A_CANT_COMPRESS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry cannot be compressed.
A_COPY_INHIBIT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry cannot be copied.
A_DELETE_INHIBIT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry cannot be deleted.
A_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry is a directory, not a file.
A_DONT_COMPRESS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry should not be compressed.
A_DONT_MIGRATE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry should not be migrated.
A_EXECUTE_ONLY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry can be loaded for execution only once.
A_FILE_COMPRESSED - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry is compressed.
A_FILE_MIGRATED - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry has been migrated.
A_HIDDEN - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry doesn't appear in a normal directory listing.
A_IMMEDIATE_COMPRESS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry should be compressed when migrated.
A_IMMEDIATE_PURGE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry will be purged when deleted.
A_INDEXED - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: Not in use; provided for compatibility only.
A_NEEDS_ARCHIVED - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry has been changed since last archived.
A_NORMAL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: No attributes set.
A_READ_AUDIT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: Not in use.
A_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry cannot be written, deleted or renamed.
A_RENAME_INHIBIT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry cannot be renamed.
A_SHAREABLE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry can be opened by multiple clients.
A_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: The entry is used by the system and is hidden.
A_TRANSACTIONAL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: A transaction on the entry is being tracked.
A_WRITE_AUDIT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute: Not in use.
abort() - Method in class com.novell.service.qms.QMSOutputStream
Aborts a currently open stream.
abortOperations(Name) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsPartition
Aborts all pending Partition operations.
abortOperations(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsPartition
Aborts all pending Partition operations.
accessLevel - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyAccessLevel
ACCOUNT_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The Account Version constant for use in the search field.
add(SessionAttr) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Adds a new session attribute (attr) to this set.
add(String, Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Adds a new entry to this environment.
add(String, Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Adds a new session attribute to this set identified by attrId and value parameters.
addCertificate(Certificate) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Adds a certificate for this identity.
addDataSegment(BinderyPropertyDataSegment) - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Adds a BinderyPropertyDataSegment to an instance of this class.
addIdentity(Identity) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Adds an identity to this IdentityScope.
addIdentity(Identity) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
Adds an identity to this scope.
Address - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address.
Provides NetWare address types, constructors for creating an addess, and methods for manipulating addresses.
Address(InetAddress) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
Construct an Address using an InetAddress.
Address(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
Constructs an address consisting of a type and a byte array.
Address(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
Constructs an address from a String consisting of a type and a byte array.
ADMINISTRATIVE_DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
The administrative domain name.
ADMINISTRATIVE_DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentityScope
The administrative domain name.
ADMINISTRATIVE_DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentityScope
The administrative domain name.
align32() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Aligns a value a on 32-bit boundary.
ALLOW_BACKGROUND_VALIDATION - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Key describing whether or not a separate thread will be spawned by the SessionManager to keep Sessions validated.
AlreadyAuthenticatedException - exception com.novell.java.security.AlreadyAuthenticatedException.
Thrown when an identity is already authenticated to a resource that is the target of another authentication.
AlreadyAuthenticatedException - exception com.novell.service.session.AlreadyAuthenticatedException.
Thrown when an Authenticatable Session is requested to authenticate but it is already in an authenticated state.
AlreadyAuthenticatedException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AlreadyAuthenticatedException
Default constructor.
AlreadyAuthenticatedException() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.AlreadyAuthenticatedException
Constructs an AlreadyAuthenticatedException without any detail message.
AlreadyAuthenticatedException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AlreadyAuthenticatedException
Constructor with String message.
AlreadyAuthenticatedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AlreadyAuthenticatedException
Constructor with String message and a root cause exception.
AlreadyAuthenticatedException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AlreadyAuthenticatedException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException - exception com.novell.java.security.AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException.
Thrown when another identity is authenticated to the resource for which the authentication is requested.
AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException
Default constructor.
AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException
Constructor with a String message.
AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException
Constructor with a String message and a root cause exception.
AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AnotherIdentityIsAuthenticatedException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
approximate - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeValue
Approximate matching rule for comparing strings and distinguished names.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsStream
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTelephoneNumber
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Compares two Objects using the approximate equals matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreString
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseExactString
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Compares two Objects using the approximate equals matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNumericString
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeValue
Compares two Objects for approximate equality.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPrintableString
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsClassName
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsDistinguishedName
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
approximate(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Compares two Objects using the approximate matching rule.
ARCHIVEDATE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on last archival date.
ARCHIVER_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on archiver.
ARCHIVETIME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on last archival time.
ATTR_ASN1NAME - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Represents the ASN1Name Attribute ID.
ATTR_ASN1NAME - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
The unique identifier for the class definition based on the international standard for representing data types and structures.
ATTR_FLAGS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Represents the flags attribute ID for class definitions.
ATTR_FLAGS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Represents the flags attribute ID for attribute definitions.
ATTR_FLAGS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Represents the Flags attribute ID for syntax definitions.
ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Integer used to identify each attribute.
ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerLoginStatus
The attribute ID of this attribute.
ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
The attribute ID of this attribute.
ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
The attribute ID of the ServerDescription attribute.
ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
The attribute ID of this attribute whose value is ServerCounts.
ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The attribute ID of this attribute.
ATTR_LOWER_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
The lower limit for the attribute value.
ATTR_OBJECT_CONTAINMENT_CLASSES - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Represents the Object Containment Classes Attribute ID.
ATTR_OBJECT_MANDATORY_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Represents the Object Mandatory Attributes Attribute ID.
ATTR_OBJECT_NAMING_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Represents the Object Naming Attributes Attribute ID.
ATTR_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Represents the Object Optional Attributes Attribute ID.
ATTR_OBJECT_SUPER_CLASSES - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Represents the Object Super Classes Attribute ID.
ATTR_SYNTAX_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
An integer used to identify attribute values.
ATTR_UPPER_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
The upper limit for the attribute value.
ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
Name of the Attribute Definitions node bound to the Schema root.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Attribute ID of VolumeInformation.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Attribute ID of DirectoryEntryInformation.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Attribute ID of DirectoryEntryInformation.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Attribute ID of ExtendedAttribute
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Attribute ID of VolumeUtilization.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Attribute ID of Trustee.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteeEnumerator
Attribute ID of the TrusteeEnumerator.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestrictionEnumerator
Attribute ID of VolumeRestrictionEnumerator.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Attribute ID of DirectorySpaceInformation.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Attribute ID of VolumeRestriction.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.EAEnumerator
Attribute ID of EAEnumerator
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator
Attribute ID of the TrusteePathEnumerator.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The Schema Attribute ID for the Attribute Definitions objects that will return the type of the associated attributes object.
ATTRIBUTES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on directory entry attributes.
attrID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
The attribute ID of this attribute.
attrID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerLoginStatus
Deprecated. This member will be removed. Use ATTR_ID instead.
attrID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Deprecated. This member will be removed. Use ATTR_ID instead.
attrID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
Deprecated. This member will be removed. Use ATTR_ID instead.
attrID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Deprecated. This member will be removed. Use ATTR_ID instead.
attrID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Deprecated. This member will be removed. Use ATTR_ID instead.
Authenticatable - interface com.novell.service.session.Authenticatable.
Provides an interface for all objects returned by the SessionManager that can be authenticated.
authenticate() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Authenticatable
Deprecated. Use com.novell.java.security and related packages. Authenticate the object by using it's parent's credentials, if any.
authenticate(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Authenticatable
Deprecated. Use com.novell.java.security and related packages. Authenticate the object by name.
authenticate(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
authenticate(String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethWrapper
Authenticator - class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator.
Manages the authentication process for identities within a JVM.
AuthenticatorException - exception com.novell.java.security.AuthenticatorException.
Employs a "root-cause" mechanism by which the original exception, which may be provider-specific, can be recovered.
AuthenticatorException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AuthenticatorException
The default constructor.
AuthenticatorException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AuthenticatorException
Constructor with a String message.
AuthenticatorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.AuthenticatorException
Constructor with a string message and a root cause exception.
AUTHORITATIVE - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI authoritative setting.
available() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
available() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Returns bytes that are available to read without blocking.
available() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Returns the number of bytes left from the current stream position.
availableBlocks - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase
AVAILABLEBLOCKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The AvailableBlocks compare field.
AVAILABLEBLOCKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
AvailableBlocks compare field.
availableDirEntries - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase
AVAILABLEDIRENTRIES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The AvailableDirEntries compare field.
AVAILABLEDIRENTRIES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
AvailableDirEntries compare field.
availSubAllocSectors - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
AVAILSUBALLOCSECTORS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The AvailSubAllocSectors compare field.


BACK_LINK - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Back Link syntax ID.
BACK_LINK_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are used for Directory internal management.
BATCHSIZE - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI batch size setting.
BF_DYNAMIC - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Flag identifying a bindery object or bindery object property as dynamic.
BF_ITEM - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Flag identifying a bindery property as containing a single item.
BF_SET - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Flag identifying a bindery property as containing a set of items.
BF_STATIC - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Flag identifying a bindery object or bindery object property as static.
Bindery - class com.novell.service.session.bindery.Bindery.
Provides static session attribute values for Bindery.
BINDERY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment
The constant for the BinderyDirContext object.
BINDERY_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment
The constant for the BinderyObjectDirContext object.
BINDERY_OBJECT_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment
The constant for the BinderyObjectFactory object.
BINDERY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment
The constant for the BinderyPropertyAttrVal object.
BinderyDirContext - class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyDirContext.
Implements the JNDI DirContext interface (via the AtomicDirContext).
BinderyEnvironment - class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment.
Defines the set of constant Strings that uniquely controls the behavior of the Bindery name provider.
BinderyIdentity - class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentity.
Represents an authenticatable entity in a bindery system (a user, an administrator, and so forth).
BinderyIdentity(Identity) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentity
Constructs an identity from another specified identity.
BinderyIdentity(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and no scope.
BinderyIdentity(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and server name as an IdentityScope.
BinderyIdentity(String, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and scope (server name).
BinderyIdentityScope - class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentityScope.
Represents an authenticatable container in a Bindery system, such as a server.
BinderyIdentityScope() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentityScope
Construct the root-most identity scope with the ADMINISTRATIVE_DOMAIN_NAME name.
BinderyIdentityScope(IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentityScope
Construct an identity scope from a scope.
BinderyIdentityScope(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentityScope
Construct an identity scope with the specified name and no scope.
BinderyIdentityScope(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentityScope
Construct an identity scope with the specified name and scope.
BinderyObjectDirContext - class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyObjectDirContext.
Represents an individual object found in the NetWare bindery.
BinderyObjectDirContext(BinderyEnvironment) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyObjectDirContext
Constructs a BinderyObjectDirContext with only a BinderyEnvironment parameter.
BinderyObjectDirContext(Environment, String, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyObjectDirContext
Constructs a BinderyObjectDirContext object with the passed in parameters.
BinderyPasswordIdentity - class com.novell.service.security.BinderyPasswordIdentity.
This class represents a Bindery identity with a password.
BinderyPasswordIdentity(Identity) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyPasswordIdentity
Constructs a password identity based on an existing identity.
BinderyPasswordIdentity(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyPasswordIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and no scope.
BinderyPasswordIdentity(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyPasswordIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name as a String and scope as an IdentityScope.
BinderyPasswordIdentity(String, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.BinderyPasswordIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and scope as Strings.
BinderyPropertyAttrVal - class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal.
Holds all the information found in a Bindery Property.
BinderyPropertyAttrVal(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Constructs a BinderyPropertyAttrVal object with the name, flags and security parameters.
BinderyPropertyDataSegment - class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment.
Holds a 128-byte data segment containing the data of a Bindery Property.
BinderyPropertyDataSegment(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
Constructs a property data segment from a byte array.
BinderyPropertyDataSegment(Vector, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
Construct a property data segment from a vector of integers.
BinderyUtil - class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil.
Defines a number of constants for use with the Bindery.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Boolean syntax ID.
BOOLEAN_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values represent TRUE (1) or FALSE (0).
booleanValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Returns a Boolean object with the value of TRUE or FALSE.
BS_ANY_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing any attached connection to have read privileges
BS_ANY_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing any attached connection to have write privileges
BS_BINDERY_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing the server (bindery) to have read privileges
BS_BINDERY_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing the server (bindery) to have write privileges
BS_LOGGED_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing a logged in object to have read privileges
BS_LOGGED_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing a logged in object to have write privileges
BS_OBJECT_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing the owner to have object read privileges
BS_OBJECT_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing the owner object to have write privileges
BS_SUPER_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing the supervisor to have read privileges
BS_SUPER_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery security flag allowing the supervisor to have write privileges
byteswapID(int) - Static method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Swaps the byte ordering on a 16-bit integer for making native calls.
byteValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Returns the value of this NDS object as a byte.
byteValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Returns the value of this NDS object as a byte.
byteValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong
Returns the value of this NDS object as a byte.
byteValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Returns the value of this NDS object as a byte.


CallsServiceRemote.BinderyAccessLevel - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyAccessLevel.
CallsServiceRemote.BinderyAccessLevel() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyAccessLevel
CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObject - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObject.
CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObject(int, String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObject
CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty.
CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty
CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectTrusteePath - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectTrusteePath.
CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectTrusteePath() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectTrusteePath
CallsServiceRemote.DirectoryEntryInformationPlus - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.DirectoryEntryInformationPlus.
CallsServiceRemote.DirectoryEntryInformationPlus() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.DirectoryEntryInformationPlus
CallsServiceRemote.DirSpaceLimit - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.DirSpaceLimit.
CallsServiceRemote.DirSpaceLimit() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.DirSpaceLimit
CallsServiceRemote.FileServerDescription - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.FileServerDescription.
CallsServiceRemote.FileServerDescription() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.FileServerDescription
CallsServiceRemote.MountedVolumes - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.MountedVolumes.
CallsServiceRemote.MountedVolumes() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.MountedVolumes
CallsServiceRemote.NextObjectName - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.NextObjectName.
CallsServiceRemote.NextObjectName() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.NextObjectName
CallsServiceRemote.ObjectDiskSpaceLeft - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.ObjectDiskSpaceLeft.
CallsServiceRemote.ObjectDiskSpaceLeft() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.ObjectDiskSpaceLeft
CallsServiceRemote.ObjectNameAndType - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.ObjectNameAndType.
CallsServiceRemote.ObjectNameAndType() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.ObjectNameAndType
CallsServiceRemote.PropertyValue - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.PropertyValue.
CallsServiceRemote.PropertyValue() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.PropertyValue
CallsServiceRemote.QueueCurrentStatus - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.QueueCurrentStatus.
CallsServiceRemote.QueueCurrentStatus() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.QueueCurrentStatus
CallsServiceRemote.ReadEA - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.ReadEA.
CallsServiceRemote.ReadEA(int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.ReadEA
CallsServiceRemote.TrusteeEnumeratorStruct - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.TrusteeEnumeratorStruct.
CallsServiceRemote.TrusteeEnumeratorStruct() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.TrusteeEnumeratorStruct
CallsServiceRemote.TrusteePath - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.TrusteePath.
CallsServiceRemote.TrusteePath() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.TrusteePath
CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase.
CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase
CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended.
CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
CallsServiceRemote.VolumeRestrictionEnumeratorStruct - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeRestrictionEnumeratorStruct.
CallsServiceRemote.VolumeRestrictionEnumeratorStruct(int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeRestrictionEnumeratorStruct
cancel() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Cancels the job, removes it from the queue, and aborts the output stream if it is open.
CASE_EXACT_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Case Exact String syntax ID.
CASE_EXACT_STRING_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are case-sensitive Unicode strings.
CASE_IGNORE_LIST - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Case Ignore List syntax ID.
CASE_IGNORE_LIST_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are ordered sequences of strings for which the case (upper or lower) is not significant.
CASE_IGNORE_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Case Ignore String syntax ID.
CASE_IGNORE_STRING_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose value are case-sensitive ordered sequences of Unicode strings.
changePassword(String, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
changePassword(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
changePassword(String, String, String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethWrapper
checkParameters(String, String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
Opens a file stream with the passed in subordinate name.
CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the class attribute level.
CLASS_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
Name of the Class Definitions node bound to the Schema root.
CLASS_DEFS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the class definitions.
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Class Name syntax ID.
CLASS_NAME_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values represent object class names.
clear() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Provider
Clears this provider so that it no longer contains the properties used to look up facilities implemented by the provider.
clear() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Clears this environment so it contains no keys.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigestSpi
Creates a new message digest object of the same class as this message digest object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Creates a new message digest object of the same class as this message digest object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Instantiates a new VolumeInformation object with all new references, but with the same values within those references.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Clones this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Clones this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Instantiates a new object of this type with all new references, but with the same values within those references.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
Returns a clone of this DataAccessableParameters object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Instantiates a new object of this type with all new references, but with the same values within those references.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Instantiates a new object of this type.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Clones the current DirectorySpaceInformation object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Clones the current VolumeRestriction object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsStream
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsString
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTelephoneNumber
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreString
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseExactString
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNumericString
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPrintableString
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsClassName
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsDistinguishedName
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Creates a new copy of this environment.
close() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Closes this random access source and releases any system resources associated with it.
close() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream
Closes the stream.
close() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Closes the stream.
close() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Closes the stream.
close() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Closes the iterator and frees all associated memory.
close() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDirContext
close() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Closes and invalidates this session and its children, removing all stored credentials.
clustersUsedByDirs - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
CLUSTERSUSEDBYDIRS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The ClustersUsedByDirs compare field.
clustersUsedByExtDirs - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
CLUSTERSUSEDBYEXTDIRS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The ClustersUsedByExtDirs compare field.
clustersUsedByFAT - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
CLUSTERSUSEDBYFAT_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The ClustersUsedByFAT compare field.
com.novell.java.io - package com.novell.java.io
Provides functionality for file I/O, including file streams (input and output) and random access functionality to some data device objects.
com.novell.java.io.spi - package com.novell.java.io.spi
Provides for reading and/or writing to a given resource.
com.novell.java.lang - package com.novell.java.lang
Provides interfaces and classes that are considered important enough to become part of a future release of the standard Java libraries.
com.novell.java.security - package com.novell.java.security
Provides an independent framework for managing the authentication process and authentication credentials for identities within a JVM.
com.novell.service.bindery - package com.novell.service.bindery
Provides contexts that implement the behavior of the NetWare 3.x bindery, such as creating, deleting and renaming Bindery objects and references to servers and trees, and discovering and accessing the objects present in the bindery.
com.novell.service.file.nw - package com.novell.service.file.nw
Provides for contexts that represent objects in the NetWare file system, such as NetWare volumes, directories, and files.
com.novell.service.file.nw.naming - package com.novell.service.file.nw.naming
Provides JNDI naming support for the NetWare File System provider.
com.novell.service.ncpext - package com.novell.service.ncpext
Provides contexts that implement the behavior of NetWare NCP extensions, such as discovering and accessing NCP Extensions.
com.novell.service.nds - package com.novell.service.nds
Provides access to NDS services through JNDI.
com.novell.service.nds.naming - package com.novell.service.nds.naming
Provides JNDI naming support for the NDS provider.
com.novell.service.nw - package com.novell.service.nw
Provides contexts that list all the known NetWare servers and trees.
com.novell.service.qms - package com.novell.service.qms
Provides objects that implement the behavior of NetWare queues and queue jobs.
com.novell.service.qms.naming - package com.novell.service.qms.naming
Provides JNDI naming support for the Queue Management System (QMS) provider.
com.novell.service.security - package com.novell.service.security
Provides identity types for application level authentication to Novell Services using the NDS, BINDERY and LDAP protocols.
com.novell.service.server - package com.novell.service.server
Provides a context that represents a NetWare server allowing for server management and control functionality.
com.novell.service.session - package com.novell.service.session
Provides interfaces and classes for accessing sessions under the session manager system.
com.novell.service.session.bindery - package com.novell.service.session.bindery
Provides functionality for the Bindery provider within the session manager system, including static IDs and values specific to the Bindery provider.
com.novell.service.session.nds - package com.novell.service.session.nds
Provides functionality for the NDS provider within the session manager system, including static IDs and values specific to the NDS provider.
com.novell.service.session.spi - package com.novell.service.session.spi
com.novell.service.session.xplat - package com.novell.service.session.xplat
Provides functionality for the Bindery and NDS providers within the session manager system, including static IDs and values specific to the both providers.
com.novell.utility.naming - package com.novell.utility.naming
Provides for environment variable constants associated with Novell JNDI providers.
COMPARE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The Attribute ID of the Syntax Definitions Schema DirContext used to optain the valid compare strings for a given attribute value.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Schema Syntax of VolumeInformation.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Schema Syntax of DirectoryEntryInformation.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Schema Syntax of DirectoryEntryInfomation.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Schema syntax of ExtendedAttribute
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Schema Syntax of VolumeUtilization.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Schema Syntax of Trustee.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteeEnumerator
Schema Syntax of the TrusteeEnumerator.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestrictionEnumerator
Schema Syntax of VolumeRestrictionEnumerator.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Schema Syntax of DirectorySpaceInformation.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Schema Syntax of VolumeRestriction.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.EAEnumerator
The Schema Syntax of EAEnumerator.
COMPARE_SYNTAX_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator
Schema Syntax of the TrusteePathEnumerator.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsStream
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsString
Compares this SchemaValue with the parameter anObject.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTelephoneNumber
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Compares two Objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreString
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseExactString
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNumericString
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPrintableString
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsClassName
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsDistinguishedName
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Compares two objects for ordering, or compares two strings lexicographically.
COMPATABILITY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The openFlag variable allowing the data accessor to be opened in NetWare compatability mode.
compressedSectors - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
COMPRESSEDSECTORS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The CompressedSectors compare field.
CONFIDENCE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the confidence.
ConfigurationException - exception com.novell.java.security.ConfigurationException.
Thrown when a configuration error occurs in the Authenticator.
ConfigurationException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ConfigurationException
The default constructor.
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ConfigurationException
Constructor with a message.
ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ConfigurationException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
ConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ConfigurationException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
CONN_AUTHENTICATION_STATE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw authentication state of a session's connection.
CONN_BROADCAST_STATE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw broadcast state of a Session's connection.
CONN_CONNECTION_NUMBER_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw connection number of a Session's connection.
CONN_CONNECTION_REFERENCE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw connection reference of a Session's connection.
CONN_DISTANCE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw round trip time of a Session's connection.
CONN_LICENSE_STATE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw license state of a Session's connection.
CONN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw maximum packet size of a Session's connection.
CONN_NDS_STATE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw NDS state of a Session's connection.
CONN_SERVER_ADDRESS_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw server address of a Session's connection.
CONN_SERVER_NAME_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw server name of a Session's connection.
CONN_SERVER_VERSION_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw server version of a Session's connection.
CONN_TREE_NAME_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw tree name of a Session's connection.
CONN_USER_ID_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw user ID of a Session's connection.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Determines if some value maps into the specified value of this environment.
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Determines if a key maps into the specified key of this environment.
convertToUpperCase() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.Password
copy(DirectoryEntryInformation) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
copy(DirectorySpaceInformation) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Copies the CallsServiceRemote from object into this object.
copy(VolumeRestriction) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Copies the CallsServiceRemote from object into this object.
copy(VolumeUtilization) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Copies the CallsServiceRemote from object into this object.
copyBase(CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Copies the from object into this CallsServiceRemote object.
copyExtended(CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Copies the from object into this CallsServiceRemote object.
copySubset(VolumeRestriction) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Returns the number of elements in this sequence.
count() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Returns the number of attributes in this set.
count(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Counts the number of remaining entries (objects) in this iterator.
COUNTER - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Counter syntax ID.
COUNTER_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are signed integers.
createIdentity(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Authenticatable
Creates and returns an Identity based on this Session.
createIterator(String, Attributes) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorFactory
Creates an NdsIterator object based on two parameters.
createIterator(String, Attributes, String[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorFactory
Creates an NdsIterator object based on three parameters.
createIterator(String, NdsIteratorControls, String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorFactory
Creates an NdsIterator object based on four parameters.
createIterator(String, String, NdsIteratorControls) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorFactory
Creates an NdsIterator object based on three parameters.
createIterator(String, String, Object[], NdsIteratorControls) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorFactory
Creates an NdsIterator object based on four parameters.
createJob() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Creates a new job for this queue.
createJob(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Creates a QMSJob for an existing job specified by its job ID.
createTokens(Identity) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Deprecated. This API should not be used, and may not work on some platforms. It has been replaced with createTokens(Identity admin, Identity user)
createTokens(Identity, Identity) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Creates new authentication login secrets or tokens for an Identity object.
CreateTokensCancelledException - exception com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensCancelledException.
Thrown when the authentication token creation process is cancelled.
CreateTokensCancelledException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensCancelledException
The default constructor.
CreateTokensCancelledException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensCancelledException
Constructor with a message.
CreateTokensCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensCancelledException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
CreateTokensCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensCancelledException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
CreateTokensException - exception com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensException.
This exception is thrown when the creation of authentication tokens fails.
CreateTokensException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensException
The default constructor.
CreateTokensException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensException
Constructor with a message.
CreateTokensException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
CreateTokensException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.CreateTokensException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
CREATIONDATE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on creation date.
CREATIONTIME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on creation time.
CREATOR_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on creator.
current() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Returns the entry (NdsIteratorResult object) at the current position.
CURRENTUSE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
CurrentUse compare field.


