Migrating and Resynchronizing Data

After you start the driver, you can migrate users and groups to and from Novell® eDirectoryTM and resynchronize the application and eDirectory.

IMPORTANT:  Migration to and from eDirectory should be performed in three steps: migrating the groups; migrating the users; and migrating the groups again to complete the migration of the desired accounts into eDirectory. The driver should be running to migrate and resynchronize data.

Migrating into eDirectory Using ConsoleOne

All the users or groups can be selectively migrated by using the ConsoleOne® Migrate into NDS option.

  1. In ConsoleOne, right-click the DirXML Driver Set object and select Properties.

  2. Click DirXML Drivers.

  3. Select the driver from which you will be migrating data.

  4. Click Migrate into NDS.

  5. Click Edit List to add a list of user or group classes and attributes.

  6. Select the User or Group class to migrate all existing users or groups.


    Select the User class and the appropriate attribute.

  7. Enter the value for the attribute.

    This value will be used to determine the objects that are migrated into eDirectory. The valid pattern for an attribute is .* for matching all users or groups.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click Migrate.

Migrating into eDirectory Using iManager

All the users or groups can be selectively migrated by using the iManager Migrate into eDirectory option.

  1. In iManager, select DirXML Management > Overview.

  2. Locate the driver set containing the NIS driver, then double-click the driver icon.

  3. Click Migrate into eDirectory.

  4. Click Edit List to add a list of user or group classes and attributes.

  5. Select the User or Group class to migrate all existing users or groups.


    Select the User class and the appropriate attribute.

  6. Enter the value for the attribute.

    This value will be used to determine the objects that are migrated into eDirectory. The valid pattern for attribute is .* for matching all users or groups.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click Migrate.

Migrating from eDirectory Using ConsoleOne

All the users or groups having a UNIX profile can be selectively migrated by using the ConsoleOne Migrate from NDS option.

  1. In ConsoleOne, right-click the DirXML Driver Set object, then select Properties.

  2. Click DirXML Drivers.

  3. Select the driver to which you will be migrating data.

  4. Click Migrate from NDS, then click Add to add the objects to be migrated.

  5. Click OK.

Migrating from eDirectory Using iManager

All the users or groups having a UNIX profile can be selectively migrated by using the iManager Migrate from eDirectory option.

  1. In iManager, select DirXML Management > Overview.

  2. Locate the driver set containing the NIS driver and then double-click the driver icon.

  3. Click Migrate from eDirectory, then click Add to add the objects to be migrated.

  4. Click OK.


Resynchronizing causes the entries in eDirectory that have an association with the selected driver to immediately synchronize with the associated entries in the application.

To resynchronize using ConsoleOne:

  1. In ConsoleOne, right-click the DirXML Driver Set object, then select Properties.

  2. Click DirXML Drivers.

  3. Select the driver that you want to resynchronize.

  4. Click Resync.

To resynchronize using iManager:

  1. In iManager, select DirXML Management > Overview.

  2. Locate the driver set containing the NIS driver, then double-click the driver icon.

  3. Select the driver that you want to resynchronize.

  4. Click Synchronize.