Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

Package org.omg.CosTransactions

Provides interfaces for CORBA Transaction Service.


Interface Summary
Control The Control interface allows a program to explicitly manage a transaction.
ControlOperations The Control interface allows a program to explicitly manage a transaction.
Coordinator The Coordinator interface provides operations that are used by participants in a transaction.
CoordinatorOperations The Coordinator interface provides operations that are used by participants in a transaction.
Current The Current interface defines operations that allow a client of the Tranaction Service to explicitly manage the association between threads and transactions.
CurrentOperations The Current interface defines operations that allow a client of the Tranaction Service to explicitly manage the association between threads and transactions.
RecoveryCoordinator The Coordinator interface provides support for recovery operations for Resource objects.
RecoveryCoordinatorOperations The Coordinator interface provides support for recovery operations for Resource objects.
Resource The Resource interface defines the operations invoked by the transaction service on each resource that is a participant in a transaction.
ResourceOperations The Resource interface defines the operations invoked by the transaction service on each resource that is a participant in a transaction.
SubtransactionAwareResource Recoverable objects that implement nested transaction behavior may support a specialization of the Resource interface called the SubtransactionAwareResource interface.
SubtransactionAwareResourceOperations Recoverable objects that implement nested transaction behavior may support a specialization of the Resource interface called the SubtransactionAwareResource interface.
Synchronization The Transaction Service provides a synchronization protocol, which enables an object with transient state data that relies on an XOpen XA conformant Resource Manager for ensuring that data is made persistent to be notified before the start of the two-phase commitment protocol, and after its completion.
SynchronizationOperations The Transaction Service provides a synchronization protocol, which enables an object with transient state data that relies on an XOpen XA conformant Resource Manager for ensuring that data is made persistent to be notified before the start of the two-phase commitment protocol, and after its completion.
Terminator The Terminator interface supports operations to commit or rollback a transaction.
TerminatorOperations The Terminator interface supports operations to commit or rollback a transaction.
TransactionFactory The TransactionFactory interface defines operations to create transactions.
TransactionFactoryOperations The TransactionFactory interface defines operations to create transactions.

Class Summary
_ControlStub Stub for Control
_CoordinatorStub Stub for Coordinator
_CurrentStub Stub for Current
_RecoveryCoordinatorStub Stub for RecoveryCoordinator
_ResourceStub Stub for Resource
_SubtransactionAwareResourceStub Stub for SubtransactionAwareResource
_SynchronizationStub Stub for Synchronization
_TerminatorStub Stub for Terminator
_TransactionalObjectStub Stub for TransactionalObject
_TransactionFactoryStub Stub for TransactionFactory
ControlHelper Helper for Control
ControlHolder Holder for Control
ControlPOA Stream based POA Skeleton for Control
ControlPOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for Control
CoordinatorHelper Helper for Coordinator
CoordinatorHolder Holder for Coordinator
CoordinatorPOA Stream based POA Skeleton for Coordinator
CoordinatorPOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for Coordinator
CurrentHelper Helper for Current
CurrentHolder Holder for Current
CurrentPOA Stream based POA Skeleton for Current
CurrentPOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for Current
HeuristicCommitHelper Helper for HeuristicCommit
HeuristicCommitHolder Holder for HeuristicCommit
HeuristicHazardHelper Helper for HeuristicHazard
HeuristicHazardHolder Holder for HeuristicHazard
HeuristicMixedHelper Helper for HeuristicMixed
HeuristicMixedHolder Holder for HeuristicMixed
HeuristicRollbackHelper Helper for HeuristicRollback
HeuristicRollbackHolder Holder for HeuristicRollback
InactiveHelper Helper for Inactive
InactiveHolder Holder for Inactive
InvalidControlHelper Helper for InvalidControl
InvalidControlHolder Holder for InvalidControl
NotPreparedHelper Helper for NotPrepared
NotPreparedHolder Holder for NotPrepared
NoTransactionHelper Helper for NoTransaction
NoTransactionHolder Holder for NoTransaction
NotSubtransactionHelper Helper for NotSubtransaction
NotSubtransactionHolder Holder for NotSubtransaction
otid_t The otid_t structure is a more efficient OMG IDL version of the X/Open defined transaction identifier (XID).
otid_tHelper Helper for otid_t
otid_tHolder Holder for otid_t
PropagationContext The PropagationContext structure is passed between Transaction Service domains as an IOP::ServiceContext in both GIOP requests and replies.
PropagationContextHelper Helper for PropagationContext
PropagationContextHolder Holder for PropagationContext
RecoveryCoordinatorHelper Helper for RecoveryCoordinator
RecoveryCoordinatorHolder Holder for RecoveryCoordinator
RecoveryCoordinatorPOA Stream based POA Skeleton for RecoveryCoordinator
RecoveryCoordinatorPOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for RecoveryCoordinator
ResourceHelper Helper for Resource
ResourceHolder Holder for Resource
ResourcePOA Stream based POA Skeleton for Resource
ResourcePOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for Resource
Status Status of a transaction.
StatusHelper Helper for Status
StatusHolder Holder for Status
SubtransactionAwareResourceHelper Helper for SubtransactionAwareResource
SubtransactionAwareResourceHolder Holder for SubtransactionAwareResource
SubtransactionAwareResourcePOA Stream based POA Skeleton for SubtransactionAwareResource
SubtransactionAwareResourcePOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for SubtransactionAwareResource
SubtransactionsUnavailableHelper Helper for SubtransactionsUnavailable
SubtransactionsUnavailableHolder Holder for SubtransactionsUnavailable
SynchronizationHelper Helper for Synchronization
SynchronizationHolder Holder for Synchronization
SynchronizationPOA Stream based POA Skeleton for Synchronization
SynchronizationPOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for Synchronization
SynchronizationUnavailableHelper Helper for SynchronizationUnavailable
SynchronizationUnavailableHolder Holder for SynchronizationUnavailable
TerminatorHelper Helper for Terminator
TerminatorHolder Holder for Terminator
TerminatorPOA Stream based POA Skeleton for Terminator
TerminatorPOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for Terminator
TransactionalObjectHelper Helper for TransactionalObject
TransactionalObjectHolder Holder for TransactionalObject
TransactionalObjectPOA Stream based POA Skeleton for TransactionalObject
TransactionalObjectPOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for TransactionalObject
TransactionFactoryHelper Helper for TransactionFactory
TransactionFactoryHolder Holder for TransactionFactory
TransactionFactoryPOA Stream based POA Skeleton for TransactionFactory
TransactionFactoryPOATie Stream based POA TIE Skeleton for TransactionFactory
TransIdentity A structure that defines information for a single transaction.
TransIdentityHelper Helper for TransIdentity
TransIdentityHolder Holder for TransIdentity
UnavailableHelper Helper for Unavailable
UnavailableHolder Holder for Unavailable
Vote Response of a Resource to prepare request.
VoteHelper Helper for Vote
VoteHolder Holder for Vote

Exception Summary
HeuristicCommit The rollback operation on Resource raises this exception to report that a heuristic decision was made and that all relevant updates have been comitted.
HeuristicHazard A request raises this exception to report that a heuristic decision may have been made and that the disposition of all relevant updates is not known.
HeuristicMixed A request raises this exception to report that a heuristic decision was made and that some relevant updates have been committed and others have been rolled back.
HeuristicRollback The commit operation on Resource raises this exception to report that a heuristic decision was made and that all relevant updates have been rolled back.
Inactive This exception is raised by the Transaction Manager to indicate that the transaction is not active.
InvalidControl This exception is raised by the Transaction Manager to indicate that transaction to be resumed is not valid.
NotPrepared A Resource raises this exception to indicate that it has not been prepared.
NoTransaction This exception is raised by the Transaction Manager to indicate that there is no current transaction.
NotSubtransaction This exception is raised by the Transaction Manager to indicate that nested transactions are not supported.
SubtransactionsUnavailable This exception is raised by the Transaction Manager to indicate that nested transactions are not supported.
SynchronizationUnavailable This exception is raised by a Coordinator indicating that the registration for Synchronization is unavailable.
Unavailable This exception is raised by a Control or Coordinator indicating that the object requested is unavailable.

Package org.omg.CosTransactions Description

Provides interfaces for CORBA Transaction Service.

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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