Package com.novell.nds.dirxml.ldap

Class Summary
AbortJobRequest LDAP request to cause the the DirXML Engine to abort a running job.
CheckJobConfigRequest LDAP request to get a report on the configuration of a DirXML job.
CheckJobConfigResponse The response class for the CheckJobConfigRequest request.
CheckObjectPasswordRequest LDAP request to check the nspmDistributionPassword value of an eDirectory object against the object's associated password in a connected system.
CheckObjectPasswordResponse The response class for the CheckObjectPasswordRequest operation.
ChunkedResultResponseBase Base class for response classes that return server-hosted chunked results.
ClearAppPasswordRequest LDAP extension used to clear the application password for a DirXML-Driver object on a server.
ClearDriverSetRequest LDAP extension used to disassociate any DirXML driver set associated with a server.
ClearLogEventsRequest LDAP extension used to clear the event reporting filter used by the DirXML Engine to determine which events to report to the logging service.
ClearRemoteLoaderPasswordRequest LDAP extension used to clear the Remote Loader password for a DirXML-Driver object on a server.
CloseChunkedResultRequest Clean up any resources associated with a large result that is created in response to another data request.
DeleteCacheEntriesRequest Delete event records from the cache of a DirXML-Driver object on a server.
DirXMLExtensions Utility class for DirXML LDAP extensions.
DiscoverJobsRequest Discover available job definitions on a DirXML server.
DiscoverJobsResponse The response class for the DiscoverJobsRequest operation.
DriverGetSchemaRequest Cause a DirXML driver to obtain its application's schema and store the schema in the DirXML-ApplicationSchema attribute on the DirXML-Driver object.
DriverResyncRequest Initiate a resync for a DirXML driver on a server.
GetChunkedResultRequest Get part of a large result that is created in response to another data request.
GetChunkedResultResponse The response class for the GetChunkedResultRequest operation.
GetDefaultReciprocalAttrsMapRequest Get an XML document with a DirXML server's default mapping for reciprocal referential attributes.
GetDefaultReciprocalAttrsMapResponse The response class for the GetDefaultReciprocalAttrsMapRequest operation.
GetDriverGCVRequest Get effective GCV's given a set of gcv names for a DirXML driver on a server.
GetDriverGCVResponse The response class for the GetDriverGCVRequest operation.
GetDriverSetRequest Get the DN of the DirXML-DriverSet object associated with the server.
GetDriverSetResponse The response class for the GetDriverSetRequest operation.
GetDriverStartOptionRequest Get the start option value of a DirXML-Driver object on a server.
GetDriverStartOptionResponse The response class for the GetDriverStartOptionRequest operation.
GetDriverStateRequest Get the current state of a DirXML-Driver object on a server.
GetDriverStateResponse The response class for the GetDriverStateRequest operation.
GetDriverStatsRequest Get an XML document describing the current state of a DirXML driver on a server.
GetDriverStatsResponse The response class for the GetDriverStatsRequest operation.
GetJobStateRequest Get the state of a DirXML job.
GetJobStateResponse The response class for the GetJobStateRequest operation.
GetNamedPasswordRequest Get the password value associated with a Named Password Key for a Driver.
GetNamedPasswordResponse The response class for the GetNamedPasswordRequest operation.
GetPasswordsStateRequest Get the state of passwords associated with a DirXML-Driver object on a server.
GetPasswordsStateResponse The response class for the GetPasswordsStateRequest operation.
GetServerCertRequest Get the DirXML server's public key certificate that is used for encrypting data when setting passwords.
GetServerCertResponse The response class for the GetServerCertRequest operation.
GetVersionRequest Get the version number of the DirXML engine associated with the server.
GetVersionResponse The response class for the GetVersionRequest operation.
InitDriverObjectRequest Instruct the DirXML Engine to initialize a DirXML-Driver object on a server.
ListNamedPasswordsRequest List any named passwords from an eDirectory object on a server.
ListNamedPasswordsResponse The response class for the ListNamedPasswordsRequest operation.
MigrateAppRequest Start a migrate from application for a DirXML driver on a server.
NotifyJobUpdateRequest Notify the DirXML Engine that the data associated with a DirXML-Job object has changed.
QueueEventRequest Queue an event document for a DirXML driver on a server.
RegenerateAllKeysRequest Cause the DirXML Engine to regenerate all server-specific encryption keys.
RegenerateKeyRequest Cause the DirXML Engine to regenerate the public key/private key pair used for encrypting data when setting passwords.
RemoveAllNamedPasswordsRequest Remove all named passwords from an eDirectory object on a server.
RemoveNamedPasswordRequest Remove a named password from an eDirectory object on a server.
ResetDriverStatsRequest LDAP request to cause the the DirXML Engine to reset certain collected information about a driver.
SetAppPasswordRequest Set the application password for a DirXML-Driver object associated with a server.
SetDriverSetRequest Set the DirXML-DriverSet object associated with a server.
SetDriverStartOptionRequest Set the start option value of a DirXML-Driver object on a server.
SetLogEventsRequest Set the filter for reporting events in the DirXML Engine to the logging service.
SetNamedPasswordRequest Set a named password for an eDirectory object associated with a server.
SetRemoteLoaderPasswordRequest Set the remote loader password for a DirXML-Driver object associated with a server.
StartDriverRequest Start a DirXML driver.
StartJobRequest Cause the the DirXML Engine to start a job.
StopDriverRequest Stop a DirXML driver.
SubmitCommandRequest Submit a command document to a DirXML driver on a server.
SubmitCommandResponse The response class for the SubmitCommandRequest operation.
SubmitEventRequest Submit an event document to a DirXML driver on a server.
SubmitEventResponse The response class for the SubmitEventRequest operation.
ViewCacheEntriesRequest View event records in the cache of a DirXML-Driver object on a server.
ViewCacheEntriesResponse The response class for the ViewCacheEntriesRequest operation.