.

876: Unable to create the Sybase service on the Windows NT/ Windows 2000/ Windows Server 2003 server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

887: An internal error occurred while creating the database object object_name on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program creates a database object for Sybase and configures the properties of the object. This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to create the object.
Action: Contact Novell Support.

1051: Unable to write the JRE path to javadir.bat on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program creates javadir.bat in inventory_server_installation_directory\zenworks\server\wminv\bin directory with the following entry:

set java_dir=installation_path\Inv\jre

This error occurs if the Installation program fails to create javadir.bat file with the specified contents.

Action: Create javadir.bat in inventory_server_installation_directory\zenworks\server\wminv\bin directory with the following entry:

set java_dir=installation_path\Inv\jre

1052: Unable to create the filename file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program creates javadir.bat in the inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\server\wminv\bin directory with the following entry:

set java_dir=installation_path\Inv\jre

This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to create javadir.bat.

Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while creating javadir.bat.
Action: Create javadir.bat in the inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\server\wminv\bin directory with the following entry:

set java_dir=installation_path\Inv\jre

1053: Unable to get the path for the Share share_name on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory, Inventory Database, or Proxy Service installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: An error occurred while retrieving the path where the component is installed.
Action: Ensure that you have logged in to the server as an administrator or with the equivalent administrator rights.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.

1060: Unable to add the STOPSER * entry in the filename file for the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program was unable to add entries in invstop.ncf to stop the Inventory services.
Possible Cause: An input-output error occurred while adding the entries to invstop.ncf.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. (Conditional) If invstop.ncf does not exist, create it in the sys:\system directory.

  2. Add the following entries to the file:

    ;ZENworks Inventory Settings

    ;-----Stop Inventory services and the Inventory database-----

    StopSer *

IMPORTANT:If invstop.ncf already exists, add the specified entries before the database entry, unload dbsrv8.nlm.

1061: Unable to add the UNLOAD DBSRV8.NLM entry in the filename on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to add the entries in invstop.ncf to stop the Sybase database.
Possible Cause: An input-output error occurred while adding the entries to invstop.ncf.
Action: In the sys:\system\invstop.ncf file, add the following entries:

;ZENworks Database Settings Unload dbsrv8.nlm

1066: Unable to assign public rights to ODBC parameters of the Database object database_object_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Warning
Explanation: An internal error has occurred during the configuration of the Database object.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. In ConsoleOne®, right-click the database object, then click Properties.

  2. Click NDS Rights > Trustees of this object > Add Trustees.

  3. Select Public, then click OK.

  4. Click Add Property > zendbODBCConnectionParameters > OK.

  5. Click Add Property > zendbODBCDriverFileName > OK.

  6. Click Add Property > zendbODBCDataSourceName > OK.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click Apply, then click Close.

1071: Input-output error occurred while modifying the existing mgmtdbs.ncf for the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to modify the existing mgmtdbs.ncf file.
Possible Cause: An input-output error occurred while modifying the existing mgmtdbs.ncf file.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1080: Unable to create the Inventory Service object for the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to create the Inventory Service object for the server.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory server. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1081: Unable to assign supervisor privileges to the Service object service_object_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to assign the Inventory Service object entry rights to itself with supervisor privileges.
Action: Assign the supervisor rights to the Inventory Service object:
  1. In ConsoleOne, right-click the Inventory Service object, then click Trustees of this Object.

  2. Click the Add Trustee button, then select the Inventory Service object.

  3. In the Property list, select [Entry Rights].

  4. In the Rights list, click the Supervisor check box.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Apply > Close.

1082: Unable to assign the Inventory Service object as a trustee of the NCP server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Inventory Service object is made a trustee of the NCP™ server with Read and Compare privileges given for [All Attribute Rights].
Action: Assign the Inventory Service object as a trustee of the NCP server:
  1. In ConsoleOne, right-click the NCP server object, then click Trustees of this Object.

  2. Click the Add Trustee button.

  3. Select the Inventory Service object.

  4. From the Property list, select [All Attributes Rights].

  5. From the Rights list, click the Read and Compare check boxes.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Apply, then click Close.

1084: Unable to initialize zwinstal.dll

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1087: Unable to detect the operating system of the workstation where install is running

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 Installation program is unable to detect the operating system of the workstation where the Installation program is running.
Action: Ensure that the recommended installation workstation requirements for Windows workstation are met. For more information, see Section 6.0, User Workstation Requirements.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1088: An internal error occurred while checking for entry in file filename on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1091: Unable to create the zwsenv.ncf file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program creates zwsenv.ncf in the \zws directory with the following entry:
envset zwsinstallpath=ZENworks_Web_Server_installation_path

This error occurs if the Installation program fails to create the zwsenv.ncf in the \zws directory.

Action: Follow these steps:
  1. To get the ZENworks Web Server installation path, note the value of the ZWSPath key in the sys:\system\zenworks.properties file.

  2. Create zwsenv.ncf in the ZWS directory with the following entry:

    envset zwsinstallpath=ZENworks_Web_Server_installation_path

1092: Unable to append entries to the zwssrv.cfg file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program appends the following entries to the zenworks_web_server_installation_directory\bin\zwssrv.cfg file:


CLASSPATH=ZWS_installation_directory\ZenWebServer.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\xmlrpcext.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\xmlrpcservlet.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\jcert.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\jnet.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\jdom.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\jsse.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\xmlrpc.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\servlet.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\xerces.jar;



This error occurs if the installation program fails to appends the entries.

Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while appending to the file.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. Note the ZENworks Web Server installation path.

    1. Invoke REGEDIT.

    2. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\ZENWORKS, read the value of the ZWSPath attribute.

  2. Add the following entries to zenworks_web_server_installation_directory\bin\zwssrv.cfg:


    CLASSPATH=ZWS_installation_directory\ZenWebServer.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\xmlrpcext.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\xmlrpcservlet.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\jcert.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\jnet.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\jdom.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\jsse.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\xmlrpc.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\servlet.jar; ZWS_installation_directory\xerces.jar;



1093: Unable to append entries to the zws.properties file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to edit the zws.properties file.
Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while adding entries to the zws.properties file.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1094: Unable to modify the Inventory Service object for the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to modify the existing Inventory Service object.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1095: Unable to create the invenvset.ncf file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program creates the invenvset.ncf file in the sys:\system directory of a NetWare Inventory server with the following contents:

envset inv_install_dir= Inventory_server_installation_path

envset zws_install_dir=ZWS_installation_path

Action: Follow these steps:
  1. To get the Inventory server installation path, read the value of the InvSrvpath key in the sys:\system\zenworks.properties file.

  2. To get the ZENworks Web Server installation path, read the value of the ZWSPath key in the sys:\system\zenworks.properties file.

  3. Create invenvset.ncf in the sys:\system directory with the following entries:

    envset inv_install_dir= Inventory_server_installation_path

    envset zws_install_dir=ZWS_installation_path

1097: Failed to modify mgmtdbs.ncf on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while editing mgmtdbs.ncf.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1098: Failed to create mgmtdbs.ncf on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while creating mgmtdbs.ncf.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1102: Unable to set the Inventory installation path on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: The Installation program was unable to update the Inventory server install path in the registry.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory server. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1104: Unable to set the ZENworks Web server installation path on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: The Installation program is unable to update the ZWS server installation path in the registry.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory server. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1105: An input-output error occurred while reading the zenworks.properties file, for the server server_name. The previous installations of the Inventory server could not be detected

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Linux servers
Severity: Informational
Explanation: On NetWare: The Installation program reads the sys:\system\zenworks.properties file to detect if Inventory has been previously installed.

On Linux: The Installation program reads the /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/zenworks.properties file to detect if Inventory has been previously installed

Action: None.

1106: Unable to detect a valid database installation on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Informational
Possible Cause: Unable to detect the location of the database engine from the registry.
Action: None. The Installation program considers this to be a fresh installation and proceeds.

1107: The install path for Inventory components on server server_name is invalid

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Action: Reinstall the Inventory server. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1118: Unable to create query.properties on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 Desktop Management installation program creates query.properties file in consoleone_installation_path\bin with the entry, insver=zfd. If Workstation Inventory is installed over the Server Inventory component of ZENworks 7 Server Management, the value of insver is changed to “both.”
Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while creating or updating the query.properties file
Action: If the query.properties file already exists, ensure that the value of insver is correct.
Action: If the query.properties file does not exist, manually create the file in consoleone_installation_path\bin directory with the following content:
  • If you are installing Workstation Inventory on a fresh setup, enter insver=zfd.

  • If you are installing Workstation Inventory over the Server Inventory component of ZENworks 7 Server Management, enter insver=both.

1121: Unable to rename the database object old_database_object_name to new_database_object_name, on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: If you are installing the Workstation Inventory component of ZENworks 7 Desktop Management over ZENworks for Desktops 4.x Inventory, the Installation program renames the ZENworks for Desktops 4.x database object to server_name_invDatabase. This error occurs if the ZENworks 7 Desktop Management installation program is unable to rename the database object.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1122: Unable to modify the database object on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to modify the existing database object on the server.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1123: Failed to update load and unload scripts on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The installation program adds entries in the load script and the unload script for the NetWare cluster server. This error occurs when the installation program is unable add the entries to these scripts.
Action: During installation, if you chose to install either the Inventory server or the Database, reinstall the selected component. If you chose to install both the Inventory server and the Database, reinstall both the components. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.

1124: Unable to clean up old Inventory entries from the autoexec.ncf file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: The Installation program deletes the following entries from sys:\system\autoexec.ncf file on the server: sybase.ncf, mgmtdbs.ncf, gatherer.ncf, master.ncf, and storer.ncf.

This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to delete the specified entries.

Action: Manually delete the following entries from autoexec.ncf: sybase.ncf, mgmtdbs.ncf, gatherer.ncf, master.ncf, and storer.ncf.

1125: Unable to create the database object database_object_name on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1128: Unable to add the ZENworks Web Server entry in file filename, on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: The Installation program was unable to add entries in the sys:\system\autoexec.ncf file to launch ZENworks Web Server.
Action: In the sys:\system\autoexec.ncf file, add the following entries:

SEARCH ADD zenworks_web_server_installation_path zenworks_installation_volume\zenworks\zfs.ncf

1129: Unable to set the ZENworks installation path on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program failed to set the ZENworks path in the registry.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1130: Unable to set the Database Engine installation path on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1131: Unable to set the Inventory database installation path on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to set the Inventory database installation path in the registry.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1132: Unable to set the Novell Application Launcher database installation path on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Inventory database installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 Desktop Management installation program updates the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\novell\zenworks\ naldbpath registry key with the database_installation_path\database value.
Possible Cause: You have not logged into the Windows server as an administrator or with the equivalent administrator rights.
Action: Ensure that you have logged into to the Windows server as an administrator or with the equivalent administrator rights.
Action: Manually create the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\novell\zenworks\ naldbpath registry key with the database_installation_path\database value.

1135: The install path for XML Proxy components on the server server_name is invalid

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program failed to get a valid path to install XML Proxy Service.
Action: Reinstall the XML Proxy service. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1137: Unable to add Inventory entries to the load script on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The installation program makes the following entries in the load script after the database entries:

SEARCH ADD zws_installation_path

invclst:\zenworks\zfs.ncf SEARCH ADD SYS:\JAVA\NJCLV2\BIN ;ZENworks Inventory Settings StartInv.ncf

This error occurs if the installation program is unable to add the specified entries in the load script.

Action: In the load script, add the following entries after the database entries:

SEARCH ADD zws_installation_path

invclst:\zenworks\zfs.ncf SEARCH ADD SYS:\JAVA\NJCLV2\BIN ;ZENworks Inventory Settings StartInv.ncf

1138: Unable to add Inventory entries to the unload script on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The installation program adds the following entries to unload scripts before the del secondary ipaddress line:

java -killzenWSInv delay 8 java -killzfsexit

This error occurs if the installation program is unable to add the specified entries to the unload scripts.

Action: In the unload script, add the following entries after the Inventory entries (if any) but before the “del secondary ipaddress” entry:

java -killzenWSInv delay 8 java -killzfsexit

1139: Unable to add database entries to the load script on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The installation program adds the following entries to the load script:

;ZENworks Database Settings sys:\system\mgmtdbs.ncf

This error occurs if the installation program is unable to add the specified entries to the load scripts.

Action: In the load script, add the following entries before the Inventory entries:

;ZENworks Database Settings sys:\system\mgmtdbs.ncf

1140: Unable to add database entries to the unload script on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The installation program adds the following entry to the unload scripts:
unload dbsrv8.nlm <<y

This error occurs if the installation program is unable to add the specified entry to the unload scripts.

Action: In the unload scripts, add the following entry after the Inventory entries and before the “del secondary ipaddress” entry:
unload dbsrv8.nlm <<y

1143: Unable to retrieve the path where Inventory was installed for server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 Desktop Management installation program is unable to detect the path where the earlier versions of ZENworks has been installed.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1148: Unable to create ZENworks Web Server as a service on Windows NT/2000 server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1149: Unable to add the ZENworks Web Server path to invenvset.bat on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program creates invenvset.bat in inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\server\wminv\bin directory with the following entry:

set zws_install_dir=ZWS_installation_path

This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to retrieve the ZWS installation path from the registry.

Action: In the invenvset.bat file, manually add the following entry:

set zws_install_dir=ZWS_installation_path

To get the zws installation path:

  1. Invoke REGEDIT.

  2. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\novell\zenworks, read the value of the ZWSPath attribute.

1150: Unable to add ZENworks Web Server entry to the load script on server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program adds the following entries to the load script:

SEARCH ADD ZWS_installation_path ZWS.ncf

This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to add the specified entries to the load script.

Action: Add the following entries to the load script:

SEARCH ADD ZWS_installation_path ZWS.ncf

1151: Unable to add ZENworks Web Server entry to the unload script on server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program adds the following entry to the unload scripts:
java -killzwsexit

This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to add the specified entry to the unload scripts.

Action: Manually add the specified entry to the unload scripts before the del secondary ipaddress entry.

1152: Unable to get the typed DN for the object Novell_eDirectory_object

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Inventory server or Inventory database installation on Linux servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: An internal error occurred while getting the typed DN for the Novell eDirectory™ object.
Action: Contact Novell Support.

1153: Unable to add Inventory entries to the password.txt file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: During the XML Proxy service installation, the Installation program creates or updates the password.txt file in the ZWS installation directory with the following entry:
Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while creating or updating the password.txt file.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. (Conditional) If password.txt does not exist, create it in the ZENworks Web Server installation directory.

  2. Add the following entry to the file:


1154: Unable to add the password.txt file path entry to zws.properties file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The installation adds the following entry in zenworks_web_server_installation_directory\zws.properties.

This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to create the zws.properties file with the specified entries.

Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while creating the zws.properties file.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. (Conditional) If zws.properties does not exist, create it in the ZENworks Web Server installation directory.

  2. Add the following entry to the file:


1159: Unable to add entry entry to file filename on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while adding the InvStop.ncf entry in sys:\system\zfdstop.ncf.
Action: Manually add the InvStop.ncf entry in sys:\system\zfdstop.ncf, if the entry does not exist.

1160: Unable to replace entry1 with entry2 in the file filename

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Proxy Service installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: During the reinstallation of the Proxy Service, the installation program replaces the proxy port value in the zws.properties file with the new value. This error occurs if the Installation program is unable to replace the proxy port value with the new value.
Action: In the zws_installation_directory\zws.properties file, manually enter the new value of the proxy port.

1161: A previous installation of Policy and Distribution service has been detected on server server_name. Install cannot start Inventory service automatically. Start Policy and Distribution services and then the Inventory Service

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Standalone preconfiguration on NetWare and Windows servers
Severity: Informational
Explanation: If you choose the Standalone preconfiguration during the ZENworks 7 installation, the installation program configures for a Standalone server and automatically starts the Inventory and ZENworks Web Server services. But if Policy and Distribution services of ZENworks 7 Server Management has been already installed, the ZENworks 7 installation program does not automatically start the Inventory and the ZENworks Web Server services.
Action: You must manually start the Policy and Distribution services before starting the Inventory services. For more information on how to start the Policy and Distribution services, see ZENworks 7 documentation Web site.

1162: An incomplete installation of the Inventory server was detected on server server_name. Please reinstall the Inventory server

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Standalone preconfiguration on NetWare and Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 installation program searches for the ZWS path in zenworks.properties before launching the ZWS service. This error occurs when the installation program fails to find this path.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.

1163: Unable to start the ZENworks Web Server on server server_name. For more information, see the error message documentation

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Standalone preconfiguration on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 installation program failed to start ZENworks Web Server service.
Action: Manually run sys:\system\zws.ncf on the server.

1164: Unable to start the Inventory service on server server_name. For more information, see the error message documentation

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Standalone preconfiguration on NetWare servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 installation program failed to start the Inventory services
Action: Manually run sys:\sytem\startinv.ncf on the server.

1166: Unable to create zwssearch.ncf file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Standalone preconfiguration on NetWare servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 installation program creates the sys:\system\zwssearch.ncf file on the server with the entry SEARCH ADD ZENworks_Web_Server_installation path.
Action: Manually create the sys:\system\zwssearch.ncf file on the server.

1167: Unable to add a search path to the ZENworks Web Server on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory or Proxy Service installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 installation program is unable to launch sys:\system\zwssearch.ncf on the server.
Action: Manually run sys:\system\zwssearch.ncf on the server. This automatically adds the search path to the ZENworks Web Server.

1168: Unable to write version information to the registry on the server se rver_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare and Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 installation program failed to write the version information to the registry.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1169: Unable to remove the old Inventory entries from file filename, on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Sybase Inventory database installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: If you are upgrading from ZENworks for Desktops 4.x to ZENworks 7 Desktop Management, the ZENworks 7 installation program deletes ZENworks for Desktops 4.x Inventory entries.

This error occurs if the ZENworks 7 installation program fails to remove the ZENworks for Desktops 4.x Inventory entries.

Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1170: Unable to add entries to the zenworks.properties file, on server se rver_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The ZENworks 7 installation program failed to write the version information and the installation path to the zenworks.properties file.
Action: Reinstall Workstation Inventory. For more information, see Section 44.2, Reinstalling Workstation Inventory.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

1171: Unable to add the ZENworks Web Server entries to the file filename, on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare and Windows
Severity: Critical
Explanation: This error occurs if the installation fails to add the ZENworks Web Server entries to the invenv.ncf file for NetWare and Windows.
Possible Cause: An input/output error has occurred while modifying the file.
Action: Do the following:

On NetWare; add the following entry, if it is not already present, in the invenv.ncf file:

envset tmppath=$tmppath;$zws_install_dir\xmlpcextRes.jar

On Windows; add the following entry, if it is not already present, in the inventory_install_path\wminv\bin\invenv.bat file:


2701: Unable to create the zwsstart.ncf file on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory or Proxy Service installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The installation program creates the sys:\system\zwsstart.ncf file to launch the ZWS Web server. This error occurs if the installation program fails to create the zwsstart.ncf file.
Possible Cause: An input-output error occurred while creating the zwsstart.ncf file.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. Note the value of the ZWSPath key in the sys:\system\zenworks.properties file to get the ZENworks Web Server installation path.

  2. (Conditional) If the zwsstart.ncf does not exist, create the file in the sys:\system directory.

  3. Add the following entries to the file:



2702: Unable to remove the entries from the load script on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory database or Proxy Service installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: If you are installing ZENworks 7 Desktop Management over a previous version of ZENworks for Servers or ZENworks for Desktops, the installation program cleans up the entries from the load scripts. This error occurs if the installation fails to clean up the entries from the load script.
Action: Contact Novell Support.

