Application Server 3.5

Class AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField


public class AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField
extends AgoColumnBase

AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField is a bound column that represents an integer whose value the user can increment or decrement. The value can optionally be limited to a certain range.

Constructor Summary
AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField(int width, boolean visible, boolean transparent, Color backgroundColor, int borderType)
Method Summary
 boolean getEditWhenSelected()
          Returns the state of the edit when selected property.
 int getIncrement()
          Returns an integer value that specifies the amount by which the spinner is incremented (or decremented) when the user presses one of the control's arrow keys.
 int getMaximumValue()
          Returns an integer that represents the highest value to which the control can be set.
 int getMinimumValue()
          Returns an integer that represents the lowest value to which the control can be set.
 void initColumnSpinnerProperty(String propertyName, AgoFontIdentifier fontid, Color textColor, int alignment)
          Initializes a number of parameters for the control
 void setEditWhenSelected(boolean editWhenSelected)
          Sets the state of the edit when selected property.
 void setIncrement(int increment)
          Assigns an integer value by which the spinner is incremented (or decremented) each time the user presses one of the control's arrow keys.
 void setMaximumValue(int maximumValue)
          Assigns the highest integer value to which the control can be set.
 void setMinimumValue(int minimumValue)
          Assigns the lowest integer value to which the control can be set.
Methods inherited from class com.sssw.rt.tview.AgoColumnBase
getAlignment, getBackgroundColor, getBorderType, getDisplayWidth, getHidden, getResizable, getSelectable, getTransparent, getVisible, getWidth, isWidthFixed, setAlignment, setBackgroundColor, setBorderType, setFixedWidth, setHidden, setProportionalWidth, setProportionalWidth, setResizable, setSelectable, setTransparent, setVisible, setWidth
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField(int width,
                                    boolean visible,
                                    boolean transparent,
                                    Color backgroundColor,
                                    int borderType)
width - the column width, in pixels
visible - the "visible" property for the column. Set to false to hide the column. If you hide a column, you might also want to hide any headers associated with the column.
transparent - the "transparent" property for the column. Set to true to make it transparent.
backgroundColor - the java.awt.Color object that specifies the column's background color.
borderType - the symbolic constant that specifies the desired border; valid types are defined in AgoColumnBase.
     AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField salary;
     salary = new AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField(100,
See Also:
Method Detail


public void initColumnSpinnerProperty(String propertyName,
                                      AgoFontIdentifier fontid,
                                      Color textColor,
                                      int alignment)
Initializes a number of parameters for the control
propertyName - the name of the property from which to initialize this column
fontid - the SilverStream font object (AgoFontIdentifier) for the control's text
textColor - the java.awt.Color object for the control's text
alignment - the alignment constant for the contents of the column. See AgoColumnBase for more information
     AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField	salary;
     salary = new AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField(100,true,false,Color.white,0);
                                   new AgoFontIdentifier("Dialog", 0, 12), 


public void setIncrement(int increment)
Assigns an integer value by which the spinner is incremented (or decremented) each time the user presses one of the control's arrow keys.
increment - the amount by which the control is incremented (or decremented) when the user presses one of the control's arrow keys
The following example illustrates how to set the increment value to 3.
See Also:


public int getIncrement()
Returns an integer value that specifies the amount by which the spinner is incremented (or decremented) when the user presses one of the control's arrow keys.
The following example illustrates how to obtain the current increment value.
     int increment;
     increment = salary.getIncrement();
See Also:
AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField.setIncrement(int increment)


public final int getMinimumValue()
Returns an integer that represents the lowest value to which the control can be set.
The following code fragment illustrates how to obtain the minimum value.
     int MinValue;
     MinValue = salary.getMinimumValue();
See Also:
AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField.setMinimumValue(int minimumValue)


public final void setMinimumValue(int minimumValue)
Assigns the lowest integer value to which the control can be set.
minimumValue - specifies the lowest value that the control can be set to
The following code fragment illustrates how to assign a minimum value.


public final int getMaximumValue()
Returns an integer that represents the highest value to which the control can be set.
The following code fragment illustrates how to obtain the maximum value.
     int MaxValue;
     MaxValue = salary.getMaxValue();
See Also:
AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField.setMaximumValue(int maximumValue)


public final void setMaximumValue(int maximumValue)
Assigns the highest integer value to which the control can be set.
maximumValue - specifies the control's maximum value
The following code fragment illustrates how to assign a maximum value.


public boolean getEditWhenSelected()
Returns the state of the edit when selected property.
This property specifies whether the cells in the column are displayed as integer spinner fields or as text fields. When false, all of the cells in the column are displayed as integer spinner fields. When true, the cells are displayed as text fields until selected by the user. When selected by the user, the field is displayed as an integer spinner field.

The default is true.

If you are displaying a large data set, setting this to false can slow down the performance of this control.

     boolean editOnSel = salary.getEditWhenSelected();
See Also:
AgoColumnIntegerSpinnerField.setEditWhenSelected(boolean editWhenSelected)


public void setEditWhenSelected(boolean editWhenSelected)
Sets the state of the edit when selected property.
editWhenSelected - if set to true, cells in the column are always displayed as text cells except when selected by the user. Otherwise, cells are always displayed as spinner field cells.
This property specifies whether the cells in the column are always displayed as integer spinner fields or as text fields. When false, all of the cells in the column are displayed as integer spinner fields. When true, the cells are displayed as text fields until selected by the user. When selected by the user, the field is displayed as an integer spinner field.

The default is true.

If you are displaying more than a few rows of data, setting this to false can slow down the performance of this control.

See Also:

Application Server 3.5