Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

Interface SynchronizationOperations

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
_SynchronizationStub, SynchronizationPOA

public interface SynchronizationOperations
extends TransactionalObjectOperations

The Transaction Service provides a synchronization protocol, which enables an object with transient state data that relies on an XOpen XA conformant Resource Manager for ensuring that data is made persistent to be notified before the start of the two-phase commitment protocol, and after its completion.

Method Summary
 void after_completion(Status status)
          Regardless of how the transaction was originally instructed to terminate, this operation is invoked after all commit or rollback responses have been received by this coordinator.
 void before_completion()
          This operation is invoked prior to the start of the two-phase commit protocol within the coordinator the Synchronization has registered with.

Method Detail


public void before_completion()
This operation is invoked prior to the start of the two-phase commit protocol within the coordinator the Synchronization has registered with.


public void after_completion(Status status)
Regardless of how the transaction was originally instructed to terminate, this operation is invoked after all commit or rollback responses have been received by this coordinator.

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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