Package com.novell.service.nw

Provides contexts that list all the known NetWare servers and trees.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
NetWareInitialContext Provides the root of the NetWare name space.
NetWareInitialContextFactory Creates different NetWare Initial Contexts depending on the Context.PROVIDER_URL entry.
NetWareServersContext Provides bindings to all NetWare servers.
NetWareTreesContext Provides bindings to all NetWare trees.

Package com.novell.service.nw Description

Provides contexts that list all the known NetWare servers and trees. Performing lookup operations on specific server and tree names returns the individual servers and trees available to the user.

The NetWare provider for JNDI acts as a logical root name space for all other Novell providers for JNDI. The NetWare naming system is used solely as a top level context to list the known NetWare trees and servers. It has no attributes or binding capabilities. Therefore, its contexts are not subclasses of javax.naming.DirContext, and it contains no schema information. From the NetWare name space, a JNDI application can navigate to all other Novell naming systems. Optionally, a user can specify a tree or server name when creating an initial context, and the provider will return a corresponding NDS or Server context.

Package Specification


Related Documentation

The following interfaces are used by the NetWare classes. For overviews, concepts, sample code and demos, and tasks documentation, please see: