Accessor Object Examples

This sample database contains a collection of live code examples that illustrate how to use SilverStream’s accessor objects with EJB applications. It also contains the base classes that you must extend and the interfaces you must implement when writing your own applications that use accessor objects.

These examples reside in the Accessor3 database.

This page covers the following topics:

Description of the Accessor3 database    Top of page

SilverStream’s accessor objects allow you to bind data-aware controls on a form or page to server-side data provided by entity beans. You might use accessors for the following reasons:

You might not use accessor beans because they are not portable to non-SilverStream EJB servers.

In the Accessor3 database, you will find examples that demonstrate:

How to get started    Top of page

You can explore the Accessor3 database by following the steps outlined here.

  1. Install and run the Accessor3 database.

    The application starts up in your browser:

  2. Browse through the list in the left navigation pane and select examples of interest.

When you choose an example from the pages category, the example you select opens in the right pane, where you can interact with its controls:

When you choose an example from the Forms category, SilverStream displays a page that allows you to launch SilverJRunner. The following shows a sample form running under SilverJRunner:

Behind the scenes    Top of page

The Accessor3 database includes a Behind the Scenes function that provides detailed, context-sensitive descriptions of the technologies underlying the forms and pages that make up this application.

To invoke Behind the Scenes on a page, click the Behind the Scenes link on the banner:

Accessor object techniques    Top of page

    To learn how to implement accessor objects with EJB applications, see Writing EJB Applications Using Accessors.

Where to find more information    Top of page

    For introductory information about EJBs, see the following chapters in Getting Started in the help system:

    For technical information about implementing EJBs, see the following chapters in the Developing Enterprise Java Beans section of the Programmer's Guide: