Package com.novell.xml.xpath

Interface Summary
ContextListMark Bogus interface to provide a common return and parameter type for ContextNodeList.getMark()/returnToMark()
ContextNodeList An interface that represents a context node list used for evaluating an expression
Expression Interface that describes the basic functionality of XPath expressions
ExpressionValue Interface allowing discovery of and access to expression values.
FunctionCall.DoubleCaster An interface for casting an XPath number value to a java Number type (especially a java primitive number type)
FunctionLibrary An interface for binding providing a function library for evaluating XPath expressions
NamespaceContext Interface for namepace declarations that are in scope for an expression
NodeTest An interface representing NodeTest functionality in XPath expressions.
VariableBindings An interface for binding XPath variables to values and for retrieving the variable values.
WhitespaceStripper An interface for determining if a text node should be stripped This isn't part of XPath per se, but is a reasonable way to allow XSLT to implement whitespace stripping without having to physically strip nodes an possible create a new source tree.
XPathResetCache Interface so that expressions, etc. which cache results can be told to reset the cache (e.g., if an expression value will not change given the same input document, the expression object may cache the value after the first time Expression.evaluate() is called.
XPathResetRegistrar An interface for implementers of XPathResetCache to call to register themselves.

Class Summary
AbsoluteLocationPath Class representing an XPath AbsoluteExpressionPath.
AndExpr This class implements the XPath 'AndExpr' functionality.
ArgumentList This class implements a function argument list as list of expressions
Axis This class represents a generic XPath axis.
AxisAncestor class representing XPath "ancestor" axis
AxisAncestorOrSelf class representing XPath "ancestor-or-self" axis
AxisAttribute class representing XPath "attribute" axis
AxisChild class representing XPath "child" axis
AxisDescendant class representing XPath "descendant" axis
AxisDescendantOrSelf class representing XPath "descendant-or-self" axis
AxisElement base class for element axes
AxisFollowing class representing XPath "following" axis
AxisFollowingSibling class representing XPath "following-sibling" axis
AxisNamespace class representing XPath "namespace" axis
AxisNameToken Class to represent XPath LocationPath axis name tokens.
AxisParent class representing XPath "parent" axis
AxisPreceding class representing XPath "preceding" axis
AxisPrecedingSibling class representing XPath "preceding-sibling" axis
AxisSelf class representing the XPath axis "self"
Basis This class represents a Basis in the XPath expression language NOTE: it implements NamespaceContext for the benefit of NodeTest.evaluate()
BinaryExpr Base class for binary operand expressions.
BooleanExpr Base class for binary expressions returning XPath Boolean type.
BooleanValue Class to represent a boolean expression value
BrokenNotEqualsExpr This class implements the XPath 'EqualityExpr' functionality.
ComparisonExpr Base class for EqualityExpr and RelationalExpr implementations
DivExpr This class implements the XPath 'MultiplicativeExpr' functionality.
EqualsExpr This class implements the XPath 'EqualityExpr' functionality.
ExpressionContext Implements the functionality required for the expression evaluation context for XPath expressions
FilterExpr This class implements the functionality of an XPath FilterExpr production.
Function This class provides the basic common implementation for XPath functions.
FunctionCall Implements an XPath FunctionCall.
FunctionCall.NumberCaster An implementation class for casting an XPath number value to a java Number-derived object (especially a java primitive number type)
FunctionLibraryImpl Implementation of com.novell.xml.xpath.FunctionLibrary for convenience.
FunctionNameToken Class that represents an XPath expression-language function call token.
FunctionSignature This class implements a function signature for XPath functions.
GreaterThanEqualsExpr This class implements the XPath 'RelationalExpr' functionality.
GreaterThanExpr This class implements the XPath 'RelationalExpr' functionality.
InsertionOrderNodeSet Subclass of NodeSet that orders nodes based on order of insertion
LessThanEqualsExpr This class implements the XPath 'RelationalExpr' functionality.
LessThanExpr This class implements the XPath 'RelationalExpr' functionality.
LiteralToken Class representing a string literal token in XPath expression language
MinusExpr This class implements the XPath 'AdditiveExpr' functionality.
ModExpr This class implements the XPath 'MultiplicativeExpr' functionality.
MulExpr This class implements the XPath 'MultiplicativeExpr' functionality.
NodeSet Class to represent a node-set expression value
NodeSetExpr Base class for expressions that return node-sets
NodeType Class that represents a NodeType NodeTest in an XPath expression.
NodeTypePI class that represents pi('literal') construct in XPath expressions
NodeTypeToken Class representing an XPath NodeType token (comment, node, pi, text)
NotEqualsExpr This class implements the XPath 'EqualityExpr' functionality.
NumberExpr Base class for binary expressions returning XPath Number type.
NumberToken Class representing a number token in XPath expression language
NumberValue Class to represent a number expression value
OperatorToken Class representing an XPath expression language operator token
OrExpr This class implements the XPath 'OrExpr' functionality.
Parser Class that parses XPath expressions and returns an object that implements com.novell.xml.xpath.Expression
PathExpr This class implements some of the functionality of an XPath PathExpr production.
PlusExpr This class implements the XPath 'AdditiveExpr' functionality.
Predicate Class that represents a predicate in a Step or in a FilterExpr
RelativeLocationPath Class representing an XPath RelativeLocationPath.
Scanner class to scan and separate a string containing an XPath expression into lexical tokens
SingleNodeList A convenience class to provide a context node list of one
Step class that represents an XPath LocationPath Step The nodes returned from this class will always be in document order.
StringValue Class to represent a string expression value
Token Basic lexical token class for breaking apart an XPath expression into tokens
UnaryExpr This class implements the XPath 'UnaryExpr' functionality.
UnionExpr This class implements the XPath UnionExpr functionality.
VariableReference Implements an XPath VariableReference Note: The only reason this really exists anymore is so that dump() and toString() work correctly
VariableRefToken class representing a variable reference token in the XPath expression language
WildcardName Class that represents a WildcardName in an XPath production.
WildcardNameToken Class representing a WildcardName token in the XPath expression language (QName, NCName:*, or *)
XPathAttributeNode A node decorator that modifies the behavior of DOM Attr nodes to make them more suitable for XPath.
XPathNamespaceNode A Node implementation that provides the functionality of the XPath namespace node.
XPathUtil A utility class that gathers XPath functions together that don't fit under a real class.

Exception Summary
XPathConversionException exception thrown when a non-allowed conversion is attempted e.g., trying to convert a NodeSet to anything else
XPathEvaluationException Class for exceptions thrown during XPath expression evaluation
XPathException Base class for exceptions that are thrown by the XPath expression engine.
XPathParserException Class for exceptions thrown from the XPath parser.