DataAccessable - interface com.novell.java.io.DataAccessable.
Provides an object that may support input/output streams and random access to data.
DataAccessableParameters - class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters.
Provides a DataAccessor implementation using the custom data openFlags and dataSelector parameters.
DataAccessableParameters(int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
Constructs a DataAccessableParameters object.
DataAccessor - interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor.
Provides an interface that allows read and/or write access to a given resource.
DATASTREAMSIZE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on the primary data stream size.
DCK_CONFIDENCE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw confidence of a Session's context.
DCK_FLAGS_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw flags of a Session's context.
DCK_LAST_CONNECTION_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw last connection of a Session's context.
DCK_NAME_CONTEXT_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw name of a Session's context.
DCK_REFERRAL_SCOPE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw referral scope of a Session's context.
DCK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw transport type of a Session's context.
DCK_TREE_NAME_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the raw tree name of a Session's context.
DCV_HIGH_CONF - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the high confidence level.
DCV_LOW_CONF - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the low confidence level.
DCV_MED_CONF - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the medium confidence level.
DEFAULT_ATTRS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the default object attributes.
DEFAULT_DATASELECTOR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The dataSelector variable with the default value.
DEFAULT_DEFS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the default class definitions.
DEFAULT_INPUT_OPENFLAGS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The default NFileInputFile openFlags value.
DEFAULT_NAME_SPACE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSEnvironment
Environment property containing the current name space.
DEFAULT_OUTPUT_OPENFLAGS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The default NFileOutputFile openFlags value.
DELETE_FILE_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The openFlag variable allowing the data accessor to be opened in delete-after-close mode.
DENY_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The openFlag variable allowing the data accessor to be opened but deny any shared read requests.
DENY_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The openFlag variable allowing the data accessor to be opened but deny any shared write requests.
digest() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Completes the hash computation by performing final operations such as padding.
digest(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Performs a final update and digest computation on the digest using the specified array of bytes.
digest(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Completes the hash computation by performing final operations such as padding.
DigestException - exception com.novell.java.security.DigestException.
Provides the generic message eigest exception.
DigestException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.DigestException
Constructs a DigestException with no detail message.
DigestException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.DigestException
Constructs a DigestException with the specified detail message, which is a String describing this exception.
DigestInputStream - class com.novell.java.security.DigestInputStream.
Provides a transparent stream that updates the associated message digest using the bits going through the stream.
DigestInputStream(InputStream, MessageDigest) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.DigestInputStream
Creates a digest input stream using the specified input stream and message digest.
DigestOutputStream - class com.novell.java.security.DigestOutputStream.
Provides a transparent stream that updates the associated message digest using the bits going through the stream.
DigestOutputStream(OutputStream, MessageDigest) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.DigestOutputStream
Creates a digest output stream using the specified output stream and message digest.
DIRECTORY_CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The binding name of the class definition DirContext associated with the file systems Directory contexts.
DirectoryEntryInformation - class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation.
Provides the attribute interface for Directory Entry Information.
DirectoryEntryInformation() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Constructs a DirectoryEntryInformation object.
DirectoryEntryInformation(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, String, int, int, String, int, int, int, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, String, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Constructs a DirectoryEntryInformation object specifying all values that are needed to set the full state.
DirectoryEntryInformation(int, int, int, String, int, int, String, int, int, String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Constructs a DirectoryEntryInformation object that is ready to send into a modify operation.
directoryServicesName - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
DIRECTORYSERVICESNAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The DirectoryServicesName compare field.
directoryServicesObjectId - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
DirectorySpaceInformation - class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation.
Provides support for NetWare file system directory attribute values and operations.
DirectorySpaceInformation() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Constructs a default DirectorySpaceInformation object with no parameters.
DirectorySpaceInformation(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Constructs a DirectorySpaceInformation object with all possible state parameters and initializes the object to the values of these parameters.
DIRENTNUM_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on the name space directory entry number.
DISALLOW_REFERRALS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the disallowed referrals.
DISTINGUISHED_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Distinguished Name syntax ID.
DISTINGUISHED_NAME_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify the attributes whose values are Distinguished Names.
DM_ARCHIVE_DATE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Archive Date.
DM_ARCHIVE_TIME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Archive Time.
DM_ARCHIVER - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Archiver.
DM_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Attributes.
DM_CREATE_DATE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Creation Date.
DM_CREATE_TIME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Creation Time.
DM_CREATOR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Creator.
DM_INHERITED_RIGHTS_MASK - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Inherited Rights Mask.
DM_LAST_ACCESS_DATE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Last Access Date.
DM_MODIFIER - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Modifier.
DM_MODIFY_DATE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Modify Date.
DM_MODIFY_TIME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Modify Mask: Modify Time.
DNS_URL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI DNS URL.
DOMAIN_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Environment key used for changing the behavior of XplatUtil Sessions during Session.getSession()operations by passing an existing domain address.
DOMAIN_NAME_ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Attribute ID describing the domain name of a Session.
DomainNameMismatchException - exception com.novell.service.session.xplat.DomainNameMismatchException.
Thrown when a server name does not match the name in the connection.
DomainNameMismatchException(String, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.DomainNameMismatchException
Constructs a DomainNameMismatchException with the requested server and connection server.
DomainNameMismatchException(String, String, Address) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.DomainNameMismatchException
Constructs a DomainNameMismatchException with the requested server, connection server and address.
DOS_INT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace
The NetWare DOS name space flag.
DOSDIRNUM_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on the DOS directory entry number.
doubleValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Returns the value of this NDS object as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Returns the value of this NDS object as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong
Returns the value of this NDS object as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Returns the value of this NDS object as a double.
DS_ALL_ATTRS_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
All Attributes Rights ACL to be stored as a String value.
DS_AMBIGUOUS_CONTAINMENT - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Indicates whether the object class has clearly defined containment classes.
DS_AMBIGUOUS_NAMING - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Indicates whether the object class has clearly defined naming attributes.
DS_ATTR_COMPARE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Allows a trustee to compare a value with an attribute's value.
DS_ATTR_INHERIT_CTL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Allows a trustee to inherit the rights granted in the ACL and exercise these attribute rights on subordinate objects.
DS_ATTR_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Allows a trustee to read an attribute.
DS_ATTR_SELF - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Allows a trustee to add or delete its name as an attribute value on those attributes that take object names as their values.
DS_ATTR_SUPERVISOR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Gives a trustee all rights to the object's attributes.
DS_ATTR_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Allows a trustee to add, delete, or modify an attribute value.
DS_AUXILIARY_CLASS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
DS_CONTAINER_CLASS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Indicates whether the object can contain other objects.
DS_CREATOR_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
String constant for [Creator] special entry name.
DS_EFFECTIVE_CLASS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Indicates whether an object class is effective or noneffective.
DS_ENTRY_ADD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Allows a trustee to create new child objects subordinate to an object in the tree.
DS_ENTRY_BROWSE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Allows a trustee to discover and view objects and their subordinates in the NDS tree.
DS_ENTRY_DELETE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Allows a trustee to delete an object.
DS_ENTRY_INHERIT_CTL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Allows a trustee to inherit the rights granted in the ACL, and exercise these rights on subordinate objects.
DS_ENTRY_RENAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Allows a trustee to change the name of an object.
DS_ENTRY_RIGHTS_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Entry Rights ACL to be stored as a String value.
DS_ENTRY_SUPERVISOR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Grants a trustee all rights to an object and its attributes.
DS_HIDDEN_ATTR - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the client from modifying the attribute because it is for NDS server use only.
DS_IGNORE_CASE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will support ignoring case in strings.
DS_IGNORE_DASH - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will support ignoring dashes in strings.
DS_IGNORE_SPACE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will support ignoring spaces in strings.
DS_ITR_EOF - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
The position at the end of the list, just after the last entry, or no entries are present.
DS_ITR_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
The position at the top of the list.
DS_ITR_FORCE_EMULATION - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Specifies emulation mode even if a scalable server is available.
DS_ITR_LAST - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
The position at the bottom of the list.
DS_ITR_PREFER_SCALABLE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Specifies that a scalable server is preferred.
DS_ITR_REQUIRE_SCALABLE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Specifies that a scalable server is required.
DS_MASK_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
String constant for [Inheritance Mask] special entry name.
DS_NONREMOVABLE_ATTR - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the attribute from being removed from an object class definition.
DS_NONREMOVABLE_CLASS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
Indicates whether the object class can be removed from the schema.
DS_ONLY_DIGITS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will support only digits.
DS_ONLY_PRINTABLE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will support only printable characters.
DS_OPERATIONAL_CLASS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass
DS_PER_REPLICA - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the attribute so that attribute information is not synchronized on other replicas.
DS_PUBLIC_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
String constant for the [Public] object.
DS_PUBLIC_READ - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that places a constraint on the attribute so that anyone can read the attribute without read privileges being assigned.
DS_READ_ONLY_ATTR - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the user from modifying the attribute because a name server has created the attribute and must maintain it.
DS_ROOT_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
String constant for the [Root] object.
DS_SELF_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
String constant for [Self] special entry name.
DS_SERVER_READ - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the attribute so that the Server class objects can read the attribute even though the privilege to read has not been inherited or explicitly granted.
DS_SINGLE_VALUED - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will be single valued.
DS_SINGLE_VALUED_ATTR - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the attribute to a single value only with no order implied.
DS_SIZEABLE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will support sizeable character strings.
DS_SIZED_ATTR - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the attribute to an upper and a lower bound.
DS_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will be of String type.
DS_STRING_ATTR - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the attribute to a String type so it can be used as a naming attribute.
DS_SUPPORTS_EQUAL - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will support the Equals matching rule.
DS_SUPPORTS_ORDER - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax
Attribute syntax will support ordering.
DS_SYNC_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the synchronization of modifications to an attribute with other replicas containing the object to take place immediately rather than at the next synchronization interval.
DS_WRITE_MANAGED - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute
Constant that constrains the users so that they must have managed rights on the object that contains the attribute before changing the attribute's value.
DSI_OBJECT_ATTRS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the DSI object attributes.


EA_STREAM_SELECTOR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The dataSelector variable allowing an EA stream to be opened on a directory entry.
EADATASIZE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on total EA data size.
EAEnumerator - interface com.novell.service.file.nw.EAEnumerator.
Provides for enumeration of extended attributes of a given file, which can have multiple attributes.
EAKEYCOUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on number of EAs associated with this directory entry.
EAKEYSIZE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on size of the EA key strings.
EffectiveRights - class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights.
Provides an attribute interface for returning the effective rights of a file or a directory.
EffectiveRights() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Constructs an EffectiveRights object with all fields set to zero or NULL.
EffectiveRights(int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Constructs an EffectiveRights object with the passed in rights value and the user field set to NULL.
EffectiveRights(int, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Constructs an EffectiveRights object with the rights and user values set.
EffectiveRights(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Constructs an EffectiveRights object with a user name, and the rights field is set to zero.
elements() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Returns an enumeration of the values in this environment.
EMAIL_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the EMail Address syntax ID.
EMAIL_ADDRESS_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values represent e-mail addresses.
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethWrapper
EndianInput - interface com.novell.java.io.EndianInput.
Provides an interface that is implemented by streams that can read primitive Java data types from a stream in a machine-dependent manner.
EndianInputStream - class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream.
Provides for writing primitive Java data types to a stream in an endian specific way.
EndianInputStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Creates a new EndianInputStream object that reads data from the specified byte array, which is not copied.
EndianInputStream(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Creates a new EndianInputStream object that reads data from the specified byte array.
EndianOutput - interface com.novell.java.io.EndianOutput.
Provides an interface describing streams that can write output in an endian-dependent format.
EndianOutputStream - class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream.
Provides for writing primitive Java data types to a stream in an endian specific format.
EndianOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Constructs a new EndianOutputStream object with an OutputStream parameter.
entryCount - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.TrusteeEnumeratorStruct
entryCount - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeRestrictionEnumeratorStruct
EntryInUseException - exception com.novell.service.session.EntryInUseException.
Thrown when a session attribute is already contained in a SessionAttrs.
EntryInUseException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.EntryInUseException
Constructs an EntryInUseException with the specified detail message.
ENTRYNAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on name space name.
EntryNotFoundException - exception com.novell.service.session.EntryNotFoundException.
Thrown when a session attribute is already contained in a SessionAttrs.
EntryNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.EntryNotFoundException
Constructs an EntryNotFoundException with the specified detail message.
Environment - class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment.
Provides constants for environment variables associated with Novell JNDI providers.
equality - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeValue
Syntax matching rule for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in interface com.novell.java.security.Principal
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
Compares the set data passed in the Object parameter with the current segment.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Compares two BinderyPropertyAttrVal objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Compare the input object against this object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Determines if the specified passed in object is equal to this EffectiveRights object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Tests if the specified object is equal to this directory entry information object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Compares the input object against this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
Compares the input parameter object to this DataAccessableParameters object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Compares the input object against this object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Compares the input object against this object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Compares the input object against this object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Compares the input object against this object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsStream
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsString
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTelephoneNumber
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreString
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseExactString
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNumericString
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPrintableString
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsClassName
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsDistinguishedName
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Compares two Objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsNameParser
Determines if the current tree name is equal to the parsed tree name.
EXPANDED_CLASS_DEFS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the expanded class definitions.
extAttrExtantsUsed - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
EXTATTREXTANTSUSED_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The ExtAttrExtantsUsed compare field.
extAttrsDefined - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
EXTATTRSDEFINED_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The ExtAttrsDefined compare field.
ExtendedAttribute - class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute.
Provides constructors and methods for the support of an extended attribute.
ExtendedAttribute() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Constructs an ExtendedAttribute object with name and data set to NULL.
ExtendedAttribute(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Constructs an ExtendedAttribute object with the data set to the passed in parameter.
ExtendedAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Constructs an ExtendedAttribute object with the name set to the passed in parameter.
ExtendedAttribute(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Constructs an ExtendedAttribute object with the name and data set to the passed in parameters.


FAX_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Facsimile Telephone Number syntax ID.
FAX_NUMBER_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are facsimile telephone numbers.
FILE_CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The binding name of the class definition DirContext associated with the file systems File contexts.
findSession(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns the first session found with a domain name matching the passed-in domaine parameter value.
findSessionTop(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns the first session found with a matching domain name, starting at the session manager.
flags - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.PropertyValue
FLAGS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on internal directory entry flags.
floatValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Returns the value of this NDS object as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Returns the value of this NDS object as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong
Returns the value of this NDS object as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Returns the value of this NDS object as a float.
flush() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream
Makes sure that all output is written.
flush() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Flushes all unwritten data.
FORCE_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Environment key used for changing the behavior of XplatUtil sessions during Session.getAttributes() operations by forcing operational attributes to be returned when all attributes are requested.
fragmentRequest(int, int, int, byte[][], byte[][]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.NCPServiceRemote
fragmentRequest(int, int, int, byte[][], byte[][]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.NCPService
Exposes the "C" NWCCFragmentRequest function.
freeableLimboSectors - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
FREEABLELIMBOSECTORS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The FreeableLimboSectors compare field.
freeClusters - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
FREECLUSTERS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The FreeClusters compare field.
FS_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
The environment value associated with the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY key to be used for the FileSystem name space.
FSEnvironment - class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSEnvironment.
Defines the environment names of File System specific configuration information.
FSSchema - class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema.
FSSchema defines the File System specific constants for the JNDI schema assocaited with the file system.
FSSchema() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
FTAM_INT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace
The NetWare FTAM name space flag.
FULL_CLASS_DEFS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the full class definitions.


