JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

Uses of Class

Packages that use InputStream
java.awt.color Provides classes for color spaces. 
java.beans.beancontext Provides classes and interfaces relating to bean context. Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system. 
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. Provides the classes for implementing networking applications. Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. Provides classes and interfaces for parsing and managing certificates. 
java.sql Provides the JDBC package. 
java.util Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array). 
java.util.jar Provides classes for reading and writing the JAR (Java ARchive) file format, which is based on the standard ZIP file format with an optional manifest file. Provides classes for reading and writing the standard ZIP and GZIP file formats. 
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.text Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. 
javax.swing.text.rtf Provides a class (RTFEditorKit) for creating Rich-Text-Format text editors. 
org.omg.CORBA.portable Provides a portability layer, that is, a set of ORB APIs that makes it possible for code generated by one vendor to run on another vendor's ORB. 

Uses of InputStream in java.awt.color

Methods in java.awt.color with parameters of type InputStream
static ICC_Profile ICC_Profile.getInstance(InputStream s)
          Constructs an ICC_Profile corresponding to the data in an InputStream.

Uses of InputStream in java.beans.beancontext

Methods in java.beans.beancontext that return InputStream
 InputStream BeanContextSupport.getResourceAsStream(String name, BeanContextChild bcc)
 InputStream BeanContext.getResourceAsStream(String name, BeanContextChild bcc)

Uses of InputStream in

Subclasses of InputStream in
 class BufferedInputStream
          A BufferedInputStream adds functionality to another input stream-namely, the ability to buffer the input and to support the mark and reset methods.
 class ByteArrayInputStream
          A ByteArrayInputStream contains an internal buffer that contains bytes that may be read from the stream.
 class DataInputStream
          A data input stream lets an application read primitive Java data types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent way.
 class FileInputStream
          A FileInputStream obtains input bytes from a file in a file system.
 class FilterInputStream
          A FilterInputStream contains some other input stream, which it uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
 class LineNumberInputStream
          Deprecated. This class incorrectly assumes that bytes adequately represent characters. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to operate on character streams is via the new character-stream classes, which include a class for counting line numbers.
 class ObjectInputStream
          An ObjectInputStream deserializes primitive data and objects previously written using an ObjectOutputStream.
 class PipedInputStream
          A piped input stream should be connected to a piped output stream; the piped input stream then provides whatever data bytes are written to the piped output stream.
 class PushbackInputStream
          A PushbackInputStream adds functionality to another input stream, namely the ability to "push back" or "unread" one byte.
 class SequenceInputStream
          A SequenceInputStream represents the logical concatenation of other input streams.
 class StringBufferInputStream
          Deprecated. This class does not properly convert characters into bytes. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to create a stream from a string is via the StringReader class.

Fields in declared as InputStream
protected  InputStream
          The input stream to be filtered.

Constructors in with parameters of type InputStream
InputStreamReader.InputStreamReader(InputStream in)
          Create an InputStreamReader that uses the default character encoding.
InputStreamReader.InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String enc)
          Create an InputStreamReader that uses the named character encoding.
StreamTokenizer.StreamTokenizer(InputStream is)
          Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, the preferred way to tokenize an input stream is to convert it into a character stream, for example:
   Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
   StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(r);
FilterInputStream.FilterInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a FilterInputStream by assigning the argument in to the field so as to remember it for later use.
BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a BufferedInputStream and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use.
BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
          Creates a BufferedInputStream with the specified buffer size, and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use.
PushbackInputStream.PushbackInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
          Creates a PushbackInputStream with a pushback buffer of the specified size, and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use.
PushbackInputStream.PushbackInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a PushbackInputStream and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use.
DataInputStream.DataInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a FilterInputStream and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use.
LineNumberInputStream.LineNumberInputStream(InputStream in)
          Deprecated. Constructs a newline number input stream that reads its input from the specified input stream.
SequenceInputStream.SequenceInputStream(InputStream s1, InputStream s2)
          Initializes a newly created SequenceInputStream by remembering the two arguments, which will be read in order, first s1 and then s2, to provide the bytes to be read from this SequenceInputStream.
ObjectInputStream.ObjectInputStream(InputStream in)
          Create an ObjectInputStream that reads from the specified InputStream.

Uses of InputStream in java.lang

Fields in java.lang declared as InputStream
static InputStream
          The "standard" input stream.

Methods in java.lang that return InputStream
 InputStream ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(String name)
          Returns an input stream for reading the specified resource.
static InputStream ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(String name)
          Open for reading, a resource of the specified name from the search path used to load classes.
abstract  InputStream Process.getInputStream()
          Gets the input stream of the subprocess.
abstract  InputStream Process.getErrorStream()
          Gets the error stream of the subprocess.
 InputStream Class.getResourceAsStream(String name)
          Finds a resource with a given name.
 InputStream Runtime.getLocalizedInputStream(InputStream in)
          Deprecated. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way translate a byte stream in the local encoding into a character stream in Unicode is via the InputStreamReader and BufferedReader classes.

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type InputStream
 InputStream Runtime.getLocalizedInputStream(InputStream in)
          Deprecated. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way translate a byte stream in the local encoding into a character stream in Unicode is via the InputStreamReader and BufferedReader classes.
static void System.setIn(InputStream in)
          Reassigns the "standard" input stream.

Uses of InputStream in

Methods in that return InputStream
 InputStream URLConnection.getInputStream()
          Returns an input stream that reads from this open connection.
 InputStream Socket.getInputStream()
          Returns an input stream for this socket.
 InputStream HttpURLConnection.getErrorStream()
          Returns the error stream if the connection failed but the server sent useful data nonetheless.
 InputStream URL.openStream()
          Opens a connection to this URL and returns an InputStream for reading from that connection.
protected abstract  InputStream SocketImpl.getInputStream()
          Returns an input stream for this socket.

Methods in with parameters of type InputStream
static String URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(InputStream is)
          Tries to determine the type of an input stream based on the characters at the beginning of the input stream.

Uses of InputStream in

Subclasses of InputStream in
 class DigestInputStream
          A transparent stream that updates the associated message digest using the bits going through the stream.

Methods in with parameters of type InputStream
abstract  void KeyStoreSpi.engineLoad(InputStream stream, char[] password)
          Loads the keystore from the given input stream.
 void KeyStore.load(InputStream stream, char[] password)
          Loads this KeyStore from the given input stream.
 void Provider.load(InputStream inStream)
          Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input stream.
 void Certificate.decode(InputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Decodes a certificate from an input stream.

Constructors in with parameters of type InputStream
DigestInputStream.DigestInputStream(InputStream stream, MessageDigest digest)
          Creates a digest input stream, using the specified input stream and message digest.

Uses of InputStream in

Methods in with parameters of type InputStream
abstract  Certificate CertificateFactorySpi.engineGenerateCertificate(InputStream inStream)
          Generates a certificate object and initializes it with the data read from the input stream inStream.
abstract  Collection CertificateFactorySpi.engineGenerateCertificates(InputStream inStream)
          Returns a (possibly empty) collection view of the certificates read from the given input stream inStream.
abstract  CRL CertificateFactorySpi.engineGenerateCRL(InputStream inStream)
          Generates a certificate revocation list (CRL) object and initializes it with the data read from the input stream inStream.
abstract  Collection CertificateFactorySpi.engineGenerateCRLs(InputStream inStream)
          Returns a (possibly empty) collection view of the CRLs read from the given input stream inStream.
 Certificate CertificateFactory.generateCertificate(InputStream inStream)
          Generates a certificate object and initializes it with the data read from the input stream inStream.
 Collection CertificateFactory.generateCertificates(InputStream inStream)
          Returns a (possibly empty) collection view of the certificates read from the given input stream inStream.
 CRL CertificateFactory.generateCRL(InputStream inStream)
          Generates a certificate revocation list (CRL) object and initializes it with the data read from the input stream inStream.
 Collection CertificateFactory.generateCRLs(InputStream inStream)
          Returns a (possibly empty) collection view of the CRLs read from the given input stream inStream.

Uses of InputStream in java.sql

Methods in java.sql that return InputStream
 InputStream Clob.getAsciiStream()
          Gets the CLOB value designated by this Clob object as a stream of Ascii bytes.
 InputStream ResultSet.getAsciiStream(int columnIndex)
          Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of ASCII characters.
 InputStream ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(int columnIndex)
 InputStream ResultSet.getBinaryStream(int columnIndex)
          Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.
 InputStream ResultSet.getAsciiStream(String columnName)
          Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of ASCII characters.
 InputStream ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(String columnName)
 InputStream ResultSet.getBinaryStream(String columnName)
          Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.
 InputStream SQLInput.readAsciiStream()
          Returns the next attribute in the stream as a stream of ASCII characters.
 InputStream SQLInput.readBinaryStream()
          Returns the next attribute in the stream as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.
 InputStream Blob.getBinaryStream()
          Retrieves the BLOB designated by this Blob instance as a stream.

Methods in java.sql with parameters of type InputStream
 void PreparedStatement.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
 void PreparedStatement.setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length)
 void PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
 void ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x, int length)
          JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an ascii stream value.
 void ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x, int length)
          JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a binary stream value.
 void ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String columnName, InputStream x, int length)
          JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an ascii stream value.
 void ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String columnName, InputStream x, int length)
          JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a binary stream value.
 void SQLOutput.writeAsciiStream(InputStream x)
          Returns the next attribute to the stream as a stream of ASCII characters.
 void SQLOutput.writeBinaryStream(InputStream x)
          Returns the next attribute to the stream as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.

Uses of InputStream in java.util

Methods in java.util with parameters of type InputStream
 void Properties.load(InputStream inStream)
          Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input stream.

Constructors in java.util with parameters of type InputStream
PropertyResourceBundle.PropertyResourceBundle(InputStream stream)
          Creates a property resource

Uses of InputStream in java.util.jar

Subclasses of InputStream in java.util.jar
 class JarInputStream
          The JarInputStream class is used to read the contents of a JAR file from any input stream.

Methods in java.util.jar that return InputStream
 InputStream JarFile.getInputStream(ZipEntry ze)
          Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified ZIP file entry.

Methods in java.util.jar with parameters of type InputStream
 void is)
          Reads the Manifest from the specified InputStream.

Constructors in java.util.jar with parameters of type InputStream
Manifest.Manifest(InputStream is)
          Constructs a new Manifest from the specified input stream.
JarInputStream.JarInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a new JarInputStream and reads the optional manifest.
JarInputStream.JarInputStream(InputStream in, boolean verify)
          Creates a new JarInputStream and reads the optional manifest.

Uses of InputStream in

Subclasses of InputStream in
 class CheckedInputStream
          An input stream that also maintains a checksum of the data being read.
 class GZIPInputStream
          This class implements a stream filter for reading compressed data in the GZIP format.
 class InflaterInputStream
          This class implements a stream filter for uncompressing data in the "deflate" compression format.
 class ZipInputStream
          This class implements an input stream filter for reading files in the ZIP file format.

Methods in that return InputStream
 InputStream ZipFile.getInputStream(ZipEntry entry)
          Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified zip file entry.

Constructors in with parameters of type InputStream
InflaterInputStream.InflaterInputStream(InputStream in, Inflater inf, int size)
          Creates a new input stream with the specified decompressor and buffer size.
InflaterInputStream.InflaterInputStream(InputStream in, Inflater inf)
          Creates a new input stream with the specified decompressor and a default buffer size.
InflaterInputStream.InflaterInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a new input stream with a default decompressor and buffer size.
ZipInputStream.ZipInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a new ZIP input stream.
CheckedInputStream.CheckedInputStream(InputStream in, Checksum cksum)
          Creates an input stream using the specified Checksum.
GZIPInputStream.GZIPInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
          Creates a new input stream with the specified buffer size.
GZIPInputStream.GZIPInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a new input stream with a default buffer size.

Uses of InputStream in javax.swing

Subclasses of InputStream in javax.swing
 class ProgressMonitorInputStream
          Monitors the progress of reading from some InputStream.

Methods in javax.swing that return InputStream
protected  InputStream JEditorPane.getStream(URL page)
          Fetch a stream for the given url, which is about to be loaded by the setPage method.

Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type InputStream
 void in, Object desc)
          This method initializes from a stream.

Constructors in javax.swing with parameters of type InputStream
ProgressMonitorInputStream.ProgressMonitorInputStream(Component parentComponent, Object message, InputStream in)
          Constructs an object to monitor the progress of an input stream.

Uses of InputStream in javax.swing.text

Methods in javax.swing.text with parameters of type InputStream
abstract  void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Inserts content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
 void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Inserts content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.

Uses of InputStream in javax.swing.text.rtf

Methods in javax.swing.text.rtf with parameters of type InputStream
 void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Insert content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.

Uses of InputStream in org.omg.CORBA.portable

Subclasses of InputStream in org.omg.CORBA.portable
 class InputStream
          InputStream is the Java API for reading IDL types from CDR marshal streams.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

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