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Welcome to RealProxy, a proxy server that works with RealPlayer® and RealServer to reduce streaming media bandwidth and to improve the viewing experience.


This manual is aimed at information services administrator who will be setting up and maintaining RealProxy.

How This Manual Is Organized

This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter 1, "Quick Start"

Begin here for step-by-step instructions on getting RealProxy started and running quickly.

Chapter 2, "Overview"

This chapter gives the "big picture" of how RealProxy works.

Chapter 3, "Starting and Stopping RealProxy"

This is a guide to starting and stopping RealProxy. Options for starting RealProxy automatically, on different platforms are discussed. License information is given here.

Chapter 4, "Configuring RealProxy Features"

This chapter reviews RealSystem Administrator, the web-based console for fine-tuning RealProxy features.

Chapter 5, "Connecting Clients to RealProxy"

There are just a few steps you need to take to set up clients to take full advantage of RealProxy. Or, you can set up RTSP redirection so that this happens automatically.

Chapter 6, "Advanced Features"

This chapter discusses differences between RealProxy on the different platforms, the assignment of IP addresses for RealProxy's use, and some differences between RealProxy and RealServer.

Chapter 7, "Firewalls and RealProxy"

If you are delivering content to users on the Internet, you'll want to know how RealServer and other RealSystem™ products interact with firewalls.

Chapter 8, "Managing Bandwidth"

RealProxy has several methods of managing the amount of bandwidth it uses. You can limit the amount of bandwidth in use at one time, and place a cap on the number of clients who can receive streaming media.

Chapter 9, "Limiting Access to RealProxy"

Learn how to limit which clients use your RealProxy, based on their IP addresses.

Chapter 10, "Proxy Routing"

By employing several RealProxys at once, you can funnel all streaming media Internet traffic through a single point.

Chapter 11, "Multicasting Live Streams"

Take advantage of multicasting when streaming from RealProxy.

Chapter 12, "Authenticating RealProxy Users"

RealProxy authentication provides a way for you to control the sites visited by RealPlayer.

Chapter 13, "Monitoring RealProxy Activity"

To provide highest quality service, you'll want to keep track of how many people are accessing your RealProxy.

Chapter 14, "Tracking RealProxy Activity"

RealProxy can report player behavior with a customizable degree of detail. Errors are reported in their own log, which can help you troubleshoot any problems that arise.

Chapter 15, "Troubleshooting RealProxy"

If something isn't working the way you expected, check here for ideas on finding out what's happening.


Appendix A, "Configuration File Syntax"

This appendix consists of a discussion of the XML syntax used by the configuration file.

Appendix B, "Configuration File Contents"

This is a guide to the RealProxy configuration file, for those who prefer to edit it directly rather than using RealSystem Administrator.

Conventions Used in This Manual

Because this manual is aimed at the RealProxy administrator, the term "you" refers to the administrator.

RealSystem clients, such as RealPlayer, are referred to generically as "clients". Where information applies specifically to the RealNetworks® RealPlayer or RealPlayer Plus, this is spelled out. Although most clients in use are RealNetworks' own RealPlayer, RealNetworks also makes a software development kit that enables other companies to develop their own players which can also receive streamed data types.

"Clips," "content," "media files," and "files" are used interchangeably to indicate the material that RealProxy streams.

The following table explains the typographic conventions used in this manual:

Notational Conventions
Convention Meaning
syntax This font is used for syntax of configuration files, URLs, or command-line instructions.
value Italic text represents variables. Substitute values appropriate for your system.
. . . Ellipses indicate nonessential information omitted from the example.
[ ] Square brackets indicate optional material. If you choose to use the material within the brackets, do not type the brackets themselves.

Additional RealSystem Resources

In addition to this manual, you may be interested in the following RealNetworks resources, available on the RealNetworks web site.

Copyright © 2000 RealNetworks
For information on RealNetworks' technical support, click here.
Comments on this document? Click here.
This file last updated on 12/07/00 at 16:37:33.
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