GeneralSecurityException - exception com.novell.java.security.GeneralSecurityException.
Groups all the exception classes of the java.security package that extend from it.
GeneralSecurityException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.GeneralSecurityException
Constructs a GeneralSecurityException with no detail message.
GeneralSecurityException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.GeneralSecurityException
Constructs a GeneralSecurityException with the specified detail message.
get(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this environment.
get(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Returns the session attribute with the given session attribute ID from this set.
getAccountVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the account version of the server.
getAccountVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the account version of the server.
getAddress() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Returns the String value of e-mail address stored in the NDS attribute.
getAddress() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Returns the byte array of Net Address values stored in the NDS attribute.
getAddress() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
Returns the raw address as a byte array.
getAdministrativeDomain() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Get the administrative domain string.
getAdministrativeDomain() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentity
Get the administrative domain string.
getAdministrativeDomain() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentity
Get the administrative domain string.
getAlgorithm() - Method in interface com.novell.java.security.Key
Returns the standard algorithm name for this key.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Returns a string that identifies the algorithm, independent of implementation details.
getAlreadyDoingReallocCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times a connection is requested when a connection already exists.
getAlreadyDoingReallocCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times a connection is requested when a connection already exists.
getAmount() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Returns the accounting quantity held against the target object's credit limit.
getArchiveDate() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the ArchiveDate field.
getArchiver() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns a reference to this object's Archiver field.
getArchiveTime() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the ArchiveTime field.
getAttributeEffectiveRights(NdsObject) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the effective rights of the specified trustee NDS object.
getAttributeEffectiveRights(NdsObject, String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the effective rights of the specified trustee NDS object for the specified attribute ID.
getAttributeEffectiveRights(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the effective rights of the specified trustee String object.
getAttributeEffectiveRights(String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the effective rights of the specified trustee String object for the attribute ID.
getAttributeName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Returns the attribute name stored as a String value in the object data member.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the directory entry attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns a selected default subset of all attributes for this session.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Returns an enumeration of the attributes in this set.
getAttributes(String[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns the attributes for this session listed in the attrIds[] parameter.
getAttributesEffectiveRights(NdsObject, String[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the effective rights of the specified trustee NDS object and array of attribute IDs.
getAttributesEffectiveRights(String, String[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the effective rights of the specified trustee String object and array of attribute IDs.
getAttributeSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Returns the attribute syntax ID stored as an int value in the object data member.
getAttrName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Returns the name of the current attribute as a String.
getAvailableBlocks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the availableBlocks field of this Object.
getAvailableBlocks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the availableBlocks field of this object.
getAvailableDirEntries() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the availableDirEntries field of this Object.
getAvailableDirEntries() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the availableDirEntries field of this object.
getAvailSubAllocSectors() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the availSubAllocSectors field of this Object.
getBaseClass() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the base class (immediate parent class) of the object.
getBeingAbortedCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of packets received for a connection being terminated.
getBeingAbortedCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of packets received for a connection being terminated.
getBeingProcessedCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times a duplicate request was received during processing of the first request.
getBeingProcessedCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times a duplicate request was received during processing of the first request.
getBitCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Returns the long value of bitCount stored in the NDS attribute.
getBoolean() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Returns the Boolean value stored in the object data member.
getByteData() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
Returns a byte array from which a new property data segment can be created.
getCaseExactString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseExactString
Returns the String value stored in the object data member.
getCaseIgnoreList() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Returns the String array containing a list of strings stored in the NDS attribute.
getCaseIgnoreString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreString
Returns the String value stored in the object data member.
getCertificates() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Returns a copy of all the certificates for this identity.
getChildren() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns an enumeration of child sessions of this session.
getClassName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsClassName
Returns the String value stored in the object data member.
getClientID() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the client that created the queue job.
getClientRecordArea() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the user defined client record area for this job.
getClientSocketFactory() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.spi.RMISocketFactories
getClientStation() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the client station that created the queue job.
getClientTask() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the client task of the originating process that was active when the queue job was created.
getClustersUsedByDirs() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the clustersUsedByDirs field of this Object.
getClustersUsedByExtDirs() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the clustersUsedByExtDirs field of this Object.
getClustersUsedByFAT() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the clustersUsedByFAT field of this Object.
getCompanyName() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
Returns the name of the company providing the version of NetWare.
getCompanyName() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl
Returns the name of the company providing the version of NetWare.
getCompareString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the current value of compareString.
getCompareString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Returns the current value of compareString.
getCompareString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the current value of compareString.
getCompareString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Returns the current value of compareString.
getCompareString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Returns the current value of the compareString.
getCompareString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns the current value of compareString.
getCompareString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the current value of the compareString.
getCompareString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Returns the current value of the compareString.
getCompressedSectors() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the compressedSectors field of this Object.
getConnectionsInUse() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Returns the number of connections currently in use.
getConnectionsInUse() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Returns the number of connections currently in use.
getControlFlags() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the job control flags.
getCopyrightNotice() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
Returns the copyright notice of the server.
getCopyrightNotice() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl
Returns the copyright notice of the server.
getCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns the length of the replicaAddressHint as an int.
getCounter() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Returns the long value of Counter stored in the object data member.
getCreateRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns a boolean value reflecting the state of the Create bit of the object rights mask.
getCreationDate() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the CreationDate field.
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the CreationTime field.
getCreator() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the Creator field.
getCurrentCPUUtilization() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the current percentage of CPU utilization for the server.
getCurrentCPUUtilization() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the current percentage of CPU utilization for the server.
getCurrentUse() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the currentUse field of this object.
getData() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Returns the Data associated with this extended attribute.
getDataSegment(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Returns the specified BinderyPropertyDataSegment from an instance of this class.
getDataSelector() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
Returns the dataSelector value that was set in the constructor.
getDataStreamSize() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the DataStreamSize field.
getDate() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns the Date stored as a Date value in the object data member.
getDate() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Returns the time Date value stored in the object data member.
getDeAllocBeingProcessedCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times the server was deallocated because requests were still being processed.
getDeAllocBeingProcessedCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times the server was deallocated because requests were still being processed.
getDeAllocForgedPacketCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times the server was deallocated because a forged packet was received.
getDeAllocForgedPacketCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times the server was deallocated because a forged packet was received.
getDeAllocInvalidSlotCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times an attempt was made to deallocate a connection slot that was not valid.
getDeAllocInvalidSlotCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times an attempt was made to deallocate a connection slot that was not valid.
getDeAllocStillTransmittingCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times the server was deallocated because information was still being transmitted.
getDeAllocStillTransmittingCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times the server was deallocated because information was still being transmitted.
getDeleteRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns the state of the Delete bit of the object rights mask as a boolean value.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the user defined description string for this job.
getDigestLength() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Returns the length of the digest in bytes.
getDirectoryEntryInformation() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareFile
Returns the DirectoryEntryInformation object associated with this file.
getDirectoryServicesName() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns a reference to this object's directoryServicesName field.
getDirectorySpaceInformation() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareDirectory
Returns the DirectorySpaceInformation object associated with this file.
getDirEntNum() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the DirEntNum field.
getDistinguishedName() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the Distinguished Name of the NDS Object.
getDistinguishedName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsDistinguishedName
Returns the String value of DistinguishedName stored in the object data member.
getDomainName() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns the domain name of this session.
getDosDirNum() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the DosDirNum field.
getDuplicateIsBeingSentAlreadyCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times a duplicate reply was requested when the reply had already been sent.
getDuplicateIsBeingSentAlreadyCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times a duplicate reply was requested when the reply had already been sent.
getDynamicFlag() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Determines if this is a dynamic property.
getEADataSize() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the EADataSize field.
getEAEnumerator() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareFile
Returns the EAEnumerator object associated with this file.
getEAKeyCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the EAKeyCount field.
getEAKeySize() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the EAKeySize field.
getEffectiveEnvironment() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns the environment affecting this session.
getEffectiveRights() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareFile
Returns the EffectiveRights object associated with this file.
getEncoded() - Method in interface com.novell.java.security.Key
Returns the key in its primary encoding format, or NULL if this key does not support encoding.
getEntryName() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the EntryName field.
getEntryTime() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the job entry time.
getEnvironment() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns the environment for this session.
getEventId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns event ID stored as an int value in the object data member.
getExtAttrExtantsUsed() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the extAttrExtantsUsed field of this Object.
getExtAttrsDefined() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the extAttrsDefined field of this Object.
getExtensionID() - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Returns the NCP Extension ID.
getExtensionID() - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Returns the NCP Extension ID.
getExtensionName() - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Returns the NCP Extension name.
getExtensionName() - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Returns the NCP Extension name.
getFileName() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the queue job file name.
getFlags() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the Flags field.
getForgedPacketCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of suspicious invalid packets received.
getForgedPacketCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of suspicious invalid packets received.
getFormat() - Method in interface com.novell.java.security.Key
Returns the name of the primary encoding format of this key, or NULL if this key does not support encoding.
getFreeableLimboSectors() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the freeableLimboSectors field of this Object.
getFreeClusters() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the freeClusters field of this Object.
getGregorianCalendar() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns the GregorianCalendar value stored in the object data member.
getGregorianCalendar() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Returns the GregorianCalendar value stored in the object data member.
getID() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Returns the object ID for this queue.
getID() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the queue job.
getIdentities() - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Returns a list of currently authenticated Identity objects.
getIdentities(IdentityScope) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Returns a list of currently authenticated Identity objects within the specified scope.
GetIdentitiesException - exception com.novell.java.security.GetIdentitiesException.
Thrown when a failure occurs in identifying authenticated identities.
GetIdentitiesException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.GetIdentitiesException
The default constructor.
GetIdentitiesException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.GetIdentitiesException
Constructor with a message.
GetIdentitiesException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.GetIdentitiesException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
GetIdentitiesException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.GetIdentitiesException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
getIdentity(Principal) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Retrieves the identity whose name is the same as that of the specified Principal, or NULL if there are no identities of the same name in this scope.
getIdentity(PublicKey) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Retrieves the identity with the specified PublicKey.
getIdentity(String) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Returns the identity of the specified name in this scope, or NULL if there are no identities named.
getIdentity(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
Returns the identity in this scope identified by the passed-in string name.
getIndexSelect() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Returns the array of selected indexes for this NdsIteratorControls instance.
getInfo() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Returns the general information string previously specified (set) for this identity.
getInfo() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Provider
Returns a description of the provider and its services in String format.
getInfo() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Returns encapsulated information about the iterator.
getInheritedRightsMask() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the inheritedRightsMask field.
getInitialContext(Hashtable) - Method in class com.novell.service.nw.NetWareInitialContextFactory
Creates an initial context based on the Context.PROVIDER_URL entry passed in the hash parameter.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsStream
Returns the InputStream object stored in the NDS attribute.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Generates a MessageDigest object that implements the specified digest algorithm.
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Generates a MessageDigest object implementing the specified algorithm as supplied from the specified provider.
getInteger() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Returns the integer as a long value (Java) representation.
getInternetBridgeVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the Internet bridge version number of the server.
getInternetBridgeVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the Internet bridge version number of the server.
getInterval() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Returns the Interval stored as a long value in the NDS attribute.
getInterval() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Returns the interval stored as a long value in the object data member.
getInUse() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Returns the inUse field of this Object.
getInvalidRequestTypeCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of packets received which had an invalid request type or were received after the server was shut down.
getInvalidRequestTypeCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of packets received which had an invalid request type or were received after the server was shut down.
getInvalidSequenceNumCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of request packets the server received from a connection where the sequence number in the packet did not match the current sequence number or the next sequence number.
getInvalidSequenceNumCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of request packets the server received from a connection where the sequence number in the packet did not match the current sequence number or the next sequence number.
getInvalidSlotCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of requests received for an invalid connection slot.
getInvalidSlotCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of requests received for an invalid connection slot.
getLastAccessDate() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the LastAccessDate field.
getLastUserDomain() - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Returns the domain of the identity that was last successfully acted on by the Authenticator (e.g.
getLastUsername() - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Returns the name of the identity that was last successfully acted on by the Authenticator (e.g.
getLength() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Returns the length of the OctetString.
getLength() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Returns the length of the Net Address.
getLevel() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Returns the attribute level stored as a long value in the object data member.
getMajorVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Returns the NCP Extension major version.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Returns the NCP Extension major version.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the major version of the server.
getMajorVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the major version of the server.
getMaxAvailable() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the maxAvailable field of this object.
getMaxConnections() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Returns the maximum number of connection slots that the server has allocated since it was started.
getMaxConnections() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Returns the maximum number of connection slots that the server has allocated since it was started.
getMaxConnectionsUsed() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Returns the maximum number of licensed connections in use at one time.
getMaxConnectionsUsed() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Returns the maximum number of licensed connections in use at one time.
getMaxVolumes() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Returns the maximum number of volumes supported.
getMaxVolumes() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Returns the maximum number of volumes supported.
getMessageDigest() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestInputStream
Returns the message digest associated with this stream.
getMessageDigest() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestOutputStream
Returns the message digest associated with this stream.
getMigratedSectors() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the migratedSectors field of this Object.
getMinorVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Returns the NCP Extension minor version.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Returns the NCP Extension minor version.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the minor version of the server.
getMinorVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the minor version of the server.
getModificationTime() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the object modification time as a Date type.
getModifier() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns a reference to this object's Modifier field.
getModifyDate() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the ModifyDate field.
getModifyMask() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the modifyMask field of the Attribute.
getModifyRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns a boolean value reflecting the state of the Modify bit of the object rights mask.
getModifySearchAttributes() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the modifySearchAttributes field of the Attribute.
getModifyTime() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the ModifyTime field.
getName() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Returns the name of this identity as a String.
getName() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Provider
Returns the name of this provider.
getName() - Method in interface com.novell.java.security.Principal
Returns the name of this principal.
getName() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Returns the name of an instance of this class.
getName() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Returns the name associated with this extended attribute.
getName() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Returns the name field of this Object.
getName() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns this object's name field.
getName() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Returns a reference to this object's name field.
getName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsString
Returns the object name.
getName() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Authenticatable
Deprecated. Use com.novell.java.security and related packages. Returns the name used to authenticate this object, or null if not authenticated.
getNameInNamespace() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyDirContext
getNameLength() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the NameLength field.
getNameSpaceType() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Returns the long value of the namespace type stored in the NDS attribute.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsStream
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntaxId.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTelephoneNumber
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Returns the int that represents the SyntaxId.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreString
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseExactString
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNumericString
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeValue
Returns the integer that represents the syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPrintableString
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsClassName
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Returns the int that represents the syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsDistinguishedName
Returns the int that represents the NDS syntax ID.
getNdsSyntaxId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Returns the int that represents this NDS syntax ID.
getNetBIOSProgatedCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of NetBIOS packets received that were sent forward.
getNetBIOSProgatedCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of NetBIOS packets received that were sent forward.
getNewPassword() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.NdsPasswordIdentity
Return the new password for this identity.
getNewPassword() - Method in interface com.novell.service.security.PasswordIdentity
Return the new password for this identity.
getNewPassword() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.BinderyPasswordIdentity
Return the new password for this identity.
getNoAvailableConnsCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times no slots were available in the connection table for a new connection.
getNoAvailableConnsCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times no slots were available in the connection table for a new connection.
getNoMemForStationCtrlCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times the server could not allocate memory to expand the connection table for a new connection.
getNoMemForStationCtrlCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times the server could not allocate memory to expand the connection table for a new connection.
getNonfreeableLimboSectors() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the nonfreeableLimboSectors field of this Object.
getNonuseableSubAllocSectors() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the nonuseableSubAllocSectors field of this Object.
getNoReceiveBuffers() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times a packet was discarded because no buffers existed to receive it.
getNoReceiveBuffers() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times a packet was discarded because no buffers existed to receive it.
getNoSpaceForService() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Reserved (pass 0).
getNoSpaceForService() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Reserved (pass 0).
getNotMyNetwork() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of received packets not destined for the server.
getNotMyNetwork() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of received packets not destined for the server.
getNotYetPurgeableBlocks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the notYetPurgeableBlocks field of this Object.
getNotYetPurgeableBlocks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the notYetPurgeableBlocks field of this object.
getNSCreator() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the NSCreator field.
getNumberOfNCPRequests() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Returns the number of the NCP requests since the server was started.
getNumberOfNCPRequests() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Returns the number of the NCP requests since the server was brough up.
getNumberOfStreams() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the NumberOfStreams field.
getNumCompressedDataStreams() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the numCompressedDataStreams field of this Object.
getNumCompressedLimboDataStreams() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the numCompressedLimboDataStreams field of this Object.
getNumDataStreams() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the numDataStreams field of this Object.
getNumericString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNumericString
Returns the String value of the Numeric String stored in the NDS attribute.
getNumLimboDataStreams() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the numLimboDataStreams field of this Object.
getNumMigratedDataStreams() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the numMigratedDataStreams field of this Object.
getNumNoncompressibleDataStreams() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the numNoncompressibleDataStreams field of this Object.
getNumOfSegs() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Returns the number of data segments in an instance of this class.
getObjectEffectiveRights(NdsObject) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the effective rights of the specified trustee object.
getObjectEffectiveRights(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the effective rights of the specified trustee (subject) String object.
getObjectFlags() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the DSI Entry Flag ID for the object.
getObjectId() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Returns the objectId field of this Object.
getObjectInfo() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorResult
Returns an NDSObjectInfo object containing information on the NDS object in this iterator result.
getObjectName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Returns the object name stored as a String value in the object data member.
getObjectName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Returns the String reference to the target object.
getObjectName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Returns the identity of the server holding the reference (remoteID).
getOctetList() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Returns the byte array of Octet List values stored in the NDS attribute.
getOctetString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Returns the byte array of values stored in the NDS attribute.
getOldestDelFileAgeInTicks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the oldestDelFileAgeInTicks field of this Object.
getOpenFlags() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
Returns the openFlags value that was set in the constructor.
getOwnershipRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns a boolean value reflecting the state of the Ownership bit of the object rights mask.
getParameters() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Returns the byte array of parameters stored in the NDS attribute.
getParent() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns this session's parent session, or NULL if its parent Session doesn't exist.
getPartition(Name) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.naming.Partitionable
Returns the associated partition context based on a name object parameter.
getPartition(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.naming.Partitionable
Returns the associated partition context based on a name string parameter.
getPartitionRoot(Name) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.naming.Partitionable
Returns the root context of a partition naming system based on a name object parameter.
getPartitionRoot(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.naming.Partitionable
Returns the root context of a partition naming system based on a name string parameter.
getPassword() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.NdsPasswordIdentity
Return the password for this identity.
getPassword() - Method in interface com.novell.service.security.PasswordIdentity
Return the password for this identity.
getPassword() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.BinderyPasswordIdentity
Return the password for this identity.
getPasswordIdentityInstance() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentity
Instantiate a password identity class.
getPasswordIdentityInstance() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentity
Instantiate a password identity class.
getPasswordIdentityInstance() - Method in interface com.novell.service.security.PasswordIdentityFactory
Instantiate a password identity class.
getPath() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator
Returns one path for this object.
getPath() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Returns the file system path stored as a String in the NDS attribute.
getPlatformDefaultNameSpace() - Static method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace
Returns the default NetWare name space number depending on the OS under which the current JVM is running.
getPort() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.spi.RMISocketFactories
getPosition() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Returns the current offset in bytes from the beginning of this source at which the next read or write will occur.
getPosition() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the job position in the queue.
getPosition(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Returns the current iterator position in the list as an int in the range 0-1000, or 1001 (DS_ITR_EOF).
getPostalAddress() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Returns the String array of Postal Address values stored in the NDS attribute.
getPrecompressedSectors() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the precompressedSectors field of this Object.
getPrintableString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPrintableString
Returns the String value of a printable string stored in the NDS attribute.
getPrintVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the print version number of the server.
getPrintVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the print version number of the server.
getPrivate(SessionEnv) - Static method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionManagerFactory
Returns the unique, private instance of SessionManager.
getPrivileges() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Returns the stored privileges variable as a long value stored in the object data member.
getPropertyFlags() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Returns both the Dynamic and Set flags together as an integer.
getProtectedAttrName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Returns the stored protectedAttrName variable as a String value stored in the object data member.
getProvider() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Returns the Provider of this message digest object.
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Returns the public key for this identity.
getPurgeableBlocks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the purgeableBlocks field of this Object.
getPurgeableBlocks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the purgeableBlocks field of this object.
getQueryData() - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Returns the NCP Extension query data.
getQueryData() - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Returns the NCP Extension query data.
getQueueVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the queue version number of the server.
getQueueVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the queue version number of the server.
getRaw() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.Password
Return a raw version of the password.
getReadRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns a boolean value reflecting the state of the object rights mask Read bit.
getReallocSlotCameTooSoonCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times that a request came from a client to relog in before that client had been completely logged out.
getReallocSlotCameTooSoonCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times that a request came from a client to relog in before that client had been completely logged out.
getReallocSlotCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times the server reallocated the same slot in the connection table for a client that logged out and relogged in.
getReallocSlotCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times the server reallocated the same slot in the connection table for a client that logged out and relogged in.
getReExecuteRequestCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times the requester did not receive the reply and the request had to be reprocessed.
getReExecuteRequestCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times the requester did not receive the reply and the request had to be reprocessed.
getRemoteId() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Returns the reference (remoteId) that is valid on the server.
getReplicaAddressHint() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns the replicaAddressHint array as a Net Address array.
getReplicaNumber() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns the replica number stored as an int value in the object data member.
getReplicaNumber() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns the replica number as an int.
getReplicaType() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns the replica type as an int.
getReplyCanceledCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of replies that were canceled because the connection was reallocated while the request was being processed.
getReplyCanceledCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of replies that were canceled because the connection was reallocated while the request was being processed.
getReserved() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the reserved field of this Object.
getReserved() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the reserved field of this object.
getRestriction() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Returns the restriction field of this Object.
getRevision() - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Returns the NCP Extension revision.
getRevision() - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Returns the NCP Extension revision.
getRevision() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
Returns the server's version and revision description string.
getRevision() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the revision number of the server.
getRevision() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl
Returns the version of the server and revision description string.
getRevision() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the revision number of the server.
getRevisionDate() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
Returns the revision date of the server.
getRevisionDate() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl
Returns the revision date of the server.
getRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Returns the effective rights field.
getRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns the value of the objectRights data member.
getRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsRights
Returns the current effective rights for an object.
getRootCause() - Method in interface com.novell.java.lang.HasRootCause
Returns the stored root cause as a Throwable object.
getRootCause() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.AuthenticatorException
Returns the root-cause exception.
getRootCause() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionException
Retrieves the root-cause exception, which is inherited from HasRootCauses.
getRootCause() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionRuntimeException
Returns the root-cause exception.
getRootCause() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.MultiTreeSupportException
Returns the root-cause exception.
getRootCauses() - Method in interface com.novell.java.lang.HasRootCauses
Returns an Enumeration object contaning the stored root cause objects.
getRootCauses() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.InvalidDomainNameException
Retrieves the root cause exception.
getScalability() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Returns the scalability status for this NdsIteratorControls instance.
getScope() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Returns the scope of this identity as an IdentityScope object.
getSearchFields() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the fields currently set to be used when performing a search.
getSearchFields() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the fields currently set to be used when performing a search.
getSearchRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns a boolean value reflecting the state of the Search bit of the object rights mask.
getSearchStringParser() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns a Rfc1960Parser object that was instantiated with the compareString last set by the setCompareString method.
getSearchStringParser() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Returns the RFC1960 Search String parser for the compare string.
getSearchStringParser() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the RFC1960 search string parser for the compare string.
getSearchStringParser() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Returns the RFC1960 search string parser for the compare string.
getSearchStringParser() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Returns the RFC1960 search string parser for the compare string.
getSearchStringParser() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns the RFC1960 search string parser for the compare string.
getSearchStringParser() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the RFC1960 search string parser for the compare string.
getSearchStringParser() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Returns the RFC1960 Search String parser for the compare string.
getSectorSize() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the sectorSize field of this Object.
getSectorsPerBlock() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the sectorsPerBlock field of this Object.
getSectorsPerBlock() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the sectorsPerBlock field of this object.
getSectorsPerCluster() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the sectorsPerCluster field of this Object.
getSecurity() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Returns the security flag as an int.
getSecurityVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the security version number of the server.
getSecurityVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the security version number of the server.
getSegFlag() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
Returns the data segment property flag.
getSegNum() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
Returns the number of this data segment.
getSentDuplicateReplyCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of request packets for which the server had to send a duplicate reply (sent only for requests the server cannot process).
getSentDuplicateReplyCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of request packets for which the server had to send a duplicate reply (sent only for requests the server cannot process).
getSentPositiveAcknowledgeCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of acknowledgments sent by the server (sent when a connection repeats a request being serviced).
getSentPositiveAcknowledgeCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of acknowledgments sent by the server (sent when a connection repeats a request being serviced).
getServerName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns the server name as a String.
getServerSocketFactory() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.spi.RMISocketFactories
getServerUpTime() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the time in ticks (about 1/18 second) since the server was started.
getServerUpTime() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the time in ticks (about 1/18 second) since the server was started.
getService(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Returns a service extension for this session.
getServicingServerID() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the object ID of the server servicing this job.
getServicingServerStation() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the connection number of the server servicing this job.
getServicingServerTask() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the task number of the application servicing this job.
getSession() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Get the session manager for the identity.
getSession(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Adds a child session to the parent based on the session from which this operation is called.
getSession(String, SessionEnv) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Adds a child session to the parent based on the session from which this operation is called.
getSessionAttrId() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttr
Returns the ID of this session attribute.
getSessionAttrIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Returns an enumeration of the IDs of the attributes in this set.
getSessionManager() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Get the session manager for the identity.
getSessionManager(SessionEnv) - Static method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionManagerFactory
Returns a shared instance of SessionManager based on the information in the environment parameter.
getSessionTop(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Creates a session with no consideration of the session from which this operation was called.
getSessionTop(String, SessionEnv) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Creates a session with no consideration of the session from which this operation was called.
getSetData() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
Returns a set of bindery IDs.
getSetFlag() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Determines if the data in this instance is Set data.
getSFTLevel() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Returns the SFT level of the server.
getSFTLevel() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Returns the SFT level of the server.
getSortKey() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Returns the sort key array of the NdsIteratorControls instance.
getSpaceAlloc() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the SpaceAlloc field.
getStartStationErrorCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times the server was unable to allocate a connection for any reason.
getStartStationErrorCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times the server was unable to allocate a connection for any reason.
getState() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Returns the state of the queue as a bit mask.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerLoginStatus
Determines if the server is allowing logins.
getStatus() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerLoginStatusImpl
Determines if the server is allowing logins.
getStatusFlag() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the statusFlag field of this Object.
getStillTransmittingCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times a new request is received before a reply to a previous request has been sent.
getStillTransmittingCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times a new request is received before a reply to a previous request has been sent.
getSubAllocClusters() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the subAllocClusters field of this Object.
getSubAllocFreeableClusters() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the subAllocFreeableClusters field of this Object.
getSubjectName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Returns the stored subjectName variable as a String value stored in the object data member.
getSubordinateCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns a count of the subordinates.
getSupervisorRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns a boolean value reflecting the state of the Supervisor bit of the object rights mask.
getSystemScope() - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Returns the system's IdentityScope.
getTargetExecutionTime() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the target execution time.
getTargetServerID() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the target server.
getTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Returns the String value of telephoneNumber stored in the NDS attribute.
getTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTelephoneNumber
Returns the telephone number stored as a String value in the object data member.
getTime() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Returns the time stored as a long value in the object data member.
getTime() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDirContext
Method implemented in NWServer interface.
getTime() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.NWServer
Returns the time on the NetWare server.
getTooManyHops() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of packets discarded because they had passed through more than 16 bridges without reaching their destination.
getTooManyHops() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of packets discarded because they had passed through more than 16 bridges without reaching their destination.
getTotalBlocks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the totalBlocks field of this Object.
getTotalBlocks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the totalBlocks field of this object.
getTotalDirEntries() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the totalDirEntries field of this Object.
getTotalDirEntries() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Gets the totalDirEntries field of this object.
getTotalExtDirExtants() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the totalExtDirExtants field of this Object.
getTotalPacketsRouted() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of all packets forwarded by the server.
getTotalPacketsRouted() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of all packets forwarded by the server.
getTotalPacketsServiced() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the total packets received by the server.
getTotalPacketsServiced() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the total packets received by the server.
getTotalStreamSize() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the TotalStreamSize field.
getTreeName() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns the name of the NDS tree where the object resides.
getTrusteeEnumerator() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareFile
Returns the TrusteeEnumerator object associated with this file.
getTrusteePathEnumerator() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareVolume
Returns the TrusteePathEnumerator object associated with this volume.
getTTSLevel() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Returns the TTS level of the server.
getTTSLevel() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Returns the TTS level of the server.
getType() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Returns the long value of e-mail address type stored in the NDS attribute.
getType() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Returns the long value of Net Address type stored in the NDS attribute.
getType() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Returns the attribute ID of the queue job type.
getType() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
Returns the address type.
getUID() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Return the unique ID for this session.
getUnknownNetwork() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of packets discarded because their destination network was unknown to the server.
getUnknownNetwork() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of packets discarded because their destination network was unknown to the server.
getUnusedDirEntries() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the unusedDirEntries field of this Object.
getUnusedExtDirExtants() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the unusedExtDirExtants field of this Object.
getUsedBlocks() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Returns the usedBlocks field of this Object.
getUsedDirectories() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Returns the usedDirectories field of this Object.
getUsedFiles() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Returns the usedFiles field of this Object.
getUser() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Returns a reference to this object's User field.
getUser() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator
Returns the name of this objects User associated with the trustee paths.
getUserDomain() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Returns the user domain as a String.
getUserDomain() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentity
Returns the user domain as a String.
getUserDomain() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentity
Returns the user domain string.
getUsername() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Return the user name.
getUsername() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentity
Return the user name.
getUsername() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.BinderyIdentity
Parses the identity to create a user name string.
getUTCTime() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsNCPServer
Returns the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) setting of a server.
getValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Returns the value stored as a byte array in the object data member.
getValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttr
Returns the value associated with this session attribute.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Returns a SchemaValue object based on the given passed-in string containing the element value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Returns the session attribute with the passed-in session attribute ID from this set.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Returns an enumeration of composit IDs.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Returns an enumeration of element IDs in this composite.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Returns an enumeration of element IDs in this composite.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Returns an enumeration of composite IDs.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Returns an enumeration of composite IDs.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns an Enumeration of composite IDs.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns an enumeration of element IDs in this composite.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Returns an enumeration of composit IDs.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Returns an enumeration of composite IDs.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Returns an enumeration of element IDs in this composite.
getValueIds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Returns an enumeration of element IDs in this composite.
getValueLength() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Returns the value length stored as an int value in the object data member.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Returns an enumeration of element values in this sequence.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Returns an enumeration of this sequence's values.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Returns an enumeration of this sequence's values.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Returns an enumeration of the elements in this composite.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Returns an enumeration of element values in this composite.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Returns an enumeration of element values in this composite.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Returns an enumeration of this sequence's values.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Returns an enumeration of the elements in this composite.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Returns an enumeration of the elements in this composite.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns an enumeration of the elements in this composite.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Returns an enumeration of this sequence's values.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Returns an enumeration of the elements in this composite.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Returns an enumeration of the elements in this composite.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Returns an enumeration of this sequence's values.
getValues() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Returns an enumeration of element values in this composite.
getVersion() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Provider
Returns the version number for this provider.
getVirtualConsoleVersion() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Returns the virtual console version number of the server.
getVirtualConsoleVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Returns the virtual console version number of the server.
getVolIsRemovableFlag() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the volIsRemovableFlag field of this Object.
getVolLastModifiedDateAndTime() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the volLastModifiedDateAndTime field of this Object.
getVolName() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the volName field of this Object.
getVolName() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns the volNam field of this object.
getVolNumber() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Returns the VolNumber field.
getVolSizeInClusters() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the volSizeInClusters field of this Object.
getVolType() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns the volType field of this Object.
getVolumeInformation() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareVolume
Returns the VolumeInformation object associated with this volume.
getVolumeName() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Returns the volume name stored as a String in the NDS attribute.
getVolumeRestrictionEnumerator() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareVolume
Returns the VolumeRestrictionEnumerator object associated with this volume.
getVolumeUtilization() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareVolume
Returns the VolumeUtilization object associated with this volume.
getWholeSeconds() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Returns the whole seconds stored as a long value in the object data member.
getWriteHeldOffCount() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times that writes were delayed because of a pending TTS(tm) transaction or cache busy condition.
getWriteHeldOffCount() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times that writes were delayed because of a pending TTS(tm) transaction or cache busy condition.
getWriteHeldOffWithDupRequest() - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Returns the number of times that writes were canceled since a duplicate request was received.
getWriteHeldOffWithDupRequest() - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Returns the number of times that writes were canceled since a duplicate request was received.
getWriteRights() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns a boolean value reflecting the state of the Write bit of the object rights mask.


