Package com.novell.xml.xpath.functions

Class Summary
xpathBoolean This class implements the XPath boolean(object?)
XPathBuiltIns Utility class for adding XPath built-in functions to ana XPath FunctionLibrary.
xpathCeiling This class implements the XPath ceiling(number) built-in function
xpathConcat This class implements the XPath concat(string,string,string*) built-in function
xpathContains This class implements the XPath contains(string,string) built-in function
xpathCount This class implements the XPath count() built-in function
xpathFalse This class implements the XPath false() built-in function
xpathFloor This class implements the XPath floor(number) built-in function
xpathId This class implements the XPath id(object) built-in function
xpathLang This class implements the XPath lang(string) built-in function
xpathLast This class implements the XPath last() built-in function
xpathLocalName This class implements the XPath local-name(node-set?)
xpathName This class implements the XPath name(node-set?)
xpathNamespaceUri This class implements the XPath namespace-uri(node-set?)
xpathNormalizeSpace This class implements the XPath normalize-space(string?)
xpathNot This class implements the XPath not(boolean) built-in function
xpathNumber This class implements the XPath number(object?)
xpathPosition This class implements the XPath position() built-in function
xpathRound This class implements the XPath round(number) built-in function
xpathStartsWith This class implements the XPath starts-with(string,string) built-in function
xpathString This class implements the XPath string(object?)
xpathStringLength This class implements the XPath string-length(string?)
xpathSubstring This class implements the XPath substring(string,number,number?)
xpathSubstringAfter This class implements the XPath substring-after(string,string) built-in function
xpathSubstringBefore This class implements the XPath substring-before(string,string) built-in function
xpathSum This class implements the XPath sum(node-set) built-in function
xpathTranslate This class implements the XPath translate(string,string,string) built-in function
xpathTrue This class implements the XPath true() built-in function