2703: Unable to remove the entries from the unload script on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory database or Proxy Service installation on NetWare servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: If you are installing ZENworks 7 Desktop Management over a previous version of ZENworks for Servers or ZENworks for Desktops, the installation program cleans up the entries from the unload scripts. This error occurs if the installation fails to clean up the entries from the unload scripts.
Action: Using ConsoleOne, remove the dbsrv8.nlm entry from the unload script.

2704: Unable to append entries to zws.ncf file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Inventory Server or Proxy Service installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: This error occurs if the ZENworks 7 Desktop Management installation fails to add the ZEN loader entries to zfs.ncf.
Possible Cause: An input/output error has occurred while modifying zfs.ncf.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory server and the Inventory Proxy server (XML Proxy) components of ZENworks 7 Desktop Management. For more information, see Section 9.0, Installing the ZENworks Desktop Management Server.

2707: Unable to create dbconfig.properties file on the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Inventory Server or Proxy Service installation on NetWare or Windows servers
Severity: Important
Explanation: This error occurs if the installation fails to add the ZENworks Web Server entries to the invenv.ncf file.
Possible Cause: An input/output error has occurred while modifying the file.
Action: Ensure that the following files exist:
  • invconfig.properties in the inventory_database_volume\zenworks\database\inventory directory.

  • nalconfig.properties in the nal_database_volume\zenworks\database\nal directory.

If the files are not present, manually create them.

  • invconfig.properties with the following entry:

    DBObjectDN=DN of the Inventory database object in eDirectory
  • nalconfig.properties with the following entry:

    DBObjectDN=DN of the NAL database object in eDirectory

2708: Unable to assign rights to the directory directory_name on server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program was unable to assign rights to scandir or dictdir directories.
Possible Cause: You have not logged into the Windows server as an administrator or with the equivalent administrator rights.
Action: Ensure that you have logged into to the Windows server as an administrator or with the equivalent administrator rights.
Possible Cause: The Installation program is not running from a Windows workstation or server.
Action: Ensure that the recommended installation workstation requirements for Windows workstation or server are met. For more information, see User Workstation Requirements.
Action: Ensure that the network is up and running.
Action: Do the following:
  1. Stop the Inventory service.

  2. Assign rights to scandir or dictdir directories.

    • Scandir: Share the inventory_installation_drive\zenworks\inv\scandir directory as “ScanDir” and assign the Create rights to everyone.

    • Dictdir: Share the inventory_installation_drive\zenworks\inv\dictdir directory as “DictDir” and assign the Full rights to everyone.

  3. Start the Inventory service.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

2717: The installation program creates a new mgmtdbs.sh file. The installation program was unable to rename the existing mgmtdbs.sh file on the server server_name. Rename mgmtdbs.sh before proceeding with the installation

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Linux servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program tries to back up the mgmtdbs.sh file before making changes to it. This error occurs if the backup fails.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2.2, Reinstalling the Inventory Server or Inventory Database on Linux.

2718: Input-output error occurred while modifying the existing mgmtdbs.sh for the server server_name

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Linux servers
Severity: Critical
Explanation: The Installation program is unable to modify the existing mgmtdbs.sh file.
Possible Cause: An input/output error occurred while modifying the existing mgmtdbs.sh file.
Action: Reinstall the Inventory database. For more information, see Section 44.2.2, Reinstalling the Inventory Server or Inventory Database on Linux.
Action: If the problem persists, contact Novell Support.

The install path is too long

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on NetWare and Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Action: Ensure that the characters specified for the installation path do not exceed 169 characters.

Failed to create share_name share on server_name at directory_path

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Workstation Inventory installation on Windows servers
Severity: Critical
Possible Cause: The machine where you want to create the share cannot be reached.
Action: Ensure that the machine can be reached. Ping the machine to check the connectivity.
Action: Try to access any other share on the machine through Windows Explorer.