Package com.novell.xsl

Interface Summary
ErrorHandler An interface for reporting XSL errors and warnings.
MessageHandler An interface for reporting XSLT messages
Version An interface containing version information for this software.
XmlHook Interface called when an XML document is loaded via xsl:include, xsl:import, or the XSLT document() function.

Class Summary
DefaultErrorHandler Default XSL error handler that logs errors and warnings to a PrintWriter (System.err unless specified otherwise).
DefaultMessageHandler Default handler class for xsl:message elements
nxsl A command-line driver for the Novell XSLT processor.
SAXtoDOMStrip Class to process SAX events and turn them into a DOM tree, while performing XSLT source-document whitespace stripping
Stylesheet An XSLT stylesheet.

Exception Summary
XSLException Signals that an XSL processor error occurred.