Package com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.gcv

Interface Summary
GCOwner Interface for objects that "own" control values.
GCPasswordRefValue.PasswordResolver Interface for providing values for referenced password definitions.
JobParams.ReferenceResolver Interface for providing values for DN-reference items and named-password references in JobParams definitions.
ShimParams.ReferenceResolver Interface for providing values for referenced items in ShimParams definitions.

Class Summary
EngineControls Class encapsulating DirXML Engine control values.
GCBooleanValue Class representing "boolean" type Global Configuration Values.
GCDefinitions GCDefinitions is an aggregation of GCValue objects.
GCDnRefValue Class representing "dn-ref" type Global Configuration Values.
GCDNValue Class representing "dn" type Global Configuration Values.
GCEnumValue Class representing "enum" type Global Configuration Values.
GCEnumValue.EnumChoice Class representing a single enum choice.
GCGroup Class representing a GCV group.
GCHeader Class representing a header element in a Global Configuration Value definition.
GCIntegerValue Class representing "integer" type Global Configuration Values.
GCListValue Class representing "list" type Global Configuration Values.
GCParent Base class for GCGroup and GCSubordinates classes.
GCPasswordRefValue Class representing "password-ref" type Global Configuration Values.
GCRealValue Class representing "real" type Global Configuration Values.
GCStringValue Class representing "string" type Global Configuration Values.
GCStructuredValue Class representing "structured" type Configuration Values.
GCStructuredValue.Instance Class representing an instance of a GCStructuredValue's template.
GCStructuredValue.Template Class representing the template definitions for a GCStructuredValue.
GCSubordinates Class representing a GCV subordinate section.
GCValue Base class for all Global Configuration Value types.
GCValue.XmlComment Class for representing XML comments.
GCValue.XmlItem Abstract class for representing XML processing instructions and comments.
GCValue.XmlProcessingInstruction Class for representing XML processing instructions.
GCVDtd Class containing definitions related to the XML representation of Global Configuration Values.
GCVRef Class representing a reference to a GCV from a ShimParams instance.
JobParams JobParams is an aggregation of GCValue objects.
ResourceParams ResourceParams is an aggregation of GCValue objects.
ShimParams ShimParams is an aggregation of GCValue objects.

Exception Summary
GCValue.IllegalCloneStateException Unchecked exception designed to be thrown when an "impossible" exception occurs during a cloneValue execution.
GCValueNotFoundException Derivative of GCVException thrown when applying GCVs to an XML document.
GCValueParseException Derivative of GCVException thrown when the lexical representation of a value does not parse correctly.
GCVArgumentException Derivative of GCVException thrown when a method argument is invalid.
GCVException Base class for exceptions thrown by Global Configuration Value classes and methods.
GCVStateException Derivative of GCVException thrown when an operation is attempted and the state of the GCValue object is incorrect.
GCVXmlParseException Derivative of GCVException thrown when the XML representation of GCVs is incorrect.
ShimParams.NoSuchReferenceException GCVException indicating a gcv-ref or password reference wasn't found.