hasAdd() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Checks to see if an object has add rights.
hasBrowse() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Checks to see if an object has browse rights.
hasChildren() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Determines if this session has children.
hasCompare() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Checks to see if an attribute has Compare rights.
hasDelete() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Checks to see if an object has delete rights.
hashCode() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Returns a hash code value for this object (identity).
hashCode() - Method in interface com.novell.java.security.Principal
Returns a hash code value for this object (principal).
hasInheritCtl() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Checks to see if an attribute has Inherit CTL rights.
hasInheritCtl() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Checks to see if an object has inherit CTL rights.
hasMore() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteeEnumerator
Returns a boolean indicating if more elements are available.
hasMore() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestrictionEnumerator
Returns a boolean indicating if more elements are available in the enumeration.
hasMore() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.EAEnumerator
Determines if the Enumerator has more elements.
hasMore() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator
Returns a boolean indicating whether the enumeration contains more elements.
hasMoreElements() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.XplatUtil.RequesterConnectionSearchEnumerator
Inherited from java.util.Enumeration.
hasNext() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Returns a boolean indicating whether this NdsIterator has more elements when traversing the list in the forward direction.
hasParent() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Determines if this session has a parent.
hasPrevious() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Returns a boolean indicating whether this NdsIterator has more elements when traversing the list in the reverse direction.
hasRead() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Checks to see if an attribute has Read rights.
hasRename() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Checks to see if an object has rename rights.
HasRootCause - interface com.novell.java.lang.HasRootCause.
Provides an interface that can be implemented by classes having root cause exceptions.
HasRootCauses - interface com.novell.java.lang.HasRootCauses.
Provides an interface that can be implemented by classes having root cause exceptions.
hasSelf() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Checks to see if an attribute has Self rights.
hasSupervisor() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Checks to see if an attribute has Supervisor rights.
hasSupervisor() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Checks to see if an object has supervisor rights.
hasWrite() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Checks to see if an attribute has Write rights.
HOLD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Hold syntax ID.
HOLD_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are signed integers representing accounting quantities.


ID_COUNT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Signed integer representing the total number of syntax IDs.
identities() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Returns an enumeration of all identities in this IdentityScope.
identities() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
Returns an enumeration of all identities in this identity scope.
Identity - class com.novell.java.security.Identity.
Represents identities, which are real-world objects.
Identity(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Constructs an identity with the passed-in name but no scope.
Identity(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Constructs an identity with the passed-in name and scope.
IdentityScope - class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope.
Represents a scope for identities.
IdentityScope(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Constructs a new identity scope with the specified name.
IdentityScope(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Constructs a new IdentityScope with the specified name and scope.
IIOP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
INFO_CLASS_DEFS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the information class definitions.
INHERITEDRIGHTSMASK_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on the inherited rights mask.
INITIAL_CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The binding name of the class definition DirContext associated with the file systems initial context.
INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI initial context factory.
INITIAL_SESSION - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.bindery.Bindery
Domain name for Bindery initial session.
INITIAL_SESSION - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.nds.NDS
Domain name for the NDSInitialSession sessions.
INITIAL_SESSION_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Key describing initial sessions and their load order in a colon-separated list.
INITIAL_SESSION_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Attribute value returned for SESSION_TYPE_ATTR_ID in initial Sessions.
InputStreamNotSupportedException - exception com.novell.java.io.InputStreamNotSupportedException.
Signals that input stream access is not available.
InputStreamNotSupportedException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.InputStreamNotSupportedException
Constructs an InputStreamNotSupportedException object with no detail message.
InputStreamNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.InputStreamNotSupportedException
Constructs an InputStreamNotSupportedException object with the specified detail message.
INTEGER - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Integer syntax ID.
INTEGER_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are signed integers.
INTERFACES_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The Schema Attribute ID for the Class Definitions and Attribute Definitions objects that will return a list of the interfaces that the associated class or attribute implements.
INTERNET_BRIDGE_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The Internet Bridge Version constant for use in the search field.
INTERVAL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Interval syntax ID.
INTERVAL_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values represent intervals of time in seconds.
intValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Returns the value of this NDS object as an int.
intValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Returns the value of this NDS object as an int.
intValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong
Returns the value of this NDS object as an int.
intValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Returns the value of this NDS object as an int.
INUSE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
The InUse compare field.
invalidate() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Remove the passed-in Session from its children, if possible without actually closing the Session.
InvalidDomainNameException - exception com.novell.service.session.InvalidDomainNameException.
Thrown when a passed-in name is not valid in the context of the method throwing the exception.
InvalidDomainNameException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.InvalidDomainNameException
Constructs an InvalidDomainNameException with the specified detail message.
InvalidDomainNameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.InvalidDomainNameException
Constructs an InvalidDomainNameException with a specified detail message and a root-cause exception.
InvalidKeyException - exception com.novell.java.security.InvalidKeyException.
Provides the exception for invalid Keys.
InvalidKeyException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.InvalidKeyException
Constructs an InvalidKeyException with no detail message.
InvalidKeyException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.InvalidKeyException
Constructs an InvalidKeyException with the specified detail message.
InvalidSessionException - exception com.novell.service.session.InvalidSessionException.
Thrown when a session is no longer valid.
InvalidSessionException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.InvalidSessionException
Constructs an InvalidSessionException with the specified detail message.
InvalidSessionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.InvalidSessionException
Constructs an InvalidSessionException with a detail message and a root-cause exception.
InvalidStateException - exception com.novell.service.session.InvalidStateException.
Thrown by any Session method when the Session is not in a valid state for that operation.
InvalidStateException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.InvalidStateException
Constructs an InvalidStateException with the specified detail message.
InvalidStateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.InvalidStateException
Constructs an InvalidStateException with the specified detail message a root-cause exception.
InvalidUserNameException - exception com.novell.service.session.InvalidUserNameException.
Thrown when a passed-in name is not valid in the context of the method throwing the exception.
InvalidUserNameException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.InvalidUserNameException
Constructs an InvalidUserNameException with the specified detail message.
InvalidUserNameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.InvalidUserNameException
Constructs an InvalidUserNameException with the specified detail message and a root-cause exception.
IS_AUTHENTICATED_ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Authenticatable
Attribute id describing the state of a Session.
IS_REAL_ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Attribute ID describing the "realness" of a Session.
isAuthenticated() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Authenticatable
Returns TRUE if the object is authenticated.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Determines if this environment is empty.
isEqual(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Compares two digests for equality using a simple byte compare.
isPositionable() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorInfo
Determines if the getPosition() and setPosition() methods work for this NdsIterator.
isScalable() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorInfo
Determines whether the NdsIterator was created on an NDS v8 server or is running in emulation mode.
isSet() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
Determines if this data segment contains Set data.
isValid() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Determines if this session is in a valid state.
iterHandle - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty
iterHandle - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.TrusteeEnumeratorStruct
iterHandle - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeRestrictionEnumeratorStruct


JCEHelper - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.JCEHelper.
JCEHelper() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.JCEHelper
JOB_ALREADY_OPEN - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Queue control flag indicating that a job is already open.


Key - interface com.novell.java.security.Key.
Defines the functionality shared by all key objects.
KEY - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.NCPService
The key used to generate an object of this type via the Session.getService() method.
KeyException - exception com.novell.java.security.KeyException.
Provides the basic key exception.
KeyException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.KeyException
Constructs a KeyException with no detail message.
KeyException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.KeyException
Constructs a KeyException with the specified detail message.
KeyManagementException - exception com.novell.java.security.KeyManagementException.
Provides the general key management exception for all operations dealing with key management.
KeyManagementException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.KeyManagementException
Constructs a KeyManagementException with no detail message.
KeyManagementException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.KeyManagementException
Constructs a KeyManagementException with the specified detail message.
keys() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Returns an enumeration of the keys in this environment.


LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI language setting.
LAST_CONNECTION - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the last connection.
LASTACCESSDATE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on last access date.
lastModified() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.NFile
Returns the time the file represented by this NFile object was last modified.
LDAP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
length() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Returns the length of this file.
length() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.NFile
Returns the length of the file represented by this NFile object.
length() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Returns the total number of bytes in the stream.
LIST_FILTER - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSEnvironment
Environment property containing the filter currently used to filter the list results.
list(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns a NamingEnumeration of NameClassPair objects that may be container objects only, or all objects subordinate to the specified name.
list(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns a NamingEnumeration of NameClassPair objects that satisfy the specified filter criteria in the className and subordinateName parameters.
listBindings(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns a NamingEnumeration of Binding objects that may be container objects only, or all objects subordinate to the specified name.
listBindings(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject
Returns a NamingEnumeration of Binding objects that satisfy the specified filter criteria in the className and subordinateName parameters.
listJobs() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Returns an enumeration of jobs in this queue.
listPartitions() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsNCPServer
Provides a list of replica partition names stored on this NCP server.
loadNLM(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDirContext
Method implemented in NWServer interface.
loadNLM(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.NWServer
Loads an NLM on the NetWare server.
login(Identity) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Performs a login/logout of the Identity to its scope.
LoginCancelledException - exception com.novell.java.security.LoginCancelledException.
Thrown when the login procedure is cancelled.
LoginCancelledException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LoginCancelledException
The default constructor.
LoginCancelledException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LoginCancelledException
Constructor with a message.
LoginCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LoginCancelledException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
LoginCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LoginCancelledException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
LoginException - exception com.novell.java.security.LoginException.
Thrown when an error occurs in the login procedure.
LoginException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LoginException
The default constructor.
LoginException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LoginException
Constructor with a message.
LoginException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LoginException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
LoginException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LoginException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
logout(Identity) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Logs out (destroys) the specified Identity object and the associated short-term credentials from its identity scope.
LogoutCancelledException - exception com.novell.java.security.LogoutCancelledException.
Thrown when the logout procedure is cancelled.
LogoutCancelledException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LogoutCancelledException
The default constructor.
LogoutCancelledException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LogoutCancelledException
Constructor with a message.
LogoutCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LogoutCancelledException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
LogoutCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LogoutCancelledException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
LogoutException - exception com.novell.java.security.LogoutException.
Thrown when an error occurs in the logout procedure.
LogoutException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LogoutException
The default constructor.
LogoutException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LogoutException
Constructor with a message.
LogoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LogoutException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
LogoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.LogoutException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
LONG_INT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace
The NetWare LONG name space flag.
longValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Returns the value of this NDS object as a long.
longValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Returns the value of this NDS object as a long.
longValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong
Returns the value of this NDS object as a long.
longValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Returns the value of this NDS object as a long.
LOOKUP_DOMAIN - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Environment key used for changing the behavior of XplatUtil sessions during Session.getSession()operations by passing an existing domain name.


MAC_INT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace
The NetWare MAC name space flag.
MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The Major Version constant for use in the search field.
MANAGER_SESSION_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Attribute value returned for SESSION_TYPE_ATTR_ID in SessionManager Sessions.
MANDATORY_ATTRIBUTE_IDS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The Schema Attribute ID for the Class Definitions objects that will return a list of the attribute IDs of the mandatory attributes associated with the class.
mapIdToString(int) - Static method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Returns the syntax string based on the specified syntax ID.
mark(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Sets the current marked position in the stream.
mark(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Saves the current position, which can then be restored by calling reset().
mark(int) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Marks the current stream position, which can be restored by calling reset().
markSupported() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Determines if EndianInputStream supports mark() and reset().
markSupported() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Determines whether the mark() and reset() methods are valid for the stream.
markSupported() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Determines whether the mark() and reset() methods are supported.
matchesSubset(SessionAttrs) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Compares the passed-in attribute set with this SessionAttrs set.
matchesSubset(SessionEnv) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Determines if the passed-in subEnv is a subset of this set and all attributes match.
MAXAVAILABLE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
MaxAvailable compare field.
merge(Properties) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Merge properties into this session environment.
merge(SessionAttrs) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Merges two SessionAttrs specified in the passed in attributeSet parameter.
merge(SessionEnv) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Merge two session environments together.
MessageDigest - class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest.
Provides applications with the functionality of a message digest algorithm, such as MD5 or SHA.
MessageDigestSpi - class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigestSpi.
Defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the MessageDigest class.
MessageDigestSpi() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigestSpi
migratedSectors - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
MIGRATEDSECTORS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The MigratedSectors compare field.
MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The Minor Version constant for use in the search field.
MODIFIER_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on modifier.
modify(Properties) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Replaces the attributes in this set by those in subSet, or adds any that do not exist.
modify(SessionAttr) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Replaces the session attribute identified by the session attribute ID of attr, or adds the session attribute if it does not exist.
modify(SessionAttrs) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Replaces the attributes in this set by those in attributeSet, or adds any that do not exist.
modify(SessionEnv) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Replaces the attributes in this set by those in newEnv, or adds any that do not exist.
modify(String, Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Replaces the entry identified by key with val, or adds it if it does not exist.
modify(String, Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Replaces the session attribute identified by attrId with value, or adds it if it does not exist.
MODIFYDATE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on last modification time.
MODIFYMASK_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on modify mask.
MODIFYSEARCHATTRIBUTES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on modify search attributes.
MODIFYTIME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on last modification date.
modifyTokens(Identity) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Modifies existing authentication login secrets or tokens for an Identity object.
ModifyTokensCancelledException - exception com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensCancelledException.
Thrown when the token modification procedure is cancelled.
ModifyTokensCancelledException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensCancelledException
The default constructor.
ModifyTokensCancelledException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensCancelledException
Constructor with a message.
ModifyTokensCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensCancelledException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
ModifyTokensCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensCancelledException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
ModifyTokensException - exception com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensException.
Thrown when an error occurs during the modification of authentication tokens.
ModifyTokensException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensException
The default constructor.
ModifyTokensException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensException
Constructor with a message.
ModifyTokensException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
ModifyTokensException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ModifyTokensException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
moreFlag - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty
moreSegments - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.PropertyValue
MultiTreeSupportException - exception com.novell.service.session.xplat.MultiTreeSupportException.
Top-level exception thrown by Session object.
MultiTreeSupportException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.MultiTreeSupportException
Constructs a MultiTreeSupportException with the specified detail message.
MultiTreeSupportException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.MultiTreeSupportException
Constructs a MultiTreeSupportException with the specified detail messagea and root-cause exception.
MultiTreeSupportException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.MultiTreeSupportException
Constructs a MultiTreeSupportException with a root-cause exception.
mustGet(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this environment.


NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Compare Fields
NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
The Name compare field.
NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Compare field for names.
NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
The Name compare field.
NAMELENGTH_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on length of the name space name.
NameSpace - class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace.
Provides an interface for getting the default name space of the platform on which the JVM is executing.
NameSpace() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace
nameToNumber(String) - Static method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace
Returns a name space number given a name space string.
NCP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
NCPExtension - interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtension.
Represents an NCP Extension registered on the NetWare server.
NCPExtensionDirContext - class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionDirContext.
Represents an NCPExtension loaded on a NetWare server.
NCPExtensionInfo - interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo.
Provides an attribute of an NCPExtension with a single value that is an instance of NCPExtensionInfoImpl.
NCPExtensionInfoImpl - class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl.
Provides the value for attribute NCPExtensionInfo, and methods for getting information about the NCP Extension loaded on the server.
NCPExtensionInfoImpl(int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Creates an NCPExtensionInfoImpl object using the passed in extensionID.
NCPExtensionInfoImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Creates an NCPExtensionInfoImpl object using the passed in name.
NCPService - interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.NCPService.
Provides the object returned by Session.getService().
NCPServiceRemote - interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.NCPServiceRemote.
Provides the object returned by Session.getService().
NCPServiceRemote.FragReqStruct - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.NCPServiceRemote.FragReqStruct.
NCPServiceRemote.FragReqStruct() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.NCPServiceRemote.FragReqStruct
NDS - class com.novell.service.session.nds.NDS.
Provides static session attribute values for NDS.
NDS_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
The environment value associated with the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY key to be used for the NDS name space.
NDS_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the current NDS transport protocol.
NDS_TREE_TYPE_HR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery object type for an NDS tree object.
NdsAttributeRights - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights.
Provides definitions of the effective rights for attributes, and methods for checking attribute effective rights.
NdsAttributeRights(Attribute) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Constructs an NdsAttributeRights object and sets the attribute name and associated effective rights.
NdsAttributeRights(int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeRights
Constructs an NdsAttributeRights object and sets the attribute effective rights.
NdsAttributeValue - interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeValue.
Provides a common way of manipulating object values.
NdsBackLink - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink.
Provides access to values of the Back Link attribute.
NdsBackLink(long, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Constructs an NdsBackLink object based on the specified remoteId and objectName parameters.
NdsBoolean - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean.
Provides access to attribute values of the Boolean syntax.
NdsBoolean(boolean) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Constructs an NdsBoolean object based on the specified value parameter.
NdsCaseExactString - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseExactString.
Provides access to attribute values of the CaseExactString syntax.
NdsCaseExactString(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseExactString
Constructs an NdsCaseExactString object based on the specified value parameter.
NdsCaseIgnoreList - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList.
Provides access to values of the Case Ignore List attribute.
NdsCaseIgnoreList(String[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Constructs an NdsCaseIgnoreList object from a String array of values.
NdsCaseIgnoreString - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreString.
Provides access to attribute values of the Case Ignore String syntax.
NdsCaseIgnoreString(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreString
Constructs an NdsCaseIgnoreString object based on the specified string value parameter.
NdsClassName - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsClassName.
Provides access to attribute values of the Class Name syntax.
NdsClassName(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsClassName
Constructs a NdsClassName object based on the specified value parameter.
NdsCounter - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter.
Provides access to values of the Counter attribute.
NdsCounter(int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Constructs an NdsCounter object from an int value.
NdsDistinguishedName - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsDistinguishedName.
Provides access to attribute values of the NdsDistinguishedName syntax.
NdsDistinguishedName(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsDistinguishedName
Constructs an NdsDistinguishedName object based on the specified value parameter.
NdsEMailAddress - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress.
Provides access to attribute values of the NdsEMailAddress syntax.
NdsEMailAddress(long, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Constructs an NdsEMailAddress object based on the specified type and address parameters.
NdsEnvironment - class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment.
Provides the set of constant Strings that uniquely controls the behavior of an NdsContext.
NdsFAXNumber - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber.
Provides access to values of the FAX Number attribute.
NdsFAXNumber(String, long, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Constructs an NdsFAXNumber object based on the specified telephoneNumber, bitCount, and parameters variables.
NdsHold - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold.
Provides access to values of the Hold attribute.
NdsHold(String, long) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Constructs an NdsHold object based on the specified objectName and amount parameters.
NdsIdentity - class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentity.
Represents an authenticatable entity in NDS, such as a user, an administrator, and so forth.
NdsIdentity(Identity) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentity
Constructs an identity from another specified identity.
NdsIdentity(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and no scope.
NdsIdentity(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name as a String and scope as an IdentityScope.
NdsIdentity(String, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and scope as Strings.
NdsIdentityScope - class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentityScope.
Represents an authenticatable container in NDS, such as a context, or a tree.
NdsIdentityScope() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentityScope
Construct the root-most identity scope with the ADMINISTRATIVE_DOMAIN_NAME name.
NdsIdentityScope(IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentityScope
Construct an identity scope from a scope.
NdsIdentityScope(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentityScope
Construct an identity scope with the specified String name and no scope.
NdsIdentityScope(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsIdentityScope
Construct an identity scope with the specified name and scope.
NdsInteger - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger.
Provides access to values of the Integer attribute.
NdsInteger(long) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Constructs an NdsInteger object based on the specified value parameter.
NdsInterval - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval.
Provides access to values of the Interval attribute.
NdsInterval(long) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Constructs an NdsInterval object based on the specified value parameter.
NdsIterator - interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator.
Creates a large virtual list of objects on the particular server in question containing all the entries that pass the search filter.
NdsIteratorControls - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls.
Encapsulates factors that determine the scope of iterators and what gets returned as a result of the iterator.
NdsIteratorControls() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Constructs an NdsIteratorControls instance using the default sort index CN.
NdsIteratorControls(int, long, int, String[], boolean, boolean, String[], String[], int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Constructs an NdsIteratorControls instance using 9 parameters.
NdsIteratorFactory - interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorFactory.
Generates NdsIterator objects used to create a large virtual list based on a set of parameters.
NdsIteratorInfo - interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorInfo.
Encapsulates information about an NdsIterator.
NdsIteratorResult - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorResult.
Represents an item in the NamingEnumeration returned as a result of calls to the NdsIterator.next() or NdsIterator.previous() methods.
NdsIteratorResult(String, Object, Attributes, NdsObjectInfo) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorResult
Constructs an NdsIteratorResult instance using the result's name, its bound object, its attributes, and its NDS object information.
NdsIteratorResult(String, Object, Attributes, NdsObjectInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorResult
Constructs an NdsIteratorResult instance using the result's name, its bound object, its attributes, its NDS object information, and a boolean indicating whether or not the name is relative.
NdsIteratorResult(String, String, Object, Attributes, NdsObjectInfo) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorResult
Constructs an NdsIteratorResult instance using the result's name, its class name, its bound object, its attributes, and its NDS object information.
NdsIteratorResult(String, String, Object, Attributes, NdsObjectInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorResult
Constructs an NdsIteratorResult instance using the result's name, its class name, its bound object, its attributes, its NDS object information, and a boolean indicating whether or not the name is relative.
NdsLong - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong.
Provides access to values of the Long attribute.
NdsNameParser - class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsNameParser.
Parses strings to names using the right-to-left dot-separated NDS naming convention.
NdsNameParser() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsNameParser
Constructs an NdsNamePrser object with no parameters.
NdsNameParser(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsNameParser
Constructs an NdsNamePrser object with a treeName parameter.
NdsNCPServer - interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsNCPServer.
Defines NDS servers that provide NCP transport and session services.
NdsNetAddress - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress.
Provides access to values of the NetAddress attribute.
NdsNetAddress(long, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Constructs an NdsNetAddress object based on the specified type and address variables.
NdsNumericString - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNumericString.
Provides access to values of the NumericString attribute.
NdsNumericString(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNumericString
Constructs an NdsNumericString object based on the specified value variable.
NdsObject - interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsObject.
Provides methods for operations on NDS Objects.
NdsObjectACL - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL.
Provides access to attribute values of the ObjectACL syntax.
NdsObjectACL(String, String, long) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Constructs an NdsObjectACL object based on the specified protectedAttrName, subjectName, and privileges parameters.
NdsObjectRights - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights.
Provides definitions of the effective rights for objects, and methods for checking effective rights for an object.
NdsObjectRights(int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectRights
Constructs an NdsObjectRights object and sets the object effective rights.
NdsOctetList - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList.
Provides access to values of the OctetList attribute.
NdsOctetList(byte[][]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Constructs an NdsOctetList object based on the specified value variable.
NdsOctetString - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString.
Provides access to values of the OctetString attribute.
NdsOctetString(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Constructs an NdsOctetString object based on the specified value variable.
NdsPartition - interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsPartition.
Defines methods for aborting partition operations.
NdsPartitionOperationException - exception com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsPartitionOperationException.
Encapsulates error returns from the NDS native calls into exceptions for extended JNDI operations like syncReplica and setReplicaType
NdsPartitionOperationException() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsPartitionOperationException
Constructs an NdsPartitionOperationException object with no error message string parameter.
NdsPartitionOperationException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsPartitionOperationException
Constructs an NdsPartitionOperationException object with an error message String parameter.
NdsPasswordIdentity - class com.novell.service.security.NdsPasswordIdentity.
This class represents an NDS identity with a password.
NdsPasswordIdentity(Identity) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsPasswordIdentity
Constructs a password identity based on an existing identity.
NdsPasswordIdentity(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsPasswordIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and no scope.
NdsPasswordIdentity(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsPasswordIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name as a String and scope as an IdentityScope.
NdsPasswordIdentity(String, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.NdsPasswordIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and scope as Strings.
NdsPath - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath.
Provides access to values of the Path attribute.
NdsPath(long, String, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Constructs an NdsPath object based on the specified nameSpaceType, volumeName and path parameters.
NdsPostalAddress - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress.
Provides access to values of the Postal Address attribute.
NdsPostalAddress(String[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Constructs an NdsPostalAddress object based on the specified value variable.
NdsPrintableString - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPrintableString.
Provides access to values of the Printable String attribute.
NdsPrintableString(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPrintableString
Constructs an NdsPrintableString object based on the specified value parameter.
NdsReplica - interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica.
Defines variables and methods for replica operations.
NdsReplicaPointer - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer.
Provides access to values of the Replica Pointer attribute.
NdsReplicaPointer(String, int, int, NdsNetAddress[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Constructs an NdsReplicaPointer object based on the specified serverName, replicaType, replicaNumber, and replicaAddressHint parameters.
NdsRights - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsRights.
Provides a method for getting the object effective rights currently in effect for an object.
NdsRights() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsRights
NdsStream - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsStream.
Provides access to values of the NdsStream attribute.
NdsStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsStream
Constructs a Stream object (attribute value) based on the streamToWrite parameter.
NdsString - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsString.
Provides the class from which other NDS string attribute values extend.
NdsSyntaxId - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId.
Provides attribute syntax IDs used to interpret the data of values stored in the Directory.
NdsTelephoneNumber - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTelephoneNumber.
Provides access to values of the Telephone Number attribute.
NdsTelephoneNumber(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTelephoneNumber
Constructs an NdsTelephoneNumber object based on the specified value parameter.
NdsTime - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime.
Provides access to values of the Time attribute.
NdsTime(Date) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Constructs an NdsTime object based on the specified Date value parameter.
NdsTime(long) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Constructs an NdsTime object based on the specified long value parameter.
NdsTimestamp - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp.
Provides access to attribute values of the Timestamp syntax.
NdsTimestamp(long, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Constructs an NdsTimestamp object based on the specified wholeSeconds, eventId, and replicaNumber parameters.
NdsTypedName - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName.
Provides access to attribute values of the TypedName syntax.
NdsTypedName(String, long, long) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Constructs an NdsTypedName object based on the specified objectName, level, and interval parameters.
NdsUnknown - class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown.
Provides access to values of the Unknown attribute.
NET_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Network Address syntax ID.
NET_ADDRESS_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are network addresses in the NetWare environment.
NetwareDirectory - interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareDirectory.
Provides an interface for getting the Directory object attribute values.
NetwareFile - interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareFile.
Provides an interface for getting the NetWare file system file object attribute values.
NetWareInitialContext - class com.novell.service.nw.NetWareInitialContext.
Provides the root of the NetWare name space.
NetWareInitialContextFactory - class com.novell.service.nw.NetWareInitialContextFactory.
Creates different NetWare Initial Contexts depending on the Context.PROVIDER_URL entry.
NetWareInitialContextFactory() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nw.NetWareInitialContextFactory
NetWareServersContext - class com.novell.service.nw.NetWareServersContext.
Provides bindings to all NetWare servers.
NetWareTreesContext - class com.novell.service.nw.NetWareTreesContext.
Provides bindings to all NetWare trees.
NetwareVolume - interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareVolume.
Provides an interface for getting the volume object attribute values.
next() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteeEnumerator
Return the typed (nextElement) Trustee value.
next() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestrictionEnumerator
Returns the typed VolumeRestriction value.
next() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.EAEnumerator
Returns the next element in the EA enumeration.
next() - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator
Returns the next path value, typed as a String.
next() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.XplatUtil.RequesterConnectionSearchEnumerator
next(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.XplatUtil.RequesterConnectionSearchEnumerator
Returns an array of Connections for the next object(s) in the enumeration.
next(int, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Returns the next set (enumeration) of NdsIteratorResult objects (entries) in the list.
nextElement() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.XplatUtil.RequesterConnectionSearchEnumerator
Inherited from java.util.Enumeration.
NFile - interface com.novell.java.io.NFile.
Instances of this class represent the name of a file or directory on the host file system.
NFileInputStream - class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileInputStream.
Opens an input stream on a NetWare file or Extended Attribute.
NFileInputStream(DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileInputStream
Constructs an NFileInputStream object using default parameters.
NFileInputStream(DataAccessable, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileInputStream
Constructs an NFileInputStream object with openFlags parameter.
NFileInputStream(DataAccessable, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileInputStream
Constructs an NFileInputStream object with openFlags and dataSelector parameters.
NFileInputStream(String, DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileInputStream
Constructs an NFileInputStream object in the subordinate input stream with default parameters.
NFileInputStream(String, DataAccessable, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileInputStream
Constructs an NFileInputStream object in the subordinate input stream with the openFlags parameter.
NFileInputStream(String, DataAccessable, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileInputStream
Constructs an NFileInputStream object in the subordinate input stream with the openFlags and dataSelector paramters.
NFileOutputStream - class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileOutputStream.
Opens an output stream on a NetWare file or Extended Attribute.
NFileOutputStream(DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileOutputStream
Constructs an NFileOutputStream object using default parameters.
NFileOutputStream(DataAccessable, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileOutputStream
Constructs an NFileOutputStream object using the openFlags parameters.
NFileOutputStream(DataAccessable, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileOutputStream
Constructs an NFileOutputStream object using the openFlags and dataSelector parameters.
NFileOutputStream(String, DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileOutputStream
Constructs a subordinate NFileOutputStream object using the default parameters.
NFileOutputStream(String, DataAccessable, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileOutputStream
Constructs a subordinate NFileOutputStream object using the openFlags parameter.
NFileOutputStream(String, DataAccessable, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NFileOutputStream
Constructs a subordinate NFileOutputStream object using the openFlags and dataSelector parameters.
NFS_INT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace
The NetWare NFS name space flag.
NInputStream - class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream.
Provides input stream functionality to various data device object, which implements the DataAccessable interface.
NInputStream(DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Creates an instance of the NInputStream.
NInputStream(DataAccessable, Object) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Creates an instance of NInputStream with the custom parameter.
NInputStream(String, DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Creates a subordinate instance of NInputStream.
NInputStream(String, DataAccessable, Object) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Creates a subordinate instance of NInputStream with the custom parameter.
none - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeValue
No syntax matching rules.
nonfreeableLimboSectors - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
NONFREEABLELIMBOSECTORS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The NonfreeableLimboSectors compare field.
nonuseableSubAllocSectors - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
NONUSEABLESUBALLOCSECTORS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The NonuseableSubAllocSectors compare field.
NoSubordinateAccessException - exception com.novell.java.io.NoSubordinateAccessException.
Signals that subordinate streams access to the given device is not supported.
NoSubordinateAccessException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NoSubordinateAccessException
Constructs a NoSubordinateAccessException object with no detail message.
NoSubordinateAccessException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NoSubordinateAccessException
Constructs a NoSubordinateAccessException object with the specified detail message.
NoSuchAlgorithmException - exception com.novell.java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException.
Thrown when a particular cryptographic algorithm is requested but is not available in the environment.
NoSuchAlgorithmException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
Constructs a NoSuchAlgorithmException with no detail message.
NoSuchAlgorithmException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
Constructs a NoSuchAlgorithmException with the specified detail message.
NoSuchProviderException - exception com.novell.java.security.NoSuchProviderException.
Thrown when a particular security provider is requested but is not available in the environment.
NoSuchProviderException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.NoSuchProviderException
Constructs a NoSuchProviderException with no detail message.
NoSuchProviderException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.NoSuchProviderException
Constructs a NoSuchProviderException with the specified detail message.
NotAuthenticatedException - exception com.novell.service.session.NotAuthenticatedException.
Thrown when an Authenticatable Session is asked to unauthenticate but is already in an unauthenticated state.
NotAuthenticatedException() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.NotAuthenticatedException
Constructs a NotAuthenticatedException with no detail message, but with the constant message Not Authenticated.
NotConnectionOwnerException - exception com.novell.service.session.xplat.NotConnectionOwnerException.
Thrown when a connection is already owned by a different provider.
NotConnectionOwnerException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.NotConnectionOwnerException
Constructs a NotConnectionOwnerException with the specified detail message.
NotConnectionOwnerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.NotConnectionOwnerException
Constructs a NotConnectionOwnerException with a specified detail message and a root-cause exception.
NotConnectionOwnerException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.NotConnectionOwnerException
Constructs a NotConnectionOwnerException with a root-cause exception.
NOTYETPURGEABLEBLOCKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The NotYetPurgeableBlocks compare field.
NOTYETPURGEABLEBLOCKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
NotYetPurgeableBlocks compare field.
NOutputStream - class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream.
Provides output stream functionality to various data device objects, which implements the DataAccessable interface.
NOutputStream(DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream
Creates an instance of the NOutputStream object.
NOutputStream(DataAccessable, Object) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream
Creates an instance of the NOutputStream object with the custom parameter to the accessor.
NOutputStream(String, DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream
Creates a subordinate instance of the NOutputStream.
NOutputStream(String, DataAccessable, Object) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream
Creates a subordinate instance of an NOutputStream with the custom parameter.
NRandomAccessFile - class com.novell.service.file.nw.NRandomAccessFile.
Opens a random access on a NetWare file.
NRandomAccessFile(DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NRandomAccessFile
Constructs a NRandomAccessFile object using default parameters.
NRandomAccessFile(DataAccessable, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NRandomAccessFile
Constructs a NRandomAccessFile object using the openFlags parameter.
NRandomAccessFile(DataAccessable, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NRandomAccessFile
Constructs a NRandomAccessFile object using the openFlags and dataSelector parameters.
NRandomAccessFile(String, DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NRandomAccessFile
Constructs a subordinate NRandomAccessFile object using the default parameters.
NRandomAccessFile(String, DataAccessable, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NRandomAccessFile
Constructs a subordinate NRandomAccessFile object using the openFlags parameter.
NRandomAccessFile(String, DataAccessable, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.NRandomAccessFile
Constructs a subordinate NRandomAccessFile object using the openFlags and dataSelector parameters.
NSCREATOR_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on the owning name space.
NUMBEROFSTREAMS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on the number of data streams associated with this directory entry.
numberToName(int) - Static method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.NameSpace
Returns a name space string given a NetWare name space number.
numCompressedDataStreams - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
NUMCOMPRESSEDDATASTREAMS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The NumCompressedDataStreams compare field.
numCompressedLimboDataStreams - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
NUMCOMPRESSEDLIMBODATASTREAMS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The NumCompressedLimboDataStreams compare field.
numDataStreams - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
NUMDATASTREAMS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The NumDataStreams compare field.
NUMERIC_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Numeric String syntax ID.
NUMERIC_STRING_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are numeric strings.
numLimboDataStreams - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
NUMLIMBODATASTREAMS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The NumLimboDataStreams compare field.
numMigratedDataStreams - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
NUMMIGRATEDDATASTREAMS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The NumMigratedDataStreams compare field.
numNoncompressibleDataStreams - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
NUMNONCOMPRESSIBLEDATASTREAMS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The NumNoncompressibleDataStreams compare field.
NW_ANY_TYPE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery type used as a wildcard in searching.
NW_ARCHIVE_QUEUE_TYPE_HR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery object type for an archive queue object.
NW_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
The environment value associated with the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY key to be used for the NetWare name space.
NW_JOB_QUEUE_TYPE_HR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery object type for a job queue object.
NW_MAX_OBJECT_NAME_LEN - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Maximum name size an object in the bindery can have (in ASCII chars, including the null terminator).
NW_NS_DOS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
NSCreator: DOS name space.
NW_NS_FTAM - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
NSCreator: FTAM name space.
NW_NS_MAC - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
NSCreator: MAC name space.
NW_NS_NFS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
NSCreator: NFS name space.
NW_NS_OS2 - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
NSCreator: OS2 name space (LONG).
NW_PRINT_QUEUE_TYPE_HR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery object type for a print queue object.
NW_SERVER_TYPE_HR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyUtil
Bindery object type for a NetWare server object.
NWServer - interface com.novell.service.server.NWServer.
Allows functions to be performed on the NetWare server that this NWServer represents.


OBJECT_ACL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Object ACL syntax ID.
OBJECT_ACL_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values represent ACL entries.
OBJECT_ATTR_NAMES - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the object attribute names.
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the object attribute level.
OBJECT_ATTRS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the object attributes.
OBJECT_CLASS_DEF - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment
The constant for the BinderyObjectClassDefContext object.
OBJECT_FACTORIES - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI object factory.
objectIds - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.TrusteeEnumeratorStruct
objectRights - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.TrusteeEnumeratorStruct
objID - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyAccessLevel
OCTET_LIST - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Octet List syntax ID.
OCTET_LIST_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are ordered sequences of octet strings.
OCTET_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Octet String syntax ID.
OCTET_STRING_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are byte strings that are not interpreted by the Directory.
oldestDelFileAgeInTicks - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
OLDESTDELFILEAGEINTICKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The OldestDelFileAgeInTicks compare field.
on(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestInputStream
Turns the digest function ON (default) or OFF.
on(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestOutputStream
Turns the digest function ON (default) or OFF.
OPEN_COMPRESSED - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The openFlag variable allowing the data accessor to be opened in compressed mode.
OperationAbortedException - exception com.novell.service.nds.naming.OperationAbortedException.
Exception thrown from a createSubContext or destroySubcontext on an NdsPartitionTreeRootContext object when the operation is aborted via a call to abortOperations().
OperationAbortedException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.nds.naming.OperationAbortedException
Constructs an OperationAbortedException object based on a string paramter containing the name of the operation that is aborted.
OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTE_IDS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The Schema Attribute ID for the Class Definitions objects that will return a list of the attribute IDs of the optional attributes associated with the class.
ordering - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeValue
Syntax matching rule for ordering values.
OT_ARCHIVE_QUEUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Bindery object type associated with an archive queue.
OT_JOB_QUEUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Bindery object type associated with a job queue.
OT_PRINT_QUEUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Bindery object type associated with a print queue (used by NetWare print queue services).
OutputStreamNotSupportedException - exception com.novell.java.io.OutputStreamNotSupportedException.
Signals that output stream access is not available.
OutputStreamNotSupportedException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.OutputStreamNotSupportedException
Constructs an OutputStreamNotSupportedException object with no detail message.
OutputStreamNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.OutputStreamNotSupportedException
Constructs an OutputStreamNotSupportedException object with the specified detail message.


pad(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Writes empty 8-bit bytes to the specified byte boundary.
parse(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsNameParser
Returns the Name parsed from the input name String.
parse(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QMSNameParser
Returns the Name parsed from the input name String.
Partitionable - interface com.novell.service.nds.naming.Partitionable.
Defines methods used to access the partition name space.
Password - class com.novell.service.security.Password.
This class is a holder for passwords.
Password(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.Password
Construct a password from raw bytes.
Password(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.Password
Construct a password using a String.
PasswordIdentity - interface com.novell.service.security.PasswordIdentity.
This interface identifies an object that can have a password set without using the authentication GUI.
PasswordIdentityFactory - interface com.novell.service.security.PasswordIdentityFactory.
This interface identifies an object that can create PasswordIdentity objects.
PATH - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSEnvironment
Deprecated. Environment property containing the path.

(PATH = "com.novell.service.file.path")

PATH - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Path syntax ID.
PATH_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values represent a file system path.
POSTAL_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Postal Address syntax ID.
POSTAL_ADDRESS_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are postal addresses.
precompressedSectors - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
PRECOMPRESSEDSECTORS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The PrecompressedSectors compare field.
PREFERRED_SERVER_NAME_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the preferred server name stored by the underlying requester.
PREFERRED_TREE_NAME_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute ID describing the preferred tree name stored by the underlying requester.
previous(int, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Returns the previous set (enumeration) of NdsIteratorResult objects (entries) in the list.
Principal - interface com.novell.java.security.Principal.
Represents a principal, which can be an individual, a corporation, a program thread, or anything that can have an identity.
PRINT_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The Print Version constant for use in the search field.
PRINTABLE_STRING - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Printable String syntax ID.
PRINTABLE_STRING_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are printable strings.
printStackTrace() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.AuthenticatorException
An override the to show both exceptions.
propertyFlags - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty
propertyName - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty
propertySecurity - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty
Provider - class com.novell.java.security.Provider.
Represents a provider for the Java Security API.
PROVIDER_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.bindery.Bindery
Name for the Bindery provider.
PROVIDER_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.nds.NDS
Name for the NDS provider.
PROVIDER_NAME_ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Attribute ID describing the provider of a Session.
PROVIDER_URL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI provider URL.
ProviderException - exception com.novell.java.security.ProviderException.
Provides a runtime exception for Provider exceptions, such as misconfiguration errors.
ProviderException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ProviderException
Constructs a ProviderException with no detail message.
ProviderException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.ProviderException
Constructs a ProviderException with the specified detail message.
PublicKey - interface com.novell.java.security.PublicKey.
Serves to group and provide type safety for all public key interfaces.
PURGEABLEBLOCKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The PurgeableBlocks compare field.
PURGEABLEBLOCKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
PurgeableBlocks compare field.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Provider
Sets the key property to have the specified value.
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this environment.


QF_AUTO_START - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Queue control flag indicating that a job can be released for servicing automatically, even if the connection is broken.
QF_ENTRY_OPEN - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Queue control flag that is set by the queue and remains set as long as the client has not released the queue job entry for servicing.
QF_ENTRY_RESTART - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Queue control flag indicating that a job can be restarted in the event of a service failure.
QF_OPERATOR_HOLD - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Queue control flag indicating that a job is on hold.
QF_USER_HOLD - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Queue control flag indicating that a job is on hold.
QMS_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
The environment value associated with the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY key to be used for the Queue Management (QMS) name space.
QMSEnvironment - class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QMSEnvironment.
Defines the set of environment property constant Strings that uniquely controls the behavior of Queues and Queue Jobs.
QMSJob - interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob.
Represents a job in the queue that can represent almost any application task.
QMSNameParser - class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QMSNameParser.
Provides the rules for parsing names in the QMS naming system.
QMSNameParser() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QMSNameParser
Constructs a QMSNameParser object with no parameters.
QMSOutputStream - class com.novell.service.qms.QMSOutputStream.
Provides the standard output stream functionality for NetWare queue jobs.
QMSQueue - interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue.
Provides a central storage and queueing mechanism that enables users to create jobs that are added to the queue.
QS_CANT_ADD_JOBS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Queue state flag (if set) indicating that adding jobs is not allowed.
QS_CANT_SERVICE_JOBS - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Queue state flag (if set) indicating that servers are not allowed to service jobs in the queue.
QS_SERVERS_CANT_ATTACH - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Queue state flag (if set) indicating that servers are not allowed to attach to the queue.
queryDataLength - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
The length of the query data requested and returned.
QUEUE_BINDERY_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment
The constant for the QueueBinderyObjectDirContext object.
QUEUE_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QMSEnvironment
Environment property containing the queue ID (String).
QUEUE_JOB_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QMSEnvironment
Environment property containing the queue job ID (String).
QUEUE_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QMSEnvironment
Environment property containing the queue name (String).
QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QMSEnvironment
Environment property containing the queue type (String).
QUEUE_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The Queue Version constant for use in the search field.
QueueBinderyObjectDirContext - class com.novell.service.bindery.QueueBinderyObjectDirContext.
Represents a bindery object that is a queue.
QueueDirContext - class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QueueDirContext.
Implements both the JNDI DirContext interface (via the AtomicDirContext) as well as the QMSQueue interface.
QueueJobDirContext - class com.novell.service.qms.naming.QueueJobDirContext.
Implements both the JNDI DirContext interface (via AtomicDirContext) as well as the QMSJob interface.


RANDOM - Static variable in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
RandomAccess - class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess.
Provides random access functionality to various data device objects that implements the DataAccessable interface.
RandomAccess(DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Creates an instance of RandomAccess with a DataAccessable parameter.
RandomAccess(DataAccessable, Object) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Creates an instance of RandomAccess with the custom parameter.
RandomAccess(String, DataAccessable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Creates a subordinate instance of RandomAccess.
RandomAccess(String, DataAccessable, Object) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Creates a subordinate instance of RandomAccess with the custom parameter.
RandomAccessNotSupportedException - exception com.novell.java.io.RandomAccessNotSupportedException.
Signals that random access is not available.
RandomAccessNotSupportedException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccessNotSupportedException
Constructs a RandomAccessNotSupportedException object with no detail message.
RandomAccessNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccessNotSupportedException
Constructs a RandomAccessNotSupportedException object with the specified detail message.
READ - Static variable in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Read/Input Stream Type.
READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The openFlag variable allowing the data accessor to be opened in read mode.
READ_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The openFlag variable allowing the data accessor to be opened in read/write mode.
read() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads a byte of data from this accessor source.
read() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
read() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Reads a byte.
read() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Reads and returns the next byte in the stream.
read() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestInputStream
Reads a byte and updates the message digest if the digest function is on.
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this accessor source into an array of bytes.
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Reads an array of bytes.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Reads bytes from the stream and fills a byte array with the data read.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads up to len bytes of data from this accessor source into an array of bytes.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads up to the specified bytes of data into an array of bytes from this input stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Reads the specified number of bytes into an array.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Reads bytes from the stream and places the bytes at an offset within a byte array.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestInputStream
Reads into a byte array and updates the message digest if the digest function is on.
readBoolean() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads a boolean value from this file.
readBoolean() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a boolean value.
readByte() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads a signed 8-bit value from this file.
readByte() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads an 8-bit byte.
readChar() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads a Unicode character in two bytes from this file.
readChar() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 16-bit char.
readDouble() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads a double from this file.
readDouble() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 64-bit double.
readFloat() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads a float from this file.
readFloat() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 32-bit float.
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads b.length bytes from this source into the byte array.
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads bytes of data into a buffer, blocking until all bytes are read.
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads exactly len bytes from this source into the byte array.
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads bytes of data into a buffer, blocking until all bytes are read.
readHiLoChar() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianInput
Reads two bytes of a Unicode char value in high-low order from the input stream.
readHiLoChar() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 16-bit char from high-low order.
readHiLoChars() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads in a sequence of chars from high-low order that has been NULL-terminated or EOF.
readHiLoInt() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianInput
Reads four bytes of a int value in high-low order from the input stream.
readHiLoInt() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 32-bit int from high-low order.
readHiLoLong() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianInput
Reads eight bytes of a long value in high-low order from the input stream.
readHiLoLong() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 64-bit long from high-low order.
readHiLoShort() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianInput
Reads two bytes of a short value in high-low order from the input stream.
readHiLoShort() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 16-bit short from high-low order.
readHiLoString() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads in a sequence of chars from high-low order that has been length preceeded.
readInt() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads a signed 32-bit integer in 4 bytes from this file.
readInt() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 32-bit integer.
readLine() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads the next line of text from this file.
readLine() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads in a line that has been terminated by a \n, \r, \r\n or EOF.
readLoHiChar() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianInput
Reads two bytes of a Unicode char value in low-high order from the input stream.
readLoHiChar() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 16-bit char from low-high order.
readLoHiChars() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads in a sequence of chars from low-high order that has been NULL-terminated or EOF.
readLoHiInt() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianInput
Reads four bytes of a int value in low-high order from the input stream.
readLoHiInt() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 32-bit int from low-high order.
readLoHiLong() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianInput
Reads eight bytes of a long value in low-high order from the input stream.
readLoHiLong() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 64-bit long from low-high order.
readLoHiShort() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianInput
Reads two bytes of a short value in low-high order from the input stream.
readLoHiShort() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 16-bit short from low-high order.
readLong() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads a signed 64-bit integer in 8 bytes from this file.
readLong() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a 64-bit long.
readShort() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads a signed 16-bit number in 2 bytes from this file.
readShort() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads an unsigned 8-bit byte.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads and returns an unsigned 8-bit byte from this file.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads an unsigned 8-bit byte.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads an unsigned 16-bit number in two bytes from this file.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads an unsigned 16-bit short.
readUString() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Deprecated. Reads in a sequence of chars from low-high order that has been length preceeded and null-terminated.

readUTF() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Reads in a string from this file.
readUTF() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Reads a UTF format String.
receiveUpdates() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
This replica receives updates from the master replica.
REFERRAL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI referral setting.
reloadDS() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsNCPServer
Requests the server to unload and then load the DS NLM.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Provider
Removes the key property and its corresponding value.
remove(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Removes the key and it's value from this environment.
remove(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Removes from this set the session attribute specified in the passed in attrId parameter.
removeCertificate(Certificate) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Removes a certificate from this identity.
removeIdentity(Identity) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Removes an identity from this IdentityScope.
removeIdentity(Identity) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
Removes an identity from this identity scope.
REPLICA_POINTER - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Replica Pointer syntax ID.
REPLICA_POINTER_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values represent partition replicas.
REPLICATYPE_MASTER - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
Master replica created when the partition is defined and used to perform partition operations.
REPLICATYPE_READONLY - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
Read-only replica, which will not receive client updates and can only be updated from master or read-write replicas.
REPLICATYPE_SECONDARY - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
Secondary or read/write replica, which is created for a specific partition receiving client updates.
RESERVED_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The Reserved compare field.
RESERVED_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Reserved compare field.
reset() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Resets the buffer to the marked position.
reset() - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Resets the stream position to the last position saved by calling mark().
reset() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Resets the stream position to the location saved by mark().
reset() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Resets the digest for further use.
RESTRICTION_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
The Restriction compare field.
restrictionEnforced - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.ObjectDiskSpaceLeft
REVISION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The Revision constant for use in the search field.
RIGHTS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Field specifier for searching on rights field.
RIGHTS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Compare field for rights.
RMI_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
RMI_SOCKET_FACTORIES_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Key indicating whether to use custom RMI sockets when running in RMI mode.
RMISocketFactories - class com.novell.service.session.spi.RMISocketFactories.
This class allows the user to specify the custom sockets they want a particular SessionManager (and all objects returned by it) to use.
RMISocketFactories(int, RMIClientSocketFactory, RMIServerSocketFactory) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.spi.RMISocketFactories


SA_HIDDEN - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
modifySearchAttributes: Search for hidden entries for modification.
SA_SUBDIR_FILES - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
modifySearchAttributes: Search for files and directories for modification.
SA_SUBDIR_ONLY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
modifySearchAttributes: Search for directories only for modification.
SA_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
modifySearchAttributes: Search for system entries for modification.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Schema Name of VolumeInformation.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Schema Class Definition Name of DirectoryEntryInformation.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Schema Class Definition Name of DirectoryEntryInformation.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Schema name of ExtendedAttribute
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Schema Name of VolumeUtilization.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Schema Name of Trustee.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteeEnumerator
Schema Name of the TrusteeEnumerator.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestrictionEnumerator
Schema Name of VolumeRestrictionEnumerator.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Schema Name of DirectorySpaceInformation.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Schema Name of VolumeRestriction.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.EAEnumerator
The schema binding name of EAEnumerator.
SCHEMA_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator
Schema Class Definition Name of the TrusteePathEnumerator.
SCHEMA_CLASS_DEFS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment
The constant for the BinderyObjectClassDefContext object.
SchemaAttribute - interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaAttribute.
Defines the attribute types and constraints (flags).
SchemaClass - interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaClass.
Defines the object components for a single NDS Class.
SchemaSyntax - interface com.novell.service.nds.SchemaSyntax.
Defines the standard data types for the values within specified attribute types stored in the directory.
SCOPE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.SessionManager
Scope the session manager was created in.
search(SessionAttrs) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Searches for sessions with matching attributes.
sectorSize - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
SECTORSIZE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The SectorSize compare field.
sectorsPerBlock - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase
SECTORSPERBLOCK_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The SectorsPerBlock compare field.
SECTORSPERBLOCK_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
SectorsPerBlock compare field.
sectorsPerCluster - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
SECTORSPERCLUSTER_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The SectorsPerCluster compare field.
SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI security authentication setting.
SECURITY_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI security credentials setting.
SECURITY_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI security principal setting.
SECURITY_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI security protocol setting.
SECURITY_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The Security Version constant for use in the search field.
seek(long) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Moves the stream position to an absolute position in the stream.
SEGMENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
The official length of a data segment in the bindery.
segmentData - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.PropertyValue
SemaphoreServiceRemote.ExamineSemStruct - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.SemaphoreServiceRemote.ExamineSemStruct.
SemaphoreServiceRemote.ExamineSemStruct() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.SemaphoreServiceRemote.ExamineSemStruct
SemaphoreServiceRemote.OpenSemStruct - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.SemaphoreServiceRemote.OpenSemStruct.
SemaphoreServiceRemote.OpenSemStruct() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.SemaphoreServiceRemote.OpenSemStruct
send(byte[], int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtension
Sends a request to an NCP Extension.
send(byte[], int) - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionDirContext
Sends a request to an NCP Extension.
sendIV(byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
sendUpdates() - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
This replica sends updates to all other replicas.
SERVER_BINDERY_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment
The constant for the ServerBinderyObjectDirContext object.
SERVER_INFO_DN_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.nds.NDS
Operational Attribute ID describing the fully distinguished name of this server in its tree.
SERVER_INFO_DS_VERSION_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.nds.NDS
Operational Attribute ID describing the raw DS.NLM build version on this server.
SERVER_INFO_IS_MASTER_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.nds.NDS
Operational Attribute ID describing whether or not this server's root-most paritition is a master replica.
SERVER_INFO_ROOT_MOST_DEPTH_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.nds.NDS
Operational Attribute ID describing the number of levels down from the [Root] object that this server's root-most entry resides.
SERVER_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
The environment value associated with the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY key to be used for the Server name space.
SERVER_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSEnvironment
Deprecated. Environment property containing the server name.

(SERVER_NAME = "com.novell.service.file.serverName")

SERVER_SESSION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute value returned for SESSION_TYPE_ATTR_ID for server Session types.
ServerBinderyObjectDirContext - class com.novell.service.bindery.ServerBinderyObjectDirContext.
Represents a bindery object that is a server.
ServerCounts - interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts.
Provides a specific attribute of a ServerDirContext.
ServerCountsImpl - class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl.
Provides the Attribute value of an attribute of a ServerDirContext.
ServerCountsImpl() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Constructs a ServerCountsImpl attribute value.
ServerDescription - interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription.
Provides a specific attribute of a ServerDirContext.
ServerDescriptionImpl - class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl.
Provides the Attribute value of an attribute of a ServerDirContext.
ServerDescriptionImpl() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl
Constructs a ServerDescriptionImpl attribute value.
ServerDiagnostics - interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics.
Provides a specific attribute of a ServerDirContext.
ServerDiagnosticsImpl - class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl.
Provides the Attribute value of an attribute of a ServerDirContext.
ServerDiagnosticsImpl() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Constructs a ServerDiagnosticsImpl attribute value.
ServerDirContext - class com.novell.service.server.ServerDirContext.
Represents a NetWare Server.
ServerLoginStatus - interface com.novell.service.server.ServerLoginStatus.
Provides a specific attribute of a ServerDirContext.
ServerLoginStatusImpl - class com.novell.service.server.ServerLoginStatusImpl.
Provides the attribute value of a ServerDirContext.
ServerLoginStatusImpl() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.server.ServerLoginStatusImpl
Constructs a ServerLoginStatusImpl attribute value.
ServerTreeMismatchException - exception com.novell.service.session.xplat.ServerTreeMismatchException.
Thrown when a server is not part of a required tree.
ServerTreeMismatchException(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.ServerTreeMismatchException
Constructs a ServerTreeMismatchException with the specified requested server, requested tree, and connection tree.
ServerVersions - interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions.
Provides a specific attribute of a ServerDirContext.
ServerVersionsImpl - class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl.
Provides the attribute value of a ServerDirContext.
ServerVersionsImpl() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Constructs a ServerVersionImpl attribute value.
Session - interface com.novell.service.session.Session.
Provides a communication channel between the owning/initiating object that creates a session and the target domain (tree, server, or any other object).
SESSION_MANAGER - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.SessionManager
The Domain name for SessionManager Sessions.
SESSION_MANAGER_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
The environment variable name for the NetWare session manager.
SESSION_MANAGER_SERVICE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
SESSION_MANAGER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Session

Attribute value returned for SESSION_TYPE_ATTR_ID for SessionManager Sessions.


SESSION_MANAGER_URL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Key indicating whether to run local or in RMI mode Set this key to the location of the remote SessionManager to run RMI
SESSION_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
The environment variable name for the NetWare session.
SESSION_STATE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Attribute ID describing the state of a Session.
SESSION_TYPE_ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Attribute ID describing the type of a Session.
SessionAttr - class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttr.
Provides for a session attribute, which is an identifying characteristic of the Session from from it was retrieved.
SessionAttr(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttr
Constructs a new instance of a session attribute.
SessionAttr(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttr
Constructs a new instance of a session attribute.
SessionAttrEnumerator - class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrEnumerator.
Provides an implementation of Enumeration that contains only session attributes.
SessionAttrEnumerator(SessionAttrs) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrEnumerator
Constructs a SessionAttrEnumerator object with the passed in attributes.
SessionAttrInUseException - exception com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrInUseException.
Thrown when a session attribute is already contained in a SessionAttrs.
SessionAttrInUseException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrInUseException
Constructs a SessionAttrInUseException with the specified detail message.
SessionAttrNotFoundException - exception com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrNotFoundException.
Thrown when a session attribute is already contained in a SessionAttrs.
SessionAttrNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrNotFoundException
Constructs a SessionAttrNotFoundException with the specified detail message.
SessionAttrs - class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs.
Provides for a collection of session attribute objects (SessionAttr).
SessionAttrs() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionAttrs
Construct a new instance of a SessionAttrs object.
SessionEnumerator - class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnumerator.
Provides an implementation of Enumeration that contains only Sessions.
SessionEnumerator(Enumeration) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnumerator
Constructs a SessionEnumerator object that specifies an Enumeration of sessions for convenience.
SessionEnv - class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv.
Provides a collection of key/value pairs describing a session environment.
SessionEnv() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Constructs a new, empty session environment that is shared.
SessionException - exception com.novell.service.session.SessionException.
Provides a top-level exception that is thrown by session objects.
SessionException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionException
Constructs a SessionException with a specified detail message.
SessionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionException
Constructs a SessionException with a specified detail message and a root-cause exception.
SessionException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionException
Constructs a SessionException with a root-cause exception.
SessionManager - interface com.novell.service.session.SessionManager.
Provides a single interface under which various session providers can be abstracted.
SessionManagerFactory - class com.novell.service.session.SessionManagerFactory.
Provides a static (singleton) class used to create a SessionManager.
SessionRuntimeException - exception com.novell.service.session.SessionRuntimeException.
Provides an exceptions for cases that are considered catastrophic.
SessionRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionRuntimeException
Constructs a SessionRuntimeException with the specified detail message.
SessionRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionRuntimeException
Constructs a SessionRuntimeException with a detail message and a root-cause exception.
SessionSearchEnumerator - class com.novell.service.session.SessionSearchEnumerator.
Provides an implementation of SessionEnumerator that contains only sessions that match a given search criteria.
SessionSearchEnumerator(SessionAttrs, Enumeration) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionSearchEnumerator
Constructs a SessionSearchEnumerator object with the matchingSessionAttrSet and sessionEnum parameters.
SessionSearchEnumerator(SessionAttrs, Enumeration, boolean) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.SessionSearchEnumerator
Constructs a SessionSearchEnumerator object with the matchingSessionAttrSet, sessionEnum and match parameters.
SessionService - interface com.novell.service.session.SessionService.
Describes an object type returned by the getService() method of the Session interface.
setAccountVersion(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the account version number of the server as the search value.
setAccountVersion(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the account version number of the server as the search value.
setAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
Sets the address as an InetAddress.
setAddress(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
Sets the NetWare address and it's type.
setAlreadyDoingReallocCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times that a connection is requested when a connection already exists.
setAlreadyDoingReallocCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times that a connection is requested when a connection already exists.
setArchiveDate(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the ArchiveDate field.
setArchiver(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the Archiver field of the Attribute.
setArchiveTime(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the ArchiveTime field.
setAttributes(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the directory entry attributes.
setAvailableBlocks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the availableBlocks field of this Object.
setAvailableBlocks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the availableBlocks field of this object.
setAvailableDirEntries(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the availableDirEntries field of this Object.
setAvailableDirEntries(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the availableDirEntries field of this object.
setAvailSubAllocSectors(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the availSubAllocSectors field of this Object.
setBeingAbortedCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of packets received for a connection being terminated.
setBeingAbortedCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of packets received for a connection being terminated.
setBeingProcessedCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times a duplicate request was received during processing of the first request.
setBeingProcessedCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times a duplicate request was received during processing of the first request.
setClientRecordArea(byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Sets the user defined client record area for this job.
setClustersUsedByDirs(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the clustersUsedByDirs field of this Object.
setClustersUsedByExtDirs(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the clustersUsedByExtDirs field of this Object.
setClustersUsedByFAT(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the clustersUsedByFAT field of this Object.
setCompanyName(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
Sets the name of the company providing the version of the NetWare OS as the search value.
setCompanyName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl
Sets the name of the company providing the version of the NetWare OS as the search value.
setCompareString(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Set the compare string value for the compare fields.
setCompareString(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Sets the compare string value for the Rights and User fields.
setCompareString(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the compare string value.
setCompareString(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Sets the compare string value used to allow individual compares on the eaName field.
setCompareString(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Sets the compare string value for the compare fields.
setCompareString(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the compare string value to allow individual compares on the name and rights fields.
setCompareString(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the compare string value for the compare fields.
setCompareString(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Sets the compare string value for the compare fields.
setCompressedSectors(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the compressedSectors field of this Object.
setConnectionsInUse(short) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Sets the number of connections currently in use as the search value.
setConnectionsInUse(short) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Sets the number of connections currently in use as the search value.
setControlFlags(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Sets the attribute ID of the job control flags, which indicate the current status of the job in the queue.
setCopyrightNotice(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
Sets the copyright notice of the server as the search value.
setCopyrightNotice(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl
Sets the copyright notice of the server as the search value.
setCreateRights(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the Create bit of the object rights mask based on the boolean input value.
setCreationDate(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the CreationDate field.
setCreationTime(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the CreationTime field.
setCreator(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the Creator field of the Attribute.
setCurrentCPUUtilization(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the current percentage of CPU utilization for the server.
setCurrentCPUUtilization(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the current percentage of CPU utilization for the server.
setCurrentUse(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the currentUse field of this object.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Sets the Data to be associated with this extended attribute.
setDataStreamSize(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the DataStreamSize field.
setDeAllocBeingProcessedCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times the server was deallocated because requests were still being processed.
setDeAllocBeingProcessedCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times the server was deallocated because requests were still being processed.
setDeAllocForgedPacketCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times the server was deallocated because a forged packet was received.
setDeAllocForgedPacketCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times the server was deallocated because a forged packet was received.
setDeAllocInvalidSlotCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times an attempt was made to deallocate a connection slot that was not valid.
setDeAllocInvalidSlotCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times an attempt was made to deallocate a connection slot that was not valid.
setDeAllocStillTransmittingCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times the server was deallocated because information was still being transmitted.
setDeAllocStillTransmittingCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times the server was deallocated because information was still being transmitted.
setDeleteRights(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the Delete bit of the object rights mask based on the boolean input value.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Sets the user defined description string for this job.
setDirectoryEntryInformation(DirectoryEntryInformation, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareFile
Modifies the back end DirectoryEntryInformation object associated with this directory entry.
setDirectoryServicesName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the directoryServicesName field of the Attribute.
setDirectorySpaceInformation(DirectorySpaceInformation, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareDirectory
Modifies the back end DirectorySpaceInformation object associated with this directory.
setDirEntNum(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the DirEntNum field.
setDosDirNum(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the DosDirNum field.
setDuplicateIsBeingSentAlreadyCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times a duplicate reply was requested when the reply had already been sent.
setDuplicateIsBeingSentAlreadyCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times a duplicate reply was requested when the reply had already been sent.
setEADataSize(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the EADataSize field.
setEAKeyCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the EAKeyCount field.
setEAKeySize(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the EAKeySize field.
setEntryName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the EntryName field.
setEnvironment(SessionEnv) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Sets/replaces the environment for this session and returns the old environment.
setExtAttrExtantsUsed(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the extAttrExtantsUsed field of this Object.
setExtAttrsDefined(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the extAttrsDefined field of this Object.
setExtendedAttribute(ExtendedAttribute, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareFile
Modifies the back end ExtendedAttribute object associated with this directory entry.
setExtensionID(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Sets the NCP Extension ID.
setExtensionID(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Sets the NCP Extension ID.
setExtensionName(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Sets the NCP Extension name.
setExtensionName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Sets the NCP Extension name.
setFlags(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the Flags field.
setForgedPacketCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of suspicious invalid packets received.
setForgedPacketCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of suspicious invalid packets received.
setFreeableLimboSectors(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the freeableLimboSectors field of this Object.
setFreeClusters(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the freeClusters field of this Object.
setIndexSelect(String[]) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Sets the indexes for this NdsIteratorControls instance based on the passed in array of indexes.
setInfo(String) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Specifies a general information string for this identity.
setInheritedRightsMask(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the inheritedRightsMask field.
setInternetBridgeVersion(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the Internet bridge version number of the server as the search value.
setInternetBridgeVersion(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the Internet bridge version number of the server as the search value.
setInUse(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Sets the inUse field of this Object.
setInvalidRequestTypeCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of packets received that had an invalid request type or were received after the server was shut down.
setInvalidRequestTypeCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of packets received that had an invalid request type or were received after the server was shut down.
setInvalidSequenceNumCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of request packets the server received from a connection where the sequence number in the packet did not match the current or the next sequence number.
setInvalidSequenceNumCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of request packets the server received from a connection where the sequence number in the packet did not match the current or the next sequence number.
setInvalidSlotCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of requests received for an invalid connection slot.
setInvalidSlotCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of requests received for an invalid connection slot.
setLastAccessDate(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the LastAccessDate field.
setLength(long) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Sets the file length.
setLength(long) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Changes the stream length.
setMajorVersion(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the major version number of the server as the search value.
setMajorVersion(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the major version number of the server as the search value.
setMajorVersion(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Sets the NCP Extension major version.
setMajorVersion(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Sets the NCP Extension major version.
setMaxAvailable(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the maxAvailable field of this object.
setMaxConnections(short) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Sets the maximum number of connection slots as the search value.
setMaxConnections(short) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Sets the maximum number of connection slots as the search value.
setMaxConnectionsUsed(short) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Sets the maximum number of licensed connections in use at one time as the search value.
setMaxConnectionsUsed(short) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Sets the maximum number of licensed connections in use at one time as the search value.
setMaxVolumes(short) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Sets the maximum number of volumes supported as the search value.
setMaxVolumes(short) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Sets the maximum number of volumes supported as the search value.
setMessageDigest(MessageDigest) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestInputStream
Associates the specified message digest with this stream.
setMessageDigest(MessageDigest) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestOutputStream
Associates the specified message digest with this stream.
setMigratedSectors(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the migratedSectors field of this Object.
setMinorVersion(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the minor version number of the server as the search value.
setMinorVersion(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the minor version number of the server as the search value.
setMinorVersion(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Sets the NCP Extension minor version.
setMinorVersion(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Sets the NCP Extension minor version.
setModifier(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the Modifier field of the Attribute.
setModifyDate(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the ModifyDate field.
setModifyMask(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the modifyMask field of the Attribute.
setModifyRights(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the Modify bit of the object rights mask based on the boolean input value.
setModifySearchAttributes(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the modifySearchAttributes field of the Attribute.
setModifyTime(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the ModifyTime field.
setName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Sets the name to be associated with this extended attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Sets the name field of this Object.
setName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the name field of the attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Sets the value of this object's name field.
setNameLength(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the NameLength field.
setNetBIOSProgatedCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of NetBIOS packets received that were sent forward.
setNetBIOSProgatedCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of NetBIOS packets received that were sent forward.
setNewPassword(Password) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.NdsPasswordIdentity
Set the new password for this identity.
setNewPassword(Password) - Method in interface com.novell.service.security.PasswordIdentity
Set the new password for this identity.
setNewPassword(Password) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.BinderyPasswordIdentity
Set the new password for this identity.
setNoAvailableConnsCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times no slots were available in the connection table for a new connection.
setNoAvailableConnsCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times no slots were available in the connection table for a new connection.
setNoMemForStationCtrlCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times the server could not allocate memory to expand the connection table for a new connection.
setNoMemForStationCtrlCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times the server could not allocate memory to expand the connection table for a new connection.
setNonfreeableLimboSectors(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the nonfreeableLimboSectors field of this Object.
setNonuseableSubAllocSectors(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the nonuseableSubAllocSectors field of this Object.
setNoReceiveBuffers(short) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times a packet was discarded because no buffers existed to receive it.
setNoReceiveBuffers(short) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times a packet was discarded because no buffers existed to receive it.
setNoSpaceForService(short) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value zero (0)because it is reserved.
setNoSpaceForService(short) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value zero (0)because it is reserved.
setNotMyNetwork(short) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of received packets not destined for the server.
setNotMyNetwork(short) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of received packets not destined for the server.
setNotYetPurgeableBlocks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the notYetPurgeableBlocks field of this Object.
setNotYetPurgeableBlocks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the notYetPurgeableBlocks field of this object.
setNSCreator(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the NSCreator field.
setNumberOfNCPRequests(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Sets the number of NCP requests as the search value.
setNumberOfNCPRequests(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Sets the number of NCP requests as the search value.
setNumberOfStreams(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the NumberOfStreams field.
setNumCompressedDataStreams(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the numCompressedDataStreams field of this Object.
setNumCompressedLimboDataStreams(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the numCompressedLimboDataStreams field of this Object.
setNumDataStreams(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the numDataStreams field of this Object.
setNumLimboDataStreams(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the numLimboDataStreams field of this Object.
setNumMigratedDataStreams(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the numMigratedDataStreams field of this Object.
setNumNoncompressibleDataStreams(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the numNoncompressibleDataStreams field of this Object.
setObjectId(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Sets the objectId field of this Object.
setObjectInfo(NdsObjectInfo) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorResult
Sets the NDS object information of this iterator result to the passed in value contained in the NDSObjectInfo object.
setOldestDelFileAgeInTicks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the oldestDelFileAgeInTicks field of this Object.
setOwnershipRights(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the Ownership bit of the object rights mask based on the boolean input value.
setPassword(Password) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.Password
Set the password to equal another using a Password.
setPassword(Password) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.NdsPasswordIdentity
Set the password for this identity.
setPassword(Password) - Method in interface com.novell.service.security.PasswordIdentity
Set the password for this identity.
setPassword(Password) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.BinderyPasswordIdentity
Set the password for this identity.
setPassword(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
setPassword(String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
setPassword(String, String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethWrapper
setPath(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator
Set one path for this object based on the input parameter.
setPosition(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Sets the attribute ID of the position for the job within the queue.
setPosition(int, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Sets the current iterator position in the list as an integer in the range of 0 to 1001.
setPosition(long) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Sets the offset from the beginning of this source at which the next read or write will occur.
setPosition(NdsIterator, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Sets the current iterator position to that of another iterator.
setPosition(String, String, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Sets the iterator position according to the passed-in attribute and value parameters.
setPrecompressedSectors(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the precompressedSectors field of this Object.
setPrintVersion(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the print version number of the server as the search value.
setPrintVersion(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the print version number of the server as the search value.
setPublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Sets the public key for this identity.
setPurgeableBlocks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the purgeableBlocks field of this Object.
setPurgeableBlocks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the purgeableBlocks field of this object.
setQueryData(byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Sets the NCP Extension query data.
setQueryData(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Sets the NCP Extension query data.
setQueueVersion(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the minor queue version number of the server as the search value.
setQueueVersion(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the minor queue version number of the server as the search value.
setReadRights(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the Read bit of the objectRights mask based on the boolean input value.
setReallocSlotCameTooSoonCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times that a request came from a client to relog in before that client had been completely logged out.
setReallocSlotCameTooSoonCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times that a request came from a client to relog in before that client had been completely logged out.
setReallocSlotCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times the server reallocated the same slot in the connection table for a client that logged out and relogged in.
setReallocSlotCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times the server reallocated the same slot in the connection table for a client that logged out and relogged in.
setReExecuteRequestCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times the requester did not receive the reply and the request had to be reprocessed.
setReExecuteRequestCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times the requester did not receive the reply and the request had to be reprocessed.
setReplicaType(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
Sets the replica type for the partition.
setReplyCanceledCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of replies that were canceled because the connection was reallocated while the request was being processed.
setReplyCanceledCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of replies that were canceled because the connection was reallocated while the request was being processed.
setReserved(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the reserved field of this Object.
setReserved(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the reserved field of this object.
setRestriction(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Sets the restriction field of this Object.
setRevision(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the revision number of the server as the search value.
setRevision(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the revision number of the server as the search value.
setRevision(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfo
Sets the NCP Extension revision.
setRevision(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.ncpext.NCPExtensionInfoImpl
Sets the NCP Extension revision.
setRevision(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
Sets the version of the server and revision description string as the search value.
setRevision(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl
Sets the version of the server and revision description string as the search value.
setRevisionDate(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDescription
Sets the server's revision date in the form of mm/dd/yyyy as the search value.
setRevisionDate(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDescriptionImpl
Sets the server's revision date in the form of mm/dd/yyyy as the search value.
setRights(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Sets the effective rights field.
setRights(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the objectRights data member of this object to the specified value.
setRootCauses(Vector) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.InvalidDomainNameException
Sets the root causes for this exception.
setScalability(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Sets the scalability status for this NdsIteratorControls instance.
setSearchFields(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the fields to be used when performing a search.
setSearchFields(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the fields to be used when performing a search.
setSearchRights(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the Search bit of the object rights mask based on the boolean input value.
setSectorSize(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the sectorSize field of this Object.
setSectorsPerBlock(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the sectorsPerBlock field of this Object.
setSectorsPerBlock(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the sectorsPerBlock field of this object.
setSectorsPerCluster(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the sectorsPerCluster field of this Object.
setSecurityVersion(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the security version number of the server as the search value.
setSecurityVersion(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the security version number of the server as the search value.
setSentDuplicateReplyCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of request packets for which the server had to send a duplicate reply (sent only for requests the server cannot process).
setSentDuplicateReplyCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of request packets for which the server had to send a duplicate reply (sent only for requests the server cannot process).
setSentPositiveAcknowledgeCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of acknowledgments sent by the server (sent when a connection repeats a request being serviced).
setSentPositiveAcknowledgeCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of acknowledgments sent by the server (sent when a connection repeats a request being serviced).
setServerUpTime(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the time in ticks (about 1/18 second) since the server was started.
setServerUpTime(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the time in ticks (about 1/18 second) since the server was started.
setSession(Session) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Set the session for the identity.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Set the session manager for the identity.
setSFTLevel(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Sets the SFT level of the server as the search value.
setSFTLevel(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Sets the SFT level of the server as the search value.
setSortKey(String[]) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorControls
Sets the sort key array of the NdsIteratorControls instance.
setSpaceAlloc(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the SpaceAlloc field.
setStartStationErrorCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times the server was unable to allocate a connection for any reason.
setStartStationErrorCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times the server was unable to allocate a connection for any reason.
setState(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSQueue
Sets the state of the queue given the new settings.
setStatus(boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerLoginStatus
Sets the state of the login status.
setStatus(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerLoginStatusImpl
Sets the state of the login status.
setStatusFlag(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the statusFlag field of this Object.
setStillTransmittingCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times a new request is received before a reply to a previous request has been sent.
setStillTransmittingCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times a new request is received before a reply to a previous request has been sent.
setSubAllocClusters(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the subAllocClusters field of this Object.
setSubAllocFreeableClusters(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the subAllocFreeableClusters field of this Object.
setSupervisorRights(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the Supervisor bit of the object rights mask based on the boolean input value.
setTargetExecutionTime(Date) - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Sets the attribute ID of the target execution time.
setTargetServerID(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Sets the attribute ID of the target server.
setTime(Calendar) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDirContext
Method implemented in NWServer interface.
setTime(Calendar) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.NWServer
Sets the time on the NetWare server.
setTooManyHops(short) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of packets discarded because they had passed through more than 16 bridges without reaching their destination.
setTooManyHops(short) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of packets discarded because they had passed through more than 16 bridges without reaching their destination.
setTotalBlocks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the totalBlocks field of this Object.
setTotalBlocks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the totalBlocks field of this object.
setTotalDirEntries(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the totalDirEntries field of this Object.
setTotalDirEntries(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the totalDirEntries field of this object.
setTotalExtDirExtants(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the totalExtDirExtants field of this Object.
setTotalPacketsRouted(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of all packets forwarded by the server.
setTotalPacketsRouted(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of all packets forwarded by the server.
setTotalPacketsServiced(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the total packets received by the server.
setTotalPacketsServiced(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the total packets received by the server.
setTotalStreamSize(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the TotalStreamSize field.
setTrustee(Trustee, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareFile
Modifies the back end Trustee Attribute object associated with this directory entry.
setTTSLevel(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerCounts
Sets the TTS level of the server as the search value.
setTTSLevel(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerCountsImpl
Sets the TTS level of the server as the search value.
setType(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Sets the attribute ID of the job type.
setUnknownNetwork(short) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of packets discarded because their destination network was unknown to the server.
setUnknownNetwork(short) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of packets discarded because their destination network was unknown to the server.
setUnusedDirEntries(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the unusedDirEntries field of this Object.
setUnusedExtDirExtants(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the unusedExtDirExtants field of this Object.
setUsedBlocks(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Sets the usedBlocks field of this Object.
setUsedDirectories(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Sets the usedDirectories field of this Object.
setUsedFiles(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Sets the usedFiles field of this Object.
setUser(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Sets the User field of the Attribute.
setUser(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestrictionEnumerator
Sets the specific user for which to get volume restrictions.
setUser(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator
Set the name of this objects user associated with the trustee paths.
setVirtualConsoleVersion(byte) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerVersionsImpl
Sets the virtual console version number of the server as the search value.
setVirtualConsoleVersion(byte) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
Sets the virtual console version number of the server as the search value.
setVolIsRemovableFlag(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the volIsRemovableFlag field of this Object.
setVolLastModifiedDateAndTime(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the volLastModifiedDateAndTime field of this Object.
setVolName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the volName field of this Object.
setVolName(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Sets the volName field of this object.
setVolNumber(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Sets the VolNumber field.
setVolSizeInClusters(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the volSizeInClusters field of this Object.
setVolType(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Sets the volType field of this Object.
setVolumeRestriction(VolumeRestriction, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.file.nw.NetwareVolume
Modifies the back end VolumeRestriction object associated with this volume.
setWriteHeldOffCount(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times that writes were delayed because of a pending TTS(tm) transaction or cache busy condition.
setWriteHeldOffCount(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times that writes were delayed because of a pending TTS(tm) transaction or cache busy condition.
setWriteHeldOffWithDupRequest(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnostics
Sets as the search value the number of times that writes were canceled since a duplicate request was received.
setWriteHeldOffWithDupRequest(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDiagnosticsImpl
Sets as the search value the number of times that writes were canceled since a duplicate request was received.
setWriteRights(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Sets the Write bit of the object rights mask based on the boolean input value.
SF_DO_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
Synchronization flag that sets the Action Flag to the On state causing the action to be performed immediately.
SF_SEND_ALL - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
Synchronization flag for sending all replica updates at the time of the next scheduled synchronization.
SF_TRANSITION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
Synchronization flag that sets the Transition Action Flag to the ON state.
ShibbolethRemote - interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote.
ShibbolethWrapper - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethWrapper.
ShibbolethWrapper(ShibbolethRemote) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethWrapper
shortValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Returns the value of this NDS object as a short.
shortValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Returns the value of this NDS object as a short.
shortValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong
Returns the value of this NDS object as a short.
shortValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Returns the value of this NDS object as a short.
SignatureException - exception com.novell.java.security.SignatureException.
Provides a generic Signature exception.
SignatureException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.SignatureException
Constructs a SignatureException with no detail message.
SignatureException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.SignatureException
Constructs a SignatureException with the specified detail message.
size() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Returns the number of identities within this IdentityScope.
size() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
Returns the number of identities within this identity scope.
size() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Returns the number keys in this environment.
skip(int, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsIterator
Skips the number of entries in the list specified by count, either forward (positive number) or backward (negative number).
skip(long) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Skips the specified bytes of input from this input stream.
skip(long) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NInputStream
Skips the specified number of bytes.
skip(long) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Moves the stream position forward a specified number of bytes.
skipBytes(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Skips exactly n bytes of input.
skipBytes(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Skips the specified bytes, block until all bytes are skipped.
SPACEALLOC_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on space allocation information.
statusFlag - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
STATUSFLAG_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The StatusFlag compare field.
STREAM - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Stream syntax ID.
STREAM_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values represent files of arbitrary binary information.
stringValue() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsString
Returns the value of this SchemaString as a String.
subAllocClusters - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
SUBALLOCCLUSTERS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The SubAllocClusters compare field.
subAllocFreeableClusters - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
SUBALLOCFREEABLECLUSTERS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The SubAllocFreeableClusters compare field.
submit() - Method in interface com.novell.service.qms.QMSJob
Submits a job into the queue and gets an OutputStream back.
SubordinateAccessOnlyException - exception com.novell.java.io.SubordinateAccessOnlyException.
Signals that streams access to the given device is not supported.
SubordinateAccessOnlyException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.SubordinateAccessOnlyException
Constructs a SubordinateAccessOnlyException object with no detail message.
SubordinateAccessOnlyException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.io.SubordinateAccessOnlyException
Constructs a SubordinateAccessOnlyException object with the specified detail message.
substrings - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeValue
Syntax matching rule for substrings comparison.
SUPPORT_REFERENCES - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSEnvironment
Environment property describing if reference support is enabled.
supportsInputStream() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.DataAccessable
Reports if this accessor supports input stream.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsStream
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTelephoneNumber
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreString
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTime
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseExactString
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNumericString
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsAttributeValue
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the matching rules passed in are supported.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPrintableString
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsClassName
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsDistinguishedName
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsMatchingRules(int) - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Checks to see if this object supports the specified matching rules.
supportsOutputStream() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.DataAccessable
Reports if this accessor supports output stream.
supportsRandomAccess() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.DataAccessable
Reports if this accessor supports random access.
supportsSubordinateInputStream() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.DataAccessable
Reports if this accessor supports subordinate input streams.
supportsSubordinateOutputStream() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.DataAccessable
Reports if this accessor supports subordinate output streams.
supportsSubordinateRandomAccess() - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.DataAccessable
Reports if this accessor supports subordinate random access.
swapEncodedPublicKeys(byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
syncReplica(int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
Synchronizes replicas, restricted by the specified time delay.
syncReplica(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplica
Synchronizes replicas to the specified server, restricted by the specified flags and time delay.
SYNTAX_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
Name of the Syntax Definitions node bound to the Schema root.
SYNTAX_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The Schema Attribute ID for the Attribute Definitions objects that will return the binding name of the associated attributes syntax object under the Syntax Defintions node of the schema tree.
systemElapsedTime - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.ObjectDiskSpaceLeft


TA_ALL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Specifies all rights to the directory.
TA_ALL - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Specifies all rights to the directory.
TA_CREATE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Can create files.
TA_CREATE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Can create files.
TA_CREATE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Create rights.
TA_DELETE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Can delete files.
TA_DELETE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Can delete files.
TA_DELETE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Delete rights.
TA_MODIFY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Can modify the file attributes.
TA_MODIFY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Can modify the file attributes.
TA_MODIFY - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Modify rights.
TA_NONE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Cannot read or write.
TA_NONE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Cannot read or write.
TA_OLD_OPEN - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Can open existing file (obsolete).
TA_OLD_OPEN - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Can open existing file (obsolete).
TA_OWNERSHIP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Can create and delete subdirectories, and can grant and revoke trustee rights.
TA_OWNERSHIP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Can create and delete subdirectories, and can grant and revoke trustee rights.
TA_OWNERSHIP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Ownership rights.
TA_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Can read.
TA_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Can read.
TA_READ - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Read rights.
TA_SEARCH - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Can search the directory.
TA_SEARCH - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Can search the directory.
TA_SEARCH - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Search rights.
TA_SUPERVISOR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: User has supervisor rights.
TA_SUPERVISOR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: User has supervisor rights.
TA_SUPERVISOR - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Supervisor rights.
TA_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Netware rights: Can write.
TA_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Netware rights: Can write.
TA_WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Write rights.
TELEPHONE_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Telephone Number syntax ID.
TELEPHONE_NUMBER_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are telephone numbers.
TIME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Time syntax ID.
TIME_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values are unsigned integers representing time expressed in seconds.
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Timestamp syntax ID.
TIMESTAMP_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values mark the time when a particular event occurred or will occur.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Generates a short string representation of the object (identity) containing its name and scope (if any).
toString() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.IdentityScope
Generates a short String representation of this IdentityScope, including its name, its scope name, and the number of identities included.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.AuthenticatorException
Returns a String representation of the exception object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestInputStream
Prints a String representation of this digest input stream and its associated message digest object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Provider
Returns a string containing the name and the version number of this provider.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestOutputStream
Prints a String representation of this digest output stream and its associated message digest object.
toString() - Method in interface com.novell.java.security.Principal
Generates a string representation of the object (principal).
toString() - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Returns a string representation of this message digest object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyDataSegment
Returns a string representation of this bindery segment.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyPropertyAttrVal
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Returns a String representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Creates and returns a comma separated list of all attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Creates and returns a comma separated list of all attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.ExtendedAttribute
Converts the object to a String.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
Returns a debug string representation of this DataAccessableParameters object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Returns a String representation of the VolumeUtilization object in the format: "name: s, usedDirectories: n, usedFiles: n, usedBlocks: n".
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Returns a String representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
Returns a String representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Returns a String representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCaseIgnoreList
Generates and returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInterval
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetList
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPostalAddress
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTypedName
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsFAXNumber
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsEMailAddress
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsString
Generates the string representation of this value.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsOctetString
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsHold
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBackLink
Generates and returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsTimestamp
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsIteratorResult
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsInteger
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsReplicaPointer
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsUnknown
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsLong
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsObjectACL
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsPath
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsCounter
Generates and returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsBoolean
Generates and returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.security.Password
Return the hash of the password string rather than the actual string.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionException
Returns a short description of this throwable object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.InvalidDomainNameException
Returns a short description of this throwable object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionRuntimeException
Returns a short description of this throwable object.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.SessionEnv
Returns a string that textually represents this environment.
toString() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
Returns a string representation of this address.
toString(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.Identity
Generates a short string representation of the object (identity) containing optionally more details than provided by the toString() method without any arguments.
totalBlocks - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase
TOTALBLOCKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The TotalBlocks compare field.
TOTALBLOCKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
TotalBlocks compare field.
totalDirEntries - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase
totalDirEntries - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
TOTALDIRENTRIES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The TotalDirEntries compare field.
TOTALDIRENTRIES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
TotalDirEntries compare field.
totalExtDirExtants - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
TOTALEXTDIREXTANTS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The TotalExtDirExtants compare field.
TOTALSTREAMSIZE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on the total size of all data streams.
TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
TREE_BINDERY_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.bindery.BinderyEnvironment
The constant for the TreeBinderyObjectDirContext object.
TREE_NAME_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.nds.NDS
Attribute ID describing the raw authentication state of a session.
TREE_SESSION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat
Attribute value returned for SESSION_TYPE_ATTR_ID for tree session types.
TreeBinderyObjectDirContext - class com.novell.service.bindery.TreeBinderyObjectDirContext.
Represents a bindery object that is an NDS tree.
Trustee - class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee.
Provides variables, constructors, and methods for the support of a Trustee.
Trustee() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Creates the default constructor with all data members set to NULL or zero.
Trustee(int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Creates a constructor with the rights known and all other data members set to NULL or zero.
Trustee(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Creates a constructor with the name known and all other data members set to NULL or zero.
Trustee(String, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.Trustee
Creates a constructor with all data members based on the input parameters.
TrusteeEnumerator - interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteeEnumerator.
Provides an enumeration of the Trustees from a given directory entry.
TrusteePathEnumerator - interface com.novell.service.file.nw.TrusteePathEnumerator.
Provides information about trustee paths.
TYPE_ASP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
NetWare address type is ASP.
TYPE_ASP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
NetWare address tupe is ASP.
TYPE_DDP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
NetWare address type is DDP.
TYPE_DDP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
NetWare address tupe is DDP.
TYPE_IPX - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
NetWare address type is IPX.
TYPE_IPX - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
NetWare address tupe is IPX.
TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
No NetWare address type provided.
TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
No NetWare address tupe provided.
TYPE_TCP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
NetWare address type is TCP.
TYPE_TCP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
NetWare address tupe is TCP.
TYPE_TCP6 - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
NetWare address type is TCP6.
TYPE_TCP6 - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
NetWare address tupe is TCP6.
TYPE_UDP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
NetWare address type is UDP.
TYPE_UDP - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
NetWare address tupe is UDP.
TYPE_UDP6 - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
NetWare address type is UDP6.
TYPE_UDP6 - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
NetWare address tupe is UDP6.
TYPE_WILD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsNetAddress
NetWare address type is WILD.
TYPE_WILD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Address
NetWare address tupe is WILD.
TYPED_NAME - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Typed Name syntax ID.
TYPED_NAME_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify attributes whose values represent a level and an interval associated with an object.
TYPELESS_NAMES - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.naming.NdsEnvironment
Environment property containing the typeless name.


UID_ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Attribute ID describing the unique ID of a Session.
UnableToAuthenticateException - exception com.novell.service.session.UnableToAuthenticateException.
Thrown when an Authenticatable Session does not have enough information to become authenticated.
UnableToAuthenticateException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.UnableToAuthenticateException
Constructs an UnableToAuthenticateException with the specified detail message.
UnableToAuthenticateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.UnableToAuthenticateException
Constructs an UnableToAuthenticateException with a detail message and a root-cause exception.
unauthenticate() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Authenticatable
Deprecated. Use com.novell.java.security and related packages. Unauthenticate the object.
unauthenticate() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
unauthenticate() - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethWrapper
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Represents the string constant form of the Unknown syntax ID.
UNKNOWN_ID - Static variable in class com.novell.service.nds.NdsSyntaxId
Integer used to identify an Unknown attribute value.
UnknownKeyException - exception com.novell.service.session.UnknownKeyException.
Thrown when a session cannot return an object for the given key via the getService() method.
UnknownKeyException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.UnknownKeyException
Constructs an UnknownKeyException with the specified detail message.
UnknownKeyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.session.UnknownKeyException
Constructs an UnknownKeyException with the specified detail message and a root-cause exception.
unloadNLM(String) - Method in class com.novell.service.server.ServerDirContext
Method implemented in NWServer interface.
unloadNLM(String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.server.NWServer
Unloads an NLM from the NetWare server.
unpad(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianInputStream
Unpads a 32-bit value on the specified byte boundary.
unusedDirEntries - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
UNUSEDDIRENTRIES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The UnusedDirEntries compare field.
unusedDiskBlocks - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.ObjectDiskSpaceLeft
unusedExtDirExtants - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
UNUSEDEXTDIREXTANTS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The UnusedExtDirExtants compare field.
update(byte) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Updates the message digest using the specified byte.
update(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Updates the message digest using the specified array of bytes.
update(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.MessageDigest
Updates the message digest using the specified array of bytes, starting at the specified offset.
URL_PKG_PREFIXES - Static variable in class com.novell.utility.naming.Environment
Environment variable name for JNDI URL package prefixes.
USEDBLOCKS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
The UsedBlocks compare field.
USEDDIRECTORIES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
The UsedDirectories compare field.
USEDFILES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
The UsedFiles compare field.
USER_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.EffectiveRights
Field specifier for searching on user field.
USER_NAME_ATTR_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.session.Authenticatable
Attribute id describing the user name of an Authenticatable Session.


validateLinks() - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.Session
Validate the children of this session.
valueAvailable - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.BinderyObjectProperty
verifyPassword(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
verifyPassword(String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethRemote
verifyPassword(String, String) - Method in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.ShibbolethWrapper
verifyTokens(Identity) - Static method in class com.novell.java.security.Authenticator
Verifies existing authentication login secrets or tokens for an Identity object.
VerifyTokensCancelledException - exception com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensCancelledException.
Thrown when the token modification procedure is cancelled.
VerifyTokensCancelledException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensCancelledException
The default constructor.
VerifyTokensCancelledException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensCancelledException
Constructor with a message.
VerifyTokensCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensCancelledException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
VerifyTokensCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensCancelledException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
VerifyTokensException - exception com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensException.
Thrown when an error occurs during the verification of authentication tokens.
VerifyTokensException() - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensException
The default constructor.
VerifyTokensException(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensException
Constructor with a message.
VerifyTokensException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensException
Constructor with a message and a root cause exception.
VerifyTokensException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.novell.java.security.VerifyTokensException
Constructor with a root cause exception.
VIRTUAL_CONSOLE_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.novell.service.server.ServerVersions
The Virtual Console Version constant for use in the search field.
volIsRemovableFlag - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase
VOLISREMOVABLEFLAG_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The VolIsRemovableFlag compare field.
volLastModifiedDateAndTime - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
VOLLASTMODIFIEDDATEANDTIME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The VolLastModifiedDateAndTime compare field.
volName - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationBase
VOLNAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The VolName compare field.
VOLNAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectorySpaceInformation
VolName compare field.
VOLNUMBER_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DirectoryEntryInformation
Field specifier for searching on the volume number where the directory entry resides.
volSizeInClusters - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
VOLSIZEINCLUSTERS_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The VolSizeInClusters compare field.
volType - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeInformationExtended
VOLTYPE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
The VolType compare field.
VOLUME_CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.naming.FSSchema
The binding name of the class definition DirContext associated with the file systems volume contexts.
VolumeInformation - class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation.
Provides for attribute values of volume information associated with a given Volume.
VolumeInformation() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Creates a Default VolumeInformation Constructor with no parameters.
VolumeInformation(String, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeInformation
Creates a full VolumeInformation Constructor with all possible parameters and initializes the object to the values of these parameters.
VolumeRestriction - class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction.
Provides for attribute values of volume restrictions associated with a given Volume.
VolumeRestriction() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Creates a Default VolumeRestriction Constructor with no parameters.
VolumeRestriction(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Creates a VolumeRestriction Constructor object with only the name parameter known, and initializes the object to the values of theis parameter.
VolumeRestriction(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestriction
Creates a full VolumeRestriction Constructor object with all possible state parameters, and initializes the object to the values of these parameters.
VolumeRestrictionEnumerator - interface com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeRestrictionEnumerator.
Provides an enumeration of VolumeRestrictions from a given volume.
VolumeUtilization - class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization.
Provides the attribute value for volume utilization.
VolumeUtilization() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Constructs a default VolumeUtilization object with no parameters.
VolumeUtilization(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.file.nw.VolumeUtilization
Constructs a VolumeUtilization object with only a name parameter.
vRestrictions - Variable in class com.novell.service.session.xplat.CallsServiceRemote.VolumeRestrictionEnumeratorStruct


WRITE - Static variable in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Write/Output Stream Type.
WRITE - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The openFlag variable allowing the data accessor to be opened in write mode.
WRITE_THROUGH - Static variable in class com.novell.service.file.nw.DataAccessableParameters
The openFlag variable allowing the data accessor to be opened in a mode where any writes are immediately flushed to the device.
write(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes b.length bytes to this source from the specified byte array starting at offset off.
write(byte[]) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream
Writes an array of bytes.
write(byte[]) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Writes an array of bytes to the stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes len bytes to this source from the specified byte array starting at offset off.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream
Writes a subset of an array of bytes.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Writes a specified number of bytes from a byte array to the stream, starting at a specified offset in the array.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestOutputStream
Updates the message digest using the specified subarray, and writes the subarray to the output stream.
write(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes the specified byte to this source.
write(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.NOutputStream
Writes one byte.
write(int) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.spi.DataAccessor
Writes one byte to the stream.
write(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.security.DigestOutputStream
Updates the message digest using the specified byte.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes a boolean to the file as a 1-byte value.
writeByte(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes a byte to the file as a 1-byte value.
writeBytes(String) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes the specified string to the file as a sequence of bytes.
writeChar(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes a char to the file as a 2-byte value, high byte first.
writeChars(String) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes the specified string to the file as a sequence of characters.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Converts the specified double argument to a long using the java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(double) method, and then writes that long value to the file as an 8-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeFloat(float) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Converts the specified float argument to an int using the java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(float) method, and then writes that int value to the file as a 4-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeHiLoChars(String) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianOutput
Writes a string as a null-terminated sequence of chars in high-low order.
writeHiLoChars(String) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Writes a String as a NULL-terminated sequence of chars in high-low order.
writeHiLoInt(int) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianOutput
Writes a 32-bit int in high-low order.
writeHiLoInt(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Writes a 32-bit int in high-low order.
writeHiLoLong(long) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianOutput
Writes a 64-bit long in high-low order.
writeHiLoLong(long) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Writes a 64-bit long in high-low order.
writeHiLoShort(int) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianOutput
Writes a 16-bit short in high-low order.
writeHiLoShort(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Writes a 16-bit short in high-low order.
writeInt(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes the specified int to the file as four bytes, high byte first.
writeLoHiChars(String) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianOutput
Writes a string as a null-terminated sequence of chars in low-high order.
writeLoHiChars(String) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Writes a String as a NULL-terminated sequence of chars in low-high order.
writeLoHiInt(int) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianOutput
Writes a 32-bit int in low-high order.
writeLoHiInt(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Writes a 32-bit int in low-high order.
writeLoHiLong(long) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianOutput
Writes a 64-bit long in low-high order.
writeLoHiLong(long) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Writes a 64-bit long in low-high order.
writeLoHiShort(int) - Method in interface com.novell.java.io.EndianOutput
Writes a 16-bit short in low-high order.
writeLoHiShort(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.EndianOutputStream
Writes a 16-bit short in low-high order.
writeLong(long) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes the specified long to the file as eight bytes, high byte first.
writeShort(int) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes a short to the file as two bytes, high byte first.
writeUTF(String) - Method in class com.novell.java.io.RandomAccess
Writes the specified string to the file using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.


Xplat - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.Xplat.
Provides static attribute values and environment keys for Xplat-based providers.
XplatIdentity - class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity.
Represents an authenticatable entity in Xplat, such as a user, an administrator, and so forth.
XplatIdentity(Identity) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Construct an identity from an identity.
XplatIdentity(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name and no scope.
XplatIdentity(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentity
Construct an identity with the specified user name as a String and scope as an IdentityScope.
XplatIdentityScope - class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope.
Represents an authenticatable container in a Xplat system, such as a server.
XplatIdentityScope() - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
Constructs the root-most identity scope with the ADMINISTRATIVE_DOMAIN_NAME name.
XplatIdentityScope(IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
Constructs an identity scope from another scope.
XplatIdentityScope(String) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
Constructs an identity scope with the specified name and no scope.
XplatIdentityScope(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class com.novell.service.security.XplatIdentityScope
Constructs an identity scope with the specified name passed-in as a String and the scope passed-in as an IdentityScope.
XplatUtil.RequesterConnectionSearchEnumerator - class com.novell.service.session.xplat.XplatUtil.RequesterConnectionSearchEnumerator.