63.2 Using WebAccess Application Log Files

Error messages and other information about WebAccess Application functioning are written to log files as well as displaying on the WebAccess Application server console (Windows only). Log files can provide a wealth of information for resolving problems with WebAccess Application functioning or message flow. Logging is enabled by default.

63.2.1 Locating WebAccess Application Log Files

By default, WebAccess Application log files (mmddwas.nnn) are located in the GroupWise Web application working directory.

You can change the location where the WebAccess Application creates its log files, as described in Configuring WebAccess Application Log Settings.

63.2.2 Configuring WebAccess Application Log Settings

  1. Open the webacc.cfg file in a text editor.

  2. Search to find the Logging Information section.

  3. Adjust the following log settings as needed:

    Log.maxSize: Specify the maximum amount of disk space you want to use for WebAccess Application log files. If the disk space limit is exceeded, the WebAccess Application deletes log files, beginning with the oldest file, until the limit is no longer exceeded. The default disk space is 102400 KB (100 MB).

    Log.maxAge: Specify the number of days you want to retain the log files. The WebAccess Application retains log files for the specified number of days unless the maximum disk space for the log files is exceeded. The default age is 30 days.

    Log.level: There are three log levels:

    • Normal (default) Displays warnings and errors.

    • Verbose: Displays the Normal log level information, plus information messages and user requests.

    • Diagnostic: Displays all possible information. Use Diagnostic only if you are troubleshooting a problem with the WebAccess Application.

      The Verbose and Diagnostic log levels do not degrade WebAccess Application performance, but log files consume more disk space when Verbose or Diagnostic logging is in use.

    Log.path: Specify the file path where you would like the log files to be stored. For example:

  4. Save the webacc.cfg file.

  5. Skip to Section 62.1.6, Putting WebAccess Configuration Changes into Effect.

63.2.3 Viewing WebAccess Application Log Files

For the default location of the WebAccess Application log files, see Section 63.2.1, Locating WebAccess Application Log Files.

When logging is turned on, the WebAccess Application creates a new log file each day and each time it is restarted (as part of the Web server startup). Therefore, you find multiple log files in the log file directory. The first four characters represent the date (mmdd). The next three characters identify the WebAccess Application (waa). A three-digit extension allows for multiple log files created on the same day. For example, a log file named 0518waa.001 indicates that it is a WebAccess Application log file, created on May 18.

For convenience, you can view WebAccess Application log files in the WebAccess Application Web console:

63.2.4 Interpreting WebAccess Application Log File Information

In its log file, the WebAccess Application records user activity in GroupWise WebAccess, along with a time stamp showing when the activity took place.