
Provides an independent framework for managing the authentication process and authentication credentials for identities within a JVM.


Interface Summary
Key Defines the functionality shared by all key objects.
Principal Represents a principal, which can be an individual, a corporation, a program thread, or anything that can have an identity.
PublicKey Serves to group and provide type safety for all public key interfaces.

Class Summary
Authenticator Manages the authentication process for identities within a JVM.
DigestInputStream Provides a transparent stream that updates the associated message digest using the bits going through the stream.
DigestOutputStream Provides a transparent stream that updates the associated message digest using the bits going through the stream.
Identity Represents identities, which are real-world objects.
IdentityScope Represents a scope for identities.
MessageDigest Provides applications with the functionality of a message digest algorithm, such as MD5 or SHA.
MessageDigestSpi Defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the MessageDigest class.
Provider Represents a provider for the Java Security API.

Exception Summary
AlreadyAuthenticatedException Thrown when an identity is already authenticated to a resource that is the target of another authentication.
AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException Thrown when another identity is authenticated to the resource for which the authentication is requested.
AuthenticatorException Employs a "root-cause" mechanism by which the original exception, which may be provider-specific, can be recovered.
ConfigurationException Thrown when a configuration error occurs in the Authenticator.
CreateTokensCancelledException Thrown when the authentication token creation process is cancelled.
CreateTokensException This exception is thrown when the creation of authentication tokens fails.
DigestException Provides the generic message eigest exception.
GeneralSecurityException Groups all the exception classes of the package that extend from it.
GetIdentitiesException Thrown when a failure occurs in identifying authenticated identities.
InvalidKeyException Provides the exception for invalid Keys.
KeyException Provides the basic key exception.
KeyManagementException Provides the general key management exception for all operations dealing with key management.
LoginCancelledException Thrown when the login procedure is cancelled.
LoginException Thrown when an error occurs in the login procedure.
LogoutCancelledException Thrown when the logout procedure is cancelled.
LogoutException Thrown when an error occurs in the logout procedure.
ModifyTokensCancelledException Thrown when the token modification procedure is cancelled.
ModifyTokensException Thrown when an error occurs during the modification of authentication tokens.
NoSuchAlgorithmException Thrown when a particular cryptographic algorithm is requested but is not available in the environment.
NoSuchProviderException Thrown when a particular security provider is requested but is not available in the environment.
ProviderException Provides a runtime exception for Provider exceptions, such as misconfiguration errors.
SignatureException Provides a generic Signature exception.
VerifyTokensCancelledException Thrown when the token modification procedure is cancelled.
VerifyTokensException Thrown when an error occurs during the verification of authentication tokens.

Package Description

Provides an independent framework for managing the authentication process and authentication credentials for identities within a JVM. The Authenticator achieves application level authentication by prompting for user credentials when an authentication request is issued. The Authenticator uses the underlying requestor to perform the actual authentication. This package also provides other security functionalities such as the Message Digest algorithms.

Package Specification


Related Documentation

The following classes and interfaces are used by the Java.Security classes and interfaces. For overviews, concepts, sample code and demos, and tasks documentation, please see: