Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

Class SubtransactionAwareResourceHolder

  extended byorg.omg.CosTransactions.SubtransactionAwareResourceHolder
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class SubtransactionAwareResourceHolder
extends Object
implements Streamable

Holder for SubtransactionAwareResource

Field Summary
 SubtransactionAwareResource value
Constructor Summary
SubtransactionAwareResourceHolder(SubtransactionAwareResource value)
Method Summary
 void _read(InputStream is)
          Reads data from istream and initalizes the value field of the Holder with the unmarshalled data.
 TypeCode _type()
          Retrieves the TypeCode object corresponding to the value in the value field of the Holder.
 void _write(OutputStream os)
          Marshals to ostream the value in the value field of the Holder.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public SubtransactionAwareResource value
Constructor Detail


public SubtransactionAwareResourceHolder()


public SubtransactionAwareResourceHolder(SubtransactionAwareResource value)
Method Detail


public void _read(InputStream is)
Description copied from interface: Streamable
Reads data from istream and initalizes the value field of the Holder with the unmarshalled data.

Specified by:
_read in interface Streamable
is - the InputStream that represents the CDR data from the wire.


public void _write(OutputStream os)
Description copied from interface: Streamable
Marshals to ostream the value in the value field of the Holder.

Specified by:
_write in interface Streamable
os - the CDR OutputStream


public TypeCode _type()
Description copied from interface: Streamable
Retrieves the TypeCode object corresponding to the value in the value field of the Holder.

Specified by:
_type in interface Streamable
the TypeCode object for the value held in the holder

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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