Package com.novell.service.session

Provides interfaces and classes for accessing sessions under the session manager system.


Interface Summary
Authenticatable Provides an interface for all objects returned by the SessionManager that can be authenticated.
Session Provides a communication channel between the owning/initiating object that creates a session and the target domain (tree, server, or any other object).
SessionManager Provides a single interface under which various session providers can be abstracted.
SessionService Describes an object type returned by the getService() method of the Session interface.

Class Summary
SessionAttr Provides for a session attribute, which is an identifying characteristic of the Session from from it was retrieved.
SessionAttrEnumerator Provides an implementation of Enumeration that contains only session attributes.
SessionAttrs Provides for a collection of session attribute objects (SessionAttr).
SessionEnumerator Provides an implementation of Enumeration that contains only Sessions.
SessionEnv Provides a collection of key/value pairs describing a session environment.
SessionManagerFactory Provides a static (singleton) class used to create a SessionManager.
SessionSearchEnumerator Provides an implementation of SessionEnumerator that contains only sessions that match a given search criteria.

Exception Summary
AlreadyAuthenticatedException Thrown when an Authenticatable Session is requested to authenticate but it is already in an authenticated state.
EntryInUseException Thrown when a session attribute is already contained in a SessionAttrs.
EntryNotFoundException Thrown when a session attribute is already contained in a SessionAttrs.
InvalidDomainNameException Thrown when a passed-in name is not valid in the context of the method throwing the exception.
InvalidSessionException Thrown when a session is no longer valid.
InvalidStateException Thrown by any Session method when the Session is not in a valid state for that operation.
InvalidUserNameException Thrown when a passed-in name is not valid in the context of the method throwing the exception.
NotAuthenticatedException Thrown when an Authenticatable Session is asked to unauthenticate but is already in an unauthenticated state.
SessionAttrInUseException Thrown when a session attribute is already contained in a SessionAttrs.
SessionAttrNotFoundException Thrown when a session attribute is already contained in a SessionAttrs.
SessionException Provides a top-level exception that is thrown by session objects.
SessionRuntimeException Provides an exceptions for cases that are considered catastrophic.
UnableToAuthenticateException Thrown when an Authenticatable Session does not have enough information to become authenticated.
UnknownKeyException Thrown when a session cannot return an object for the given key via the getService() method.

Package com.novell.service.session Description

Provides interfaces and classes for accessing sessions under the session manager system.

The session manager system provides the client/server connections in NetWare. Sessions are part of a tree hierarchy where the Session Manager is the top-level session of the tree that ties all session providers together and is a session itself. Sessions are unique in relation to their parent and their domain name, which means two different sessions can have the same domain name, as long as their parents are different.

Sessions are used to set up a communication channel between two entities: The initiating entity, which creates a session, and the domain, which can be anything from a tree to a server to any other object. Sessions, therefore, form the established communication channel between two objects in a domain. Once the object has established a singular session, it can communicate with another object in the same domain. Domains can be hierarchical, with child domains narrowing the scope of their parents.

Package Specification


Related Documentation

The following classes are used by the Session classes. For overviews, concepts, sample code and demos, and tasks documentation, please see: