Installation Guide

Chapter 4   Installing Enterprise Data Connectors

This chapter describes how to install the Enterprise Data Connectors (EDC) for Lotus Notes, SAP R/3, and PeopleSoft.

It includes the following sections:

Before you get started

SilverStream recommends that you read the SilverStream Enterprise Data Connectors 3.0 Release Notes before installing the SilverStream software components.

The EDCs require that you install software from the target data source vendor such as Lotus Notes, PeopleSoft, or SAP. The PeopleSoft and SAP R/3 software must be installed before you install SilverStream or the SilverStream install will not be successful.

About the installation software   Top of page

EDCs include a SilverStream client component (for the design-time environment) and a SilverStream server component (for the design and runtime environments).

What's on the SilverStream Developer Edition (SDE) CD

Both the client and server components are on the installation CD that is included with the Developer Edition. You install it using the Custom installation procedure described in Installing EDCs for the Developer Edition. The Developer Edition provides the software for development and testing only.

What's on the SilverStream Enterprise Edition (SEE) CD

The Enterprise Edition provides the software necessary for deployment only. To deploy an EDC on an Enterprise Edition server, you must purchase the EDC separately and install it from the EDC installation CD. See Installing EDCs for the Enterprise Edition.

Installing EDCs for the Developer Edition   Top of page

For development, the installation procedure installs both design-time and runtime software components.

To install EDCs for development:

  1. Insert the SilverStream CD into the CD-ROM drive. SETUP will automatically start.

  2. The Setup Welcome screen appears and the Release Notes are automatically displayed.

    The Release Notes contain important information. Please take the time to read these notes carefully before continuing. When you have finished reading the notes, continue the installation.

  3. The installation displays the SilverStream license agreement. To install SilverStream, you must accept this agreement. Choose Yes.

  4. Choose Install Software and select Next to continue.

    SilverStream prompts you to specify the type of installation.

  5. Choose the Custom Install and select Next to continue.

  6. SilverStream prompts you to choose the components to install. Select DSO Wizards. SilverStream displays the wizards that are available in the Details list box.

  7. Select the appropriate wizards from the list box.

  8. You can optionally select other components in the components list box.

  9. When you have selected the desired components, select Next to continue.

  10. Continue the installation process through to the end of the installation.

    Refer to the chapter on your database type for information about specific steps in the installation procedure. For example, if you are installing SilverStream and using Oracle as your SilverMaster database, see Configuring Oracle Databases.

  11. Once you have entered the license information and registered the product, SilverStream asks you if you want to install the EDC software on the server.

  12. The installation displays the SilverStream license agreement. To install the EDC's server components, you must accept this agreement. Choose Yes.

  13. Specify the location where the components should be installed (or accept the default), and choose Next.

  14. If you specified the PeopleSoft EDC earlier in the installation, you are prompted for additional PeopleSoft information. Once you have provided it, choose Next.

    The installation procedure starts the SilverStream Server and uploads the software. It notifies you when the installation is complete.

You must install the appropriate non-SilverStream software for the EDCs and configure the machines as necessary before you can begin using the EDCs.

Installing EDCs for the Enterprise Edition   Top of page

For deployment, the installation procedure installs the runtime software components.

To install EDCs for deployment:

  1. Insert the SilverStream CD into the CD-ROM drive. SETUP will automatically start.

  2. The Setup Welcome screen appears and the Release Notes are automatically displayed.

    The Release Notes contain important information. Please take the time to read these notes carefully before continuing. When you have finished reading the notes continue the installation.

  3. The installation displays the SilverStream license agreement. To install the EDC's server components, you must accept this agreement.

  4. Choose Yes.

  5. Enter the EDC product ID for the components that you want to install and choose Next.

  6. If you included the PeopleSoft EDC, SilverStream prompts you for the PeopleSoft Server name. Provide the name and choose Next.

    The installation procedure starts the SilverStream Server and uploads the software then shuts the server down. It notifies you when the installation is complete.

You must install the appropriate non-SilverStream software for the EDCs and configure the machines as necessary before you can begin using the EDCs.

Configuring the environment for Lotus Notes   Top of page

There are two tasks you have to perform to properly configure the workstation where the SilverStream Application Server and Lotus Notes Workstation processes run.

SilverStream accesses Notes via a single User ID. This User ID must have access to any of the Notes databases that must be available at design-time and runtime. See your Notes administrator to create and configure the User ID for the Lotus Notes Workstation.

If a password is required when the SilverStream server accesses Notes, it will pop up a login dialog on the machine running the SilverStream server, not at the client. For this reason you will probably want to set up the Notes client on the SilverStream Server machine so that entry of a password is not required.

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